LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 135 IGvsWE, copy homework? !

Chapter 135 IGvsWE, copy homework? !
Due to the conflict between RNG's summer schedule and the Jakarta Asian Games exhibition schedule, and the RNG team has three more players selected, it is impossible to adjust.

But it's not the Asian Games in Jakarta that changed the schedule. Naturally, it can only be the LPL's summer split that changes the schedule.

After urgent research by the LPL League and Tencent, all RNG's summer games were staggered from the schedule of the Asian Games, resulting in a change in the entire matchup sequence.

In the fourth week of the game, IG only played against FPX, this game.

In the fifth week of competition, IG has two games, namely IG vs WE and IG vs TOP.

For nearly a week, IG has no games.

But what surprised the IG teammates the most was that Chen Mu might really be in a bad state.

In the daily training games of the IG team, Chen Mu no longer had the brilliant performance in the MSI mid-season and intercontinental games, and his performance was very mediocre.

Moreover, Chen Mu no longer used carry fighters like Sword Demon Sword Ji Daomei, but mostly tank heroes.

This also worried several IG teammates, as well as Coach Jin and Su Xiaoluo. I don't know if the pressure from the Asian Games was too great, or some other reason caused Chen Mu's state to decline.

If you made a big mistake in the Jakarta Asian Games exhibition game and lost the game, then no matter how many shocking moves you made in the MSI mid-season game or the intercontinental game, it would be useless!
In private, Coach Jin and Su Xiaoluo also talked with Chen Mu, expressing their concerns about Chen Mu's state in a tactful manner.

But it was Chen Mu who turned the other way, comforting his teammates and coach, saying that he didn't have to worry about himself.

On the surface, Chen Mu still has a smiling expression, a confident look, and is not worried about his state at all.

Could it be that Chen Mu is really hiding something? !
But what is there to hide in this training match? !
On July 7, IG played against WE.

Today's game is held in Xi'an, the beautiful ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, which is also the home stadium of the WE team.

With the release of the Asian Games roster, Chen Mu and Xi Ye have also attracted much attention, and this match is also a "civil war" between the two national players, so it is also highly anticipated.

In the IG lounge, Coach Jin scanned the IG crowd, pinched his chin, looked at the small notebook in his hand, and meditated for a while.

In the end, he still said: "Today's game against WE, Chen Mu should start the first game."

In fact, during the two-day training match, IG has always let TheShy and Chen Mu take turns to play, and TheShy has completely recovered from his hand injury, and his state is becoming more and more brave.

The performance in the training match can also be called a big daddy level. The knives of heroes like Sword Demon and Sword Ji Daomei are all cutting with rolling blades!

But on the contrary, Chen Mu returned to the state he had at the beginning of the summer split. Tank heroes like Mondoorn Golem frequently played on the field, and sometimes some warrior heroes were brought out, but the effect was not ideal.

So Coach Jin is also entangled in TheShy, or Chen Mu.

Finally, after hesitating for a moment, he decided to use Chen Mu.
BP hasn't started yet, but LPL's live broadcast room and commentary station are already lively.

Wawa asked before the classic game: "Who do you think you like in today's game?!"

Guan Zeyuan seems to have become a fan of Chen Mu, and he blurted out without thinking:

"It must be IG, I only said four words, "Trust Chen Mu"!"

And the barrage in the live broadcast room is also lively.

"Guangou, can you stop milking me! Are you in a fight with Chen Mu! If you say he wins, he will show it to you; if you say he loses, he will show it to you!"

"Chen Mu, play stone man, I want to see you stone man!"

"Xia laughed at me!!"

As the BP officially started, on the WE player bench, the WE coach did not follow his own way of bp, but instead looked at Xiye and asked:

"Xi Ye, how's Chen Mu's condition these two days?! Are there any heroes you want to ban?!"

In the past two days, the online running-in and training of the national team for the Jakarta Asian Games exhibition match has begun.

For the sake of confidentiality and attention, not only IG arranged a training room for Chen Mu alone.Each of the other clubs has a separate room for selected players.

Except for the relevant players, coaches and analysts, no one else knows the training situation of the national team.

However, Coach WE's question caught Xiye directly.

In the past few days of running-in and training, compared with the explosive performance of UZI in the representative team, Chen Mu's performance is average, without any outstanding operations.

Maybe it is true as the rumors say, Chen Mu is a Golem lover, and tank heroes like Mondoorn Golem take turns playing.

Occasionally, coach Abu also asked Chen Mu to play some other heroes, but the results were not satisfactory.

So the coach of WE asked himself this question, and Xi Ye didn't know how to answer it for a while.
To ban heroes like Sword Demon and Sword Fairy, Chen Mu's performance in the training game was indeed not impressive, but there is no need to ban heroes like Mondoorn Stone Man.

In the end, Xiye could only shake his head helplessly, and said, "Coach, why don't you target Chen Mu as a BP, he is very strange, I can't tell!"

Coach WE nodded thoughtfully. If that's the case, then follow his own BP thinking.

WE didn't care about Chen Mu, but just banned some popular OP heroes, and then WE first confirmed the hero Crow to swing, which can be hit or hit.

On the side of the IG player seat, they did not carry out BP against WE, but continued to develop their own routines.

In order to deal with WE's bot lane nuclear crow, IG first took out the combination of Yasuo and wine barrel to swing.

Rookie's Yasuo's ability to carry the game is unquestionable, but Yasuo, a hero, also has miraculous effects when dealing with the bot lane.

Maybe JKL will continue to develop Yasuo's routines for dealing with the bottom lane core after developing Draven's response to the bottom lane core.

WE responded to all changes with the same, and in the subsequent hero selection, Galio was confirmed. In this way, the crow's routine of going down the road was confirmed.

Then WE added another Qianjue jungler to add AD damage, otherwise the AP damage of the lineup would overflow and the AD damage would be lacking.

And then, surprisingly, IG also started copying homework.
This time, Coach Jin didn't choose Chen Mu randomly, but chose heroes according to his own BP thinking, so that Chen Mu decided on the hero for the road, Klein!

After RW and Doinb pulled out this lineup in the intercontinental competition, not only the LPL division, but even the LCK division next door began to copy homework frantically.

All of a sudden, top laner Klie and mid laner Kelie seemed to be overwhelmed.

And with some rushing systems, the effect of using Kled is really good. For example, when FPX played against IG, Jin Gong's Kled also smashed IG's system.

So if there is homework, do not copy for nothing.
(End of this chapter)

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