LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 213 I only know what the winner is king

Chapter 213 I only know what the winner is king

Watching Tam take Rookie's sports car as a favor and spit it out at Jhin's feet.

And Wang Shacong's Jhin was walking when he suddenly found a bloody sports car under his feet, which shocked Wang Shacong.

I'm sorry, where is the Ferrari from? !

Could it be that.
Could it be that after spending so much money, it finally worked out, and does Tencent still have this kind of welfare compensation? !
After hearing Chen Mu's explanation, he was also speechless.

Stealing his own head, but using someone else's sports car as a favor, is this funny Chen Mu really the ruthless god who kills everywhere on the stage of the World Championship? ?

Rookie, who was about to concentrate on repairing the sports car, was taken aback.

Where's my Ferrari? !What about my big Ferrari? !

Then, Rookie, who reacted, laughed and cursed directly: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Why should I bear your compensation?!"

And Chen Mu still said with a smile:
"Hey, isn't it all for the principal?! I see that the principal's equipment has been stuck for a long time, maybe you can go back to make equipment with just a Ferrari!"

"I see that your Zoe is out of blue, and it's still a cannon car. It's too hard, why don't I help you?! Hee hee hee."

When Rookie heard the word principal, he couldn't say anything, so he choked out a few words: "Thank you, oh—"

The team voice of the IG team is full of joy, and the barrage in the live broadcast room is also extremely joyful.

"Salary increase, pay increase for details!"

"Too much support!"

rookie: "???"

"I cried, tears in my eyes, is this Chen Mu's love for the principal? I feel it!"

"I really want to take this assistant home."

"Is this Chen Mu's licking skill?! Sure enough, it is as strong as his strength."

However, this is also an episode in the game, but it is still difficult to hide the disadvantage of IG at this time.

At 13 minutes into the game, facing VG's two-way army advancing, IG's three-way outer towers were all destroyed.

But there is also good news, that is, Brother Shy's Qing Gangying once again found an opportunity in the bottom lane and single-killed the opponent's top laner Jess. The economics of the two sides have not widened much, and the gap is only 2000.

At the same time, King Ning's Olaf and Shen Chenmu's Tam were protecting Wang Shicong's Jhin on the top lane, but happened to meet the bottom lane duo who was alone at the river mouth in the upper half of the field.

Chen Mu thought that he had just robbed Wang Sicong of his head and just returned him a sports car, and thought that Wang Sicong had a sense of participation in the game, so he asked, "What are you doing to them?"

King Ning also became angry in an instant, and said, "Do it!"

So Olaf immediately opened his wolf head, opened his own big move, Ragnarok, and moved forward.

Wang Sicong felt weak in his heart, and said weakly: "Why don't you just forget it! Tam, don't go, protect me!"

And Chen Mu patted his chest and assured Wang Sicong: "Principal, don't worry! This time I will help you take a head."

Then his own Tam didn't look back, and charged with Olaf.

And Wang Sicong's Jhin was also set up, but in desperation, he set up his ult again, and the four super bullets were already in place.

Under the pursuit of Tam and Olaf, even if there is an EZ with flashes and E, he was chased to death directly.

But Wang Shicong still didn't receive the head, but Olaf took the head of EZ.

However, Olaf and Tam were also taken away by Xin Zhao and Verus.

But at this time, Jhin hadn't gone deep, and didn't know that the danger had quietly approached. He was still on the road and wanted to make up a cannon car before retreating.

But quietly unknown, accepting VG's jungle wandering, Xin Zhao has a spear in his hand, and has come to find him on the road.

When Wang Sicong saw Xin Zhao from the field of vision, it was too late
Jhin, who had nowhere to escape, shook his head and walked around like a headless chicken in a panic.

But Xin Zhao is not a sorcerer, so he came straight to Jhin with his long spear.

Jhin, who didn't know where he was going, had the opposite defense tower in front of him, and there was no defense tower of his own behind, so he could only retreat step by step and hide in the grass.

In the next moment, Xin Zhao inserted a real eye, seeing Wang Sicong's Jhin's position clearly, and then Xin Zhao stabbed up with a spear in his hand.

At this moment, the two sides seem to have reversed their identities. Xin Zhao is like a ruthless and domineering president with a long spear in his hand, and Jhin is like a little white rabbit holding a water gun.

The story of a domineering CEO falling in love with me is unfolding quietly. She flees, he chases, but she cannot fly; No matter how rich the licking dog is, it will shed tears.

