LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 127 The Beloved Chen Mu

Chapter 127 The Beloved Chen Mu

In the second round of IG vs FPX, IG successfully pulled back a round.

Ah Shui is very excited. Since IG's [-]-game winning streak in the Spring Split, Ah Shui is indeed in high spirits.

Think about it, too, he was a hot young genius before he became an adult, and he was poached by IG just after he became an adult to form a galaxy battleship,
It's no longer that Delevingne brother who said "The anchor is so good, why don't you go professional?!" in the live broadcast room.

It seems like a bright career path awaits JKL.

But after brother shy lost his hand, it seemed that the IG of the trident fell into confusion. One tip of the trident was broken. As an ADC, Ah Shui naturally had to take on the heavy responsibility of the carry team.

When it came to the playoffs of the spring split, the opposing team seemed to have seen through IG's weakness and started ordering.

And JKL really "lived up to expectations" and was successfully ordered frequently by the opponent. Not to mention the carry team, it became a breakthrough for the team.

The games that were able to win several times were lost because of JKL's own mistakes.

In the spring playoffs, IG lost to RNG first and then to RW. JKL has an unshirkable responsibility.

And he was also "kindly" dubbed by the LPL fans as the title of Q hot dance.Ah Shui, who was originally hailed as the successor of UZI, has also become a jb.

Ah Shui has also become a batch of water
However, Ah Shui's ability to resist pressure is still very strong. Whether he wins or loses, he can maintain a good attitude.He is much stronger than the current Uzi Hongwen kid.

After several months of sinking, Ah Shui's game can be said to be full of fun, and he has regained his confidence. He was able to carry the team.

in the IG lounge.

In the second round, there was a strange move, taking out the bottom lane combination of Draven and Pike, and playing the bottom lane core. The unexpected effect is good. With the jungler, once you get the advantage, the opponent will be suppressed in the early and mid-term. Snowball is Roll faster and faster.

Thinking of this, Coach Jin is also very happy, not just for winning a small round of the regular season, but adding a tactical reserve.

Delevingne is effective in dealing with the bot core. For the version where the bot core needs to last for a long time, IG undoubtedly has another hole card.

Seeing the unnamed IG players who had left the field, Coach Jin asked optimistically:
"What about the next game?! What do you think?!"

In fact, this is the question, but it mainly depends on Chen Mu's thoughts, and ask Chen Mu what hero he wants to play in the next game.

Now Coach Jin has completely started bp and tactical preparations centered on Chen Mu.

And Chen Mu looked at his teammates and coaches who were all staring at him, and said weakly: "Or is it still Aoun?!"

For Chen Mu's answer, Coach Jin was a little disappointed. In fact, Coach Jin hoped that Chen Mu would play some warrior carry heroes.

If it was another player, his coach Jin would not spoil him so much, he must choose heroes according to his BP thinking.

If you must do it the other way around, Coach Jin's highly controlling character may even lift you down with the chair and the bench.

For example, in the last game, Baolan didn't really want to choose the hero Pike. The hero Pike just came out not long ago, and his proficiency is not very high.Moreover, the hero Pike has a very low fault tolerance rate, and if he doesn't play well, he will be blamed.

But under the strong request of Coach Jin, Baolan had no choice but to choose Parker.

This makes Baolan miss the former MAFA coach a little bit. The MAFA coach has a soft personality, and most players can play whatever they want.

But for Chen Mu, Coach Jin gave the greatest tolerance and understanding.

Not only did Chen Mu create miracles several times before, he played with the momentum that thousands of people would go for him, but he also played his own value and turned the tide.

It can be said that he stood up with his own strength, defeated the four strong teams in the LCK division, and carried the game alone.

For this kind of player who is not afraid of taking the blame, even if it is a battle of honor that countless people are watching, even if the opponent is the top laner in the first division; even if the opponent is Faker who has a triple crown or has played many famous scenes. semb; dare to block his career to operate!

For this kind of player, no matter which coach he is, he can have the utmost tolerance and understanding.

And in the usual daily communication, Coach Jin can also feel that Chen Mu may be really old and has read books. Chen Mu's character can be said to be mature and stable, and he will not play petty temper when encountering things. Face, but take the initiative to communicate with people.

Regardless of this, many professional players who have just grown up in the LPL are very reckless, and they can behave as they want.When encountering a problem, he is either autistic, or plays petty temper, puts on his teammates and coaches, puts crazy pressure, or even yells, and speaks with a very high level of motherhood.

So among a group of professional players who just graduated from high school or even junior high school, Chen Mu stood out from the crowd.

Now that he doesn't want to play carry-type warrior heroes, he must have his own reasons. It may be that his condition is really bad, it may be a burden on his heart, or other reasons.

As for the specific reason, Coach Jin still needs to communicate with Chen Mu.

Coach Jin also didn't want to force Chen Mu to choose a hero like he forced Baolan to choose Pike. It would be counterproductive to not win the game, but to blow up the mentality of Chen Mu and the team members.

So in today's game, Coach Jin didn't force Chen Mu to take any hero, but respected his choice, willing to serve him, and change the BP thinking and formation.

Trident is a unique bp idea and gameplay.

The four guarantees and one guarantee system are also a way to win the game!
This is just the regular season of the summer split, and IG's ranking in the first three weeks is far ahead of the province. IG has this fault tolerance rate.

It just so happens that you can also prepare some tactical reserves for yourself. This version is indeed very strong, but what if the next version changes drastically, weakening these heroes and creating a tank alliance?

This is all possible, so after thinking for a while, Coach Jin also agreed to Chen Mu's request to continue taking tank heroes like Aoun.

The bp of both sides will end soon.

Top order: Aoun vs Mundo
Jungle: Qinggangying Camille vs Pig Girl
Mid laner: Chaffinch vs Vampire

ADC: Verus vs Kai'Sa
Support: Tahm vs Tau
But this time, FPX obviously changed the thinking of bp, and did not come up with any magic cores in the bot lane.

Instead, the regular ADC was selected, and Kai'Sa, who is still the son of the version, was selected.

It seems that this plan is to go head-to-head with Ah Shui and Baolan, so that the young bot lane combination of the IG team can experience the power of the golden bot lane combination in the LPL division.

As for Ah Shui, who had carried all the players in the last game, he was obviously over excited this time, and he got carried away with complacency.

Since Delevingne was taken out in the last round and they were blown up, this round will do the same.

Moreover, what JKL and Baolan got in this round was also Verus Gatam's golden panacea combination.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

(End of this chapter)

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