Chapter 82 Sudden Death

Several people approached the corpse, and after seeing it clearly, they couldn't help gasping.

The corpse was a man, with a turban covering his mouth, only his eyes were exposed, staring at the sky, his clothes looked like he was dying.

Moreover, the time for the corpse to die would not be too long, maybe within a few days, his exposed skin was only slightly dry, and the strangest thing was that his skin was blue, and under the illumination of the fireworks, there was a trace of blue light.

Like a blue-faced ghost.

"Mom, it's late at night, don't watch such exciting things, okay?"

"This underworld game has started to work again."

"I won't cheat the corpse."

"This skin is blue and glowing. It can't be a monster sent by Queen Jingjue to guard the gate!"


Fortunately, netizens are used to the style of this game, so they are not too frightened.

But still feel very nervous.

Zhou Suyi was also a little apprehensive, but after so many days of tempering, she was not too scared.

"Look, there are more ahead!" Fatty Wang pointed to the front.

Indeed, beside the stone wall, there were still several corpses.

These corpses lay upside down and in different postures, but their faces all retained the appearance of when they died, showing horror, as if they had encountered great fear.

There are also some Soviet-style ak47s and backpacks scattered on the ground.

Hu Bayi picked one up and looked at it, then frowned, "The guns are all loaded."

"Damn, that's evil, these guys are so good, they all died inexplicably, Hu, don't you think it's weird!" Fatty Wang picked up all the guns on the ground.

Checked it out and it's fine.

When they came in, they only brought a shotgun, which was of average power.

Compared with other people's ak47, it is simply incomparable.

"But it's good, this equipment is cheaper for us!"

Zhou Suyi was a little worried, and felt that something was going to happen in this game, "Everyone, be careful, there must be some danger here that we haven't discovered yet!"

Without his reminding, everyone was already on tenterhooks.

Hu Bayi was so courageous that he tore off the face scarf from a dead body.

The corpse opened its mouth wide, and at the last moment of its life, it seemed to be yelling something in horror.

Hu Bayi's face was ugly, "Looking at their death conditions, they should have died in a very short time!"

"Could it be that he was blacked out by black people?" Su Dipeng guessed.

Hu Bayi shook his head, "Even if you get shot, you can't die instantly."

"Let's get out of here quickly!" Zhou Suyi said!

She didn't want to cause trouble. The canyon was pitch-black, giving people a very gloomy feeling, which made her feel extremely uneasy, and she just wanted to leave quickly.

Fatty Wang was depressed, "Hey, it's not like we can walk if we want. These camels don't move, and we can't move on!"

Hao Aiguo came up and said, "It doesn't matter whether these people are grave robbers or not. We can't let them die here. Let's carry them out of the valley and bury them. As soon as I saw the people who died in the wilderness, I thought of sending them to the village with me." Those people in the kiln labor reform, those comrades died pitifully, there is not even a broken straw mat to roll their corpses, alas, I hate these things the most..."

"I said you are a nerd, what kindness are you showing at this time!" Fatty Wang looked dissatisfied.

To bury people is to dig a hole, and to dig a hole is to waste energy. These people have long been exhausted.

Who wants to waste this effort.

Zhou Suyi thought about it seriously, "Maybe, the clearance requirement of this level may be to bury these people, and the test is the kindness of people."

She nodded to herself, thinking it was possible.

"Or, let's bury them for them. Maybe those camels are afraid to come in because of these corpses!" Zhou Suyi said!

Fatty Wang was depressed, "Hey, Ms. Yang, you don't feel pain in your back when you are standing and talking. I want to bury you. Anyway, I have no strength!"

Zhou Suyi looked at Hu Bayi, and Hu Bayi also said: "I think this corpse is very evil, it's better not to touch it!"

Zhou Suyi thought about how to persuade them, whether to add more money.

Anyway, it's a game, and you can give it whatever you want.

While they were talking, Hao Aiguo had already walked to the side of a corpse, and raised his hand to the position of the corpse's eyes, as if he wanted to close the eyes of the corpse and let the corpse die in peace.

But when he touched the corpse, a black shadow swished out of the corpse's mouth.

Everyone didn't realize what was going on at all.

Immediately afterwards, Hao Aiguo's eyes widened suddenly, his face was terrified, almost like those corpses, he fell directly on his back.

"Fuck, what's going on!"

Everyone was shocked.

Is this fucking haunted?

A well-behaved living person suddenly died?

Zhou Suyi also gasped.

I didn't pay attention to Hao Aiguo just now, so I don't know what happened just now.

The same goes for everyone else.

Moreover, Hao Aiguo's body blocked their sight, and they didn't even see the black shadow.

"Quick, get away from these corpses!"

Although Hu Bayi didn't know what happened, but he had rich experience and felt that the problem must be caused by these corpses.

But it was too late now.

The moment Hao Aiguo fell down, Zhou Suyi only saw a black shadow flash past.

The next moment, I felt my neck was bitten.

She wanted to exclaim, wanted to shout, but found that the power in her body was emptied in an instant, so she could only widen her eyes and mouth, and fell down with a face of horror.

【game over! 】


Even though she had experienced hundreds of deaths, Zhou Suyi still exclaimed at this moment.

The thing couldn't be defended, and it really scared her.

"Fuck, what is he?"

She still looked scared and a little annoyed, because she hadn't noticed what the black shadow was just now.

Hao Aiguo's body blocked the line of sight, making it impossible to guard against.

"Damn it, I was almost sent away by my old lady, it scared me to death."

"Fuck, I drank my saliva, why did the game fail, what happened?"

"Sure enough, as soon as the desert level is passed, the game immediately starts to reorganize. Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to pass the level easily."

"This should be the last hurdle to reach Jingjue Ancient City. I'm afraid it will not be easy."

"It can't be haunted, those people don't want to die with peace, so we have to drag everyone who comes here to be buried with them."


The sudden situation just now happened so suddenly that people were caught off guard, and if they froze for a while, they might just ignore what happened.

The more this is the case, the more terrifying it is.

Zhou Suyi was not in a hurry to continue to open it, "No, I have to figure out what the hell it was just now, otherwise, even if I try it again, it may still fail!"

Immediately, Zhou Suyi found her live replay and began to study it!


(End of this chapter)

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