Chapter 380 It's Sa

Seeing that the White Wolf King left with those wolves just like that, and there was a gunshot from behind, Zhou Suyi cursed inwardly.

These wolves are still playing around, it's not too smart.

"No, go back quickly."

Hu Bayi also realized that the situation was not good, so he hurriedly ran to and fro.

Zhou Suyi was also in a hurry, but luckily the game didn't indicate a failure yet, which meant that there was still time.

Her speed was so fast that she left Hu Bayi and Chu Yi far behind in the blink of an eye.

I was dumbfounded in the first day of junior high school.

He originally thought that Zhou Suyi was just an ordinary woman, but now it seems that there should be some problems with his thinking.

However, I didn't take it too seriously, I really thought it was just running fast.

Hu Bayi was used to it, so he wasn't too surprised.

When Zhou Suyi ran back, she saw Fatty Wang and the others surrounded by wolves.

Fatty Wang and Peter Huang held weapons to protect Uncle Ming and Ah Xiang in front of them.

At this moment, both Han Shuna and Ah Xiang were so frightened that they were about to cry.

"Fat boy, Ah Huang, you have to hold on!" Uncle Ming was also trembling with fright.

Fatty Wang held a shotgun in his hand.

The power of this thing is mediocre, and it is not continuous, far worse than the Chicago typewriter they used before.

"Grandma, if you are hungry, there are so many meats to eat, don't fucking worry about us, fat man, my meat is bitter, not tasty at all!" Fatty Wang said depressedly.

There were corpses of cattle and sheep all over the place.

It stands to reason that there is no need for these wolves to take the risk of fighting with them, just take the food.

But the wolves in front of them seemed to be targeting them.

This is a pack of organized wolves.

And Peter Huang was quite calm, holding a dagger in his hand, and his eyes were as fierce as those of wolves, which made the wolves a little afraid.

It can be seen that this guy is definitely a ruthless person.

However, there are a lot of wolves, at least twenty or so, and this canyon is narrow, if they rush over all at once, they will definitely die.

Whatever happened to be terrible, the wolves didn't give them time at all, and rushed on them directly.

"Ah..." Ah Xiang screamed, covered her eyes and didn't dare to look, and came up with a trick to cover her ears and steal her voice.

Han Shuna's legs went limp in fright, and she fell limp to the ground.

Uncle Ming almost freaked out.

"Damn it, I really think you are a bully!" Fatty Wang cursed.

At critical moments, Fatty Wang is also reliable.


With one shot, a wolf's head was directly shot through and fell to the ground, but the wolves behind didn't care about it at all and pounced on it again.

Fatty Wang loaded the bullet quickly, but the speed was too slow, and a wolf had already pounced on him.

Fatty Wang could only raise his gun to block.

The wolf bit the gun and threw Fatty Wang to the ground.

Holding a dagger, Peter Huang spotted a wolf that was pounced, and his body slammed to the side. When the wolf pounced, he directly inserted the dagger into a wolf's neck.

However, there are too many wolves.

The next moment, several wolves rushed towards Uncle Ming and the others.

Uncle Ming was so frightened that he screamed, and fell to the ground, desperate for an instant.

At this moment, I'm still looking for a fart of a glacier crystal corpse, just thinking that it's a miracle to survive.

However, with Fatty Wang and Peter Huang alone, how could it be possible to resist so many wolves.

At this moment, how much Uncle Ming longed for a divine weapon to descend from the sky.

And the next moment, there really was a magic weapon descending from the sky.

Uncle Ming's eyes widened, watching a wolf pounce on him with its teeth and claws, but before he could touch him, he saw a dark ancient knife flashing with cold light, and instantly chopped at the wolf's neck .

The wolf's head was separated from the body instantly.

The next moment, Uncle Ming saw Zhou Suyi's figure appearing in front of them.

"Fuck, it's so violent!" Uncle Ming exclaimed.

When he shouted, Ah Xiang and Han Shuna looked up, and saw Zhou Suyi killed like a divine soldier.

The ancient black gold knife in his hand quickly formed an afterimage.

Although those wolves were fast, they were not as fast as Zhou Suyi's.

In the blink of an eye, three wolves were decapitated.

Things like wolves are also intelligent and know how to be afraid.

They will also be afraid to see all their companions have their heads cut off.

"Brother Yang, you are finally back, thank you for helping me!" Seeing Zhou Suyi appear, Fatty Wang hurriedly called for help.

At this moment, the wolf pressed him under him, still struggling.

Zhou Suyi stepped forward with a kick.


The wolf screamed and was kicked away in an instant.

Ah Xiang's eyes became bright, probably because she never thought that women could be so powerful.

That is a terrifying pack of wolves, a pack of wolves that can eat people.

But the big sister in front of her is not only not afraid, but also makes the wolves afraid.

So sassy.

At this moment, Zhou Suyi left an indelible impression on Ah Xiang's heart.

[Axiang favorability +5]

Zhou Suyi didn't have time to pay attention to these things, she stood in front of the crowd and looked at the wolves.

Holding the ancient black gold knife in his hand, he just stood there.

A person with an unrivaled aura stunned the wolves.

Peter Huang, who was next to him, was also a little surprised when he saw this scene.

He hadn't seen the scene where Zhou Suyi fought against Ba Lu before, but he just heard what Uncle Ming said when he went back, but he didn't really believe it.

It's just a woman, how strong can she be?

But now looking at Zhou Suyi's back, he felt great pressure.

"How is it, are you all right?"

At this moment, Hu Bayi and Chu Yi rushed back.

"It's okay, it's okay, with Big Brother Yang here, these little wolf cubs are easy to catch." Fatty Wang got up from the ground.

"Miss Yang is really talented. With her here, we will definitely be able to find the glacier crystal corpse this time!" Uncle Ming had just escaped from the tiger's mouth, and his mind began to think about the glacier crystal corpse again.

Seeing Zhou Suyi standing in front, facing the back of the wolves with an ancient knife in his hand, he was a little surprised for a moment.

"Mr. Hu, should we go over and help, Miss Yang is too dangerous to face these wolves alone!" Chuyi said.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Hu Bayi felt a lot more relaxed, "It's fine, what the fat man said is fine, with Miss Yang around, these wolves are nothing!"

On the first day of the junior high school, his eyes were strange, and he felt that he was a bit bragging.

But looking at the scene in front of him, it didn't seem like he was bragging.

They seem to really have this strength.

At this moment, the figure of the White Wolf King appeared on it again, looking down at them.

Those wise eyes stared at Zhou Suyi, shining with a strange light.

Zhou Suyi also raised her head to meet the White Wolf King's gaze, and then raised a middle finger provocatively.

Whether it understands it or not, just install it yourself.


(End of this chapter)

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