LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 181 The Hell on the Road

Chapter 181 The Hell on the Road

As they hit the road, Chen Mu's Jess and Mala Xiangguo's Xin Zhao began to join together at the first level.

Directly give lessons to Kenan who is opposite Kiin.

It also gave Kiin a real insight into what it means to be a hunger strike jungler. Up to now, Xin Zhao has lost no more than ten wild monsters, big and small.

But Xin Zhao played Kenan's flash at the first level, and Xin Zhao and Jess handed in two flashes at the second level, taking Kenan's first blood.

Then one, two, three, four, one more time, the third-level Xin Zhao began to jump the tower, and forced to replace Kenan's head again.

At this time, Kenan, who had been killed twice, changed his head and was promoted to the third level, but looking at the huge wave of troops under the tower, Kiin's heart was bleeding.

Veteran top laners know that for a top laner, the most important thing in the early stage is pawn line and experience.

Died twice in a row, this time without teleportation, the level is estimated to be two levels behind Jess!
The next laning is hell on earth!
"Phew! It's comfortable!"

Mala Xiangguo said to himself.

"I'm going to go wild for a while, Chen Mu, go play on your own first!"

After sending Kenan home twice in a row, Mala Xiangguo's interest was calmed down, and then he returned to his wild area, looking for the "leftovers" left by Score.

There is no way, you are about to catch Kenan and hang up on the road, so you have to do something with the jungler!

At the same time, the live broadcast room of Guan Zeyuan, Miller Wawa and others.

Chen Mu took out the hero Jess, and everyone thought of a crushing laning suppression, but this kind of Tianhu opening was something no one thought of.

Seeing that Chen Mu and Mala Xiangguo are so inappropriate, treating Kiin as a piggy and mercilessly massacring them, they feel sorry for Kenan, who is on the opposite side of the Korean team.

wawa didn't know what to say, and said in amazement, "uh"

"This opening, I really didn't expect it!"

"To be honest, I feel a little sympathetic to Kiin now!"

Speaking of this, Miller said with a smile on his face, "Yes, Chen Mu, Xiangguo and Meiko, this hand is too dirty, no one thought that they would invade the wild area to catch this Kenan."

"And in the follow-up, Mala Xiangguo is really a bit inappropriate, who can bear this kind of conjoined twins?!"

"Kiin is also in bad luck, who do you think he should turn to for reasoning?"

Although Miller seemed to feel wronged by Kiin, the smile on the corner of his mouth was wide open!
And Guan Zeyuan also said helplessly: "Well, this wave of kiin is really wronged!"

"The entire Asian Games exhibition game has been going on until now, it seems that there is no first-level group invasion, and everyone is at a regular start"

"Who would have thought that in the finals of the exhibition match, the Chinese team could and dared to make a one-handed first-level invasion of the jungle!"

"And it happened to be Kenan who caught Kiin!!"

"Kenan, it's not wrong to die!!"

And in the live broadcast room of several people, the barrage also "sympathized" and mocked this Kenan!

"Kenan is good food, even Jin Jianan can't play like this, it's really me who can do it!"

"This is the so-called top Korean top laner?!"

"This is the actor hired by Chen Mu, right? He died twice in 5 minutes, and he made up ten hits?"

"I'm Kenan, I've already called the police!"

"No game experience, MLXG, go to your father?"

"Spicy Hot Pot: That's right, on the road is my father!"

"666, this is a tacit cooperation!"

"The speed of the collapse line, Kenan just exploded, now it is collapsed, hehe!!"

"Some people disappear in the first minute of the game, but wait until the second level to bury them! (Funny) (Funny)"

"Die twice in a row, a large wave of soldiers sent into the tower, at least two levels behind, really collapsed!"

"What's even more frightening is that it seems that after Kenan's resurrection, this wave of troops was launched! I don't even know how Kenan will line up next!"

"Spicy hot pot, this is the true biography of King Ning, who is the father on the road?!"

"How can Kenan play this game? When Jess returns home and gets the equipment, he will be half-blooded in one shot!"

Fortunately, Kiin was still in the game, so he couldn't see this kind of remarks, otherwise he might really vomit blood in depression.

In 5 minutes, the jungler came three times, and the support came once.

No one can stand this!

The real horror, no game experience! !
at this time
For the South Korean representative team, Faker selected Ryze in the middle, and the jungler naturally had to play around the middle.

But facing Lulu, Xiye's summoner skills still had flash and purification.

The damage done to Ryze and the wine barrel in the early stage was not enough to kill a Lulu, but only forced Xiye to purify.

