LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 121 No Contract Negotiated

Chapter 121 No Contract Negotiated

After Chen Mu took over the contract, he browsed it silently, and the IG management in the office also waited patiently for Chen Mu to look through the contract.

In the silent office for a while, there was only the sound of flipping contracts.

However, as time passed, Chen Mu still didn't say a word, and the hearts of everyone in the office were slowly sinking.

I don't want to sign!But this contract is already the greatest sincerity that IG can give!

After a while, Su Xiaoluo lost her composure and asked:
"Chen Mu, is it because the amount of the contract is not satisfactory, or there are some terms that need to be added, if there is any problem, please speak up, we can talk about it!"

But Chen Mu shook his head lightly, and said: "This contract is already very good. Maybe in the LPL competition area, except for the contract of uzi or the factory director, this contract is already considered the top!"


Upon hearing the word but, the relaxed management felt a little bit in their hearts.

Chen Mu still said with a smile on his face: "I think the contract should maintain the status quo. We can wait until the Asian Games in Jakarta, the end of the S8 World Championship, or the contract expires."

"The amount of this contract is really tempting, and I was almost tempted."

"But I have a principle that only sign short-term contracts!"

"I don't care how much the signing fee is, not to mention that 100 million is already a lot, plus the event bonus and live broadcast contract, it's a lot!"

"Although I have a bachelor's degree, I have to get this salary in Shanghai. I don't know how many years I will have to work hard. I am already very content!"

"After all, you don't know who's been swimming naked until the tide goes out!"

"Today I am a super god, but tomorrow I may be a super ghost?!"

"I just need to get a contract that meets the price in my heart!"

And seeing what Chen Mu said, the IG management in the office was helpless. Others don't value money very much, so what can they do? !

But it was Wang Sicong who had been silent in the main seat and spoke;

"Well! Chen Mu, we respect your choice!"

"Of course, the matter between you and RNG before, although RNG's confidentiality measures are good, we have also heard about it."

"You don't want to be bound to a team, and we respect your idea."

"We don't want to embarrass you either."

"If you don't want to sign this contract, don't sign it!"

"But we should still give you the prize money of the intercontinental competition, and we will also give you the greatest compensation in terms of the prize money of the race."


Wang Shicong also came with a but.

"You also know that tournament bonuses are always bonuses. You don't get the bonus alone, it's a bonus that everyone in the team will get. He always has an upper limit!"

"Although your performance in the intercontinental competition, everyone is convinced."

"But you can't be so different from others. Otherwise, if you get confused, you won't be able to lead the team. You have to understand us on this point."

And Chen Mu nodded in understanding.

Put yourself in the shoes of others and think about it, the bonus is different from the signing fee.

The signing fee may be because some people are strong and have high economic value, so the signing fee is a sky-high figure, but some people can only be a guaranteed contract.

But the prize money is different, five people participate in the competition at the same time, you give out 100 million event bonuses, and I give out 10 event bonuses.

What is this called, how do you make people feel balanced? !No matter how well you play, no matter how one-on-five, is it just you playing the game alone? !

Without the participation of other people, you can't start this game!
Seeing that Chen Mu is still very reasonable, he has no opinion on the current signing fee and competition bonus.

The management of the office breathed a sigh of relief for the time being. Although they didn't talk about a reason this time, they still touched Chen Mu's bottom line.

At least a bottom line has been found, although there are teams in the LPL division who do not follow the rules and start quoting to steal home.

But Chen Mu still has professional ethics and a professional bottom line, and he didn't promise or reply to anyone or any team.

But Wang Sicong played the emotional card at the end and let go of his rhetoric.

"Okay, since you choose to talk about it when the time comes, we won't force you!"

"However, I will put here what I, Wang Sicong, say. If you choose our IG team next year, I guarantee that your signing fee will definitely be the highest in LPL history!"

"I put this contract here. Whenever you want to sign it, you can come to me anytime, find Tibetan horse, or Su Xiaoluo!"

"Of course, we also hope that after this year's contract expires, you, Chen Mu, will give priority to our club."

"After all, the incense is here!"

Wang Sicong looked at Chen Mu, but in order to renew Chen Mu next year, he began to use his money ability with pride.

Chen Mu complained silently in his heart.

"Maybe, before the regular season is over, you will lift me down with the chair and the bench, and then lift shy up from the water cooler."

But Chen Mu still replied very seriously.

"Okay, we will seriously consider your opinions!"

Since it's about business, you have to look like you're doing business.

Don't pull back and forth!Don't give others affirmative answers when you are not sure!

Seeing Chen Mu's serious expression, the management of IG breathed a sigh of relief.

They weren't afraid that players would leave the team desperately.

All good things come to an end!The world is so big, if there is no one, everyone will continue to turn around!

What they are afraid of is that this group of young men who have just grown up will pull you back and forth!

What you promised today, you will start to regret tomorrow, and if you don’t agree to your conditions, you will start to show bad.

Under this kind of unruly back and forth pulling, it is possible that a good thing will be dragged into a bad thing.

And Chen Mu saw that today's matter was almost talked about, and the amount of news was relatively large, and he had to go back to digest it, so he took the initiative to speak, and said to all the IG management in the office and Wang Sicong.

"Principal, if there is nothing else, I'll go back to the training room first!"

"Okay, then you go first!" Wang Sicong nodded and greeted with a smile.

And Chen Mu got out and left the office, but the people who looked at the office didn't seem to have any intention of moving their buttocks. Maybe they, the management, will continue to hold meetings after a while.

After all, what happened today is also a huge amount of information for them.

First, Abu brought people from the Competitive Sports Department of the State Sports General Administration to visit and confirmed Chen Mu's place in the Asian Games in Jakarta.

This is a great thing, but it doesn't mean that everything will be fine if Chen Mu is selected.

As a mature and veteran club, it must cooperate with this news, carry out publicity and operation, and increase the traffic and reputation of the club.

However, the subsequent contract negotiations with Chen Mu did not go smoothly.

This also added a bit of haze to the office.
(End of this chapter)

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