LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 164 The Arc across the Canyon

Chapter 164 The Arc across the Canyon

Looking at Shen who was already a little guilty, Chen Mu smiled coldly in his heart, and the aggressiveness of Akali in his hand became stronger and stronger.

And the game is like this, if you retreat a little, others will advance a little.

You have a guilty conscience, and others are even more "bully and fearful", they just want to beat you up and put pressure on you.

Let you "don't eat don't eat"! !

And what Chen Mu did was even more aggressive.

Akali began to frequently cross the line and change blood carefully at the first level.

Although Shen will also pull back his soul blade, trigger the shield, and offset Akali's damage.

Sometimes I will level Akali and trigger the grip of immortality.

So the two sides started shopping at the first level, and the blood volume of both sides dropped rapidly.

And on the whole, the blood volume of both sides dropped about the same.

Kiin's Shen quickly drank his only blood bottle, and his starting outfit was Doran's shield plus a red.

And Chen Mu Akali also had a green light on her body.

But Chen Mu's Akali is wearing the long sword and three reds!

After knocking down a bottle of red medicine, the blood volume of both sides has almost returned to full.

But at this time, Kiin has no supplements on him.

Looking at Shen's economy, even if he returns to the city now, he can't even afford a bottle of compound potion.

There was no other way, Kiin's Shen could only hesitate slightly, not daring to step forward.

But at this time Kiin's Shen also got three melee soldiers, and his goal has been achieved.

So after taking away the three front row soldiers, Shen kept a distance from Akali.

Afterwards, after Chen Mu's Akali had an advantage in blood volume and supplements, he became even more unreasonable, and began to stand in front of the pawn line and start blocking the line.

After Chen Mu's Akali took the lead to grab the second level, he pressed forward directly.

But looking at Akali who is about to overwhelm her with a huge wave of soldiers, Kiin's Shen is also a little strange.

You don't want to fight yourself with so many little soldiers!

Even if you, Akali, use your own set of skills, you can't make money with so many minions hurting!

But the next moment, Akali's actions proved that she was going to hit you! !
I saw Chen Mu Akali walking forward with full energy.

Q skill, I flow the profound meaning!Hanying, the edge of Wumei Kunai directly rubbed against Zhongshen, causing damage and slowing down.

However, it also aroused the hatred of a whole wave of soldiers, and all the soldiers began to turn around and attack Akali.

But at the next moment, Akali's W skill, I am a master!Xia formation.

A huge cloud of smoke rose from Akali's feet.

Suddenly, Akali, who originally attracted the hatred of the soldiers, disappeared in the eyes of the soldiers.

Then Xiaobing saw that the object of his hatred had disappeared, and began to turn around again, and continued to fight each other.

At the same time, it was not only the minions on the opposite side who lost their vision, but also Shen
Akali who activated the Xia formation, pulled it out a little, activated the passive, then moved to Shen's side and played AQ to complete the consumption.

At the same time, a blood-red thunderbolt fell from the sky and landed on Shen's head,
Chen Mu's Akali rune carries electrocution, and the burst damage is higher.

Then, while the Xia formation was still there, Chen Mu's Akali used the recovered energy and movement speed to play a QA again, and opened the distance.

When Akali's haze dissipated, Shen finally regained his vision.

But at this moment, Kiin was stunned.
Looking at Shen, who had already lost half of his blood, he was also puzzled.

Listen to people's advice and have a full meal!
Kiin originally listened to Faker's words very much. He didn't know how to match Akali, so he used magic resistance first.

So Kiin's Shen and Going talents all focus on magic resistance.

But Akali's outburst just now still made him a little confused.

What kind of outbreak is this, what kind of damage? !

Also, Akali clearly attracted the hatred of the soldiers just now, but why didn't the soldiers attack him again? !

If Chen Mu could hear Kiin's inner voice, he would definitely laugh.

Yes, this is Riot Games.

Every time there is a revision and rework of a hero, or some hero just came out, its strength is simply...
Sometimes it is the version that is really strong, that is really strong!

Then Akali took over the line and pushed slowly with the line of soldiers.

And Shen also began to maintain a safe distance from Akali, and began to slowly recover blood under Dolan's shield and talent.

As the line of soldiers was pushed down the tower, Akali's level came to level three at this time.

And Shen, whose blood volume has been slowly raised, finally started to eat soldiers from the tower.

But with Akali's consumption under the tower, Kiin suddenly discovered a more terrifying thing.

Akali's W skill Xia Array seems to be able to avoid the real vision of the defensive tower and avoid the damage of the defensive tower.

