Chapter 68

Zhou Suyi's movements are smooth and flowing, coupled with her perfect body curves, it is really pleasing to the eye.

Before others could understand what was going on, she seemed to have settled everything.

"Awesome, is this Shirley Yang with 72% proficiency? So strong!"

"It's only 72%. If it's 100%, it's much more terrifying."

"It's got an inner taste."

"Mom, I haven't watched Sister Zhou's live broadcast for two days. Is Sister Zhou so strong?"

"Pretty, isn't this better than watching a pole dance?"

"I feel that if the movie "Angry Qingxiangxi" can't be made to this level, I will definitely be the first to not buy it."


This set of actions really shocked the netizens.

This is still Zhou Suyi, this is clearly Shirley Yang Benyang.

This is the normal reaction of a true mountain-moving successor to danger, instead of just running away stupidly, or trembling with fright.

in the game.

Fatty Hu Bayi Wang and the others were all dumbfounded.

"Fuck, awesome!" Fatty Wang gave a thumbs up.

Hu Bayi also widened his eyes, "So strong?"

Ye Yixin Chujian, let alone young people like them, their eyes are full of admiration.

[Hu Bayi's approval degree +3, reminder: Hu Bayi's approval degree has reached 32%, unlocking Tianxing Fengshui skills. 】

[Fatty Wang's approval degree +5, reminder: Fatty Wang's approval degree reaches 30%, triggering passive, Fatty Wang's hits every shot. 】

[Professor Chen's approval degree +3, reminder: Professor Chen's approval degree reaches 30%, triggering passive, Professor Chen's absolute trust. 】


The game starts frantically prompting again.

The recognition of the main npcs has reached 30%, triggering the passive and skills of these people.

Zhou Suyi suddenly discovered that these passivities did not seem to be fixed.

Instead, it changes randomly according to the game scene.

"Fortunately, Hu Bayi's situation has not changed. If there is no Tianxing Fengshui, then even if you clear the customs here, you may not be able to find the ancient city of Jingjue!" Zhou Suyi secretly felt lucky.

Standing on the body of the centipede monster, facing the pale corpse, although she was still uneasy, she felt an indescribably wonderful feeling.

There is no one who has not imagined that he is a martial arts master, and now, this fantasy seems to have come true.

The set of actions just now is the result of her games these days.

As for the black donkey's hoof restraining the corpse, it was still inspired by Professor Zhong's copy, the scene where Hu Bayi asked Fatty Wang to shoot the corpse.

Unexpectedly, it actually works.

However, just when Zhou Suyi was proud, Hu Bayi's face suddenly changed.

"Be careful!" he yelled.

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the originally pale corpse, and pustules grew rapidly on his body at this moment.

These pustules are like balloons.

"What's going on?" Zhou Suyi's expression also changed.

Hu Bayao said: "The black donkey's hoof blocked the original breath in the corpse, and the corpse breath inside could not be vented, and then swelled up. Get out of here!"

Zhou Suyi didn't quite understand, but she knew the situation was dangerous.

Immediately, he turned around and prepared to jump.

Everyone else hurriedly backed away.

But these pustules swelled too fast, and the blink of an eye reached the limit.


The next moment, the pustule burst open, and the turquoise liquid immediately splashed out.

Netizens were all sweating for Zhou Suyi, and they were extremely nervous at the moment.

They seemed to be more worried than Zhou Suyi.

Zhou Suyi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Before she had time to think about it, she instinctively reached behind her and took out an umbrella as she jumped down.

The umbrella opened, and there was a slight sound of metal friction, which made people's teeth sore.

Before landing, the umbrella cover was fully opened.

The umbrella surface made of metal has no gaps, which is enough to show how amazing the workmanship is.

The next moment, the liquid splashed onto the umbrella surface.

The Diamond Umbrella once again helped Zhou Suyi carry everything.

"Fuck, it's that umbrella again."

"Damn it, it's said in the character introduction that this vajra umbrella is Shirley Yang's weapon, and I've never used it once. Damn, I'm playing with a hammer."

"This umbrella is amazing, I really want a real one."

"The Vajra Umbrella is the treasure of the mountain lineage, it seems to have been lost long ago!"

"Damn it, the boss is upstairs, we all know that!"


Netizens are excited.

The Vajra Umbrella burst into flames instantly.

If this is based on the urgency of some big manufacturers, they will definitely launch peripheral products quickly at this moment, and make a lot of money.

Zhou Suyi landed on the ground, her towering chest heaving violently, her heart beating wildly, her hands holding the Vajra Umbrella were still trembling slightly due to nervousness.

"It's dangerous!" Zhou Suyi wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, "Sure enough, you can't take this game lightly at any time. If you dare to be careless, he will really dare to give you a fatal blow!"

"It's okay!"

Hu Bayi ran over to check.

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "It's okay, luckily the vajra umbrella is blocked."

Fatty Wang also ran over, and when he passed by the centipede, he kicked twice, "Grandma, isn't it amazing, get up again!"

The centipede monster didn't respond.

The corpse on it shriveled up, and there were several holes in its body, as if all the venom inside had been sprayed out.

"Miss Yang, that's amazing. Where did you buy this umbrella? Give me the address. When I go back, I'll buy one too!" Fatty Wang was so envious.

Zhou Suyi said: "This is inherited from my family."

"That's a pity!" Fatty Wang regretted.

Ye Yixin had lingering fears, his thighs were still shaking, and he started crying.


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, really not knowing how to explain this phenomenon.

"Perhaps, this centipede monster has strong vitality. It is trapped in this cauldron and has been in a state of hibernation. Only when the cauldron is opened will it wake up!" Hu Bayi guessed!
"But, that's not right. Then why is there a corpse on his body? Also, this corpse is stuffed with a black donkey's hoof. Why doesn't the centipede move?" Chu Jian asked from the side!

"The corpse may have been put up later. Over time, the corpse and the centipede below have fused together. This is not difficult to explain, but..." Hu Bayi frowned slightly when he said this, as if thinking of something stand up.

Zhou Suyi also frowned.

Because at this moment, the game does not have any prompts, nor does the task complete.

It's not scientific.

Is something overlooked?

The scenes on the murals and the mysterious man with the mask suddenly appeared in her mind.

Is all this really over?

Not right, very wrong.


At this moment, there was a slight grinding sound.

Many people don't pay attention.

But Zhou Suyi suddenly looked at the centipede monster.

I saw that the centipede monster, which was not moving at first, suddenly opened its eyes again at this moment, and those green eyes seemed to become more pure and bewitching.

It makes people feel inexplicable fear and despair in their hearts.


(End of this chapter)

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