LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 119 Comrade Chen Mu, the People's Good Order!

Chapter 119 Comrade Chen Mu, the People's Good Order!
In Wang Sicong's office, I saw EDG's head coach Abu and Ji Xing.

Two people who don't match at all, and who can't get together no matter what, suddenly appear in the same room.

This incident actually shocked Chen Mu very much.

Is it
What kind of plot is it that the fish dies and the net breaks, and they leave tonight? !
Or, in this life, what kind of wings does this big butterfly flap? !
But it didn't wait for Chen Mu to recover from his surprise.

As soon as Abu opened his mouth, Chen Mu was not surprised.
But shock!

Seeing the arrival of the rightful owner, Abu nodded to the owners of the office, Wang Sicong and Su Xiaoluo.

And Wang Sicong and Su Xiaoluo also smiled and nodded to Abu and the two people behind him.

Then Abu rang out with his own "neutral" voice:

"Chen Mu!"

"I, you should be familiar with me!"

While talking, Abu stood up and shook hands with Chen Mu.

Looking at such a serious scene, Chen Mu was also surprised, but Chen Mu still replied with a smile on his face:
"Of course I know, the famous head coach of EDG, Abu, is an old man in the LOL circle, who doesn't know, who doesn't know?!"

And Abu said with a smile: "Where is that?! Our e-sports industry is either an early entry, or a senior! Those who are successful are the first, and those who are successful are the first!"

"Just like Chen Mu, you joined the LPL family last year, and you just made your debut on the competition stage a month ago this year, and you directly shined in the MSI mid-season competition, won the championship, and won the MVP of the game at the same time!"

"Moreover, in the just-concluded intercontinental tournament, he played a move that shocked the whole world, and was called a god descending from the world by LPL netizens!"

Abu's boast made Chen Mu feel ashamed.

But why Abu's words are more like introducing himself to the two people behind him.

It was also the first time Chen Mu formally observed the two people brought by Abu. One was in an older grade, about the same grade as his parents, and the other was a little younger, about thirty years old.

But the only thing they have in common is wearing a set of black jackets of the same style.

Chen Mu already had some guesses in his mind.
But soon
Abu's next behavior solved Chen Mu's confusion.

"Come on, Chen Mu! Let me introduce you. This is Wang Qinian, and this is Yu Xiujie. Both of them are leaders of the Competitive Sports Department of the State Sports General Administration."

As soon as Abu finished speaking, Chen Mu's heart skipped a beat!

Now this time should be that thing.

The League of Legends exhibition match in the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games e-sports event!
After hearing Abu's introduction.

The two Wang Qinian and Yu Xiujie also stood up one after another, came to Chen Mu, stretched out their right hands to Chen Mu, and shook them tightly.

The older Wang Qinian was obviously the leader. He spoke first, but the next sentence directly moved Chen Mu's deepest DNA.

"Comrade Chen Mu. Hello!"

Hearing this, the sip of water Wang Sicong had just drank instantly choked in his throat.

Comrade, these two words are not called casually.

Wang Sicong pointed at Chen Mu in surprise, and stammered in disbelief.

"You, Chen Mu, are you a party member?!"

But Chen Mu said with a face full of surprise.


"I'm a party member!"

"I joined the party when I was in college!"

Wang Sicong was beyond shocked. He looked at Su Xiaoluo next to him in disbelief. The staring eyes seemed to say, why didn't you tell me such important information? !I'm still in the dark? !
But at this time, Su Xiaoluo was too shocked to say a word, her mouth was opened wide, and she looked at Chen Mu in disbelief.

Concerned about Principal Wang's questioning eyes, Su Xiaoluo spread out her hands like a little bear, as if saying, I just found out too!

And Chen Mu seemed to understand the exchange between the two, and directly added:

"About the fact that I am a party member, I have clearly written it clearly in my entry profile, political affiliation: party member!"

"Are you still a college student?! I.I."

Wang Sicong didn't know anything about Chen Mu's background information. He didn't even care about the daily management and operation of the IG club. How could he care about the background information of a newly famous player!

Wang Sicong didn't know what to say, but he swallowed the word "fuck" in front of so many people.

