Chapter 300
With the first two treasures as the basis, and now the third item is packaged in such a precious bronze letter, this made Zhou Suyi and the others even more curious about what was coming.

Urged by Fatty Wang, Zhou Suyi opened the bronze letter.

All three of them stretched their necks and looked inside.

Not only the three of them, but at this moment, almost everyone who followed the live broadcast widened their eyes, wanting to see what the last item was.

Then, something weird happened.

The originally calm bronze letter suddenly burst into a blazing blue light the moment it was opened, making people unable to open their eyes.

Fatty Wang shouted excitedly: "Baoguang, it's Baoguang. If there is Baoguang, it's definitely the best. In the whole Panjiayuan, few people have seen it!"

Although Fatty Wang doesn't know much about cultural relics, he usually listens to Da Jinya talking about what is good and what is bad. When he sees the light inside, he becomes excited instantly.

As a modern person, Zhou Suyi's brain circuit is very simple. She was thinking, grandma's, maybe there is a flashlight inside, it's quite bright.

Hu Bayi was also surprised, "Jewelry, is this the pearl?"

Not only them, but the netizens who watched the live broadcast all stared at him with wide eyes. Good guy, they almost went blind after this.

Chen Yan and the others were even worse. They stayed in a dark space and were almost blinded by the blue light. It took a while for them to recover.

Soon, the blazing blue light converged, and they could see clearly what was inside.

It was a blue toad that seemed to be made of crystal. The carving was natural, and there was no trace of carving, as if the blue toad was born by nature.

The toad was about the size of a palm, similar in shape to the toads they met before, with many bumps on its body, lying there quietly.

At this moment, although the blue light is not so blazing, it still has a faint glow.

"Oh my god, my god, old Hu, we've gotten rich, we've made a fortune, this nima is definitely a Yeming toad." Fatty Wang's excited voice began to tremble.

Since ancient times, luminous pearls have been extremely precious things, priceless.

However, there are very few items made of night pearls, and the big toad in front of him can emit light, so it must be made of this material.

Coupled with such fine knife work, it is simply priceless.

Zhou Suyi asked suspiciously: "There won't be any radiation?"

She directly used the treasure appraisal ability.

[Meteorite from outside the sky: A meteorite from outside the sky, without any carving, naturally formed the shape of a toad. It has extremely strong energy itself, similar to the sun crystal nucleus, and the energy releases slowly. It can change the air structure of an area .Quality: Peerless.Value: Priceless! 】

"A meteorite from beyond the sky!" Zhou Suyi was not surprised, but the introduction surprised her a little.

"Like the sun crystal nucleus? Are you kidding me? This thing has such a strong energy? But it should be true to change the air structure. The Yang Qi content here is so high, it should be all thanks to this thing!" Zhou Suyi thought in her heart.

At this moment, seeing these introductions, Chen Yan and the others were not too excited, because strictly speaking, this thing is a meteorite, and it has not been carved, so it is not in the category of cultural relics, and it is hardly helpful for them to study history and culture.

However, many scientists were shocked when they saw this.

Needless to say, the research value of meteorites is that through meteorites, the elemental structure of the entire universe can be studied.

And the introduction of this meteorite is even more exaggerated.

Especially that itself has extremely strong energy, similar to the sun crystal nucleus...

Sun crystal nucleus, what is that?

Most of the energy of the entire blue star itself comes from solar radiation. Today, this thing is called a sun-like crystal nucleus. It can be seen that it does not look big, but it is likely that there is an extremely large amount of energy inside.

Perhaps, as long as we do some research, we can solve the human energy crisis.

At this moment, the higher-ups once again increased the importance of this place, and more military vehicles came here.

That is to say, the third master and Dao Scarface don't know the outside situation yet. If they knew their current situation, they might have to give up and run for their lives. Otherwise, they might not be able to escape.

"Oh my God, I feel like the introduction in the game is a bit exaggerated. If it's really this scary, it's amazing."

"If there is such a thing in reality, it is definitely a priceless treasure, and its research value is too great."

"I think it may be true. After all, those big toads really exist. If there is no meteorite, the air structure here will not be so abnormal."

"Poor third master, I heard that the entire insect valley is closed now, even if the two of them survive, it is impossible to escape."

"Hahaha, I dare not think that an archaeological activity can find out so many things that can change the future of mankind."


Netizens were amazed, it was these three things that were more amazing than the same.

The chalcedony formed by jade rhyme can treat patients with serious diseases, and may even conquer cancer.

The bone flute can control animals. If you learn this thing, you will be invincible. After all, there are too many animals.

And this third item is even more exaggerated. It belongs to a new energy package. Although it is small in size, the energy contained in it may exceed an atomic bomb.

It is simply the energy stone in those sci-fi movies.


"Radiation?" Fatty Wang became a little nervous when he heard Zhou Suyi's words.

"I heard that the people who were irradiated by the devil were either terminally ill or deformed. If we were irradiated, it won't be affected!"

Zhou Suyi took a deep breath to ease her thoughts.

"This bronze box should not be made of pure copper. Its appearance is slightly black. It should be that a large amount of lead has been added to block most of the radiation. The animals and plants here are not the result of radiation in one day, but are exposed to radiation for many years. The impact is the change!"

"I wipe it, it's really radiation, quickly cover it, cover it!" Fatty Wang was still a little worried.

Radiation is something that can definitely scare people, and Wang Bold is no exception.

He may not be afraid of zongzi, but this thing can't be seen or touched, it will change your body silently, maybe you may get cancer if you are photographed, it's very evil.

Zhou Suyi hurriedly covered the bronze letter.

Although this thing is a treasure, it is actually of no use to her. However, it is better to carry it with you first, in case it is useful in the future.

Moreover, she suddenly thought of one thing.

That is, I learned from Queen Jingjue that the activation of Muchen Bead not only requires a specific location, but also requires huge energy support.

And this blue toad itself has huge energy, when the time comes, will it need this thing to pass the level?
It's not impossible.

So, let’s save it for now.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to wait until the next game is needed to find it.


(End of this chapter)

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