LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 105 Five kills!True · 5 hit 1 · God descends to earth!

Chapter 105 Five kills!True One Dozen Five Gods descend to earth!

Now that he has made up his mind, Chen Mu's sharp eyes gradually calmed down, but the occasional flashes of light foreshadowed the bloody storm ahead!
The next moment, Chen Mu's eternally calm and somewhat indifferent voice sounded, with a trace of majesty and unquestionable meaning, and said to Baolan.

"Baolan, you Morgana remember to give me a shield later!"

Although Chen Mu has the confidence to operate, he is afraid that Baolan will say "why does the support have to die with the top laner? His own ADC and mid laner double C are dead, why not retreat?" These "magic theories" !
"Huh?!" Baolan didn't react for a while.

"No, Brother Mu, there are only two of us left, you want to fight five?"

But Baolan's words were not finished yet.

I saw that Chen Mu turned on the sword demon that was destroyed, spread his wings, and held up the blood-stained giant sword, like a demon god from hell, as if he wanted to bury the entire Summoner Canyon.

"Listen, extinct, dead silence!"

And the sword demon who saw Chen Mu seemed to challenge KT with his own strength and try his best to turn the tide.

The commentators at the commentary stand regained their spirits, resumed their passionate tone, and began to explain the "one-person team battle" that will start next.

Miller: "Chen Mu didn't retreat! He wanted to go up and operate!!"

wawa: "As long as Chen Mu delays the KT crowd for a while, or kills a person, disrupting KT's rhythm of fighting the dragon, there will be a chance when the rest of the IG revives!!"

Guan Zeyuan, on the other hand, always sang the opposite tune: "I think it's very difficult, one drag five, only SKT's Marin has done it in history, borrow another 22 seconds from the sky, can Chen Mu accomplish this miracle today?! "

But the five people in KT saw that only one sword demon wanted to change his fate against the sky, and rushed forward to "send his death"!
Deft couldn't help it first: "Should we kill the Sword Demon first?!"

As soon as he heard Deft's proposal, Semb's eyes lit up and he shouted.

"Siba! Get him!"

He seemed to want to vent all the depression of "going to prison" in the first three 10 minutes.

"Kill the Sword Demon!"

"Kill the Sword Demon first!!"

The next moment, the five members of KT had reached an agreement, they stopped fighting the dragon together, and went out of the dragon pit to face the sword demon.

Mata's Shen was the first to attack, and his E skill taunted Sword Demon.

But this time, Baolan Morgana's E skill was very timely.

When Shen taunted the sword demon, he put the purple magic immunity shield on the sword demon, so that the sword demon was not controlled by Shen taunt.

Everyone in KT believes that there is no need to operate five-on-one, and they just swarmed up.

But this seemed to be what Chen Mu wanted.

The sword demon held up the giant sword and slashed down head-on.

Q1, smashed down hard, and Shen, who was walking in the front, was briefly knocked into the air and caused damage.

Q2, moving forward with the E skill, the range of the sword's edge expanded again, affecting the three of KT, and the blood volume began to drop crazily.

Something is wrong!Something is wrong!
Something is wrong with this sword demon!
Only then did everyone in KT realize that this is someone else's sword demon, this is the sword demon who beat Khan, Kinn, BDD and other LCK celebrities to the autistic man! !

So everyone in KT hurriedly wanted to disperse, pulling and outputting Sword Demon.

But it's too late!

Q3, followed by Flash, Sword Demon smashed heavily into the crowd of KT, three stages of Q skills, causing 25% more damage each time.

In an instant, the bright red damage numbers jumped wildly on the five people's heads, and the blood volume of everyone in KT soared, and the blood volume of the five people in KT dropped below half blood.

Even with Shen himself as a support, his blood volume was not healthy, and he couldn't bear the damage of Sword Demon's third-stage Q at all, so he fell to the ground and died, and the great destruction of Sword Demon was refreshed.

However, Sword Demon, who had exhausted his third stage Q skills, fell into a skill vacuum.

Everyone in KT, who was startled by the sword demon's injury, froze in place for a moment.

