Chapter 266
Combining the conversation between the Jingjue Ancient City and the Jingjue Queen in the previous volume and the content recorded on this stele, Zhou Suyi felt that even if they found Muchen Bead, they might not be able to break the curse easily.

After that, if you don't live, you have to go to Eluo Haicheng.

"Hahaha, is this the rhythm of the third part?"

"Okay, if there is a third part, that would be great. It would be better if there are four, five, six, seven, eight, so that the days to come will not be boring."

"This series is invincible."

"Looking forward to Eluohai City, it feels more exciting than Jingjue Ancient City."


Netizens also felt the direction of the next game. Before the end of this one, they began to look forward to the next one.

Hu Bayi carefully distinguishes the few words on it that he knows, and when they are connected together, he can deduce the general meaning.

"At the end of the Qin Dynasty, this sacred item fell to the south of Yunnan. King Xian left the country because he was reluctant to part with this much dust bead. He planned to find a place in the mountains to cultivate and become an immortal. It was chosen in a fairy cave in the eyes of Feng Shui warlocks."

"Old Hu, Lao Hu, tell me quickly, is there any specific place to write?" Fatty Wang urged impatiently.

Hu Bayi shook his head and said, "How could King Xian be so stupid to leave the location of his tomb, it only records that the tomb has been built for 27 years in total, and the manpower for the construction has always been maintained at about [-], which is almost overwhelming In addition to the slaves, there are many local barbarians... There is no specific location or information about the underground palace, only that it was buried in a geomantic treasure called Shuilonghun."

"Grandma, this old gang is quite cautious!" Fatty Wang cursed.

Zhou Suyi asked, "Is there anything else?"

Hu Ba nodded, "I also talked about the accompanying tomb. According to the above records, apart from the burial pit, the real accompanying tomb has only one chief priest. To change the banyan tree in the Fengshui pattern, the Zhenlingpu was first buried in the ground, the banyan tree was planted on it, and then the giant python raised with human figurines was captured."

"This kind of python is depicted as a green dragon in the mausoleum. It is extremely ferocious and brutal. It is a beast that is only found in Zhelong Mountain."

Zhou Suyi thought of the giant green scale python they met in the water cave, it was indeed ferocious enough, if it wasn't for the presence of bugs like piranhas in the river, it would not be easy for them to think about the level of the giant green scale python .

"When the python eats enough of the human figurines, it will fall into a coma. At this time, the python skin will be peeled off manually, and it will be put into the coffin with the high priest. The python meat will enter the body, and the bottom of the coffin made of paulownia wood will be in harmony with this old plant. The tree will gradually grow into one body, and be able to maintain the flesh for a long time without decay or decay."

Fatty Wang felt a chill, "This old gangster has practiced some crooked ways. When we dig him out, we can't let him go lightly."

"What happened to the huge movement before that?" Zhou Suyi asked.

Hu Bayao: "Because the jade coffin was damaged, the geomantic pattern here has been destroyed, the earth's energy that has been suppressed underground for thousands of years can be vented, and the thunderstorms and black clouds are all due to changes in the earth's veins. The town mausoleum under the tree is arched out."

"There is such a miraculous phenomenon in nature, this King Xian really has some skills!"

Zhou Suyi didn't think it was any crooked way, but thought that the Xianwang should have made use of the natural laws of nature and grasped the essence of it.

But the more it is like this, the more people feel that this sacrifice to the king is extraordinary.

"After tossing around all night, let's take a rest. Now that we know that King Xian's tomb is located in the water dragon, we can definitely find the location of King Xian's tomb according to the five elements of Feng Shui!"

In this regard, Hu Bayi is still very confident.

After all, this is his field of expertise.


Outside the dilapidated temple.

Su Xin and Vice Captain Yang were extremely tense.

In the whole yard, there were more than a dozen people lying there, and it was Li Dui and the others.

Everyone is motionless, and they don't know whether they are dead or alive.

"Captain, move, do it!" Someone said nervously.

It's time, if you don't do it, it may be too late.

Vice-captain Yang gritted his teeth, feeling that he couldn't wait any longer, and acted first. If the mandrill knew that they found out that it was fake, it would be troublesome.


Immediately, Deputy Captain Yang gave the order.

clap clap clap...

In an instant, everyone loaded their bullets and aimed at the fake Li team in front of them.

However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly felt the world spinning, and everyone's bodies became limp.

puff, puff...

One person after another fell down.

bang bang bang...

Someone reluctantly pressed the trigger, and the bullets shot over, but they couldn't aim for a long time, and they didn't know where they went.

"It's over!"

Vice Captain Yang groaned in his heart, but it was of no avail.

Su Xin also felt dizzy, as if she had been given anesthesia, her whole body was limp and weak, and she collapsed to the ground.

Before he completely fell into a coma, he saw the fake Li Dui turning around slowly. His face had grown fluff and turned into a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek. It was exactly the same mandrill as in the game.

This thing has an evil smile on its face at the moment, it really looks like a human being, looking down at them.

It seemed that he really regarded himself as a mountain god, and they were all ants under the rule of the mountain god.

This scene was seen by many netizens, and everyone gasped.

"How could this be? Didn't these people recover? Why did they suddenly get recruited again?"

"Grandma, this thing is too evil, the charm ability is hard to guard against."

"It's over, it's over, and the whole army is wiped out again, how should we rescue it now?"

"I feel that this place is very evil. This temple is probably the old nest of this mandrill."

"Grandma, just take a few rpgs and bombard him outside, I don't believe he can't be killed."

"Are you kidding, the others are not dead yet!"


In this situation, everyone was sweating for them, but they didn't know what to do.

Because I still haven't figured out what's going on with these people, how they behaved well, and suddenly they all fell down again.

There was silence in the archaeological team.

No one spoke, and everyone seemed to be in fear.

The youngest of these people also went to several ancient tombs, but never encountered such a dangerous and weird thing.

What started out as joy and anticipation is now nothing but fear.

Chen Yan's eyes were a little dull, and his legs were a little weak.

This is not because of fear, but because now two groups of people are folded in. If these people are really dead, no matter how much responsibility they have, they will feel sorry for them.

He regretted coming here.


(End of this chapter)

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