Xiye's Lulu was caught in the middle lane and handed over her evolution. It seems that Faker's Ryze has developed very smoothly and has begun to play comfortably in the middle lane.

But as for whether Faker's Ryze will evolve into a big devil in the late game.

But for this point, everyone in the entire Chinese team is not worried at all!
Because Chen Mu's Jess on the road has become a point of no solution, a point that the Korean team can't handle.

Jess has a head plus an assist, plus a line of soldiers to eat.Go home and go straight to Goddess Tears and add two long swords.

In this round, Chen Mu's Jess planned to play Magic Cut.

The beginning is a head plus an assist, the development is relatively smooth, and Jess also eats mana, the mana provided by the magic cut is better for him, and the attack power and passive provided at the same time are very good for his basic attack and skill damage nice boost.

Along the way, Chen Mu kept using small skills to stack the tears of the goddess. Each of these small details will affect the time when Mozong upgrades to Moqie.

On the other hand, Kenan just took out a compound potion and hurried out again.

In these short two waves of solo kills, Kenan had at least three waves of soldiers that were completely eaten by the tower. He didn't even leave any experience for Kenan, and he was behind by as much as 26 knives in making up.

After returning to the line, after laning again, it was exactly as predicted in the live broadcast room.

Level five beat level three!
Chen Mu made a QE crooked shot and shot again.

Then the electric mouse tried its best to move, but was still shot.

In an instant, Kenan's blood volume dropped by a third.

Seeing this scene, Kiin almost fainted!

This. How should this be aligned? ! !

The game lasted less than 6 minutes.

Chen Mu's Jess is already level six, but Kiin's Kenan is only level four!
Faced with such a poor level and poor equipment, Kenan absolutely did not dare to push the line with his A-pawns, and he would be harassed by Jess for spending experience far away.

Hitting the road is about to become a hell on earth!

But even so, Score's wine barrels would never dare to come on the road.

Now Chen Mu's Jess will not have any problems in one hit or two. Although the sixth-level Jess doesn't have a big move with explosive power, the two sets of small skills are enough to deal tons of damage.

Kenan at level [-] may be dropped instantly!

Following Jess' push, Chen Mu brought a wave of troops to the tower.

The sixth-level Jess fights the fourth-level Kenan, as long as the barrel is not squatting behind the defensive tower, there is almost no pressure to jump the tower.

Looking at Jess who was eager to try, Kiin had already been consumed to half health, and his supplies had been used up.

Half-blood Kenan and Chen Mu's Jess may not need a whole set of skills!
In desperation, Kenan could only continue to return to the city to make up for his condition.

Even looking at the fragrant line of soldiers under the tower, kiin still "reluctantly give up his love", and retreated the B button to return to the city!
This is different from ordinary ranks. Usually, even if you know that someone is surpassing you, you will think about changing one or two under the tower.Because even if you die, you don't need to bear any consequences!
But this is the stage of the Asian Games exhibition game, if I don't leave now, I will definitely be sprayed into autism by the coach when I get off the stage! !

But once Kenan returned home, what would happen to the large wave of soldiers under the tower? !
Chen Mu's Jess began to speed up the pace, not giving Faker Ritz the chance to develop into a big devil.

In the cannon mode, AWAAA, the blood volume of the tower dropped a little in an instant.

Ordinary Jess's tower demolition speed is already scary, but Jess's decontamination is done by demolition.

The game lasts 8 minutes.

The first tower on the road couldn't bear Chen Mu's stress-free rhythm of tower demolition, and was easily taken away by Jess.

After breaking the tower alone, Chen Mu began to think about how to bring rhythm.

Whether to wear it all the way and snowball to the end, or to give feedback to teammates and help teammates build advantages!
But before Chen Mu's Jess made a decision
The Korean representative team on the opposite side seems to be the first to do it!

On the opposite side of Jess, Kenan, who managed to get to level six, suddenly rolled up with his E skill, wanting to fight Jess.

Seeing such an abnormal scene, Chen Mu smiled coldly.

This kind of behavior, if it weren't for someone behind, and not alone? !Or maybe kiin has lost his mind!
The result, of course, is that the South Korean representative team made some moves.
Seeing that Jess was on the road, he couldn't handle it anymore, but he had to!

And Faker chose Ryze in the middle, so he naturally has to bear his responsibility.

Ryze, who had already learned the ultimate move, decisively took advantage of the opportunity of taking the blue buff, walked to the predetermined location, and drove in a wave, aiming at Jess who was on the road.