At this time, Mata, who had already died in battle, began to be the commander of the spring.

"Don't be cowardly, don't be cowardly, only Sword Demon is alone, Morgana is useless!"

"Keep killing the Sword Demon! Keep killing the Sword Demon!"

Hearing the command from the team commander, the other four members of the KT team also reacted.

Zhumei's Q skill, pushed Chen Mu's sword demon, and slightly controlled the sword demon.

And Jess and the vampire also started to output Sword Demon, and Deft's Verus also started to shake his head frantically, attacking Sword Demon.

Under the concentrated fire of the four people, within a few seconds, the shield of the sword demon's blood-handed savior Spirit Blade was shot out.

However, this version of Bloody Hand is also an artifact of top laners.

After receiving a certain amount of damage, there will be a 75% health shield, which is equivalent to another life!
But I don't know if it was Mata's poisoned milk, or Baolan's conscience discovered it.

next moment,
Originally, after Baolan Morgana gave Sword Demon a shield, she planned to retreat depending on the situation. In his mind, this kind of "giving away the head" is meaningless. Instead, KT won the dragon, which may be a real wave Push down the IG base.

But Baolan stared dumbfounded at Chen Mu's sword demon rushing up to fight five, there was an aura of fighting to the death, still endlessly!
Maybe it was infected by Chen Mu's sword demon's indomitable momentum, or maybe it was influenced by Chen Mu's calm, unhurried, calm temperament.

For some reason, Sapphire Morgana stopped retreating!

The next moment, Baolan Morgana flashed and handed it over, but this time it didn't flash backwards to escape.

Instead flash forward! !
Morgana flashed into the crowd of KT, and then started her big move.

Several chains trap nearby heroes, causing damage.

While operating, he shouted at Chen Mu.

"Brother Mu, I'm on, I'm on Flash! I'm on!!"

Looking at the tragic "death" Morgana who rushed into the crowd.With no other choice, the remaining four members of KT can only deal with Morgana first, otherwise it will be even more troublesome to be trapped by Morgana's ultimate move.

Under the attack of the four people, she has no level, no crisp skin equipment, and no life-saving equipment such as a golden body or a stopwatch. Morgana didn't even hold on for 3 seconds, and the control effect of her ult was still weak. When he didn't hit it, he raised his head to the sky and screamed in grief and indignation, and fell to the ground.

Baolan's excited voice stopped abruptly, feeling that Morgana's wave was not of much use, she said a little disappointed.

"I'm dead, Brother Mu, I'll leave it to you!"

At this time, the Korean pilot seemed to be cursed, and turned into a "hot dance with Q"!
Before dying, Morgana's Q skill shot, and a missile full of dark energy came out, but managed to control Verus who was shaking his head frantically.

At the same time, with the W skill, a puddle of thick phlegm spit out at Verus' feet.

"Siba! Siba!"

Seeing that he was controlled by the Q skill from who knows where, Deft secretly said that something was wrong. He was the main output of the sword demon, but now he was controlled by a dead Morgana.

Deft, who was getting angry, hammered the keyboard and yelled to vent.

Naturally, Chen Mu would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The voice in the team said lightly:

"Enough is enough!"

Although it took a few seconds for Sword Demon's Q skill to improve at this time, the control duration of Morgana's level 5 Q skill reached 3 seconds.

For an ADC, this time has already killed the ADC three times!
I saw the sword demon, under the acceleration of the great annihilation, took two steps forward, AEA, skillfully leveling A with two strokes, had already stabbed the sword to death and stabbed Verus fiercely.

The next moment, Verus, who had already lost half of his blood, couldn't hold on any longer and was executed by the sword demon.

"Verus, Verus, there should be "Ya" in your name. How did you forget, Verus, how did you forget!"

The sword demon Aatrox, who is also of the dark race, did not forget to taunt Verus.

Double Kill! !Double kill! !
The passionate voice appeared on the big screen.

At this time, two of the five members of KT were killed.

At this time, the remaining three members of KT had disagreements.

