LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 19 Imba of the Banner of Command!

Chapter 19 Imba of the Banner of Command!

Heart handed the water glass in his hand to Chen Mu, and looked at Chen Mu with a calm face, without any joy on his face, forming a sharp contrast with the other RNG players in the lounge who were elated, as if they had already won the MSI mid-season championship Compared.

It seems that the match just now was just a simple ranking for Chen Mu, not a rookie who entered the world competition for the first time to fight to the death.

As the coach of the team, Heart naturally had to plan ahead, and asked:

"Chen Mu, to be honest, your Syndra performance just now was absolutely world-class, and you were definitely the last mvp."

"But there are still two games. I need to know the hero pool of your mid-lane hero. Is it only Syndra?! What other mid-lane heroes?!"

After hearing the coach's words, other RNG players also realized the problem and stopped their celebrations one after another. Heart organized his words again and said:

"What I mean is that if KZ pulls your Syndra in the next round, I need to know your hero pool so that I can arrange bp. Needless to say, heroes like Galio or Sion, I want to know about your Ice Maiden or Malza Ha, or other big c heroes in the middle, how is your proficiency?!"

Chen Mu shrugged, calmly took the water glass handed over by Heart, took a shallow sip, and said calmly, "It's all fine."

"Coach, you can just follow your bp. My proficiency in the middle lane heroes is not bad, and the oppressive power of the opposite BDD is not strong. I can handle it."

In this round, Chen Mu didn't intend to go against Heart's bp,
The God of the Summoner Canyon is not a forced reverse version to argue with the coach.

In the last game, Chen Mu took out Syndra because KZ's BDD was the first to reverse the version of the clockwork, and as a counter, he was confident that he could limit, or even hit the explosive clock, so he took out Xindra. Della.

The fact is just as Chen Mu expected, Chen Mu's Syndra turned into the dark queen of the canyon. In less than 10 minutes online, he had three solo kills, which drove the rhythm of the audience and won the key life-and-death battle.

If Chen Mu forcibly reverses the version again in this round, and takes out the big c in the middle, such heroes as czar and clockwork, although such heroes can indeed carry the whole game in the later stage, they need enough development time in the early stage. In the middle of the road, you can gain experience by brushing the pawn line, and you can't wander around without thinking.

In order to counter himself, the BDD on the opposite side took out heroes such as Galio or Sion backhanded, and played a banner of command without thinking.

At that time, Chen Mu was dumbfounded!

I am the god of the World Tournament and the king of Summoner's Canyon, but I can't become a bug in League of Legends.

This version with Banner of Command is really imba!
As long as the opposite side puts a buff on the sports car, it not only greatly improves the attack power, but the most critical buff is immune to magic damage, and it only has a cooling time of 120 seconds, which makes traditional AP heroes like clockwork and czar come to the fore. It can't be dealt with at all, relying on the normal attacks of these AP heroes to destroy the buffed sports car, I don't know that it will be the year of the monkey!

Could it be that Chen Mu had to eat the sports car directly! !

And as long as Chen Mu is restricted to the middle lane, KZ's BDD can roam without thinking, restrict or gank the development of his own jungler, top lane, and bottom lane, and then push towers, control dragons or vanguard resources, and drive the rhythm of the audience. Thus affecting the whole game.In the later stage, when the sports car soldiers with the dragon buff and the flag of command on the opposite side stand in front of the highland tower, even if Chen Mu's traditional ap big c develops, he will be exhausted!
This is the version of the flag of command, it is simply "waving the flag and shouting"! !There is no solution at all!
So Chen Mu can't confront the coach at this time. Heart still has something. Originally, RNG won 3:1 against KZ. I don't need to question Heart's bp at this time.

Sometimes, the God of the Summoner Canyon doesn't just take out a counter hero, solo kill a few times online, and play some advantages, he is a god!
A real god, even if he takes out a tank hero, or is countered by a hero, he can exert a suppressive effect, drive the rhythm of the audience, and lead the team to victory. He is the real god of the Summoner Canyon, the god of the World Tournament!
After hearing Chen Mu's calm answer, Heart and other RNG players also settled down, but Heart still said.

"Okay, Chen Mu, in the next round KZ is likely to pull Syndra, and I will continue to bp your hero's priority, but the opposite KZ is likely to leave the counter position for BDD to target you! "

Since Chen Mu performed so well in the previous round, Heart naturally put a little more pressure on Chen Mu.

In the RNG lounge, when everyone in RNG is discussing the bp of the next game, KZ will naturally not be idle.

BDD sat silently on the chair, not saying a word.

And the coach and teammates didn't blame BDD at this time.

Although it is very annoying to lose the game, BDD needs encouragement even more at this time. You must not be a hero BDD mentality, otherwise you will be in big trouble.

Moreover, this kind of game is a team game, not just a game played by BDD alone. At the end of the last game, almost all KZ members have tacitly resisted. Naturally, the blame cannot be completely blamed on BDD now.

"BDD, cheer up!"

"Although the information was wrong, Syndra, who was played by the boy on the opposite side, played really well, but BDD, you can play back and forth with a mid laner like Faker."

"Don't worry, I will leave you the counter position for this bp. You can choose any hero you want. We believe in you!"

As the coach of KZ, he was the first to speak.

"Yeah, BDD cheer up!!" Ad Mouse King encouraged.

"In the next round, I will use the top laner to suppress the hero!! Destroy the opponent's top laner!" Top laner Khan is confident.

"BDD, I will target him in the next game, and my support Gorilla and I will find a chance to go to the middle lane together. At that time, if we catch three and one, he will die!!"

"it is good!!"

Peanut and assistant Gorilla also spoke one after another, as if they had already laid a net for Chen Mu in a few words.

At this time, Xiaohu and Mala Xiangguo were in the hospital, sitting on the hospital bed, with a drip on one arm, and a mobile phone in the other hand, watching the live broadcast of the MSI mid-season game.

"Nice, Chen Mu!!"

"Awesome! One hits two counters and kills one!"

"Fuck! It's a wave! Nice!"

Xiangguo is a straightforward person. Seeing that under the leadership of Chen Muxindra, RNG is killing all directions, winning like a bamboo shoot, and naturally yelled.

But Xiaohu next to him had a gloomy face, as if he wanted to cry but had no tears.

He is naturally different from Mala Xiangguo. Mala Xiangguo was originally a substitute and was already on the bench. With Karsa around, it is impossible for him to start.But he is the starter in a serious way, and there is no substitute.

I blame myself, why did I eat that bowl of beef noodles!
And the coach Heart, there are so many restaurants in Paris, why did he take himself to that restaurant? !
Why is it that you hurt yourself? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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