LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 123 How about Mundo, Ornn, and the Stone Man?

Chapter 123 How about Mundo, Ornn, and the Stone Man?
After Chen Mu had a "long speech" to JKL for a while, he also felt that he had spoken too much.

What I said also has the suspicion of standing on the commanding heights of morality and judging others.

But this is also from Chen Mu's feelings. After the S12 World Championship, other competition areas are developing routines, and our competition area is developing Mozi. It seems that the heart of chasing victory has disappeared.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he looked like he was just an adult, and heard Chen Mu's words.Already blushing, JKL lost in thought.

So he stepped forward, patted JKL on the shoulder, and encouraged:

"Come on! This year's World Championship, let's work together to bring back the first championship trophy for LPL!"

After hearing Chen Mu's words, other people also understood Chen Mu's implication. They don't know what will happen in the future, but this year's World Championship, Chen Mu will fight to the end with everyone in the IG team and win the LPL cup!

then so

Ah Shui was stimulated, and spoke first: "Brother Mu, don't worry, I will block my career and show you!"

Baolan: "I'm about to cry, I'm going to go up to person A after I assist!"

King Ning: "I won't look at the shoes for now, I'll buy new shoes after I win the s8 championship!"

And rookie and shy also spoke "XJ words" and said:

"come on! Come on!"

At the same time, IG was training outside.

Originally, after the meeting between Wang Sicong and Su Xiaoluo, he just planned to go into the training room to give the players and the coach a "speaking lesson".

One is to stabilize the morale of the army. There is no guarantee for the future, but there is no change in the personnel of the IG club now!

The second is to cheer up. The intercontinental competition is over. Although IG performed superbly and became the pillar of the LPL, they turned the tide and beat four South Korean teams in four games.

But that is already in the past tense, the summer split is still going on, and their IG trident team is going to aim at S8!

But before the two entered the training room, they heard Chen Mu's "long speech" outside the door.

The two looked at each other, and couldn't help sighing in their hearts:

"Come on, don't go in and talk nonsense yourself, someone has already done their job, and they have done it very well!"

Su Xiaoluo's eyes seemed to say: "Is this the exemplary role of party members?!"

And Wang Sicong's eyes seemed to say: "Should IG follow the example of EDG and set up a party branch?!"

On July 7th, the one-week LPL Summer Split, which was interrupted by the intercontinental competition, resumed.

On the first day of the game, there was the IG team.

IG vs FPX.

In the lounge of IG, Coach Jin is a high-spirited coach, holding Chen Mu, who has descended from the gods of the intercontinental competition, and two top generals of Rookie and JKL.

And after that day, Chen Mu's "cheer up", the atmosphere of the IG team was high.

Coach Jin can't think of any reason to lose!

I saw Coach Jin wave his hand.

"Today's match, Chen Mu starts!"

But at this time, Chen Mu didn't have the high spirits in the intercontinental competition, nor did he have the guidance in the IG training room.

It's just that he is reluctant to play dilly-dally.
And the lpl live broadcast room also burst into cheers, and the commentators said with great interest.

Miller: "Come on, come on, today IG's top laner is Chen Mu!"

wawa: "I don't know what kind of wonderful performance Chen Mu, who has returned with a big victory, can bring today!"

Guan Zeyuan: "Although the player Jin Gong is very stable, but"

"I think with Chen Mu's state in the intercontinental competition, it can be said that he defeated the entire LCK division by himself!"

"Think about it, the top laners of the four teams defeated by Chen Mu in the intercontinental competition, which one is not the top laner of the LCK, of course U Emperor is definitely not counted!"

"So I think, in today's game, IG should have won without a doubt!"

And the barrage is full of joy.

"It's started, it's started, the dog is started!"

"Oh, you don't want to be a baby!"

"Shut up!!"

"Knife in hand, follow me, kill Yu Shuang, grab the dog!"

At the same time, IG's players are on the bench.

Coach Jin patted Chen Mu on the shoulder and said indifferently:

"Chen Mu, what hero do you want to take today, do you want to grab it for you first, otherwise you will definitely be banned by the opponent!"

Ah Shui agreed: "Yes, let's help you get the hero first, or else you really won't get the hero, Sword Fairy?! Qinggangying?! Or Daomei?!"

Rookie also booed: "How about Sword Demon, and once again, the gods descend to the earth to fight five!"

King Ning directly started to be a "dog": "Sword Fairy, you can wear it on the road, and I will be a dog on the road and watch the door for you!"

Teammates have already started to choose heroes for Chen Mu
Looking at the eyes of his teammates and the coach who seemed to have won, Chen Mu touched the back of his head and asked weakly:

"How about a stone man?!"

"Or Mundo?!"

"Aoun can do it too?!"

In an instant, the voices in the team fell silent, and the atmosphere was a little bit awkward.

"What?! Chen Mu, say it again? What hero do you want?!"

Coach Jin looked at Chen Mu in disbelief. He felt an auditory hallucination in his ears.

He was no longer sure whether he was hearing Sword Fairy, Sword Demon, Qinggang Ying, or Mengdoon, the stone man? !
And Chen Mu is also a dead pig who is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, so he said directly and confidently:
"Coach, maybe it's Mundo, or Aoun!"

Only now did Coach Jin confirm that he was not hallucinating, and what he heard before was correct.

But the next moment, Coach Jin looked at Chen Mu with a half-smile, and patted Chen Mu lightly.


"Chen Mu, are you hiding something?!"

"Your hand is too dirty! Do you want to use this trick against people in your own competition area?!"

"Are you insidious?!"

And I heard Coach Jin's own brainstorming explanation.

The other four teammates also "reacted" one after another!
Ah Shui: "Fuck, Brother Mu, your hands are too dirty?!"

King Ning: "Classic hidden things!"

rookie: "Amazing!!"

And listening to his teammates and coaches make up their own brains, Chen Mu was also powerless to explain.

Is it possible to confess directly to the coach and teammates!

Coach Jin, in fact, I came back from time travel, and I still have a system in my body, as long as I go to the World Championship, I will be invincible, but when it comes to the regular season, I will be invincible.

No one will believe it!Maybe the IG club will take Chen Mu to see his brain, is it schizophrenia or severe secondary? !

But before Chen Mu could speak, the voices in the team started to cheer up again.

Coach Jin: "Then Mondo!"

Ah Shui: "It's okay! Brother Mu has done so many tricks, what's the matter if you want to mess around?!"

King Ning: "That's right, let's come to C this time, Brother Mu, you lie down!"

In fact, this version of Mondo is not unplayable, on the contrary, this version of Mondo is still very strong.

But compared to Chen Mu's previous performance, Sword Fairy, Sword Demon, Qinggangying Camille, Sword Girl...
It doesn't match up with a hero like Mundo!

(End of this chapter)

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