What game mechanic is this? !

Xiang Hyuk, you only told me about magic resistance, but why didn't you tell me about this kind of thing!

Fortunately, as the level increases, Shen, who is already level three, has learned W skills and E skills, which can be regarded as a little bit of self-protection power.

And Shen's talents are all focused on magic resistance, so he shouldn't be solo-killed online!

But what about your own ADC? !

With the help of smoke bombs, you can avoid the output of the defense tower, and it is very simple to kill a crispy ice by jumping over the tower.

And it just so happened that this scene was also seen by Chidi Rule, who was laning in the bottom lane, and he couldn't help but rubbed his eyes.

What kind of monster hero is this? !
Do Riot designers really make games without brains? !
In the past, the ADC could still grow and develop wretchedly under the tower, but now it is fine.
In order to prevent the ADC from developing wretchedly under the tower, a mechanism of not being locked under the tower is now added, so as to better kill the ADC.

Now Rule Chidi is already thinking about whether to use cloth armor shoes or mercury shoes for his ice in this round!

As the laning continued, Shen finally scraped together some money, went back to the city and bought a magic resistance cloak, plus a bottle of red medicine, and then tp back to the line.

But Akali, who went out with the long sword and three reds, still has a bottle of red medicine on her body, so she still relies on online laning.

Chen Mu's Akali started killing two lives for one life!
But you should be careful not to make Tiamat as the first piece of equipment, but also to make a small sun flame.

Otherwise, Shen's ability to push and clear lines is too weak, which can be said to be equivalent to a mage without mana.

With the increase of Akali's level, the damage of the Q skill is getting higher and higher, and the speed of clearing the line is also getting faster and faster.

Afterwards, watching the magic resistance pull up, the wretchedly developed Shen.

Chen Mu's Akali also knew that there was no chance for a tortoise-shelled Shen!
Although Chen Mu has already become the kidney of a turtle, but it doesn't mean that he can't do something to you and others!

At this time, the blind monk of Mala Xiangguo had already made up his mind that he was his father on the road, and he focused on the middle and top, squatting in the upper half of the field.

As for the EZ of Brother Zaozi, let him develop slowly by himself.

Wait until Chen Mu's Akali has reached level 6.

After returning to the city, a dark seal killing ring came out, and TP returned to the line to continue to develop.

Pushed a wave of soldiers again, looked at the opposite jungle area, and said to Mala Xiangguo who was wandering in the upper half of his jungle area:
"Xiangguo, the jungler on the opposite side may be in the upper half of the jungle. You go directly into the opposite jungle. After clearing this wave of soldiers, I will follow behind you."

Hearing that someone was backing him up, Mala Xiangguo was even more courageous. Without saying a word, he went straight up from the F6 position and started looking for someone in the opposite wild area.

And Qian Jue, who was a little "bruiser", happened to be in the upper half of the field, playing his own F6.

The two met so abruptly at the F6 pit, just like meeting love around the corner!
Qian Jue, who was only level five at this time, saw the blind boy who suddenly appeared in the F6 pit, and immediately wondered whether the blind boy was following someone.

However, Peanut changed his mind and realized that Qian Jue was in the F6 pit, which was very close to his defense tower, and Faker's Galio in the middle was still there, so he also had his own backer.

So he started at F6, started to argue with the blind monk, and messed around, he didn't want to put this F6, he wanted to compete with Mala Xiangguo for punishment.

But in this wave, Little Peanut was superior, punishing and snatching Big Bird.

But there happened to be an empty seat, which was hung on the blind monk's Q skill Tianyinbo.

At this time, Mala Xiangguo was also a little hesitant, whether he should follow the Q skill or not.

If Q passes, it may not come back.

Just when Mala Xiangguo was hesitating, Chen Mu's Akali had pushed the pawn line and came to the grass outside the red buff, a thousand yards away from Qian Jue.

I saw two people who were still doing things.

next moment.
Chen Mu's Akali moved, faster than the blind monk!
Direct R flash E!

I reveal the secret meaning!Chaos inside and out!

Akali drew a beautiful arc and flew towards Kindred a thousand yards away.

At the moment of landing, he handed over his E skill at the same time, I will flow the secrets!Falcon Dance!
Give Qian Jue a falcon dance passive.

At the same time, the second paragraph E again, flying past.

Turning on his W skill, a burst of smoke rose.

Followed by QA
Akali has a whole set of skills, plus the burst damage of electrocution.

In an instant, Qian Jue was already bleeding.

