LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 141 The Asian Games training camp is here

Chapter 141 The Asian Games training camp is here

Because of the sudden insertion of a Jakarta Asian Games exhibition game, it completely conflicted with the second half of the LPL summer regular season schedule.

The schedule of the LPL league is related to the schedule of the World Championship that has already been set. Tencent and the LPL league really have no choice
The players of the national team involve the four teams in the LPL division, and there is no way to stagger the time. The LPL can only vacate the week of the Asian Games exhibition game, and suspend it like the intercontinental game.

But because of August 8, the State Sports General Administration has called all the Asian Games teams to Shenzhen for training.

Considering the vacant two-week suspension, the impact is too great, LPL can only continue to play this week, but this week, the four teams of IG, RNG, WE, and EDG all moved forward again.

This means that the four teams of IG, WE, RNG, and EDG have to finish the original five-week game in the 6th, 7th, and 8th weeks. The intensity of the game can be imagined.

This also greatly increased the pressure on the players of these four teams. Each team had to play at least three games every week.

But now the IG team is the most relaxed of the four teams. Chen Mu has basically left the league and puts his mind and body on the Asian Games exhibition game.

However, there is still a super TheShy in the IG team that can be rotated, and other players can devote themselves to the summer game, but IG's state is getting better and better.

Moreover, the IG team's points in the first few weeks were leading the LPL division, so there is no need to worry about the summer regular season points at this time.

But other teams can't do it. The points in the summer split are very important. At this time, it is impossible to let the mature starters come on the bench.

They can only grit their teeth and hold on
So in these three weeks of games, there was brother shy carrying the game all the way, and the IG Trident was even more powerful in the regular season of the summer split, winning streak all the way.

8 month 13 day.

IG, RNG, WE, and EDG have all received official documents from the State Sports General Administration and Tencent in advance.

In order to actively prepare for the 18th Asian Games in Jakarta, Indonesia, improve the team's technical and tactical level, adjust the lineup, and test the training results, the Chinese team of e-sports performances is required to go to the Shenzhen Sports Team for training on August 8.

Moreover, this training camp is a closed training camp and will last until August 8.

Magic Capital Hongqiao Airport.

Chen Mu, Xiye, Abu, and Meiko are already in the waiting hall.

RNG's uzi, Mala Xiangguo, and Xiao Ming are not there, because on August 8th, which is tomorrow, RNG still has an LPL summer game to play.

Tencent Games is already trying its best to compress the schedule of the LPL Summer Split, but there are too many adjustments to be made and it is impossible to adjust.

Therefore, after communicating with the national officials, the three members of the RNG team are also allowed to report to the training base of the Shenzhen Sports Team on August 8 after completing the game on August 14.

Shenzhen Sports Center.

After the four of Chen Mu landed in Shenzhen, they went straight to the training base.

As soon as he arrived at the sports center, Chen Mu found that Wang Qinian and Yu Xiujie, who visited the IG club last time, were already waiting for everyone at the training base.

After seeing the national team of the Asian Games League of Legends event coming, Wang Qinian and Yu Xiujie also hurried forward to shake hands with everyone.

"Comrade Ji Xing, Comrade Chen Mu, have you worked hard on the road?"

"I also know that during this period of time, you have to take care of your own league games and have to be busy for the Asian Games exhibition games. You must be exhausted!"

A Bu and Chen Mu also hurried forward, shook hands with them, and said:

"No hard work! No hard work!"

"It's all right to win glory for the country!"

As for Xiye and Meiko, they were already stunned when they heard that the two official people called Chen Mu a comrade.
Abu knew that Chen Mu was a party member, but Xiye and Meiko didn't know about it!
For Chen Mu, who is the first party member among professional players in the LPL division, it is as rare as a baby panda.

After greeting Abu and Chen Mu, Wang Qinian saw Xiye and Meiko behind them, so he also came forward to shake hands.

"Hello! Hello! You two have worked hard too!"

Wang Qinian only remembered the professional IDs of Xiye and Meiko, but he couldn't remember their real names, so they could only be called vaguely.

Wang Qinian really didn't have much impression of Xiye and Meiko.

Uzi is proud that they have heard of this group of players selected for the national team, because they are so famous that they have already left the circle.

The second person who impressed me the most was Chen Mu.

As for the others, they really didn't remember them, and they don't really blame them.

The e-sports event of the Asian Games in Jakarta is not only League of Legends.
There are also projects such as Glory of Kings and Clash Royale. There are 20 officially selected players and coaches, and dozens of selected players. They have IDs and real names. Where can they remember clearly.

Only Chen Mu, the party member, left a deep impression on them!

Then Wang Qinian took Abu, Chen Mu and his party into the Shenzhen Sports Center to register for training and check-in for several people.

At this time, Wang Qinian asked:

"The accommodation we prepare for the e-sports training team members are all standard rooms for two people, and you can form teams freely."

"How do you want to stay?!"

Chen Mu didn't care about how to move in. Although he lived in a small single room in the IG club base, Chen Mu lived in a six-person room when he was in college. He has long been accustomed to this kind of collective dormitory.

At this time, Abu patted Chen Mu and said, "Chen Mu, do you want the two of us to share a room?"

In an instant, Chen Mu felt a chill coming, and immediately shook his head like a rattle, and quickly refused:
"No! No! No!"

Hastily refused three times, each higher than the last!
Chen Mu has no doubts about Abramovich's coaching ability and team management, but Chen Mu has some doubts about Abramovich's reputation in certain aspects.

"I'd better live in a room with another teammate, so we can communicate better."

After hearing Chen Mu's refusal, Abu burst out laughing.

"Just kidding, kidding!"

And Wang Qinian also said on the side:
"We have specially equipped double standard rooms for your players, and also equipped individual coach bedrooms for each coach!"

Hearing this, Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

In just a few seconds, Chen Mu's mood went from the peak to the bottom like a roller coaster.

It's more tiring than the last Tianwangshan battle with RNG!
In the end, Chen Mu and Xi Ye stayed in the same standard room.

The two are both C positions in the upper and middle positions, and both come from different teams, which can deepen communication.

Wait until Chen Mu and others have completed the training registration and check-in registration.

Not long after, Wang Qinian brought another group of people and introduced them to Chen Mu and others.

It turned out to be the national team of the Glory of Kings project.

But unlike the League of Legends side, only half of the people came, the Glory of the Kings side came all at once, seven or eight people who cheered.

(End of this chapter)

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