LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 151 4 protect 1, protect 1 Shen?

Chapter 151 Four Guarantees and One, Protecting One Shen?

With the landing of PK Aoun, he opened his own big move, which directly started this wave of team battles.

The Chinese team's actions were also very quick. Xiye's Lulu directly tucked in the middle of the road to the position closest to the policewoman, and the blind monk of Mala Xiangguo also quickly approached the policewoman.

Watching the sheep's head attacking quickly, Uzi's policewoman pressed her flash in time to avoid Ornn's big move.

But soon, the opposite jungler Qing Gangying also rushed to the battlefield. At this moment, all members of the Chinese Taiwan team are completely crazy, and they are going to desperately fight for their lives.

I saw Qinggang Ying flashing and adding E to shorten the distance with the policewoman, and then made a big move to frame the policewoman.

No matter how awesome your position is, no matter how many protection skills you have, if you are arrested by Qing Gangying's big move, you will never be able to get away now!

However, although Uzi's policewoman couldn't leave, Lulu and the assistant Karma who came down from TP put all the shields on the policewoman.

That thick white shield is almost half-lifed!

For a while, the policewoman was not forced to death by Qinggang Yingying's injuries.

But Uzi deserves to be Uzi. Even if he was framed by Qing Gangying's big move, his blood volume dropped quickly, but after his teammates put on the shield, Uzi didn't show any fear at all.

I saw that the policewoman moved directly in the ultimatum of Qinggangying's big move Hex, and then relied on the clip to start shooting A output one after another.

And looking at the policewoman who was still showing off her operation, Betty's big mouth was also anxious for a while, and she directly handed in the flash to pour output.

Even though the policewoman who was restrained by Qinggangying's big move had a shield, facing the five of them, Allin was directly killed by the hard damage of Big Mouth, and she was on the spot.

And saw that the "only" output on the opposite side died.

Several teammates of the Chinese Taiwan team also roared out, as if they wanted to release the frustration and anger of the round.

"Keep fighting, keep fighting!"

"The opposite AD is dead, the opposite AD is dead!"

"The policewoman is dead, the policewoman is dead!"

"Win, win!"

"They have no way to guarantee four and one!!"

It seems that everything is going towards their imagination, and the "one" who has four guarantees and one on the opposite side has been killed, so what fighting power can the remaining "four" have!

But they didn't notice at all that for the sake of Allin Uzi's policewoman, the positions of the five of them were already in disarray, and they were seriously out of touch.

At this time, the blind monk of Mala Xiangguo had also rushed to the battlefield from the side.

At the same time, a layer of shield is lit on the body
It turned out that Chen Mu had already targeted the blind monk and started his own big move.

The shield of Chen Mu's ult was not given to the female policeman, because he was afraid that the female policeman would die early and his ult would not land, which would be embarrassing!
At that time, this wave of team battles was truly powerless!

So Chen Mu simply gave his big move to the blind monk who rushed to the battlefield sideways, which made it easier for him to enter the field. By then, Shen, who had already had three giant nines, would still have a chance to change his fate against the sky!
When the Chinese Taiwan team noticed that the blind monk brought Shen into the field.

it's too late
And the spicy hot pot is worthy of being a spicy hot pot, even if Uzi's policewoman is killed, he will not be cowardly.

In particular, Chen Mu's Shen also used his ultimate move on him, and he was even more worthy.

In this wave, if Xiaohu sees that Uzi is dead, he must immediately say "I can't fight, I can't fight, retreat!"

I saw the blind monk touch his eyes and get close to Da Zui, and then precisely Q landed on Da Zui.

At this time, Chen Mu's Shen also landed.

The moment of landing.
E then flash!
Instantly taunting the three of them.

Dazui, Fengnv and Qinggangying fell into the control of ridicule.

But the blind boy of Mala Xiangguo saw that the time was ripe, flashed an R, adjusted his position, kicked a "string of candied haws", and hit a huge amount of AOE.

And Chen Mu's Shen is not a "big waist" who is out of the sun and turned against the armor.

Holding three extra nines in hand, plus the soul blade colliding with the hero, each flat A will cause damage as a percentage of the maximum health, and provide +50% attack speed bonus.

His output is no less than a three-piece ADC, if not worse!

I saw Shen QA, then slightly adjusted his position, pressed the active effect of the giant Hydra, reset the general attack, and then AA.

In an instant, with the effect of dazzling light, the big mouth was dropped in seconds.

And Shen just adjusted the position, so that the splash effect of the giant Hydra also caused a large amount of AOE effect on the nearby Fengnv and Qinggangying.

With the death of Dazui, the ADCs of both sides have been killed, and the two sides have returned to the same starting line again.

