LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 198 Weapon 6 is amazing, Captain, you go and guard it!

Chapter 198 Weapon Six Gods, Captain, Go Guard!
In the case of the blind monk in the spicy pot being killed first.

Chen Mu's weapon master, Wan Jun, took the head of Emperor Chi from among them.Brother Zaozi's Xia is also an ADC who is full of "fat" feathers and does not have a three-piece suit. First cut the clockwork, and then cut Luo.

The Chinese team played a three-for-three, which completely delayed the rhythm of the South Korean team's dragon.

The South Korean team saw that there was nothing to do, and the rest of Olaf and the captain could only retreat first, and then look for opportunities.

However, the Chinese team held back the Korean team's progress in playing Baron, and in a sense, the South Korean team also held back the progress of the Weapon Master's single belt.

Seeing this, Abu breathed out again, Chen Mu is really Chen Mu, with a single-belt outfit, and he can single-cut the opponent's ADC in a team.

Is there anything else he can't do? !

This wave of big dragons is delayed, and there will be opportunities later!

I just hope that in the future, whether it's Mala Xiangguo, Brother Zaozi or anyone else, I don't make any more mistakes and make myself feel scared!

On the other hand, Supervisor Cui shook his fist hard twice and cursed Xiba twice.

What a pity!This wave is really a pity!

Whether it is Xia who killed Uzi or Chen Mu's weapon master, they can quickly rush the dragon to win this one, and directly establish the victory from the advantage.

Seeing that Dalong was saved, the rhythm of the live broadcast room eased up a lot.

"Hee hee, I knew it, Brother Xinmu will have eternal life!"

"I have already said that the Chinese team is at a disadvantage?! I am not panicking at all, as long as my brother Mu is still in the game, it is impossible to lose."

"Losing?! That cannot exist."

"Damn it, it's over the top, Chen Mu is awesome (broken sound) (broken sound)!"

"Nimma, I saw this picture as soon as I turned on the computer. The quality of this last round is full."

"The old master who could hit five weapons in one shot feels like he's resurrected."

"One thing to say, in this wave just now, Gouzi can be regarded as redeeming his mistakes in the previous wave!"

Back in the game.

After this wave of team battles in Dalongkeng ended, both sides did not act rashly, but began to organize their lines of troops to accumulate strength for the next move.

Chen Mu's weapon master took a look at his own economy, then sold the broken stopwatch directly, and synthesized the vampire scepter into a broken one.

It seems that Chen Mu is planning to take a single road to the dark.

But this equipment is really fierce!
As soon as it is broken, the attack speed of the weapon is stacked up to a full attack speed of 2.5.

Under the mixed injury, whether you wear cloth armor shoes or mercury shoes, it doesn't work!
When Chen Mu's weapon master appeared in the bottom lane again, Kiin glanced at the weapon master's equipment.

Hey, the high ground on the next road, I can't hold it anymore!

The weapon master who came out of the dilapidated weapon has a stronger single-kill ability. As long as the captain is approached by the weapon and dilapidated takes a bite, he can't get away even if he flashes.

After his captain's three items, he began to switch to team fighting equipment such as blood hands and resurrection armor, and the damage was really limited.

Facing a weapon master with this kind of outfit, it's just a few more streetlights.

At this moment, Kiin understood that the entire South Korean team was facing a choice.

Regardless of this weapon master? !

If it doesn't matter, it will be worn by the weapon master!

As for catching this weapon master, it is also an unrealistic choice.

If you go to one person, you will get a double kill. If you go to two people, Dalong will not want it anymore.
Kiin made a judgment immediately, and at the same time glanced at his teammates.

He was just about to speak into the team voice, but he didn't expect his teammates to have already made an action.

It wasn't just Kiin who discovered the problem with the weapon, but the rest of the South Korean team who had been cutting the screen were also aware of it.

Little Peanut and corejj, who had been fighting for sight at the Dragon Pit, sent a signal to the captain Pin in the spring, with a very clear purpose, Xiaolong.

That's right, it's Xiaolong!
If you are in doubt, go to fight the dragon!
This is the eternal truth!
Kiin also responded quickly, marked it, and is on the way!

The South Korean team, which has accumulated two small dragons, of course wants to fight for the third small dragon.

After the South Korean team set up a vision at the dragon, they began to change lanes immediately, moving closer to the second half of the field.

And Chen Mu saw from his field of vision that everyone in the South Korean team was leaning towards the lower half of the field, and the weapon master immediately retreated from the bottom lane. There was no need for one person to touch five people.

As for whether the Chinese team can rush Dalong while they are playing Xiaolong?
It is also somewhat difficult.

