LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 211 I A can't come out~

Chapter 211 I A can't come out~
After making all the pre-match preparations for the much-anticipated battle, BP also started smoothly. When Wang Sicong asked Chen Mu what support hero he wanted, Chen Mu showed his own hero pool. Put it on Thresh.

And Chen Mu also patted his chest, and assured Wang Sicong: "Don't worry, principal, I am very strong in CD flow Thresh."

Then I added a sentence: "I can't guarantee that I can Q or not, but the W skill is absolutely accurate. I will definitely throw the lantern at your feet, principal, and there will be no situation where you can't pick up the lantern~"

And hearing Chen Mu's assurance, Wang Sicong was also shocked, and he was instantly overwhelmed.

Nima, my debut match, you messed around like this.

As for Chen Mu's guarantee, Wang Saicong also had a picture in his mind.

Chen Mu's Thresh attacked first, with a flash of confidence to keep people away, but the next moment was Huang Xing's three consecutive, empty Q, empty E, empty R.

But Chen Mu's Thresh W skill is really not available, the lantern was accurately given to his feet, and he also tapped the lantern very quickly, but looking at the departing enemy, the two of them were left in an awkward position penalty stand.

"Chen Mu, Tam, or Tam!"

At the last second of the selection, Wang Sicong yelled out.

Hearing Wang Sicong's shout, Chen Mu also burst into laughter. It seems that Wang Sicong has been tortured by his assistant for the past two days and is a little scared.

And Chen Mu's hand speed is also very fast. Hearing the call, he replaced it in time.

Finally, the bottom support hero is determined, or Tamm.

On the commentary stage, looking at the bp of the IG team, several commentators also laughed.

Miller: "On the IG side, Chen Mu first showed off his support hero pool, but in the end Chen Mu did not choose Thresh, but decided on Tamm. I wonder how Chen Mu licked Tamm? "

And Guan Zeyuan is now a no-brainer, and said: "It must be very good at licking. If it is someone else's Tam, I must first question it and then believe it; and Chen Mu's Tam, I just believe it first. Believe again."

Wa Wa began to continue to analyze the next bp: "IG is still sure to play Tamm, and not to get the combination of Verus and Tamm for the opposite VG."

"As for VG, Morgana was selected on the second floor, and the jungler Xin Zhao was confirmed on the third floor. This jungler is very strong. I don't know how IG will deal with it?"

"Oh, Principal Wang has decided on his ADC hero, Jhin!"

"This is another unexpected choice. I'm afraid this hero hasn't played in the LPL for almost a year."

"Yes, the most recent games were either Kashaxia or Bot Lane. I haven't seen this kind of functional AD for a long time."

"But I just don't know what the principal will do with the hero Jhin?"

Then as the BP progressed, the lineups of the two sides have been determined.

IG vs VG Game [-]
Top order: Qinggangying Camille vs Jess
Jungler: Xin Zhao vs Olaf

Mid laner: Verus vs Zoe
ADC: Jhin vs Ezreal
Support: Tahm vs Morgana

What's interesting is that IG didn't swing Camille, but VG did. Verus was selected on the first floor, but he didn't play ADC, but put it in the middle.

This also caused a lot of heated discussions on the barrage.

"I can't understand it, I really can't understand it! I haven't watched the game for two days. Is this the BP now?!"

"xswl, this VG really deserves to be the last one. Not to mention three substitutes, but also a mid laner Verus, to pay homage to the Tang Sect mid laner?"

"Is this President Wang's nine-guaranteed-one tactic?! Got it! If you can't beat the starters, just buy the starters off."

"It's really a show effect. Chen Mu actually chose a Tam. I don't know how to lick it?"

"I have a hunch that there will be many famous scenes in this game."

And as everyone changed their heroes and adjusted their rune talents, the game also began to enter the loading screen.

This time period is also the traditional part of cheering for LOL games.

The LPL official live broadcast room also released the timely online support rate of the game.

Although IG just released the news that Wang Saicong was playing, there were still many people who scolded Wang Saicong and IG, but when it came to the live game, the support rate was crushing.

IG's support rate has directly reached 90.00%, while VG's support rate is only about [-]%. This [-]% support rate may be voted by RNG fans.

On the IG at the scene, many fans raised their glowing fan cards.

"IG.WXZ come on!"

"IG is complete, how can I lose IG.WXZ?"

