LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 102 Are There Really Self-Taught People?

Chapter 102 Are There Really Self-Taught People?

With the determination of Chen Mu's last counter position.

The final lineup of IG vs KT has been confirmed.

Top order: Sword Demon vs Jess.

Jungle: Barrel vs Pig Girl
Mid Laner: Zoe vs Vampire

ADC: Xia vs Verus

Support: Morgana vs Shen

The summoner skills brought by Sword Demon and Jess are both flash and teleportation.

In fact, Sword Demon does not have an absolute counter against Jayce, unlike Sword Fairy's counter Sword Demon, who is ruthless.

Some people say that Jess is the counter sword demon, and Jess in the high-end game is the hammer sword demon.

Jess has two forms, level 6 has [-] skills, the long-range attack in the cannon form, the burst in the hammer form, the master Jess' skillful switching between melee attack and long-range attack, can definitely pull the sword demon.

But there are also people who say that Sword Demon is good at beating Jess.Sword Demon can make a little mistake, but Jess can't.

Moreover, after Sword Demon got out of the cloth armor shoes and put on a little armor, Jess in the early stage was a bit scraped. Jess needs equipment and levels.

In short, Jess can always pull the Sword Demon, but the Sword Demon can make mistakes, and Jess cannot make mistakes, and he will die if he makes a mistake.

One is difficult to kill him, and the other is difficult to live!
In fact, from Chen Mu's point of view, the sword demon beating Jess is just like what he often said.

"There are no garbage heroes, only garbage summoners!!"

Sword Demon beat Jess because of proficiency, pull, and hit rate of skills.

As long as you can avoid the skills of the opposite side, then improve the hit rate of your skills.

Whether it's Sword Demon fighting Jess, or Jess fighting Sword Demon, it's easy to fight! !
Chen Mu's Sword Demon didn't stand guard at the intersection of the wild area in this round, but came to the line early, he was afraid that Jess would squat in the first grass on the side of his top road to overshadow him.

After all, Jess is a master at the first level, and Chen Mu still doesn't know what skills Semb Jess learned at the first level.

With the intersection of the lines of troops from both sides, Chen Mu did not start to suppress at the first level as before.Instead, he didn't use his skills, stood in front of the pawn line, and walked back and forth.

At this time, Semb was also very cautious. Jess was in the form of a cannon when he went online. He didn't take the initiative to attack Sword Demon, but was stuck at the limit distance of Sword Demon's Q skill, testing Sword Demon.

Semb saw that the sword demon was going forward to make up the first pawn's tail knife, saw the sword demon's position, and with a little anticipation, the electric cannon containing the electric energy load in Jess's hand bombarded the sword demon.

But at the next moment, Chen Mu danced slightly at a right angle, turned his head slightly, and avoided the electric cannon and the Sword Demon, and exploded on the side of the Sword Demon, but did not cause any damage to the Sword Demon.

Then Sword Demon's flat A continued to attack, and the first pawn was captured by Sword Demon.

Seeing this, Semb's heart trembled, as expected, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree!
Previously, they played OB Chen Mu on the big screen. Listening to the complaints of top laners from other teams in the LCK division, Semb was actually mentally prepared.

But now when it's his turn to face Chen Mu, he can feel how abnormal Chen Mu's positioning and reaction ability are!
He is not predicting your skills!
Instead, wait for your skills to shoot first, and then rely solely on your own positioning and reaction ability to avoid the skills.

But Semb still doesn't believe in evil. He is also a talented young man who was at the peak when he debuted. He is one of the top three top laners in the LCK.
Jess has the initiative at the first level, so he is the first to grab the second level.

At the first time when you reach the second level, Semb will upgrade the E skill in seconds,
In an instant, a QE crooked cannon came out of his hand and blasted at the sword demon who was making up his sword.

It came down very suddenly. The moment the electric energy cannon came out of the muzzle, Semb placed an acceleration gate obliquely in front of him. After the electric energy cannon passed through the acceleration gate, it flew out at an extremely fast speed. It is difficult for the masters to react.

However, Chen Mu's sword demon didn't have the E skill displacement skill, but it was as if he had predicted the position of Jess's cannon long ago, and once again made a deft move to avoid Jess's crooked cannon.

Semb's two or three probing attacks at the first level all failed, and this time also made him feel a little frustrated.

Not to mention that Jace consumed a lot of mana for no reason, but the blood volume of the sword demon on the opposite side is still very healthy.

Now that Jess's acceleration gate has been used, the key skills that can pull the sword demon have been handed in, and Semb also knows the severity, so he dare not press the line presumptuously.

As a result, Chen Mu passed the second level smoothly,

But when Sword Demon reaches the second level, it's not the same.

With the E skill, which can advance and retreat, Sword Demon can advance and attack, retreat and defend!

I saw that after the sword demon was promoted to the second level, he also shot instantly. The Q skill raised the big sword and slashed forward. When the big sword was about to hit the ground, the E skill adjusted its position and leaned towards Jess who was walking to the left.

And Semb saw that the sword demon reached the second level, and knew that Chen Mu would definitely come up to consume him, so he was already trying his best to move around in a disorderly manner.

But it was still scratched by the sword edge of the sword demon.

Jess was knocked into the air for a short time, and his blood volume dropped a little.

After Jess landed, Semb was also "showing" his position, and pulled back directly.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Mu's sword demon was another Q2, but the Q2 was not directed at Jess, but sideways.

Again, the edge of the Sword Demon's wide blade brushed against Jace.

Jess was briefly knocked into the air again, and at the same time caused 1% more damage than the previous Q25.

Taking advantage of Jess's falling into the air, the sword demon stepped forward, raised the giant sword in his hand, and leveled A with passive death-giving sword energy, and took away a small amount of Jess' blood in an instant.

At this time, Semb still wanted to fight back from a distance, but Chen Mu's Sword Demon didn't want to take the last Q3, and walked directly into the grass, causing Jess to lose his vision.

In the first exchange of blood, Jess returned home in a big defeat.

Sword Demon didn't lose any HP, but Jess lost a third of his HP when he was hit by Sword Demon's second-stage Q and a flat A.

And Semb's forehead was already dripping with sweat.

Isn't the hero Sword Demon only two weeks after the revision? !
Why is this sword demon so proficient?

And I heard from the team's coaches and analysts, didn't the man opposite him say that he hadn't even played a round of Sword Demon in a normal rank? !
Why is the Sword Demon proficiency so high in the arena? !

And even the sword demon's second Q skill is sideways, and the casting range is relatively large. You must know that most of the sword demons in the Korean king game are still simple QQQ, and there is no operation at all!

Could it be that he secretly practiced Sword Demon with a trumpet? !
Or is there really such an exaggerated talent in the world? !You can learn without a teacher, you only need to look at the skills to be proficient in this hero.

But without waiting for Semb to think too much, as the laning continued, Chen Mu's sword demon had reached level three, and the sword demon who had learned all three skills was a little different.

The oppression is directly full, overwhelms the pawn line, and moves forward!
(End of this chapter)

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