LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 158 The Gradually Collapsing Kiin

Chapter 158 The Gradually Collapsing Kiin
Chen Mu's Yasuo followed a wave of soldiers that just arrived, flashed an EQ that was as fast as lightning, tied A, and took away the last trace of blood that Gnar returned to the city under the tower.

But because of this, he also carried the defensive tower twice, and saw that the second red energy bomb was about to land on Yasuo, who had little blood.

But the next moment, a faint shield appeared on Yasuo's body.

The blind monk of Mala Xiangguo is popular, and the third level is just on the road.

Now the spicy hot pot has almost developed a habit.

That's right!That is, after finishing the first wave of wild at the third level, he must rely on the top road, and he has lived up to his expectations every time, and every time he comes to the top road, there are unexpected surprises.

Now Mala Xiangguo has finally fully mastered the "unique trick" entrusted to him by King Ning.

On the road is dad!

And this time, the third level of Mala Xiangguo habitually walked up the road, and there was no surprise!
The blind monk saw that Yasuo jumped the tower at the third level and killed Gnar solo, but Yasuo was about to be replaced by the defensive tower.

Mala Xiangguo was also full of energy and blood for a while.

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and Daddy can't die on the road!

Although the blind monk is still a thousand yards away from Yasuo's position.

But the next moment.
A golden light flashed!
Mala Xiangguo flashed directly to close the distance with Yasuo.

At the same time, the W skill was connected to Yasuo at the speed of light, and the golden bell cover put a layer of shield on Yasuo.

And watching the red energy bomb from the defensive tower fall on Yasuo, but Yasuo still stood under the opposite defensive tower and did not die.

Let's look at Yasuo's blood volume, it's around [-].
In an instant, Mala Xiangguo was so excited that he was about to jump up.

"how is it going?!"

"Chen Mu, how is it?! My flash W, is it in time?!"

Chen Mu turned his head to look at the spicy pot that was about to jump up excitedly, and said two words lightly: "Thank you!"

In fact, Chen Mu said thanks, but in fact he still had a word in his heart, which he didn't say.

That is.
Even if Lee Sin doesn't flash this one shield, his Yasuo won't die.

Don't look at his current blood volume of only a few dozen points, but everything is within his calculations.

The shield of the blind monk's first-level W skill golden bell cover is not very thick, it only provides a shield that absorbs 40 damage, and now Yasuo's blood volume is more than fifty.

Even with the addition of a few attacks that slowly floated over due to jumping the tower and attracting the hatred of the red side's long-range minions.

But Yasuo still won't die.

It's just that the final blood volume may only be about five points.
However, Chen Mu would not say such words.

It is true that his mood will not change in any way, but it does not mean that Chen Mu's EQ has decreased.

If it is not conducive to unity, don't say it!
Hearing the FristBlood coming from the earphones, Chen Mu's other teammates immediately cut the screen to the top lane, and saw Chen Mu's Yasuo kill the opponent again and again at the third level, and then opened up the situation on the top lane.

Naturally, the teammates were not stingy with praise, and there was another burst of 666, awesome.

Meiko also said: "I'm sorry, if I knew I would have played a bull head support, that's not taking off!!"

And Uzi once again experienced the feeling of being madly C in the MSI mid-season game, and he was about to smile: "6, Chen Mu, it's a solo kill again! I can just lie down with this one! I knew you played Yasuo , I went directly to the Stoneman ADC!"

The Chinese representative team burst into joy, while the South Korean representative team's bench on the opposite side was wailing!
"Assi! Assi!"

"Why didn't he die!"

"How can this Yasuo not die?! Come on!"

"Axi, why did a blind monk's shield suddenly appear?! This blind monk actually flashed to the shield! Can this MLXG play games?!"

Kiin was about to collapse, he leaned back on the chair tactically, muttering non-stop, his eyes fixed on the bloody Yasuo.

Even now I can't believe this scene.
Meanwhile, Twitch mouse station.

In just over 3 minutes, Chen Mu's Yasuo single-handedly killed Kiin's Gnar!
Although Yasuo countered Gnar, but he is also a professional player, there is no such thing as a solo kill with the third level!
Ten seconds ago, Yasuo and Gnar were still developing peacefully, and Chen Mu's Yasuo seemed to have no intention of killing at all.

Ten seconds later, Yasuo had jumped over the tower and ate Gnar.