However, the Chinese Taiwan team didn't care about the death of their own Dazui at all. Instead, they were happy that the "one" who had four guarantees and one on the opposite side died, and dared to take over the team.

They are worrying that there is no way to expand the results of the battle, and their own Ornn and Zoe are still full of fighting power!
But then, they found that they seemed to have made a mistake. The "one" on the opposite side of the four guarantees was not a policewoman, but Shen!
Shen after dealing with Big Mouth.

After the Chinese Taiwan team saw Shen enter the field, they also said in a hurry:
"Kill Shen, kill Shen!"

"Focus on fire carefully!"

"He is out of three events, he is very brittle!"

Afterwards, the skills of Qinggangying, Aoun and Zoe were all handed over to Shen, wanting to focus fire to kill Shen immediately.

But Chen Mu didn't panic in the slightest. He saw that the Shen W skill set up a sword formation, which blocked Qinggang Ying's second-stage Q, and at the same time blocked Ornn's vulnerable general attack.

And the moment before Zoe's flying star hit Shen's body, Xiye's Lulu and Meiko's Karma put their shields on Shen's body at the same time.

Shen didn't lose much blood at all.

Afterwards, after the Chinese Taiwan team handed in another round of skills, it was Chen Mu's round.

Facing Qinggang Ying with a protruding face, Chen Mu chose to deal with Qinggang Ying first.

And Qinggangying is just a jungler, and there is a certain gap in equipment and level with the top laner.

With the cooperation of the blind monk in the spicy pot, Qing Gangying fell to the ground and died before waiting for the next E skill CD.

At this time, the Chinese Taiwan team realized that something was wrong.

There is something wrong with the four guarantees and one lineup on the opposite side, why is that "one" already killed, why is it still so fierce? !
But at this time, it's too late for them to think about retreating safely!
Although Lulu and Karma are a bit weak in terms of output, they are invincible in the back and forth of this kind of endgame.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as four guarantees and one, but now the object of the four guarantees and one has changed, from a policewoman to Shen.

And when the Chinese Taiwan team changed from a big attack to a big retreat, of course the heavy responsibility of the final break still fell on Aoun.

The top laner PK of the Chinese Taiwan team also took over this important task very tragically, and was the last one for the team's retreat.

But he, who thought he was fleshy, was the biggest illusion.

Although there is no ADC output on the opposite side, Jujiu and Sanxiang are cautiously out!In addition to the percentage damage of Shen's Q skill, it didn't take long for Aoun to hide his hatred under Shen's soul blade.

And the blind monk of Mala Xiangguo didn't care about the broken Aoun, but directly passed Aoun, Q landed on the retreating Fengnv, and took Fengnv's head.

Only Maple's Zoe, who is more flexible, can retreat in time by relying on flashes all over the ground.

In the end, this wave of team battles with the Chinese team became a one-for-four match.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Shen shouldered the soul blade, made seals with both hands, and stood on the corpses all over the ground.

In this wave of team battles, Shen Hao took triple kills when the first player lost and the ADC was knocked out in seconds!

Triple Kill! !
At this moment, Chen Mu's Shen Cai bears the title of Eye of Twilight, holds a soul blade, walks on a secret road that no one understands, pursues an impartial and calm judgment, in order to transcend one's own emotions, paranoia and self-balanced sect leader.

"No fear, no hatred, ruthless! Hold the middle way, unshakable!"

Suddenly, Shen's background lines are on the minds of everyone watching the match.

And seeing this scene, all the teammates were all "666 awesome".

Originally thought that in this round, Uzi, who was the "one" of four guarantees and one, should take on the heavy responsibility of the carry game, but he didn't expect to be possessed by Q spicy dance and ate a sleep bubble.

He thought that this round would be lost because of his aggressiveness and mistakes, but he didn't expect
It turns out that the one who guarantees the four guarantees and one guarantee is not me!But the feeling of being carried in the game is really good!
"Awesome! Brother Mu, Shen is really invincible!"

The next moment, Uzi blurted out "Brother Mu, awesome!"

And Xiye was even more straightforward, and said to Chen Mu.

"I'll give you my ultimate move later!"

As for the adc, he had already forgotten about it.

Mala Xiangguo is still reminiscing about the wonderful performance in that wave of team battles just now.

"Fuck! I kicked a string of candied haws in that wave of strings just now!" "

And Meiko also said frankly: "Isn't it because my brother Mu ridiculed three first, so you can make three in a row?"

After seeing the end of a wave of thrilling team battles, the barrage in the live broadcast of the Twitch mouse station also began.

"Classic four packs in one?!"

"Understood, the four guarantees and one guarantee are my brother Mu!"

"Protect Uzi? That's hopeless! Protect Chen Mu? That's okay!"

"Four guarantees and one guarantee, one guarantees Shen? Chen Mu's Shen, that's no problem!"

