Chapter 47 Some people are happy and some are sad

Some people rejoice and others hate.

At this moment, the happiest thing is Director Zhang's team.

They all gathered around the computer to watch the live broadcast.

Director Zhang was relieved by the reversal of online public opinion before, and his assistants admired Director Zhang even more.

He is worthy of being a great director, he is really discerning.

"Director Zhang, you are too powerful. In such a situation, you not only refused to terminate the contract, but also directly issued a notice of support. This courage, convincing, really convincing!"

"Hahaha, it's all right now. Not only has the public opinion reversed, it has made "Jingjue Ancient City" more famous, and Lin Mu's live broadcast is equivalent to giving us publicity. With this wave of publicity, it is replaced by publicity. Department, you can’t get down without tens of millions!”

People around praised Director Zhang one after another.

Zhang Daoxi smiled. In fact, he was also panicked at the time, but he had no choice but to gamble when the matter got to that point.

Fortunately, now it seems that this gamble is worth it.

Make big profits!

But Dai Qing was not so happy.

In the evening, Dai Qing and his department all worked overtime, waiting for Lin Mu's live broadcast.

But after seeing the content, Dai Qing trembled angrily.

"Director Dai, what should we do now? Although Lin Mu didn't call his name, he pointed at us explicitly and secretly. I'm afraid the pressure of public opinion in the future will not be small!"

"His live broadcast this time may have a huge impact on our duck factory's game business!"

"Would you like to contact that side and let people block the live broadcast room first!"

All are worried.

This short half-hour live broadcast had a huge impact.

More than 1000 million views, and when the live broadcast is over, this video will definitely spread, and more and more people will know about it, which will definitely have a huge impact on the game business of Duck Factory.

Dai Qing clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth. If she could, she really wanted to eat Lin Shu alive at this moment.

"I've said everything I need to say, and there's no need to seal it up again. Damn it, I said he was so calm and never refuted us. It turns out that he was waiting for an opportunity!" Dai Qing knew that she had underestimated forest.

Although Lin Mu is young, his coping methods are very sophisticated.

Don't be reckless, don't be in a hurry, and have been waiting for the most suitable time.

But now is the most suitable time to directly reverse all the negative news and win the approval of the public.

"Director Dai, what should we do now? Just now, Vice President Li called and said, if things can't be resolved this time, let us all get out!" The assistant's face was ugly!

Dai Qing slammed the table.

How could she have imagined that she had never seen any routines in the workplace for so many years.

Now, he suffered a disadvantage in the hands of a fledgling young man.

Who can bear this.

"What else can I do, send a lawyer's letter, the public relations department, don't let me idle today, don't let him completely dominate public opinion, and, you go to call other game companies, now, Lin Mu is not only our enemy , is also their enemy!"

"If Lin Shu is allowed to rise, everyone will have a bad life in the future!"

"Hmph, if all the game manufacturers block him, I don't believe it. With his small studio, he can really stir up some troubles. In addition, find opportunities to contact other people in this studio, give them high salary promises, and let them Dig them all!"

"When the time comes, he will be left alone. I'll see what troubles he can stir up!"

"Also, the articles I asked you to prepare before are all ready, and in the name of parents, send them to me fiercely!"

The people around immediately nodded and gave Dai Qing a thumbs up again.

He is worthy of being a supervisor. When encountering such a big incident, he can still be so calm and deal with it calmly. This is his ability.


They are thinking of countermeasures here, and Lin Mu's live broadcast is not over yet.

"Okay, that's all for me. Next, if you have any questions, you can ask me. Of course, I won't tell you how to clear the level!" Lin Mu said with a smile!

"Great, those foreigners say that this game is made by them, and the core content is made by them. Is it true?"

"These people are too shameless."

"I saw it too. They said that it is impossible for our Daxia game company to spend huge sums of money to make this kind of game!"

"He also said that we are not at this level, and all technical aspects are supported by them!"


Netizens have always held grudges about this topic, but they don't have enough confidence to refute it.

After all, it is a fact that they are ahead in technology, and it is also a fact that Daxia Kingdom has been pulling hips in terms of games and film and television special effects.

This is also where they are most frustrated.

Now, since Lin Mu showed up, of course he had to ask this question.

Zhou Suyi also looked at Lin Shu curiously.

This kind of large-scale game, the special effects and animations in it have reached an extremely realistic level, which has never appeared in the history of games and film and television in the Great Xia Kingdom.

To be honest, he also doubted in his heart whether behind Lin Mu was a foreign team.

This question reminded Lin Mu that he really had to think about it next.

After all, making such an awesome game by yourself is indeed easy to attract suspicion. If the system's affairs are exposed, it will be over.

Probably going to be taken away for slice studies.

"It seems that we have to find an opportunity and really set up a company to cover up people's eyes and ears!"

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't answer, everyone panicked with inexplicable confidence.

But then Lin Mu laughed.

"Haha, you are overthinking. This game is completely independently developed and produced by the people of Daxia, and the game platform to be released in the future is all owned by the people of Daxia. It has nothing to do with foreigners!"

Every word of these words is extremely clear.

The barrage is boiling!
Netizens are excited.

"Fuck, I'm inexplicably excited, aren't you?"

"Fuck, I can finally feel proud, grandma, I'll spray it back immediately after the live broadcast is over."

"Hahaha, it's cool, it's cool, this time, I have the confidence, and finally I can justifiably criticize those foreigners."

"All I can say is, Lin Mu, you did a great job, and Mumumu Studio is awesome!"


Netizens couldn't be more excited.

At this moment, I really felt elated.

Everyone was holding back a lot of energy, waiting for the live broadcast to end, and immediately stood up straight and sprayed back.

Zhou Suyi, who was next to her, also felt her blood boil, and she also asked, "Lin Mu, did you come up with this story yourself? How did you come up with the idea of ​​making a game like "Exquisite Ancient City"?"

This question instantly made netizens curious.

Lin Mu shrugged, "I have been very interested in the ancient culture of the Great Xia Kingdom since I was a child, the mysterious culture of the Western Regions, the traditional "Funeral Sutra", "Shaking the Dragon Sutra", "Gossip" and other knowledge. The love for the game gave birth to the idea of ​​integrating these ancient cultures into the game!"

"In this way, we can not only promote the traditional culture of our Great Xia Kingdom, but also allow players to feel and experience the beauty of traditional culture in the game!"

What Lin Mu said was impassioned and inspiring!


(End of this chapter)

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