This situation has changed too fast!
But looking at Chen Mu's series of operations just now, this person's operations are also Yasuo's skills, but why are they different when he plays them? !
The extremely silky seamless E, every time the extreme distance Q skill slashes the steel to hit Gnar, the wind wall will block Gnar's boomerang, the wind will interrupt Gnar's second-stage E, plus the lightning-fast EQ flash .
Let’s not talk about whether these operations are high-end operations

That picture can only be described as extremely elegant and flowing.

It's as silky as eating Dove chocolate!
It seems that this kind of Yasuo is a real Ionian wind sword hero, who walks on the wind and goes straight to the ninth heaven with the wind.

Killing a person in ten steps, never staying behind for thousands of miles, brushing off your clothes when the matter is over, hiding your achievements and fame!
It seems that looking at it this way, it is so logical for Chen Muyasuo to solo kill Gnar at the third level.

Therefore, the barrage in the live broadcast directly detonated.



"What a quick knife!"

"What a silky seamless E!"

"Let's be happy after the third level?! I have a hunch, I don't know if the Chinese team can win this game, but Chen Mu must be very happy."

"xswl, another third-level solo kill?!"

"Kiin?! Is this the Kiin who claims to be the top top laner in Korea?! Can it work?!"

"Chen Mu: Since you are the top top laner in Korea, okay, then I will use [-]% of my skills!"

"Where are those sunspots?! Stand up quickly and wash the floor for your father Han!"

And the foreigner anchors in several Twitch broadcast rooms of Mouse TV also had exaggerated expressions and words of praise.

Today's Chinese team has completed four matches.

But this contestant named TheGod, the gorgeous and elegant sword girl, the broken three-athlete Shen, the violent and powerful Nuoshou, and the rock-solid Aoun.

All of them "catch" their attention fiercely.

Single kills that rarely occur in professional games are rare for others, but for this "god" it seems as simple as eating and drinking.

Some foreign anchors put their heads in their hands, with a look of incredulity on their faces: "WOW, what?!"

"Do you know?! The moment Yasuo killed Gnar solo just now, I thought of a lot of compliments, but I really don't know what to say now."

"This is the YASO in my mind!"

"TheGod?! I've only heard of a Faker in the LCK division and an Uzi in the LPL division."

"But I've never heard of this name! I really want to ask, when will you have such a top order in China?!"

There was even a beautiful beauty anchor who saw Chen Mu's tough and handsome face, as well as the coexistence of violence and beauty, operating like a work of art.

"God?! OMG! He is really my god, I really want to know what this man's name is?! Do any of you know?!"

And looking at the barrage of barrages that continue to emerge.


"Fuck, I'm a bit of a blah blah, you know what I mean!"

Although the foreign anchors all speak English, there is never a shortage of omnipotent netizens in the barrage, and soon these barrages are translated into Chinese and appear on the barrage.

It was even edited into a video and posted on post bars and forums.

Even though many people couldn't watch the game screen, it still caused wave after wave of discussions.

After the solo kill just now, Kiin's current state is already a bit sluggish, and he can't lift any spirit at all.

The last time he faced Chen Mu, he took Mundo and lingered under the tower, but this time he was not spared.

He was directly killed by Yasuo at the third level!

But even if he is not motivated, the game is still going on. If he is negative and performs badly in this kind of game, he might be "expelled from his nationality"!

So Kiin raised his spirits, and at the first moment of Gnar's resurrection, he just bought a compound potion, and then TP went online, and he wanted to receive this wave of lines under the tower.

Although Chen Mu's Yasuo took first blood, the money was not enough to directly buy attack speed shoes, or yellow crosses.

Chen Mu simply added an extraction sickle and money knife, and a medicine bottle.

This time, Chen Mu's Yasuo also did not save TP, and it was also the first time TP returned to the line, and this wave of pushing back was stuck outside the defensive tower.

At this time, Chen Mu's Yasuo was already one level ahead.

The level suppression in the early stage is very scary, because the attributes of the hero will increase with the level, and the blood volume, attack power, resistance, skills and damage will be improved in all aspects.

One level higher, basically equivalent to an economic difference of 400 gold coins.

Then, Chen Mu stuck this wave of troops in front of his tower.

At this time, Kiin's whole body was about to feel bad.

The line on the road is too long!
Gnar's long-distance boomerang will be blocked by Yasuo's wind wall, but if he steps forward to make up the knife, he will be hit by Yasuo E in the face.

That wave of solo kills just now proved the details of Chen Mu Yasuo.

And now that Yasuo got the first blood and is one level ahead, if he is manipulated, it is possible that Gnar will die again.

