LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 12 A Good Situation

Chapter 12 A Good Situation

"First Blood!"

With this sound resounding through the entire Summoner's Canyon!


"Handsome, this wave of Chen Mu is a complete solo kill!"

In the live broadcast room, wawa yelled out directly.

"Chen Mu, Syndra's putt is too accurate! This TheGod is Syndra's unique skill brother." Miller also praised.

And Guan Zeyuan was also unconvinced: "Did you find out that the hit rate of Chen Mu's Syndra skill is too exaggerated. It has been 3 minutes now, and Chen Mu's Syndra skill has not been missed once!"

And as the situation progressed, the commentators became more and more passionate, and there was more suspense than the previous dullness.

"After this wave of solo kills, Chen Mu walked out of the defense tower with a limit of blood after carrying the tower twice."

"But at this time, Little Peanut's pig sister was late and rushed to the defense tower."

"Will the pig girl go up and take Syndra away?!"

"Oh?! Little Peanut didn't choose to go up and take away the remaining blood of Syndra. Instead, he looked at his clockwork corpse, ate the thread with tears in his eyes, and watched Syndra leave."

"I think it is very wise not to join this wave of pig girls. If this wave goes up rashly, even if Syndra is replaced, pig girls are likely to be killed by the rushing nightmare. In this case, KZ's Nakano It completely collapsed, so I won’t talk about the clockwork. And if the pig girl dies, not only the blue buff just now will be gone, but the upper half of the wild area will also be looted by the nightmare. By then, the nightmare will definitely reach level [-] before the pig girl, and will start first Rhythmic."

"But no matter what, KZ is at a huge loss. BDD still has a lot of soldiers in the middle lane. He can't get any money and experience, so I can only go to the middle lane to make up a line. BDD's clockwork is blown. ah!"

"My God, Chen Mu, TheGod's substitute player is so fierce! Is it really just a player who has just entered the arena?!"

"The condition is too good!!"

"Then RNG has a lot of hope in this case. You look at the bottom lane. The Goushi combination got the strong combination of EZ and Morgana, and it also played enough effects. It has already been under the opposite tower, and this is only three In a few minutes, it started to make up the knife."

In the commentary seat, the Haier brothers and Guan Zeyuan were very excited and kept talking.

Today's BO5 is really like a roller coaster. They thought it was a wonderful BO5. Both sides are evenly matched, and the fight is inseparable.But I didn't expect that in the first two games, RNG's mid tiger would directly pull his hips and directly lose two good games.

Now RNG called a water dispenser administrator, a rookie who had never played before to come to the rescue, they all thought that this BO5 was over, but this rookie Chen Mu, also known as Thegod, gave them a huge surprise, 3 minutes into the game , directly laning and killing LCK's top mid laner BDD.

For a moment, the three of them were a little excited, and this BO5 seemed a little confusing and exciting, and the suspense level continued to be directly full.


Not surprisingly, in the barrage of the LPL live broadcast room:
"Brothers, what's going on? Didn't you say that this person is RNG's water dispenser administrator? Why are you so dumb?"

"Level [-] single kill, are you sure this is a professional game?! Isn't it a bronze ranking?!"

"Could it be RNG classic hidden things?!"

"Laughing, this is still hiding something. The first two were almost expelled from their nationality. If it weren't for Chen Mu's rescue, RNG wouldn't come back!"

"One thing to say, this guy is really fierce. BDD started from more than 2 minutes, directly with the son of the incarnation tower, and double row with the defense tower, which is even more outrageous than Brother Ba!"

Of course, some people praise it, and some people criticize it. Some people don’t care: "Hehe, it’s just like that. Occasionally, these newcomers want to prove themselves, and it just so happened that BDD showed its flaws. And BDD is not a big deal in Korea. Top mid laner, if this wave is Feike"

Immediately, RNG fans were unhappy: "Fuck, Korean dog, get out of the live broadcast room!"

Once the first person sprayed, the rhythm immediately took off, and all kinds of ghosts and snakes appeared. Fans, anti-criminals, people who eat melons, 59e, 60e, 61e, Han Za, and an army of pigs and dogs fought into a pot of porridge.

Last year, the most promising year for S7, RNG and WE, who were pinned on the LPL's greatest hopes, failed in the semi-finals at their own gates, causing the biggest tragedy in the Bird's Nest, a place where LPL audiences have special emotions.

The League of Legends competition has been in operation for the seventh year, and the LPL has not won a championship in the S-series competition.In the MSI mid-season, only EDG defeated SKT 2015:3 in 2, so it is not an exaggeration to say that League of Legends is a game ruled by the LCK these years, and the players of the national server can't see hope, a little bit of dawn I can't even see it, so it also caused a lot of people to be more hostile.


at the same time.

"First Blood!"

The RNG players were all shocked when they heard the sound from the earphones and the news of the blood in the middle lane, and they all switched the game view to the middle lane.

This is the Chen Mu who is in the corner of the training room, next to the drinking fountain, and even the training equipment is eliminated by the starting players like them? ! !
"Damn it, Chen Mu, is it so fierce?" Xiao Ming was the first to exclaim.

"Fighting!" Uzi's flushed face softened when he saw the good news from the middle lane. At first he thought he was the only carry point, and it was another round of Dugu carry, so as soon as the pawn line touched EZ, he started desperately Suppress the opposite bottom lane combination.But now the middle lane is far beyond his expectations, and he has already gained a huge advantage. He took the time to give his teammates a round of praise.

And Letme is busy fighting wits with Khan on the top road. This version of Aoun is definitely at the T0 level on the top road. The hero mechanism itself wants to be a team. He can equip his teammates and automatically lead the opponent by [-] economy in the later stage.And this version of Ornn's W skill can be said to be a god skill, with its own percentage damage and shield, and it is not controlled during the W skill.

But the top laner with him is Khan, who claims to be number one in the world at the top laner position, and he got the first reworked hero in 2018, Daomei. Naturally, he understands the strength of heroes, so in order to better match up with Daomei, he doesn't have the energy to pay attention to the specific situation in the middle lane.

"Yeah, when did you master Syndra's unique skill?" Karsa followed suit.

Others don't know, but as a jungler, Karsa often cuts the angle of view. Since the start of the middle line, Karsa cuts the camera to Syndra and can't do without it.

He had seen the matchup just now from beginning to end, and it was definitely not that easy to perfectly suppress BDD from beginning to end.Although he doesn't play in the middle lane, he is the world's top jungler and has fought against many world-class midfielders. He naturally has judgments and opinions.Regardless of other things, as far as this 3-minute performance is concerned, Chen Mu's Syndra is definitely world-class.

And Chen Mu's personality seems to be affected by the system. He always kept in mind the system's instructions at the beginning to maintain a godly demeanor, so he responded quite calmly: "Oh, the player on the opposite side is too bad. My skills are not good enough." It's just empty."

Hearing this, my teammates shut themselves down instantly. Are you humbled or boasting yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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