LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 175 The Knight Has Returned!

Chapter 175 The Knight Has Returned!

Following Chen Mu's confirmation of the Blade of Exile——Ruiwen!
The entire live broadcast room was instantly detonated!
"Wow, Chen Mu wants to choose Ruiwen?!"

"Dare to choose?! Probably not! During the competition, Raven really hasn't seen it for a long time!"

"Ruiwen, Ruiwen, it's locked, Chen Mu is locked!"

"Good guy, I call him good guy! I really dare to choose anything!"

"Chen Mu really has you, he really dares to choose anything! I look forward to your Galen top order!"

"I like it, Chen Mu is still the same Chen Mu! He is definitely the most active and troublesome man in the LPL top laner right now!"

"But Raven is now a sewer hero, so he can't compete!"

"Indeed, the last time Raven was on the competition stage was the last time."

"Ruiwen! It's really the belief of the top laner!"

"Like to play the captain?! Like to develop?! Sorry, only people who are alive can develop!"

"Chen Mu Niu Pi!"

"Ruiwen is my belief, if you don't explain it, passers-by will become fans from now on!"

"Today is the day for recasting the Broken Sword, Rui Mengmeng, go for it!"

And several commentators also began to comment on Chen Mu's choice.

wawa: "Wow! Raven!"

"Chen Mu actually took out Ruiwen!"

Miller also couldn't help but exclaimed:
"Chen Mu brought out something different again, which is really surprising."

"Did you find out that since the MSI mid-season, even if you count the small games, Chen Mu has only played in more than [-] games, but when he takes out heroes, he rarely repeats them!"

"This really can only be described as a sea of ​​heroes!"

But Guan Zeyuan's focus is not on this, but on the hero Ruiwen.

"If I remember correctly, since this year's LPL Spring Split, Raven hasn't played yet!"

Miller said: "Yes. In the past few years, Raven has only occasionally used it to work hard, but the results have not been good."

"The real debut of the hero Raven has to be traced back to S5!"

Wawa also agrees: "That's right. Although Chen Mu took out Ruiwen in this hand, it is indeed unexpected and very entertaining."

"But the hero Raven is really not suitable for playing now!"

But Guan Zeyuan said: "But this is Chen Mu! Let us believe that Chen Mu is done!"

Miller also nodded and said, "Let's wait and see."

"Let's see if the knight can return today and if the broken sword can be recast!!!"

In fact, Raven is one of the favorite heroes of many League of Legends players, and even the belief of some old top laners.

Especially after BestRivenNA, the first Riven in North America, developed the light-speed QA operation.

Raven's appearance rate in the top laner position has always remained high.

So, when Chen Mu confirmed Ruiwen.

When a resolute and unyielding female warrior with a broken blade appeared on the screen.

In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere in the barrage instantly reached a climax.

This time, it's not just Chinese barrage.

Even the English barrage pops up from time to time.

The hero Raven is not only popular in China, but also one of the most popular heroes in South Korea, North America, Europe, and all over the world.

Many Raven players who are not from China are not interested in games that are not in their own competition area, and originally wanted to fork off the screen.

But I saw Ruiwen appearing again on the field again, and it was on the special stage of the Asian Games.

Some old Raven players originally wanted to fork off the screen, but stopped again.

At the same time, the Douyu live broadcast platform, Black and White Ruiwen's live broadcast room.

Black and White just opened a game and entered the hero selection interface.

Seeing that Ruiwen was not banned on the opposite side, the mouse in his hand confirmed Ruiwen without any hesitation.

After confirming Raven, Black and White glanced at the barrage.

But at this moment, he realized that the wind direction of the barrage had changed.

"Chen Mu chose Ruiwen!"

"What level do you think Chen Mu's Ruiwen is?!"

"Your Rui Wenqiang, or Chen Mu's Rui Wenqiang?!"

"Black and white, can you OB Chen Mu's Ruiwen?!"

Looking at the barrage, Black and White still looked confused, but soon, he figured out the whole story.

It turned out that Chen Mu took out Ruiwen in the semi-finals of the Asian Games.

Looking at the screen, there are more and more bullet screens asking for their own comments or OB competitions.

He also hesitated for a while.

"But... this is a promotion match?!"

"The promotion match, what's there to fight for!"

"Yeah, when can't the promotion match be played?!"

"Could it be that you can't make it?!"

"Learn technology, learn technology!"

After being coaxed by the barrage, the screen was filled with words like "learning technology" in an instant.

After such an upheaval, Black and White looked at his own promotion match, and instantly became unsatisfactory.

After making up his mind, Black and White Raven forked off the game interface one second before the end of the countdown.

Then, open the mouse station Twtich, hide the interface, and start "broadcasting".

At the same time, the barrage followed, making a joke: "Watch the game, learn skills!"