"Congratulations to IG Principal Wang for his C debut (Bi Xin) (Bi Xin)"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, IG's game channel also started joking.

Rookie is Wang Sicong's number one concubine, and began to care about Wang Sicong's state: "Principal, this is the first time you play a game, how do you feel? Are you nervous?"

Wang Sicong chuckled and said, "Very nervous!"

And Chen Mu, who was sitting next to Wang Sicong, also laughed: "It's okay, principal, I will answer the Q for you in a while, and I will try to help you win your first victory. Debut is the pinnacle!"

King Ning also encouraged: "Come on, come on!"

But Wang Sicong still had no confidence in his heart, he was a little weak, and said weakly: "They don't give a chance, go up to the first floor and choose a Verus, isn't my money enough?!"

Broiler carefully explained to the principal: "To be honest, their lineup has already given a chance. Verus ran to the middle, and he was already committing a crime. After 10 minutes, it was already difficult for them to perform."

And Wang Sicong's game understanding is indeed a bit different from that of professional players: "But we didn't hurt, they are all Poke!"

At this time, Rookie pointed to himself and said, "We...we are hurt~"

"But it's not enough!"

"There is still a nest, there is still a nest, and the nest... also has harm!" At this moment, Brother Shy, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"I'm Zoe Q, if you catch W, people will kill you!" Rookie continued to comfort.

But Wang Sicong scratched his head, is it really that simple? !
"But I think it's a bit fierce against the jungler, will you come to gank me!"

"Pfft." The others didn't speak, but Chen Mu couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

Will this jungler come to gank you? !He will definitely impress you, the kind that you will never forget in your life!

"What's wrong?!" Wang Sicong asked curiously when he saw Chen Mu's gaffe.

"Nothing, just thought of something funny."

"Ahem~Principal, don't worry, I will protect you!"

And Wang Shacong was like a baby, weakly said: "Then Chen Mu, you must protect me, I will rely on you!"

Before Wang Sicong could think about it, the game had already entered the game screen.

Wang Shicong's Jhin Summoner skills bring flash and teleportation.

And Chen Mu's Tam is flashing and purifying. After all, the essence of Tam as a hero is to protect himself first before protecting others.

Wang Sicong also chooses Dolan Shield as his starting outfit, and his main focus is a steady one.

And VG's bot lane combination is Martin and Xintai. These two are not starting players, but substitutes.

ADCMartin has been in LDL all year round, and xintai is also a member of the second team. This time, I don’t know why he played IG. VG will rotate these two players.

I don't know if it is to try a new lineup and prepare for the next season? !Or did Wang Shicong's banknote ability play a role? !
But with this combination, when it came up, it still beat Wang Sicong's Jhin violently all the way.

But the combination of Jhin and Tahm, there is no threat at the first level.

Xintai's assistant Morgana directly crossed the line of soldiers and began to point at Tamm, first hitting out the three gold coins of her assistant equipped with the blade of stealing magic.

And Wang Shicong's Jhin got stuck with a fourth shot crit, and wanted to step forward to consume EZ.

When Martin and Xintai faced the LPL's top bottom lane combination, they were beaten to the point where they couldn't take care of themselves. However, facing kindergarten combinations like Wang Sicong and Chen Mu, they still held their hands.

Seeing Wang Tiecong's Jhin, with such an obvious move, EZ and Morgana immediately pulled back in both directions.

And Wang Sicong saw that the attack distance was only a little bit short, so he couldn't help but shouted sadly:

"I can't get an A~"

In desperation, Jhin's last bullet could only be used to make up the knife.

But while Jhin was making up the knife, Morgana's Q skill had already been shot quietly, and she went straight to Wang Shacong.

Where did Wang Sicong move, Jhin was directly controlled by Morgana's Q skill Dark Imprisonment, and then the little yellow-haired EZ threw Jhin with a Q skill.

Jin lost one or two hundred HP in an instant, but he, Wang Shacong, had the foresight to carry Dolan's Shield.

Seeing that Wang Shacong ate the first Q, he himself didn't say anything, but Chen Mu, who was beside him, had already suppressed his laughter and began to apologize frantically: "Principal, principal, mine, I should block the Q for you." of."

And Wang Sicong was concentrating on making up the sword, and had no time to talk to Chen Mu, he just said: "It's okay, it's okay, let's be steady and stand behind the soldiers!"