And Su Xiaoluo looked at Wang Sicong helplessly. He really couldn't be blamed for this. He knew that Chen Mu was a college student, but he really didn't know that Chen Mu was a party member!

In the LPL league, and even in the Chinese e-sports environment, most of the professional players are teenagers with Internet addiction. They came to play professionally as soon as they graduated from high school and just reached the 18-year-old age required by the league.

So, recruiting a "player" who has just grown up, who would have nothing to do with his political outlook? !

However, Wang Sicong and Su Xiaoluo were shocked. The protagonists in today's office are Chen Mu, Abu and others.

Seeing that Abu introduced each other to the two parties, he handed over the right to speak to Wang Qinian.

Wang Qinian treated people like a spring breeze, and said to Chen Mu with a smile:
"Comrade Chen Mu, today we came to find you mainly because"

"The No.18 Asian Games will be held in Jakarta soon. In this Asian Games, there will be e-sports and League of Legends."

"Although it is not a main race that counts in the number of medals, it is an exhibition match."

"But there are no small things in the Asian Games, we must prepare in advance!"

"So now, it's time to start selecting five starters for the national team for the Asian Games League of Legends exhibition match!"

"In the beginning, we first determined that it was the head coach of the team, that is, Comrade Ji Xing, the head coach of EDG!"

That's right, Abramovich is also a party member, and his party membership is not low.

"As for the starters selected for the national team, Comrade Ji Xing recommended you first!"

"During the meeting, I praised you like a hype, which is rare in the world!"

"So today, the main purpose of coming here is to talk to you, what do you think?!"

"Of course, after being selected for the national team, there will be some training camps in the later stage. Although it is not heavy, it may also delay your playing in the professional league."

"But on this point, you can rest assured!"

"For the selection of players for the League of Legends exhibition match of the Asian Games in Jakarta this time, our Competitive Sports Department has communicated with the LPL League, IG Club and Mr. Wang Sicong in advance, and they expressed that they will spare no effort to support them!"

In a few words, Chen Mu finally figured out the purpose of Abu and the State Sports General Administration.

It is indeed here to select players for the Jakarta Asian Games exhibition competition.

And the first one to come to him was himself, and the other contestants hadn't met each other yet.

Seeing others trust me so much.Chen Mu's expression was also very serious, and his words were also very official: "Please rest assured, the two leaders!"

"Use me in the first battle, use me to win!"

Chen Mu's heart was full of pride!

Put on the flag and fight for your country!

Chen Mu already felt that the depths of his DNA were ready to move.

As for his own strength, the Asian Games should be the world championship without a doubt!

The two people from the National Sports Center were also very happy when they heard Chen Mu's statement.

Party members have high awareness!
Compared with other traditional competitive sports, there are precedents for the selection of contestants for the Olympic Games and Asian Games. You only need to follow the rules, and there is no need to visit one by one.

But e-sports is different. This is a sport that has only emerged in China in the past few years. Before that, it was just an Internet cafe game. How could it appear on the stage of the Asian Games.

So this time the e-sports event suddenly joined the Asian Games in Jakarta. The National Sports Center is also crossing the river by feeling the stones. There is no definite number on how to select players.

If we talk about holding a trial competition, this is basically a non-feasible thing.

Therefore, after absorbing the professional advice of some e-sports related people, we still select the active professional players with the best performance at this stage to participate in the Jakarta Olympic Games.

The first person is the coach.

The current domestic coaches are the head coaches of EDG, Ji Xing and Abu.

There is no doubt about this.

You can question "Zhuge Bu"'s appearance, you can question "Zhuge Bu's" character, but the only thing you can't question is "Zhuge Bu"'s ability.

In the LPL competition area where domestic coaches are scarce, Abramovich redefines "what is a coach".

Abramovich is also known for his "iron-fisted management" and has the greatest say in the team. Even the factory director who is in full swing scolds him whenever he says he wants.

Therefore, whether it is the WE era or the EDG era, the team is so orderly, which is also a victory in management.

Especially in EDG, EDG can be the team with the strongest operation ability in LOL. Abramovich is indispensable. In terms of team building, it can be regarded as a model of LPL.