But he couldn't help but say in his heart: "It's up to you whether you can justify Ruiwen's name!"

Black and white, he is Raven's unique brother, but now Raven is in an embarrassing situation.

In fact, the hero Raven, on the road, has been at the T2 and T3 levels all year round, and even after strengthening, he can rush to the T1 level.

Raven's skill set is still very good, and his operating ceiling is also high, but he rarely appears in the game.

In ancient times, S3, S4, and Raven were long-term customers of the top laner and even the mid laner.

When it came to S5, Huni also took out Raven and played a highlight moment.

And the background board is still Chen Mu's IG team.

But as the version changed, Raven began to sit on the bench.

The sideband ability is mediocre, and in terms of single-band performance, it can't compare with heroes like Weapon Sword Princess.

I can't resist it, and it is very easy to die suddenly in team battles, and the meat is not necessarily too much meat.

In the early stage, the line can't be relied on, the laning is also very average, the suppression power is average, and it is easy to be snowballed if it collapses a little.

Moreover, restricting the hero Raven is too much for the proficiency of the players. You have to keep practicing to maintain the feel, at least a few times a day to maintain the feel of Raven.

There are so many OP heroes to practice in the current version, the newly revised sword demon Akali, which one does not need to spend effort.

Another key point is that with the iteration of the fist company's new heroes.

Four Sisters in the Top Order", Fiona the Peerless Swordsman, Revan the Exiled Blade, Irelia the Will of the Blade, and Camille the Green Steel Shadow.

But compared to the other three of the four sisters, Raven is really "out of date"!

Although Raven has a high explosive skill set, her tank fighting ability is actually very weak.

There is no particularly suitable genre for Raven's outfits, you can use extreme armor penetration in passerby games.

But when it comes to the competition field, you need a certain degree of frankness, and the output may be lacking.

Jian Ji hit a flaw, which is the percentage of real damage. Qinggangying has the real damage of the second stage Q, and also has a thousand injuries in the later stage.

And Raven has no way to restrain the tank at all. If Raven is picked first, and the opponent comes back with an Ornsain stone man, Raven has nothing to do.

It's even more useless in the middle and late stages, as long as the opposite tank stands forward, so that you can't touch the back row.

In your opinion, a normal-developed Raven or a poorly-developed goat, which one is more effective in team fights? !
Another point is that Raven has no recovery ability, and other short-handed top laners generally have strong recovery ability, and the life recovery is often more than 2 points per second.

Sword Girl Crocodile Daomei also has recovery skills, and Qinggangying Camille can consume blood with a shield.

And Raven not only has no recovery skills, but his own life recovery is only a pitiful 1 point per second.

When laning, I am afraid of the opponent's hard exchange of blood, because the life recovery is very low in the early stage, and if I am pressed below a certain blood line, I may be killed by the opponent's tower jump.

It's uncomfortable to be consumed online like this, let alone manipulation, once the opponent's jungler comes to grab it, once the opponent's health is below half, it will explode on the spot.

Therefore, Raven's own positioning is too confusing, and it is not suitable to appear on the field.

But having said so much, this also depends on the ID.

Now Ruiwen is being operated by Chen Mu, a god in the canyon is operating!

With the end of BP, the lineups of both sides are determined.

The second round of the Chinese representative team vs. the Chinese Taiwan team.

Top order: Raven vs Captain
Jungle: Lee Sin vs Barrel
Mid laner: Galio vs Malzaha
ADC: Ezreal vs Xayah

Support: Karma vs Bullhead
As the game screen loads.

In the spring water base, one hero after another descended from the sky.

A Goddess of War holds a sharp rune broadsword, with a cold light emitting from the blade.
But at this time, without fluctuating emotions, Chen Mu stared at the computer screen directly in front of him, with a calm and focused face, and he seemed indifferent to everything around him.

The two sides started normally.

Chen Mu's Ruiwen rune belt is the conqueror, the auxiliary belt is the resolute line, and the Dolan sword and a bottle of red are added when going out.

After all, if you go out with the Dolan sword, you can do it at the first level.

On the side of the top laner captain of the Chinese Taiwan team, the indestructible grip of the rune belt and the enlightenment of the secondary system point.

A potion of corruption that you bring with you when you go out.

In fact, there are generally two ways to wear the captain's outfit when going out, one is to wear corruption potions, and the other is to wear blue crystals.

There is no better or worse of the two belting methods, but they are different according to the gameplay.

The captain chooses a potion of corruption when going out, and the rune belt is indestructible. The emphasis is on the early laning and strong battery life.

And there is another very greedy gameplay.

The rune brings the omen of theft, and the blue crystal and compound potion are equipped when going out, plus the captain's greedy money passive.

The main thing is the word "greedy"!

As long as you can spend enough 700 yuan and buy Yaoguang quickly, you can further strengthen the captain's laning ability.