Then continue to line up, both sides have reached the second level.

Chen Mu's Tam began to stand tightly in front of Jhin, blocking Morgana's Q path.

But the next moment Morgana played Q to Tam, and Chen Mu is not a god of summoners at the moment. Looking at Morgana's Q, he began to move subconsciously. With a small twist, Morgana's Q skills, a dark black magic energy group brushed past Tam.

But this really hurt Jhin standing behind Tam.

Jhin was imprisoned in place again.

"Fuck! I'm eating Q again." Wang Sicong yelled.

Wang Sicong frantically manipulated the mouse, but he couldn't move it.

Then Wang Sicong turned his head and glanced at Chen Mu next to him resentfully: "Chen Mu, what about protecting me as promised? Is the boat of friendship going to capsize?!"

And Chen Mu saw that he subconsciously moved, but it hurt his boss.

So he started apologizing with a smothered smile.

"My, my, principal, my, my, my problem~!"

Fortunately, Chen Mu didn't do any tricks. Tam learned the W skill at the second level. He quickly swallowed Jhin, and with the speed bonus, he ran back like flying.After running to a safe place, he spit out the Jhin in his stomach.

But instead of blaming him, Wang Sicong said happily.

"Hey, this seems to be not bad, you Tamm is standing behind me, I got Morgana's Q skill, you just eat me and run back!"

"That's fine too!"

Then Chen Mu's Tam stood behind Jhin, ready to swallow Jhin at any time.

In this way, in the 5-minute laning, although Wang Sicong's Jhin was not solo-killed in the lane, he had already pulled down ten hits.

But in the face of serious professional players, this can be regarded as a good score.

And the broadcast director also understands it very well. Basically, the game screen has always been placed in the bottom lane. As for the laning of other lines, it is just a pendant.

And the barrage is also very joyful, every time Morgana's Q skill hits Jhin, the barrage starts to frantically brush.

"Oh, Xintai is confused, every time Morgana gets a Q, the villa will be gone."

"If you don't understand, just ask, is this a match with Q Hot Dance?"

"Pick up Q hot dance online to pick up Q??"

"Martin: Xintai, you are confused, can this Q be hit?!"

"Chen Mu, you're no good as a support, you're out of position, what do you ask the principal to do?"

"Deduct your wages, deduct your wages, and deduct your wages when you go back!"

"Deduction of wages hahahahaha, I feel sorry for Chen Mu for a second."

"It's okay, Chen Mu, no, let me pick up Q hot dance, he is professional in picking up Q!"

And the commentators on the commentary stage were almost bored with laughter, but they still vindicated Wang Shacong from all angles.

"Ah, the principal hit another Q."

"But it doesn't matter, Chen Mu's Tam has something to eat this time, but he just swallowed it."

"However, Tam's first-level W skill has a cooldown of 20 seconds. During this 20-second window, how should Principal Wang deal with it?!"

"Of course, Chen Mu's Tam needs to help block the Q skill. Of course, if Principal Wang can twist the Q, he doesn't need Tam's help to block it."

"Hey, Morgana has a Q again, what about this Q?!"

"Hey~ Tam can't stop it, Chen Mu is not a professional support!"

"Fortunately, in the follow-up, the output of EZ was blocked by Tam, but Jhin has already lost blood, and he probably will not be able to go home. But fortunately, Principal Wang is carrying teleportation, and he can teleport back."

But it has been almost 10 minutes since this laning state lasted, and the director realized that this is a 5v5 game, not a solo in the bottom lane, so Kankan moved the camera to brother shy in the top lane.

Wang Sicong, who is on the bottom road, is in jail, but there is also a person on the top road who is in jail.

Brother shy is facing Meow.

And this Meow is also a substitute, and the top laner aodi, who was once one of EDG's crouching dragons and phoenixes, was replaced by him.

Meow is a rookie in the LPL. He just made his debut this season, but he played a dark scene just after his debut. Using Gnar, he was defeated by OMG's senior top laner, Xiyang, and Aoun three times in 10 minutes.

And an old Xiyang is about to retire, and he can regain his former glory in the hands of Meow, one can imagine how good he is.

By the way, this Meow later changed its name to New, transferred to RNG, and ran for the top dish in RNG's history, known as "New Full"!
(End of this chapter)

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