"The spear is still here!" Xin Zhao shouted loudly.

AQAWAA, pick up Jhin two or three times, and finally level A to take the head.

And seeing Jhin being killed by Xin Zhao's set of skills on the opposite side, the entire barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy with laughter.

"Famous scene hahaha!"

"Tam is such a jerk that he abandoned Principal Wang. I laughed so hard."

"Shocked, Lu En's decision to go to IG is for the sake of"

"I saw the small shot just now, Chen Mu was laughing wildly, Chen Mu laughed so happily!"

"Chen Mu's bonus is about to disappear."

"Tam's hands are powerful, wait for me, the brothers will die together in a while."

"Does this Xin Zhao not want to mess around anymore? Xin Zhao, you should retire, the road is narrowed."

"Wandering will retire and deduct money from now on, and will be hidden in the snow."

"Young model in the Jess Club, Xin Zhao went to work in the sea."

"From now on, Xin Zhao went to Wanda Super to double."

"Xin Zhao said I just want to be a real man, what's wrong?"

"The future of wandering is dark, Xin Zhao's retirement battle."

"This is the last game that Xin Zhao can perform, and it will be deleted in the next update, so what are you waiting for?"

"Wandering: I don't know what it means to be young and frivolous, I only know that the winner is king."

And Wang Sicong looked at the black screen, a little dazed, and didn't react for a while. This was the first time his own Jhin died in battle.
Obviously his Jhin had resisted the pressure in the lane and was not killed by EZ and Morgana, but he didn't expect to fall into the hands of his own Olaf and Tam.

And looking at Principal Wang who was already in a state of confusion, this time not only Chen Mu apologized crazily, but King Ning also joined the team of crazily apologizing.

"My, my, principal, my! This wave shouldn't be on, I'm too impulsive."

"My, my, principal, my! This wave shouldn't be on, I should stay and protect you."


Hearing the two smiling and apologizing, Wang Sicong was speechless.

Anyway, I am also the boss, can you be more serious, more serious.

But play for fun, laugh for laughs, the resources that should be given to Jhin must not be less.

In 15 minutes, Jhin also had [-] to [-] last hits, which is [-] knives less than the opposite EZ.

Then the game went to 18 minutes.

While IG's TheShy Qing Gangying is leading the line in the bottom lane, Jhin in the top lane is collecting a wave of safe soldiers under the second tower.

Only Olaf, Tahm, and Zoe are guarding the second tower in the middle, but the second tower in the middle that was hit by the canyon pioneer is running out of health, and these three have no ability to clear the line.

VG began to advance strongly, but Wang Sicong saw that the line of soldiers under his tower had been taken away, and he didn't dare to go any further, so he wanted to go from his own wild area to support the second tower in the middle.

However, in the grass above the red buff, a Xin Zhao holding a spear was already squatting.

Watching a living ADC walk by in front of his eyes, Xin Zhao fired his spear.

A little cold light comes first, and then the spear shoots out like a dragon! !
AQEAWAR, with a set of skills, he directly killed Jhin.

At this time, Wang Sicong's screen perspective was still in the middle, and he didn't notice his life bar at all.

But suddenly watching his screen go dark.

well? !Why is my screen black? !
well? !Why is my ember blood bar gone? !
well? !What about my big ADC? !

There were three question marks on Wang Sicong's forehead.

But the answer he got was that Xin Zhao stepped on Jhin's body.

Seeing this scene, the barrage once again "crazy output".

"I eat three ways for one person, and I have zero output when playing in a group."

"If you don't understand, just ask, is this the world's number one ADC playing?!"

"The world's number one ADC?! That's right, my brother Zaozi. (狗头) (狗头)"

"Another famous scene!"

"Young man, your road is narrow."

"Wandering: Do princes and generals care about each other?"

"Do you want to be a licking dog for the rest of your life? Or be a hero for this moment? - Wandering"

"Xin Zhao is awesome!"

"Coach: If you kill the opponent's ADC again, you won't come to the training game in the future."

"I laughed so hard, Xin Zhao also made a big move to show respect."

"Tomorrow this Xin Zhao will be fired for entering the door with his left foot."

And watching his boss die in the wild again, IG's second tower in the middle could no longer defend, so in desperation, he had to put the second tower.

However, brother shy's Qinggang Ying also took away the defensive tower in the bottom lane.

The game lasts to 10 minutes.

VG, who gained the advantage, once again invaded IG's first half wild area.