The blind monk who was still hesitating about whether to go over saw Qian Jue's blood volume drop off a cliff.

In an instant, he also pressed his Q, and the second Q flew over.

With the lock and beheading, he directly accepted Qian Jue's head.

Even Little Peanut didn't react, he pressed his own flash, and died.

For more than a second, looking at his own computer screen that was already blacked out, Little Peanut's Qian Jue looked bewildered.

What kind of skills are these? !What hurt? !
Akali on the opposite side was still nearly 1000 yards away from him, so why did his screen go black all of a sudden? !

Is there a bug? !

Although he was very confused, the game continued.

At this time, Faker's Galio had just come to support him, but he shook his head helplessly for Qian Jue who had already died in battle.

too fast!
Die too fast!
This wave of his support was fast enough, the first time the blind monk came, he gave up the line and came over.

But unexpectedly, it took only a second or two from Akali's appearance to Qian Jue's death.

But his brows were also furrowed deeper.

This Akali revision was only two weeks old.

He didn't even understand it himself, but why is the man opposite him so proficient? !

In desperation, Faker's Galio had no choice but to return to the lane and continue to match up with Xiye's Daomei.

At this time, after Chen Mu's Akali dealt with Qian Jue, he rushed back to the road without looking back, eating a wave of soldiers that came online again.

Although Chen Mu didn't get the head of Qian Jue just now, the blind monk of Mala Xiangguo only had a second-stage Q at the last moment, and he was suspected of stealing the head.

But Mala Xiangguo said: "Oh, my, my, I will continue to serve it later!"

Chen Mu doesn't care about this, there are still many chances to get the head in the future!
What's more, his own killing ring already has layers!
The blind monk took the head, Akali got an assist, and then Chen Mu went back to the top lane and continued to line up with Shen.

But looking at Chen Mu's Akali who didn't get the head, Kiin's Shen was relieved.

At 8 minutes into the game, Mala Xiangguo's Blind Boy really did what he said, and continued to make trouble on the road.

Then this time, the 3v3 collision between the two sides in the first half of the field did not make a difference.

Chen Mu's Akali has no big moves.

On the opposite side, Qian Jue has a big move, a flash, and Shen He and Galio are protecting him.

The blind monk Daomei and Akali couldn't rush into the opposing lineup for a while, and the two sides didn't get out.

But Qian Jue still handed over his big move just in case.

At 9 minutes into the game, Akali's ult changed for the better, but this time the rhythm of the game was not in the upper half of the field, but in the second half of the field.

And this time, it was the South Korean representative team who launched the first attack, targeting brother Zaozi's little yellow-haired EZ.

The South Korean representative team saw that Daomei had no TP here, and Chen Mu Akali's TP was also used to return to the line.

So I want to play a 5 vs 2 in the bottom lane
The bull head of corejj, who took the lead in starting the group, directly saw the aggressiveness of Meiko Karma's position, and WQ followed Karma in the second round.

And Rule Chidi's ice also shot out his own big move, hitting Karma.

Seeing that the bot lane had already started, Galio, who had already arrived at the predetermined position, began to use his ultimate move.

Qian Jue also outflanked the grass from the river.

Kiin saw that the opportunity for the bottom lane was imminent, and he thought to himself, Akali should have nothing to interrupt my R skill.

So Shen just casually leaned back and found a position, and didn't say to go back to the defensive tower, so he directly activated his ultimate move.

After Meiko's Karma was relieved from the dizziness, his hand speed reached the extreme.

Flashed out, and at the same time RE, a group shield accelerated and retreated!

However, Galio and Shen who landed, and Qian Jue who outflanked them still accepted Karma's head.

Brother Zaozi's EZ was still flexible, E plus flashed, and ran for his life in a hurry.

But the five people on the opposite side still pursued closely.

Looking at the very critical situation in the bottom lane, Chen Mu was very calm, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

Then he said to Brother Zaozi who was already in trouble in the next lane:

"hold onto!"

"I still have 10 seconds to reach the battlefield!"

But after hearing Chen Mu's words, several teammates were a little confused, didn't you just hand in the teleportation?
How to come for 10 seconds support?

Are you flying over? !
That's right, just fly over!

I saw that Chen Mu's Akali was Shen, who was forming a seal not far away, with the E skill, the seal of Falcon Dance.

With Shen's big move, secret secrets!Mercy saves souls!
Start sending it down.

At this time, Akali also pressed her second stage E skill.

The next moment, Akali turned into a shadow assassin.

Draw an arc from the Summoner's Canyon and leap over countless canyons and ravines!
(End of this chapter)

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