In this way of playing, the captain's equipment takes shape very quickly.

But it requires extreme confidence in the captain's laning ability.

Otherwise, the opponent will send home the third level, and the sixth level will be sent home by the opponent again, it will be a big problem!
At this time, the top laner PK of the Chinese Taiwan team has been beaten completely, so how can they dare to bring the talent of Stealing Omen.

He just wants to bring potions of indestructibility and corruption. He is satisfied in the early stage and has a sound in the team.

As the lines of soldiers converged, the two sides officially began to line up.

Both sides began their own trials.

In fact, the captain is not easy to hit Raven. The captain must keep enough distance when he hits Raven. If Raven gets close, he will definitely be given a set of skills.

Looking not far away, Raven kept shaking back and forth.

PK really wants to know what skill Raven learned at the first level. If it's a Q skill, keep a little distance. If it's an E skill, you can press forward appropriately and stack a stack of Grasp of Indestructibility.

The captain of PK was ready to move, but in the end he couldn't help it, and he took the lead. He came up with a q skill, and his brain collapsed on Raven's brain.

But I saw that Raven moved back all of a sudden, with an extra layer of white shield on his body, which blocked the damage of the captain's Q skill.

Seeing this scene, PK is also clear in his heart.

The E skill that Raven learned at the first level did not learn the Q skill.

It's actually no problem for Raven to beat the captain and learn the E skill at the first level. It's not cowardly.

Level [-] Raven really wants to fight for the captain, so he has to learn the Q skill, squat in the grass, and get a CD of the Q skill.

But the captain on the opposite side is not a fool, how could he just look into the grass with his face!
It's impossible to let a Level [-] Raven get close so easily!

And the online consumption of the captain level all depends on the Q skill,

Therefore, Raven's E skill can perfectly offset the captain's Q damage.

Therefore, if Raven is facing the captain, if he does not want to consume blood at the first level, he can learn the E skill.

Afterwards, Chen Mu's Ruiwen, after waiting for the captain's passive fire knife to be used up, also began to push forward the A soldier.

However, the CD of Captain's Q skill is shorter than Raven's E.

After the captain's second Q skill was completed, another round of gunfire and negotiation collapsed on Raven's forehead.

PK was also thinking in his heart, if he didn't hurry up and consume Raven's blood, when would he wait? ! !
After Raven's sixth level, will a set of skills kill him in seconds? !
However, Chen Mu's Ruiwen ignored the captain's gunfire negotiation.

It's just a Q skill, as long as it doesn't get passively leveled by the captain with the fire knife.

With Revan and the Captain reaching level two almost simultaneously.

The captain of PK immediately didn't dare to be presumptuous, retreated back, and at the same time put a bucket under his feet behind him.

And after Rui Wen has acquired the Q skill, you can see that Chen Mu's Rui Wen has changed from the previous style of making up the knife steadily.

I saw Raven performing a dance of broken wings with Q, and at the same time that the minions were replenished, the E skill immediately stepped forward.

It means to go shopping with the captain.

PK was so scared that he made a backhand and slashed at Revan with a passive fire knife, but it was offset by Raven E's shield.

However, Chen Mu dropped the gunpowder barrel under the captain's feet.

Afterwards, Ruiwen and the second Q retreated, and the next time they tied A, they made up a knife.

The captain on the other side saw Ruiwen retreating, and immediately put another gunpowder barrel under his feet, and wanted to come up to take soldiers.

But at the next moment, Raven moved slightly and walked into the grass next to him, causing the captain to lose his sight.

Raven's third Q Dance of Broken Wings, waving a big sword, jumped out of the grass and smashed at the captain.

While shaking the captain, it also broke the plating on the captain's bones.

But Raven's flat A did not follow the captain.

Instead, taking advantage of knocking up the captain, A dropped the bucket under the captain's feet.

Afterwards, Raven withdrew into the grass again to break the hatred of the soldiers.

The two gunpowder barrels that had been accumulated with great difficulty in the early stage were dropped by Raven A, and the captain of the PK was also very uncomfortable.

You can only use minions to accumulate immortality, and then use Q to consume Riven continuously, and stack a stack of indestructible grips.

But with each hit, the captain's blue bar gradually emptied.

However, Raven's blood volume has been maintained at a relatively healthy blood line.

The game progressed to 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

This time, it was rare for the top road to receive any kill information.

The captain of PK frequently releases skills online. Although the blood volume remains healthy, the blue volume is empty.

But the captain also spent enough 700 gold coins, enough money for Yaoguang.

After buying Yaoguang, tp returned to the line.

After Chen Mu's Ruiwen chose to push a wave of lines, he also got into the grass and pressed B to return to the city.

Looking at his economy, Chen Mu directly took out three long swords!

Full attack power directly!

Subsequently, Raven also went online with TP.

From now on, the game officially begins.
(End of this chapter)

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