LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 138 Quick!lift my brother shy up

Chapter 138 Quick!lift my brother shy up
The game lasts 28 minutes.

My brother-in-law also played the essence of the bot lane nuclear crow.

The staff of time, the mercury shoes, the golden body, plus the ghost book, the three-piece set is in hand, it has meat and output, and the golden body is life-saving.

So the crow stood unscrupulously in the middle, and began to eat the thread in front of Baolan's bull head and King Ning's wine barrel.

And IG naturally can't understand this kind of face-riding behavior. How dare a French-core ADC dare to shit on my face like this? !

Baolan's bull head went up directly with WQ two consecutively, and JKL's Yasuo took the big move, but after a set of skills, the crow only lost half of his blood.

Then the brother-in-law's crow directly launched his own big move to fight back, and Xiye's Galio also started his big move with the crow as the target.

But Xiye's state this season is really good, Faker called Xiao Xiye really not "blowing"!

After Xiye's Galio landed, he directly activated his W skill to charge up, and then flashed forward.

W flash!
Instantly taunted the three people who wanted to retreat from IG.

At this time, WE's jungler Qian Jue has already acted as an ADC, outputting crazily in the rear.

As for the top laners of both sides, Kled and Mundo were already in the first place, and they TP teleported to support the middle lane.

But after landing, Mundo was his favorite pursuit at first, as long as he was stuck by Mundo's kitchen knife, he couldn't get away at all.

However, Chen Mu's Ke Lie fell into embarrassment, his teammates were already dead and retreating.

He was the only one caught in the siege and beaten to death.

Kled dies again
Already 0-4!
29 minutes.

Seeing that the time was ripe, the five WE also resolutely gathered in Dalong Pit to rush Dalong.

At this time, the shortcomings of the IG lineup appeared. The hands are too short. Zoe who has a rookie has poke ability, and the others are short hands.

And WE has Mundo and Bron standing at the front, and Rookie's Zoe has also stopped poking.

And looking at the WE five huddled together, IG had no choice but to continue to charge to the death
This important task can only fall on the head of Chen Mu's Ke Lie.

Fortunately, this wave of Kled has already entered the Resurrection Armor, so he can give it a little support.

But facing WE's impenetrable iron barrel formation at this time, IG's rush is still slightly inferior.

When Mundo cooperated with Galio's big move to land, Chen Mu's Ke Lie and the other four IG players were divided into two battlefields again.

IG's Yasuo and Zoe couldn't break through the front row of WE's Bron, Mundo and Galio.

However, after Chen Mu's Klie rushed into the crowd of WE people, under the protection of Qian Jue's big move, he couldn't deal with anyone at all.

On the contrary, Chen Mu's Klie himself fell into heavy siege. Under the concentrated fire of WE people, the Resurrection Armor was soon shot out, and he could only wait to die on the spot.

With the death of Kled, the four of IG still couldn't break through WE's defense line, and had no choice but to retreat.

WE also took advantage of the trend to win the dragon.

Clay is already 0-5.
30 minutes into the game, WE with the dragon buff finally started the first active advance of the game, and the five gathered in front of the first tower in the middle of IG.

And IG was also unwilling to give up the first tower in the middle, and began to gather the strength of five people to start pulling with WE.

But at this time, IG's lineup can no longer rush
IG has no traditional ADC, a Yasuo, and has no ability to deal with the dragon buff line at all.

Rookie's Zoe is too slow to deal with the minion line with the dragon buff,

But that's it, IG still doesn't want to put a tower in the middle, thinking about defending it.

But at this time, Qian Jue's damage has already risen, and the three-piece suit of Qian Jue's passive has almost stacked up. When he slashed on everyone in IG, his blood volume dropped rapidly.

Chen Mu's Klie was standing in the front, and was accidentally pulled by the crow's E skill, and was shot by five people, killing him instantly.

Clay is already 0-6.
Without the top laner, the remaining four IG players can only defend and retreat.

And WE is like a broken bamboo, with the blessing of the dragon buff, it has already broken the two outer towers and the highland tower of IG in an instant.