"Why is Chen Mu's big waist different from other people's!"

"Focus on it, Chen Mu's big waist!"

"Aoun, who laughed at this crooked team, thought he was Letme. Does his sheep deserve to be called a sheep?"

"You're laughing so hard, is it all right if Letme comes?"

"The puppy fell!! (Crying sound) (Crying sound) It's okay, my brother Mu stood up!"

Guan Zeyuan is in the live broadcast room.

Listening to Guan Zeyuan's previous "outrageous" prediction, the audience in the live broadcast room was also amused for a while.

Guan Zeyuan still had some doubts when he saw that the Chinese team had selected a lineup of four guarantees and one.

But Chen Mu's Shen completed the single belt Shen after just playing around.

In a team battle just now, Uzi fell to the ground first, and Guan Zeyuan wailed, "The puppy is down!"

But the next moment, Chen Mu's Shen stood up and completed the reversal.

For a while, he didn't know how to "broadcast" to the audience.

Therefore, the audience bullet screens in the live broadcast room were also joking.

"My brother is awesome!"

"I declare that Guan Zeyuan is the eternal god!"

"Chen Mu, Guan Zeyuan's lifelong enemy!"

"My brother Mu, it really deserves to be the accidental Number 1!"

"Guangou, let's predict who will win this game?!"

With the end of the team battle just now, the Chinese Taiwan team can no longer organize an offensive.

They had used up all their summoner skills and ults in the team battle just now, but allin only killed an adc, but in exchange for a one-for-four defeat.

And did not get any map resources and strategic goals.

This also hit the five members of the Chinese Taiwan team hard.

After Uzi's policewoman was revived, she came to the middle to push the line again.

This time, Uzi was even more unscrupulous.
Because the opponent no longer has the ability to kill him in close quarters.

At 25 minutes into the game, all three outer towers of the Chinese Taiwan team were destroyed.

And Chen Mu's Shen still chooses to lead the line in the bottom lane, but after seeing Shen's equipment, both his teammates and the opponents on the opposite side are silent
I saw an extra Bilgewater machete and attack speed sword on Shen's body, and the Blade of the Ruined King was about to take shape.

It seems that Chen Mu's third piece of equipment is going to be ruined.

This is really using yourself as an ADC!

But after the rundown, Aoun, who once again dealt with the cautious line, was not so unscrupulous, but had to be more careful.

After getting out of ruin, facing a stunted tank like Ornn, Shen Ke has the ability to single-kill.

With the broken, after the attack speed keeps up, it is more convenient for Shen to get stuck with a 6 knife.

Under six knives, even Aoun with magic resistance and armor dropped below half health.

And Shen has already gained a huge advantage in the single belt. Seeing that the time is ripe, the rest of the Chinese team also started to use the big dragon.

The Chinese Taiwan team also did not give up, gathered the strength of five people, and started wandering around the Dalongkeng to see if there was a chance to grab the dragon.

However, the Chinese representative team is pretending to fight the dragon, and they really start a team!
Looking at a fake eye that was not lined up in the opposite wild area, Chen Mu directly sent the eye to TP without saying a word, and at the same time gave his teammates a signal twice.

After seeing that Chen Mu's Shen had already TPed down, RNG also pressed on with all the staff, and the three-piece policewoman was still very painful to point someone.

Saved a headshot, hit it on a crispy body, and instantly lost a quarter of its HP.

And Shen, who came out to the ruined Samsung Jujiu, is a particularly big threat to the enemy's back row when there is a flash.

Once being taunted by E Flash, the broken one will take another bite. If the opponent's AD has no displacement, basically they can only wait for death.

And sure enough, as soon as Chen Mu's Shen landed on the ground, he went straight to Dazui, and didn't get entangled with the assistant Fengnv.

Even though Feng Nu has the protection of her ultimate move, she still fell to the ground and died under the double entry of blind monk and Shen.

With the death of Dazui, the Chinese Taiwan team could not see the hope of winning the team battle, so they could only flee in all directions.

But where is the escape?

Karma's group of shields accelerated their movement speed, and instantly caught up with the few people who were fleeing in all directions.

In the end, the clumsy Aoun and Qing Gangying who had passed the displacement skills were not spared.

Another wave of zero-for-three team battles.

After seeing the three dead on the opposite side, the Chinese team did not intend to continue to fight Baron. The remaining Zoe and Fengnv on the opposite side had no ability to defend the tower and clear the line.

So taking advantage of a wave of pawn lines, the game ended directly.

Afterwards, Chen Mu casually looked at the damage settlement panel, picked up the jacket behind the back chair and put it on his body, still expressionless, took the lead and left the field first.

Seeing this, several teammates couldn't help but think of a net picture circulated by TheShy before.

After a while, I will kill you all! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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