The mid laner Uacl is a rookie. Although he has gradually integrated into the team and played brilliantly in this round, he is still inexperienced. Facing the terrifying revenge from the demon god who rushed out of hell, he has no courage at all. The big brother teammate asked weakly.

"Can you fight?! Can you continue to fight?! Why don't you withdraw first! After resurrection, let's fight the big dragon group!"

Semb didn't make a sound. If five beat one, he would not be afraid.

But now there were only three of them left, and he was a little timid.

And Mata and Deft, who were already soaking in the hot springs, also obediently shut their mouths, and no longer acted as spring commanders. At this critical time, let the teammates operate by themselves, and don't affect their operations.

At this time, the old captain Score stood up, his face flushed, and he roared angrily.

"Fight, fight! Fight to the end, don't be cowardly!"

We've already reached this situation, and it's too late to retreat, and we can't beat this wave, and we can't beat the next wave of 5v5 team battles, it's better to have all the belongings on Allin!
Princes, generals and ministers, it is better to be a king, to be a king and a general, right now!
And seeing that Chen Mu's sword demon really rushed to fight five, killed two, the fire of hell has not been extinguished, and there is still meaning to continue fighting.

Miller: "Sword Demon rushed up and hit five, AOE, AOE! KT is all bloody"

"Morgana has controlled Verus!!."

"Deft is dead! Deft is dead. The Korean pilot did not disappoint in terms of the crash."

wawa "Sword Demon refreshed his passive, and his ultimate move is still going on, can he continue to fight?!"

And Guan Zeyuan also fell into deep self-doubt: "What?! What did I see?!!"

But at this moment, even the barrage in the LPL live broadcast room has decreased a lot. The scene just happened so quickly that many viewers didn't even have time to type.

But just when KT reunified their opinions and continued to fight to the end.

Chen Mu Sword Demon's Q skill has been improved, looking at the pig girl in front of him.

It was an extremely smooth three-stage Q, mixed with a normal attack of passive death-giving sword energy, which instantly emptied Zhu Mei's blood volume.

Zhumei is a jungler and doesn't have so many equipment and levels, so it's normal that she can't resist the damage of Sword Demon.

Triple Kill! !Three kills! !
But at this time, the sword demon's blood volume could no longer hold on, and was sucked to death by a second-stage Q of the vampire.

But the Sword Demon didn't die immediately, but was resurrected on the spot with the passive effect of the Blood Demon Well.

The revived Sword Demon has no effect of destroying it, but at this time the vampire has eaten a lot of AoE from Sword Demon, and the blood volume is not healthy.

At this time, the CDs of Sword Demon QWE's three skills have all improved.

At this time, KT mid laner UCAL also felt the pressure from Chen Mu for the first time.

No matter how he moved, he was hit by the edge of Sword Demon's Q skill, and was also hit by the W skill Hellfire Chain released by Sword Demon's great sword.

Even Ucal, as a mid laner, has just been revamped for two weeks, and he has no experience in laning against Sword Demon. After being restrained by the evil fire chain, he doesn't know how to move. He just walks straight back. However, the movement speed is not enough, and walking backwards cannot get out of the skill range of the Hellfire Beam Chain.

The next moment, the vampire couldn't get out of the scope of the Sword Demon's W skill Hellfire Chain, and was directly pulled to the center. At this time, the vampire's W skill was still on CD.Was hit by the sword demon with a Q3, received the E skill, and was hit hard, with bright red numbers dancing on his head, he was killed instantly!
Quadra Kill! !Four kills! !
KT five people, now only one person left!

Jess of Semb.

Now there is no interference, in the middle of the river, return to the top lane 1v1 men's battle!
Is the vengeful daemon from hell stronger, or the noble senator from Piltover? !

At this time, Score is also determined. It doesn't matter whether it is criticized by thousands of people or supported by thousands of people after returning to South Korea after this round.

He is now only thinking about the operation wholeheartedly.

Watching Chen Mu's sword demon Q3 receive the E skill and kill the vampire.

In an instant, Jess made a cannon shot.

At the same time, he quickly switched to the form of the hammer, and the Q skill leaped into the sky, smashing hard at the sword demon.