At the same time, there is also a barrel of score on the bus!
And a worthless Kennan himself has to bear the heavy responsibility of stepping forward to keep people.

As for Kenan who rushed forward at this time, trying desperately to keep Jess, Chen Mu was not afraid.
You are an AD Kenan, and now you have a long sword on your body, I am afraid that you will fail.

AWAAA, four consecutive points at the speed of light, and then Jess, who cut into the melee form in advance, directly hit Kenan with QWA first.

Kiin was also ecstatic when he saw that Jess dared to knock back, and immediately used his own big move!

Secret meaning!Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prisoners!
Countless thunderbolts fell from the sky and landed on Jess.

But Chen Mu's reaction was faster, and immediately his E skill thunder struck and hammered away Kenan.

Immediately after that, he changed his form and opened the door of the acceleration of the E skill. Under the double acceleration, before being dizzy, he immediately pulled away from the position and escaped from the range of Kenan Wanlei Tianbao.

But Kiin is also determined to give Chen Mu some color!
Even if he dies, it's a one-for-one exchange, buying time for his teammates and keeping Jess here.

Therefore, Kenan immediately stepped forward and handed over his flash that had just been transformed.

Kenan was under the passive three-layer mark, and Chen Mu's Jess was immediately stunned.

But Chen Mu smiled coldly.

So what? ? !
Due to the lack of time drawn by Wan Lei Tian, ​​Kenan could only hit three layers of marks, only one stun, and the stun time was 1.25 seconds.

The subsequent 0.5-second stun is impossible to hit.

At this time, Ryze's ultimate move zigzags, the space has just begun to distort, and Ryze and the wine barrel haven't landed yet.

And because of Jess' pull just now, there is still a certain distance between the landing point of Ryze's big move Zigzag and Jess's current position, probably a flashing position.

Wait until the figures of Ryze and the barrel appear from the distorted space.

Chen Mu's Jess was also released from the stun.

Looking at the menacing two people.

Chen Mu also laughed.

Boo!Count you as ruthless!

The next moment, he immediately handed over his flash and pulled it back.

No way, under Ryze's EW lock, Jess has no room for manipulation.

But that's not the case with Jess.
after the flash
Suddenly, turning around with a Q skill, the electric energy shock shot, through the accelerator door, a huge plasma energy cluster exploded beside Kenan who was already low in health, taking away the last of Kenan's health,
At the same time, he switched forms again, and under acceleration, he continued to separate from the barrel and Ryze.

And looked at the figure of Jess going away.
Faker can only look at the ocean and sigh.

In this position of Jess, I and others have been unable to catch up. Even if my Ryze flashes W, he can't fix Jess.

But Score still didn't give up. They paid so much in the middle and wild, and they just exchanged Jess for a flash? !
The next moment, the wine barrel flashed and the E skill was added, and he shot in two stages, closing the distance with Jess.

Then the big move blasted the wine barrel, aimed at Jess and threw it out.

However, when Chen Mu saw the movement of the wine barrel raising his hand, he immediately took a direct, right-angle dance step and moved horizontally.

next moment.
The wine barrel's ultimate move really hit Chen Mu's Jess.

It's just that instead of blowing Jess back, it exploded diagonally.

But what's the point? !
Jess was just injured for a while, but he was still standing alive and kicking in the Summoner's Canyon.

Then Jess walked down the tower without looking back.

With three catches and one attack, Jess was only forced to flash, but he was counter-killed!
Kiin is numb now!
Die once is still a little throbbing, and dying twice is still a little irritating.
But if you die three times, you will be numb!
Now kiin looks at his computer with a black screen and feels nothing at all!

But at this time, in the wild area, Mala Xiangguo saw the "tattered" wild area, and finally got to level 6.

There is no way, even though he was connected with Chen Mu in the early stage, he caught Kenan and shut himself up!
But it also took a lot of time, and my wild area was also ruined by the barrel of score!

But he, Mala Xiangguo, doesn't care about these.
Jess, who watched Chen Mu, was fighting more and more fiercely. He broke the tower alone on the road, and Jess was able to counter-kill one of the opponents with three catches.

Needless to say, the next thing he has to do is to control the first little dragon, Huolong, and help the brother Zaozi in the bottom lane develop.

My eldest father has already woken up, and if I don't need my help, I will naturally help my second father!

A hero like Verus who can "shake his head" has a magical power in the hands of Uzi, not to mention that there is a Lulu in the middle of this round who can assist Verus
(End of this chapter)

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