The weapon master is not there, only Xia is the main output.

As for Xiye's Galio, the economy is really not good, and the equipment is not good.

It's almost 10 minutes into the game, and there are only two and a half pieces of equipment, and he has completely become a tool man.

But it's not his fault
Let Xia eat all the safe lines, and he can only go to the dangerous sidelines to collect some leftovers. How can it be economical?

But at this time, watching the last wave of team battles, in the case of four against five, they also played a three for three, Meiko was a little swollen.

"Brother Mu, what do you say about this wave? Can you pick it up? I feel that our economy is similar to that of the opposite side now."

And Chen Mu, who had just retreated back to the city from the bottom road, looked at the state of both sides and frowned secretly.

In fact, whether this wave can be picked up depends on Chen Mu's weapon master at all.

It's Brother Zaozi's Xia, after all, he is the ADC!
One has a single-belt outfit, no stopwatch, and no flashing weapons. What's the use of fighting in a team?
So before Chen Mu could speak first, brother Zaozi spoke first.

"My big move is still a little bit short, and I don't have a flash, so it's not easy to pick up!"

"Otherwise, let's let this wave go first. This little dragon is a wind dragon with average attributes, so there's no need to pick it up!"

Don't look at the lineup of the South Korean team. Although it is said that the active offensive ability of the strong team is not very strong, there are indeed some things in defensive counterattack.

The three cores of Clockwork, Verus and Captain are too strong, as long as you stand still, you can't break in at all.

Of course, the point of the captain has been abolished now.

Without the defense of the Chinese team, the South Korean team also successfully won the third Xiaolong Fenglong.

However, while the South Korean team took Xiaolong, the Chinese team did not do nothing.

At this time, Chen Mu's weapon turned to the top road again, and began to knock on the soldiers.

Brother Zaozi's Xia is also crazily developing by sucking blood. Before the dragon group, he only had two and a half pieces of equipment. After the dragon group, he directly changed the small drinking magic knife into the big drinking magic knife.

The blind monk and the wine barrel also took advantage of the opposite to reoccupy the vision of the Dragon Pit.

And Xiye's Galio became the sacrificial position again, and went to the bottom lane to pick up some leftovers.

However, adjusting Chen Mu's weapon to the top lane can be regarded as the achievement of the strategic goal of the South Korean team.

After all, there is the upper half of the field where the dragon is located, and it is also the key area of ​​vision for the South Korean team to deploy. Chen Mu dare not carry the weapon too presumptuously alone, otherwise it will be easy to be caught by the opponent and bring a wave of big rhythm.

And just as the South Korean team thought, on the top route, Chen Mu's weapon single belt is also very measured. Without TP, without flashing, the weapon master is always in a situation where you want to catch him, but you can't catch him. Location.

But this position can always give you the pressure on the single belt.

For a while, the game seemed to have fallen into calm again, returning to the time of peaceful development.

The two sides are back and forth, and it seems that the illusion of peace will continue until the end of time.

Of course, soon, as the summoner skill CD handed in by the two sides in the previous team battle had been transferred to seven or eighty-eight, the two sides began to compete for vision around the dragon again.

Chen Mu's weapon master's flash and teleportation have also improved, so he was transferred to the bottom lane and continued to solo.

At this time, the captain of Kiin watched the weapon master's head about to explode.

Passive weapons, sheep knife, broken and three items, all passive attack speeds are stacked up, the weapon master is already at full attack speed of 2.5, and the street lamp in his hand is about to burst into flames.

Sometimes the captain's barrel has just been placed down, and before he can use his Q skill, he is instantly knocked out by the super fast street lamp.

Although the economy of the two sides is poor, it seems that the South Korean team has the lead, with an economic lead of nearly 4000 yuan.

But the fake economy on the captain's side will account for 1000.

"If you can't hold on to this wave, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. Put the high ground on the lower road to the weapon push, it's better to come to the dragon!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, the South Korean team also made frequent tricks and directly transferred the captain to Dalong.

I want to deal with the front four of the Chinese team or rush off the dragon, and then return to the high ground to defend the weapon.

But this wave must be resolved quickly!

"Okay, here we come!"

At this time, Kiin's captain has become a marionette, and he moves when his teammates dial.

Of course, he is a captain whose second piece of equipment is bloody hand and resurrection armor, so he is not qualified to dictate.

Kiin took a deep look at the bottom lane, and ignored the weapon master who was still carrying the line.

Then immediately cut the screen to the front of the Dragon Pit, and pressed Teleport without hesitation.

With the press of the captain's TP teleportation
On the "official broadcasting seat", the voices of the three commentators continued to come out:

"Come on, the South Korean team has made a big move here. The captain didn't care about the laning weapon in the bottom lane, and directly sent it to the TP in the middle lane. The Korean team is going to fight to the death!"