As long as Chen Mu's sword demon eats this set of skills, with his blood volume, he will die!

But the next moment, the moment Sword Demon Q3 fell to the ground and killed the vampire.

A crisp sound sounded.

Chen Mu used his last hole card, the golden stopwatch!

And Semb closed his eyes in despair.

Finally murmured: "It's over, it's over!"

Jess's skills are already in the window period, and the chance to finally kill the Sword Demon is gone.

And Semb didn't even want to resist anymore, and didn't want to take advantage of the gap between the golden body of the sword demon stopwatch and escape.

Chen Mu's sword demon operation is worth a pentakill! !
Sure enough, the Sword Demon who recovered from the golden body just stabbed Jess with a flat A with a death-giving sword energy, and instantly recovered a large amount of blood.

But Jess just made a symbolic resistance, and was beheaded by the sword demon!

Penta Kill! !Five kills! !
The bright red writing appeared in the center of the big screen, stimulating all the audience watching this game.

silence!Deathly silence!

Whether it was the voice of the IG team or the voice of the opposite KT team, no one spoke.

Everyone looked at the bright red pentakill in the center of the computer screen in disbelief, stimulating everyone's nerves.

There were corpses all over the ground, only the Sword Demon held up his God Slaying Blade, stood on top of the enemy's corpses and shouted loudly.

"I must destroy with hope..."

In the LPL lounge, the IG team, who was looking at the situation was not right, the four coaches started to discuss the response and BP of the next game together.

But unexpectedly, Chen Mu's sword demon stimulated their attention in a shocking way.

In the LCK lounge, the coaches of the four teams all watched the scene in disbelief.

The most exaggerated one was the head coach of KT. His mouth was wide open, his eyes were fixed on the screen, and his eyeballs were almost protruding from their sockets.

They were already celebrating the good start of this game, and won the "First Blood" of the Chen Mu Intercontinental Competition!
But the roller coaster-like plot made him feel a little dazed and dizzy for a while.

The LPL commentary booth was also dead silent, and for a while, they didn't know how to explain Chen Mu's performance and operations.It is also rare for the three commentators to cooperate with each other more and more proficiently to keep the live broadcast room silent for so long.

Even the commentary room of the LCK was dead silent. The Korean commentators didn't know how to help the KT team fight this wave of team battles where they were hit by five and wiped out.It is better to directly increase the strength of the KT team and let the KT team swim back directly.

Baolan was the first to react. He participated in this wave of team battles. Although he died tragically and tragically in the end, his role cannot be denied.

Baolan shouted excitedly.

"Fuck, awesome!"

"Brother Mu! Awesome!"

"Damn, I'm awesome too, I, Morgana, have control of Verus!!!"

That's right, this wave of Baolan has indeed made great achievements!

Originally, Chen Mu's idea was just to slow down the speed of KT's five players to fight the Baron, or kill two KT's people, dragging his teammates back to life, and preventing KT from getting the baron.It doesn't matter even if you die in battle.

But Chen Mu didn't expect Baolan's Morgana to be determined to flash into the crowd, and before she died, her Q skill accidentally hit Verus, who was crazy about output.

This created a one-on-five environment for Chen Mu's Sword Demon.

And Baolan's shout was like a signal.

The entire Dalian Sports Center is boiling!
Countless LPL fans all stood up, facing the competition stage, shouting loudly:
"Chen Mu is awesome!! Sword Demon is awesome!! LPL is awesome!"

And the cute female fan who took the lead in cheering and had Chen Mu's personal fan tag on her face also stood up, but when she shouted slogans, it made the grumpy old buddies next to her ashamed.

"Giegie is so handsome!! Come on, Giegie!!"

"Brother Chen Mu is invincible!!"

It turns out that the cute girl who boosted morale is not a LOL player at all, but just Chen Mu's face value fan!

Damn, no one thought that those "Giegie is so handsome" bullet screens in the live broadcast room turned out to be a real girl in reality, not a big guy who picks his feet! !

The old buddies who cheered Chen Mu for a while were also sour.

Chen Mu is handsome, he plays games well, does he really have such beautiful female fans? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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