Going towards IG's front tooth tower, there is a great momentum to flatten IG.

As for the other four members of IG, it seems that they can't wait for Kled to be resurrected, and they can only make another wave of desperate charge in desperation.

But if there is Kled, they will not be able to enter the WE lineup, let alone when Kled is not there.
WE easily played IG to destroy a group.

Then WE began to tear down the front tooth towers frantically. After the two front tooth towers fell off, Kled finally came back to life
And Chen Mu also activated his own big move the first time he was resurrected, and rushed out of the spring water, wanting to "become a cart with a mantis' arm".

And the WE five may have been holding back for too long. Klie, who saw Chen Mu, dared to come out, stopped attacking the crystal directly, and started focusing on Klie instead.

Under the concentrated fire of the crowd, Kled fell to the ground and died in an instant.

Clay's record has reached 0-7.
Afterwards, the five WE members started to point to the base together, flattening IG's crystal in a wave, and ended the game.

Looking at the exploding base, Chen Mu himself smiled helplessly.

Although this round also had BP and lineup disadvantages, but without the blessing of the God of the World Championship system, Chen Mu also clearly realized that his strength was not enough to carry the game.

So Chen Mu thought silently in his heart:

"It seems that I really want to find an opportunity to take the initiative to see the drinking fountains. It's time to bring shy up, otherwise IG won't be able to enter the World Championship, it's so funny!"

Seeing that Chen Mu ended the game with a 0-7 record and almost ended the game with a super ghost record, the LPL live broadcast room was also boiling.

"0-7 Kled???"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's just one head short of a ghost!"

"I'm not mistaken, is this still Chen Mu?!"

"Has he ever played the hero Kled?! Take it out and play!"

"Guan Zeyuan (awesome)! What a poisonous milk!"

"Xiye, this trash laughs me to death?! Chen Mu, this trash laughs me to death!!"

"Hee hee, xswl, I am looking forward to Chen Mu's performance in the Asian Games exhibition game?!"

The commentators on the commentary desk also commented, but they didn't focus on the players, but on the lineup.

Miller: "In this round, IG accidentally took out the Kret system, but the effect was not very good, especially the few rounds of team opening in the bottom lane. It was too reckless, and they were all defended by WE!"

Guan Zeyuan: "It seems that WE is well-prepared. Don't mention it, the defensive system of Qianjue Galio Crow is really good for the lineup with Kret. The teams behind the summer split can copy it. Bo homework!"

wawa: "We have also seen that in these few games, IG has frequently used routines. When facing FPX, they used Yasuo and Draven to deal with the combination of bottom lane magic and core. This time, they tried the Kled system again!"

"I don't know how IG will deal with the iron barrel formation of WE in the next game. I don't know if it will continue to innovate in BP and tactical reserves?!"

"let us wait and see!!"

in the IG lounge.

Several IG players who had just lost the game sat on chairs, did not speak, and did not know what to say, and the atmosphere was a little silent.

After all, they lost to WE, which was at the bottom of the league, and everyone felt a little embarrassed.

Coach Jin also looked at Chen Mu and several other players helplessly.

I lost this game. Although several IG players had problems playing, their BP was actually targeted by the opponent.

Unexpectedly, WE on the opposite side responded so quickly, and within a week, they found a system to deal with Kret's charge.

Not to mention, the mid laner Galio, the jungler Qian Jue, plus a magic core crow down the road, this iron barrel formation really has something.

In the last round, there was a chance for IG to fight through several waves of team battles, but they just couldn't break through WE's lineup.

Coach Jin pondered for a long time, finally made up his mind, and said to Chen Mu and TheShy next to the water dispenser:

"Next round, TheShy will play"

"Chen Mu, rest first!"

Listening to Coach Jin's solemn statement, Brother Shy reappeared, and Chen Mu sat on the bench.

The other people in the IG lounge were suddenly taken aback.

Chen Mu, who was so invincible a week ago, was pushed to the side of the drinking fountain so quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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