Chapter 268 Mission Completion
A few minutes passed quickly, and Zhou Suyi hurriedly entered the game again.

Chen Yan and the others immediately paid attention.

They couldn't find the trees, and the task of saving Team Li and the others could only fall on Zhou Suyi now, who made Zhou Suyi the No.1 in the game now.

Entering the game, looking at the scorched big banyan tree that was struck by lightning.

"It's said that lightning strikes wood to ward off evil spirits, do you want to take a piece?" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

But soon she dismissed the idea.

Not to mention warding off evil spirits, this big banyan tree is more evil than anyone else, it's better not to touch it.

[Congratulations, you have completed the hidden mission, obtained rewards, and the ability to appraise treasures]

[Appraisal ability: You can see the quality and origin of any item you touch]

The rewards of the game have finally arrived.

Obviously, the town mausoleum is the biggest secret of this level, and it is related to the specific information of Xianwang's tomb.

"Hey, it's a pity that this skill is in the game, and it's a bit tasteless. If it's in reality, it will be amazing!"

Zhou Suyi thought of those novels and TV dramas about appreciating treasures. If she had this ability in reality, she would definitely be the protagonist in such novels.

However, in the game, this skill seems a bit weak, and I don't know what it will be useful in the future.

But it is better to have than to have nothing, too many skills do not overwhelm you.

After resting for a while, Zhou Suyi got up first.

"Brother Yang, why are you in a hurry, we haven't slept all night, let's rest for a while!" Fatty Wang was a little listless.

Tossing all night, and worrying all night, it is really exhausting to the body.

Zhou Suyi said: "Don't rest, fat man, you forgot the mandrill that played tricks on us last night and wanted to kill us? You don't want to take revenge?"

As soon as the mandrill was mentioned, Fatty Wang felt his teeth itch with hatred.

Because the mandrill was pretending to be him to deceive people.

"Damn it, of course I want to, don't let me see this thing again, otherwise, I will let him know what will happen if I offend Fat Master."

Hu Bayao: "Miss Yang, do you want to find that mandrill?"

Zhou Suyi nodded, "Well, this thing is too vindictive. If we hurt him, he will definitely come to take revenge. Instead of passively waiting, it's better to take the initiative and seize the initiative!"

Fatty Wang nodded, "I think what Brother Yang said makes sense. If this bastard trips us up at a critical moment, it will be even more dangerous. It's better to kill him first."

Hu Bayi also thinks it makes sense.

This thing is elusive, hard to guard against.

They can still deal with it when they are not in danger, but if they encounter any danger in the future and this thing comes out to make trouble again, it will be too dangerous.

Therefore, killing him now, once and for all, is indeed a good way.

"Then look for it!"

Everyone separates to find clues.

The mandrill had been stabbed in the shoulder by Zhou Suyi's little sword before, and it bled a lot, and soon they found the blood.

Bloodstains all the way to the distance.

The three of them chased after the blood trail, passed through the woods, and climbed over a hill. Soon, the front became open. This was at the foot of the mountain, with its back against the mountain, and there was a dilapidated building. Lots of idols, and some other buildings!
But because of the passage of time, it has become rotten!
There is still a faint white mist around, covering everything around.

There are many large piebald butterflies around, and many poisonous insects, each with bright colors, obviously very poisonous.

Seeing the dilapidated temple, Chen Yan and the others became excited.

"I found it, I found it, and there is actually this temple in reality. This must be the habitat of the mandrill."

"Amazing, the trees are awesome."

"No wonder the tomb robbers want to catch trees. If I were a tomb robber, I would also want to catch trees. This is a moving treasure."

"Lin Mu said that he read all these from a book."

"Ghosts believe in such words. I guess, he is not a tomb robber himself, and his family's ancestors must be tomb robbers. The so-called book may be the notes left by the ancestors."


The content in the game once again matched the reality, which caused netizens to discuss again.

It's a coincidence once or twice, and that makes sense.

But it's always been a coincidence, so it's really unreasonable.

However, now that the trees are all missing, naturally they don't mind what they say.

"Grandma, that old bastard mandrill must be hiding inside, let's go, let's sneak over there and kill him!" Fatty Wang was so angry that his teeth were itching, he raised his gun.

Hu Bayi also nodded, "This thing is very evil, be careful, don't meet his eyes."

I still have some lingering fears when I was inexplicably hit last time.

However, it is broad daylight now, so I feel a little more confident in my heart.

The three continued to move forward.

[Congratulations, you have completed the side mission: Know the way to Zhelong Mountain, and go to the Worm Valley through Zhelong Mountain]

[Reward will +10 points]

Suddenly, before taking a few steps, the game gave another reminder, and Zhou Suyi inexplicably completed the side mission.

"The will has increased by ten points, but it doesn't seem to be feeling anything?"

Zhou Suyi thought curiously.

The three people walked over, and they found a big fiery red gourd in the grass. This gourd was made of stone and was very eye-catching. Next to the gourd, they found a huge toad.

Beyond the gourd and toad, behind is the dilapidated temple.

The scale of this temple is small, and the statue on the altar has fallen down. It is a black-faced god with an expressionless face and slightly closed eyes.

The black robe on the body is also made of clay. Although it was arched by vines and fell from the throne to the corner of the wall, it still gave people a cold and majestic feeling.

On the left side of the statue of the mountain god is a clay sculpture mountain ghost, with green face and fangs, like a Yaksha, holding a fiery red gourd in his hand, and on the right is something that looks like a monkey.

This monkey has a ferocious face, with sharp teeth in its mouth. It holds a toad in both hands and holds it up high, as if it wants to offer it to the black-faced god above.

Seeing this, Fatty Wang suddenly became excited.

"His grandma's, what kind of mountain god, is clearly a little ghost next to the mountain god, and he dared to pretend to be a ghost in front of your fat man. It seems that this must be the lair of the mandrill. When I catch him, I will definitely take his skin Pull it out, go back and make a padded jacket!"

Fatty Wang was cursing.

"Bold, when you see your mountain god master, don't hesitate to kneel down!"

Suddenly, a sharp voice sounded, and Zhou Suyi and the others were startled.

"I'm going to you." Fatty Wang hurriedly picked up the gun, but suddenly felt something was wrong. Looking at Hu Bayi and Zhou Suyi, he felt that they were shaking.

"I said, Brother Yang, you guys, don't shake it, it makes me dizzy!"

Zhou Suyi didn't know what was wrong, she just felt dizzy, her heart beat faster, and her body was shaking a little.

Hu Bayi's face turned ugly instantly, "No, we are poisoned!"

As soon as the words fell, he and Fatty Wang fell to the ground.

Zhou Suyi only supported for a while longer than them, but she also felt weak all over and fell to the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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