"But the risk is too high. If you don't get what you want, wouldn't it be a waste of time to go down the highlands?"

"And sure enough, Chen Mu's weapon master didn't choose to teleport, and was still demolishing the tower. The attack speed of the weapon has been superimposed, and it has reached the upper limit. The tower pushing speed is very fast, and the South Korean team's bot lane highland will soon be pushed away! "

"Oh! Longkeng is fighting!"

"The captain's big move to block the back road directly blocked the back road of the four Chinese players."

"But the lineup of the Chinese team is very flexible. The blind monk, Galio, and the wine barrel all have shifted, and Xia also handed in her own treatment, so they all went away!"

On the big screen, the hearts of the audience were stirred up. The South Korean team launched a fierce attack. This wave came very quickly, and it was bound to eat up all the four players in front of the Chinese team. It was all done in one battle. Uzi and the others knew that they could not drag it on .

And Chen Mu also cut the screen to watch the situation in front of Longkeng, while operating the weapon to demolish the tower.

Fortunately, my teammates are still strong for the time being, so I held back.

He was still firmly holding the teleportation in his hand. If something went wrong, he had to go to the Dragon Pit to save it, otherwise it might be a mess.

As the commentators in the broadcast booth spoke faster and faster.

"The South Korean team still wants to chase, and corejj's Luo still wants to keep people"

"However, Meiko's wine barrel, the R skill blasting wine barrel, was precisely thrown on their way forward, directly dissuading the South Korean team and others."

"Let's look at the bottom lane weapons. We have already knocked down the South Korean team's bottom lane highland towers, and started knocking crystals."

"The South Korean team is a bit irrational this time around!"

"The regiment didn't start, the dragon didn't get it, and the highland tower on the lower road was broken."

But the South Korean team, which is already a little bit corrupt, still wants to outflank this single-belt weapon master from the bottom lane.

"Wow, what is the South Korean team trying to do? Is it outflanking this weapon?! Chen Mu has to be careful!"

"But Chen Mu didn't leave, what is the weapon doing? He went to knock on the door!"

On the big screen, the strange man in purple and holding a street lamp did not retreat as everyone imagined, but instead came to the front tooth tower.

"Boom boom, boom!"

"Boom, boom boom!"

The percussive knocking began again, and every strike on the crystal was heavy.

Everyone in the South Korean team has numb scalps, damn it, in their dreams today they might be weapon masters knocking on the door with a street lamp!

With three dilapidated and sheep knife weapons, plus passive stacking, the street lamp in his hand sparked with lightning all the way, knocking non-stop.

After tearing down another front tooth tower, Chen Mu looked at his own finances.

He retreated directly, but he did not retreat from the bottom lane, but directly entered the Korean team's upper half field.

Sweeping again, even stole a blue buff from Faker clockwork, and then found a position to go home contentedly.

And the South Korean team, which once again pounced on an empty space, got nothing, but delayed the development time.

In this wave, the South Korean team failed to pick up either watermelon or sesame seeds. From an advantaged situation, they suddenly fell into a disadvantaged situation.

After the weapon was pushed down the high ground tower, the super soldiers appeared, and the South Korean team could no longer put pressure on Dalong.

However, the Chinese team did not launch any major offensive, but continued to give Brother Zaozi room to develop, as well as replenish levels and equipment for Galio and the blind monk.

Two minutes into No.40, Chen Mu's weapon master returned to the city again to replenish the status and update the equipment.

At this time, Chen Mu updated the last piece of equipment. After the first piece of Tiamat was synthesized into a giant Hydra, he became the first hero in the Liushen outfit.

Giant Hydra, Trinity Force, Sheep Knife, Blade of the Ruined King, Bloody Hand, and a quicksilver shoe.

At this time, the weapon master has reached his peak moment.

The weapon is now activated with a big move, and it has all the blood of the dual resistance. With the mechanism of blood sucking, attack speed, mixed damage and skills, it can definitely exert terrifying power.

Judging from the South Korean team's lineup, there is no solid front row. No one can hold a few lights with the equipment of weapons.

And this weapon is no longer limited to a single belt, it has a giant hydra and a bloody hand to support blood volume and resistance.

With this set of equipment, frontal team battles can also make the South Korean team unable to handle it.

Except for Clockwork, it is no exaggeration to say that the remaining few did not pose much threat to Jax at this time.

Now tell a "joke" is:
"The weapon master in the Liushen outfit on the opposite side has been brought to the Highland Tower, Captain, you go and guard it!"

(End of this chapter)

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