And the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China is interested in this kind of operation and management ability. After selecting five players from different teams among so many teams, they have to integrate all the players together in a short period of one or two months to form a team. A rope, and there are even some proud soldiers and star players among them.

And the only one who can control these people is Abu.

Therefore, the State General Administration of Sports even gave Abramovich the right to make suggestions on the selection of players. Of course, the final decision is still in the hands of the General Administration of Sports.

In the intercontinental competition that just ended two days ago, Abramovich was amazed to see Chen Mu's performance. This is the ideal top laner!
So I recommend Chen Mu without hesitation!
And because it is a national team, the principle of selection is not only to select the best, but the most important thing is to "remove the bad"!
When Wang Qinian saw all the submitted background information of professional e-sports players.

He shook his head involuntarily.
They are all a group of young people who have just grown up, most of them are from high school or even junior high school, and they have soaked in Internet cafes as Internet addicted teenagers.

Many people are even problematic teenagers, and the reviews on the Internet are hard to describe.

Therefore, no matter how strong these people are, Wang Qinian still keeps them at a respectful distance.

And I saw that the column of political affiliation on Chen Mu's background information read: Party member.

It's like a guiding light in a dark night!
In addition, Abramovich, who is now the head coach, is strongly recommended.

In an instant, Wang Qinian and other colleagues immediately confirmed Chen Mu's top laner starting position.

So yesterday, Chen Mu and other IG team members were still enjoying the romantic city of Dalian.

The General Administration of Sports and Abramovich have already communicated with the management of the IG club and Wang Sicong in an official capacity.

And this kind of good thing, how can the IG club push it out? !

Its professional players represent the country in the Asian Games, which is not a good thing that can be bought with money!
You ask the LPL e-commerce teams, if they can buy this opportunity with money, how much are they willing to spend? !

Moreover, each team has a quota limit. Since your players are invincible, it is impossible to select all of your players.

Just look at the gossip.

The RNG team has the most people selected, UZI in the ADC position, Mlxg in the jungle, and even in the support position, Xiao Ming is also competing with Meikou.

Then it is impossible for Xiaohu to be chosen anyway!

EDG has confirmed the head coach Abu and the assistant sister Kou, so it is definitely impossible for the factory director to be selected, although the factory director's current strength is declining.

But whether Chen Mu can be selected in the end depends on the nod of the Competitive Sports Department.

Don't look at Wang Sicong's sloppy look, but when it comes to major issues, he still knows the importance.

So when the State General Administration of Sports approached his team and needed to select players from his team, of course he was in favor of it.

And in the IG team, if Brother Shy and Rookie are not Korean, there is really no way.

In terms of ADC, uzi has unsurpassable popularity and strength, and can be said to be one of the must-selected players. The IG club even wants to push its own popular ADC Ah Shui to the Jakarta Asian Games.

After communicating with Chen Mu and the management of the IG club for about an hour, the two people from the State Sports General Administration and Abu left contentedly.

First place, the top laner position of the national team in the Jakarta Asian Games League of Legends exhibition match has been confirmed!

Chen Mu!

Seeing Wang Qinian and others leaving, Su Xiaoluo even wanted to fight for JKL, even if it was a substitute spot.

"Two leaders, do we want to have a meal together at noon? Just have a working meal at our base and try our meals."

But Wang Qinian smiled and shook his hand.

"Forget it, I'm already bothering you today."

"You are the first team, there are still several teams behind us to run!"

Seeing that there was nothing to be done, Su Xiaoluo reluctantly sent Wang Qinian and Abu to the gate of the base.

Seeing the departure of several righteous masters, Chen Mu also planned to leave the office.

But Su Xiaoluo stopped Chen Mu.

"Chen Mu, wait a moment, we still have something to talk to you about!"

Today's visit by Abramovich and the Competitive Sports Department further confirmed the thinking of the IG management that Chen Mu must be kept.

Especially the way EDG coach Abu looked at Chen Mu today.

They are clear about Abramovich's methods and abilities, plus the enthusiasm for the upcoming Asian Games training camp.

The management of IG is already shuddering, as if the next moment, Chen Mu will throw himself into the arms of EDG.

(End of this chapter)

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