But this time, Wang Sicong has also learned to be smart, and he no longer trusts Chen Mu's Tam, and he has been tricked by Chen Mu's Tam for several times, so his Jhin has always been Standing under the highland tower in the middle, the sniper rifle in his hand has become a telescope.

But his family only has two long hands, and Jhin can't go to person A, so the heavy responsibility of poke consumption is handed over to Rookie's Zoe.

But the wandering Xin Zhao, with two heads in hand, has reached level 11, which is already the same as his own top laner Jess.

In the wild area, I met the three IG Nakanosuke, and without saying a word, they directly stabbed them up.With the output of his teammates, Zoe was instantly disabled.

But for some reason, the object of protection was not Jhin, so Chen Mu's operation began to be full directly, swallowing the residual blood of Zoe quickly, and then the purification flash was fully turned on, and Zoe escaped from the dangerous zone.

King Ning's Olaf also started his ult to leave the wild area.

Brother shy, who was still leading the line in the bottom lane, saw that the situation was not right, so he handed in his TP. If he didn't T down, his teammates might be wiped out.

And Wang Sicong was standing in the Highland Tower, looking at the people fleeing in a panic, and shouted loudly.

"Don't panic! I'll cover your retreat."

Then Jhin opened his sniper rifle under the Highland Tower, a perfect curtain had been opened, and everyone in VG was exposed to Jhin's sniper scope.

At this time, Brother Shy's Qinggang Shadow had also landed, and kicked directly at the nearest Verus.

Seeing that Verus had been framed, Wang Sicong was overjoyed instantly.

It seems to prove his strength as the world's number one ADC.

A super bullet, a stream of air flowed through the air, hit Verus, who was already unable to move, and took the bloody head of Verus.

Wang Sicong got the first blood of his career.

And saw that his boss got the head.

Several team members shouted: "Awesome!"; "Principal is awesome!"

Even the audience under the competition stage shouted.

However, TheShy's Qinggang Shadow physically framed Verus, and he himself fell into the concentrated fire on the opposite side. Qinggang Ying, who did not have any defensive equipment, died instantly.

And Nakanosuke and the other three looked at the remaining blood.

Martin's EZ directly went to IG's highland tower and started killing randomly.

With a flat A, Zoe who was empty blood was taken away, and then the precise RQW skill was released, and Chen Mu's Tam was taken away.

At this time, the rest of VG was still under the wall of the high ground and could not get up, Martin's EZ was still on the high ground alone, and IG only left Jhin.

At this time, the imperial city PK of the two ADCs.

Wang Shicong's Jhin saw that there was no way out, so he also started Soloing with EZ's.

AQAA outputs EZ, and Martin's EZ also has skills, so if you use skills, you can play against Jhin without skills.

Jhin's fourth bullet popped out of his hand.

A critical strike immediately suppressed EZ's blood volume to the lowest level, and there were probably more than 100 blood volume left.

And Jhin's HP is still half, so it is impossible for EZ with this kind of HP to drop Jhin in seconds before Jhin changes the bullet.

The corners of Wang Sicong's mouth were slightly raised.

The few team members of his family are indeed pretty good, but it doesn't depend on himself. In this disadvantaged situation, shouldn't he rely on himself to turn the tide and save the world? !

Jhin's own hand was indeed suppressed in the lane, but he played well in the team.

Even if Uzi doesn't understand Jhin, isn't it like an arm in his hands? !

Wang Sicong's heart has become presumptuous.

But the next moment.
A figure that he will never forget appeared.

I saw a man holding a long gun flashing to Kamikochi, suddenly appearing in front of him.

Without further ado, EQAW
In a second, his Jhin melted before changing the bullet.

Looking at the bloody EZ, Wang Sicong yelled bitterly at his teammates.

"I, I, I really can't come out!"

Seeing such a dramatic scene, the shouts under the stage became even louder, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was not inferior to the shouts at the scene.

"I'm dying of laughter, the cheers at the scene are too much!"

"Xin Zhao is not cool, it's too much for God's sake. (Slant eyes) (Slant eyes)"

"Xin Zhao is not sensible!"

"The middle door confronts!"

"xswl, Ez is standing up, and Xin Zhao's head is too hard."

"I don't even dare to Q behind this EZ."

"EZ's keyboard suddenly broke, and they all started to masturbate."

"A real man, Xin Zhao!"

"I don't know what it means to be young and frivolous, I only know what it means to be the winner - wandering!"


(End of this chapter)

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