But Yasuo has a good command of the line again, and the line of soldiers is always in front of the opponent's defensive tower.

Kiin has already "greeted" Chen Mu countless times in his heart, and at the same time, he is also feeling that it is too difficult for Gnar to fight Yasuo!
Now his Gnar is already in a dilemma. He pushes the pawn line into the tower close to him, and he is manipulated by Yasuo.
And just watching the minions disappear one after another, and the gap between the two sides widening in CS, Kiin is also impatient.

There is only one way to untangle the line at this time, and that is to call the jungler dad.

Score, as the big brother in the jungle position in South Korea, also takes great care of the little brother who is inexperienced in this competition. Naturally, he knows that under such circumstances, he must go to the road to help Gnar relieve the pressure.

Otherwise, the game is over, and Gnar may not even be able to get the pawn line.

Then he immediately gave up clearing the wild, and manipulated Olaf to go on the road to help Gnar relieve the pressure.

But when Score's Olaf came to the road, and then returned to his wild area.
Score is also as black as the bottom of a pot.

Because he found that his wild area was already clean.

It turned out that Mala Xiangguo was also audacious. Taking advantage of Olaf's appearance on the road, he went directly into the opposite wild area to fight against the wild without any fear.

After Olaf helped Gnar push a wave of soldiers, Gnar hurried back to the city to replenish his status again.

In this way, advancing the pawn line under the opposite tower will form a wave of pushback. At that time, you will just go online, and the pawn line will just return to your own defensive tower.

The game lasts for 5 minutes.

Chen Mu's Yasuo pushed a wave of soldiers into the opposite defensive tower.

Yasuo is already at level 5. Chen Mu's Yasuo killed Gnar once solo, which belongs to supernormal development, and his current experience is approaching level 6.

And Kiin's Gnar returned to the city twice, and his level was only level 4.

Yasuo currently has 40 CS, while Gnar only has 21.

However, Kiin felt relieved when he saw the huge wave of troops under the tower.

After receiving this large wave of soldiers, the last knife and experience should be able to stabilize.

Then Kiin tightened his mind again.

For this wave of tower knives, he must make up for it without missing a beat.

This is the time to test his tower knife skills.

So, Kiin took advantage of the gap between the defensive towers and the artillerymen.

Gnar first adjusted the blood volume of a few uneven soldiers, so that he could make up the knife later.

Then Kiin looked at the bloody artillerymen.

Um!Time to fix this cannon.

Kiin Nalpin made an A shot, and a small boomerang flew towards the blood-stained cannon soldier.

But the next moment.
A blue wind wall appeared in front of the artillery soldiers.

Wind Barrier!

Gnar's normal attack, the small boomerang was immediately confiscated.

Kiin, who had been concentrating on replenishing the tower knife, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the wind wall.

However, the impact of the wind wall is not only the loss of one cannon cart, but also the loss of several minions under the tower.

Annoyed, Kiin slammed on the keyboard.


If Kiin could speak Chinese, he would definitely blurt out "WDNMD!!"

The teammates next to him were also taken aback by Kiin's sudden movement, and they turned their heads in surprise to look at Kiin, whose mentality was exploding.

However, as a rookie who just debuted this year, Kiin took on such a heavy responsibility and pressure to participate in this exhibition game.

It may be that the mentality is indeed quite ups and downs.

So Faker and several teammates just frowned slightly and didn't say much.

Even score quickly comforted:
"Kiin, stabilize your mind, I will continue to go on your way later to help you relieve stress."

And Kiin saw that the wave of soldiers under the tower was almost missing, and the comfort of the score was just perfunctory in a disturbed way.

"OK, thanks!"

But Olaf from your score knows to come on the road to help Gnar relieve the pressure.

And the Chinese representative team knows even more, who is the big daddy in the team!
The blind boy of Mala Xiangguo was scanning the wild, while cutting the screen to watch the situation on the road. Seeing that there were not many soldiers under the tower on the road, Gnar, who had already broken the defense, laughed for a while.

But that's it, Mala Xiangguo still doesn't let go of this cute little Gnar.

"Chen Mu, I'll hit level 6 in a while, and I'll go to you on the road,"

Xiye also echoed, "I, Galio, can also rely on me on the road."

Hearing that his teammates were coming to the road to continue to engage in this Gnar, Chen Mu naturally had no reason to refuse, but just reminded lightly:

"Okay, the opposite jungler may come to the road to help Gnar relieve the pressure."

(End of this chapter)

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