Chapter 38
When she got off work, Dai Qing took a look at today's results and was very satisfied with it.

According to the statistics sent below, today they have posted more than 700 articles dedicated to blackmailing "Jingjue Ancient City" and Linshu, and the effect is obvious.

Almost most people are guided and controlled by them.

"Director Dai, I heard that Director Zhang actually cooperated with Lin Mu to buy the copyright of "Exquisite Ancient City", should we stop it!" Her assistant asked!
Dai Qing smiled disdainfully, "Don't worry, let's work hard for a few more days, and the reputation of "Exquisite Ancient City" will be completely stink, and that tree, don't even think about causing any disturbances in the future. As for the filming, hehe, Although I don't know what Director Zhang is thinking."

"However, as you can see, both the actors and the audience are resisting, so there is nothing to worry about!"

The assistant nodded, "Well, the statistics department sent data. Today, with the delay of time, the number of online users of "Jingjue Ancient City" has dropped rapidly, and there are only less than 1000 million people left. It is estimated that there will be another two In three days, this game is completely dead!"

"Hahaha, good, very good, well done, let's continue to inform, tonight, the public relations department will have a dinner together to celebrate!" Director Dai was very happy.

She wished she could find Lin Mu now, and watch Lin Mu kneel down and beg for mercy, begging herself to let him go.


Lin Mu keeps his cell phone off, keeps his ears shut and only writes scripts.

He didn't write "Exquisite Ancient City", this kind of main line should be made into a game.

And what he wrote was "Angry and Clear Xiangxi".

As the background story of "Ghost Killer", it will undoubtedly increase the attention of the game and make the whole game more classic.

At the same time, in terms of candidates, he has already chosen.

It is estimated that Director Zhang would not have thought that his speed would be so fast.

Director Zhang didn't sleep well that night.

Although he said he was not worried, he was actually anxious in his heart.

5000 million is not a small amount, but if you lose it, you will lose it. The key is that you made a wrong bet, and the impact on your reputation is too great.

He also didn't expect that the public opinion of a game would be so big, which was beyond his imagination.

But now that the notice has been issued, it is too late to regret it.

I can only pray that Lin Shu can make a comeback.


As for Mr. Ma, he continued to challenge.

He played the role of Fatty Wang again, and after some operations, he finally passed the level of the earth tornado.

This shocked netizens.

Simply worship.

This is simply the god of games.

Teacher Ma was very proud, "Hahaha, oh, oh, it's very simple, I just need to make a little move, and it's easy to handle. Look, I will be the first man to pass the level in this wave!"

Teacher Ma chose Shirley Yang's identity to continue the game.


Ye Yixin and Professor Chen are not in good health, and they are lying on the ground to rest dizzy at the moment.

The faces of the others were also pale with fright.

At this moment, the sky was full of yellow sand, and the earth tornado passed by the ancient city. The whole ground was shaking, and the building was also shaking, and there was a risk of collapse at any time.

Fatty Wang said: "Grandma, I finally found a hiding place, but don't let it blow you away!"

"Bah, bah, fat man, don't be crowed, quickly find something to light a fire to keep warm!" Hu Bayi scolded!

Teacher Ma hurriedly said: "When I came in, I saw hay all around the wall. You can get some hay, but let's wait for the earth tornado to go away first!"

"That's right, that's right, what Miss Yang said is right, if I go out now, if I get blown away again, then you will suffer a great loss!" Fatty Wang said!
"Virtue, you have such a sturdy body, you have to brag if you want to!" Hu Bayi cursed.

After a while, the earth tornado passed, and the feeling of the collapse of the earth finally gradually weakened, but the sandstorm continued.

Fatty Wang and Hu Bayi went out together to get some hay and lit it.

The fire lights up.

The dazed Ye Yixin didn't know what he saw, so he let out an exclamation, jumped up, and hit his head on the roof.

"Ouch!" She immediately hugged her head, tears burst out of the pain.

"What's wrong?" Hu Bayi hurriedly asked!
Ye Yixin hurriedly pointed to the corner, "Hu, Brother Hu, there, there is a corpse!"


Everyone is busy looking over.

Well, there's a dead body in the corner.

To be precise, it was a skeleton, without any flesh and skin on the body, only the bare skeleton remained.

Hao Aiguo dissatisfied: "You Xiaoye, we are still engaged in archaeology, what is there to be afraid of corpses!"

Ye Yixin hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, teacher, I wasn't mentally prepared!"

"I feel that there must be something wrong with the corpse in the new plot."

"Hey, a bone frame, can you still cheat a corpse?"

"If you think about it too much, it's just a prop."

"Don't let your guard down, haven't you experienced the polyuria in this game?"

"I'll wipe it, indeed, no detail can be missed."


Netizens are also very curious about the new plot.

Some people choose to continue playing by themselves, and of course some people choose to watch Teacher Ma continue to play.

Teacher Ma glanced at it, his heart pounding.

Although it is a game, but when I first saw this skeleton frame, I still felt quite intrusive.

"Ahem, this, why are there only skeletons left in the corpse? I heard that the corpses in the desert will not rot, they will directly become mummy!" He asked!

Obviously, for this game, he has worked hard in private.

Hu Bayao: "There are a lot of salang in the desert, probably eaten by sand wolves. Don't worry, everyone, take a rest and recover your strength. They will be buried in a while!"

"There are wolves?" Ye Yixin said a little scared!

An Liman said: "Yes, since the white camel has come here, then this must be a shelter for these animals, not only wolves, but also sand leopards, goats, now that the sandstorm is coming, they are all hiding together, but When the sandstorm passes, wolves should show their fangs, and goats will raise their horns too!"

"Ah!" Ye Yixin became even more frightened!

Hu Bayi comforted: "Don't worry, we brought guns, it's not a big problem!"

Teacher Ma is not worried about that!
He was still worried about the body.

Out of vigilance to this game, Teacher Ma said: "It doesn't feel that simple. We'd better not touch that corpse. When the wind and sand recede at dawn tomorrow, let's leave as soon as possible!"

Fatty Wang said dissatisfied: "Hey, what is there to be afraid of the dead, you foreigners, you are afraid of everything you do!"

Hu Bayao: "Fatty, what do you say? Ms. Yang is also cautious. However, Ms. Yang, there is an old saying among us that it is safe to be buried in the ground. Since we have met, please help if you can!"

Teacher Ma was speechless for a while, and didn't say anything else, for fear of losing her favorability or something.

And he also knows that some plots must be triggered, otherwise he may not be able to pass the level.

The wind and sand outside did not stop, and everyone gathered around to rest.

It took me a long time to feel that I had regained some strength.

Ye Yixin and the others were still a little scared, "Brother Hu, you should bury the body first, otherwise, everyone may not be able to sleep well!"

"Okay, Fatty, help me, let's bury it on the spot!" Hu Bayi greeted Fatty Wang.

The two of them dug a pit next to them, preparing to bury the body directly.

When the sound.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other.

Teacher Ma also became nervous instantly.

"Grandma, this damn game won't trigger new dangers so soon, will it?"


(End of this chapter)

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