LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 225 The Wheel of History Rolls On

Chapter 225 The Wheel of History Rolls On
In IG's exclusive lounge, several young men from IG sat together, no one spoke, and they didn't know what to say.

Originally, when they entered the field, the five of them looked aggressive, but Brother Zaozi took his Kai'Sa and gave the IG team a head-on blow.

Two consecutive losses in a row, and the perfect performance of uzi Kaisha also made IG lose a little temper.

At this time, not to mention the starting five boys, even Coach Jin was a little discouraged. He was defeated by Uzi's Kai'Sa in the first two consecutive rounds. He couldn't see how to play the game for a while.

At this time, Chen Mu stood up, got up slowly, patted the five people's shoulders, and then put the five people's hands together.

"come on!"

"Brothers, come on!"

This is the last page of their LPL schedule in the summer season. Whether they can be perfect depends on their performance this night.

At this point, no one wants to fail.

Chen Mu didn't have the strength to support the game at this time, and he could only give his teammates a little spiritual comfort.

And with the comfort and enlightenment of the big brother Chen Mu, several teammates barely recovered a little energy and momentum.

In the third game, the IG team finally stopped being sick, and directly grabbed Kai'Sa on the first floor, and even found another way to get a tank hero Thain for TheShy.

However, RNG on the opposite side immediately retaliated, helping the puppy but got the long-armed policewoman, wanting to suppress Kai'Sa's development in the early stage, and started a speed push system.

In the early stage, RNG got its wish and took advantage.

But at 22 minutes into the game, when RNG disconnected the Baron, a dramatic scene that would have been difficult to happen in [-] games happened.

I saw that at exactly 22 minutes, RNG jungler Karsa, seeing the blood volume of the big dragon, handed over his punishment, but because the big dragon added 125 points of blood every minute, it caused Karsa to punish him for a second , the dragon returned to blood.

So Dalong was directly grabbed by IG.

Because of this miraculous thing, it was finally turned over by IG.

With such a dramatic victory in the third game, the confidence of the five IG players also increased greatly.

It seems that fate is still in my hands, and I shouldn't die!

Facing Brother Zaozi's policewoman, Ah Shui's Kai'Sa might not have room to develop due to the pressure and quick push in the early stage.

Now all the boys in IG are full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

RNG on the opposite side is the three axes. At the beginning, Kai'Sa, who didn't ban Uzi, was directly beaten, but after reacting, IG began to gradually find its own rhythm.

In the fourth game, Ah Shui also learned how to behave. If he doesn't play Kai'Sa, he must ban Kai'Sa first, so as not to give Uzi a chance to change his life against the sky.

Then Ah Shui and Baolan got the classic combination of Verus and Tam.

shy and broiler were also angry, and took out the lineups of top laner Ryze and mid laner Vickers respectively. King Ning even made the reckless Olaf, defeated RNG directly in the upper middle field, and won the fourth game Contest.

2-2, IG and RNG drew!
The game seems to be interesting again.

At this time, it seems that it is not the players on IG's side that are anxious, but the RNG on the opposite side.

It was 2-0 at the beginning. I thought this finals would be won easily, but I didn't expect that the opposing IG team could adjust their mentality in time and fight back.

Especially in the third game, because Dalong recovered more than 100 health points, Dalong was robbed, which directly broke the mentality of RNG's starting jungler Karsa.

His mentality wasn't good in the first place, not to mention the occurrence of such an own goal, which directly caused him to play poorly in the next fourth game, and he didn't have any rhythm of clearing the jungle.

But this is too slow, and I'm afraid that Uzi's mentality has also changed a little. The original smooth sailing, holding three match points in his hand has become a game of life and death, which directly made him almost turned into a red and warm monster.

After the fourth round, Brother Zaozi's face was flushed, and he began to put pressure on his teammates crazily.

Soon in the final fifth game, the battle of Tianwangshan came.

RNG was also decisive. In the last round of the game, it changed its formation and directly dropped the jungler Casa, but played the firefighter spicy pot.

As soon as Mr. Guo played, he got the most powerful jungler's nightmare in this version.

The puppy also got the hero who was most misunderstood by the outside world, Xia.Letme on the road chose the hero Aoun.

It can be described as a lineup that does not miss regrets!

JackeyLove took Verus, brother shy took Jess, and rookie played Ryze, which is also a very IG lineup.

This was supposed to be a close battle, but in the end it turned into Uzi's forehand and backhand teaching to Ah Shui.

In the final of the spring game, Ah Shui got Xia and was blocked by Verus from Uzi for a 50-yard tie A distance. He stole A three times for no reason, thus losing the game.

At this time, Ah Shui got Verus, and Uzi got Xia.

It should have been Ah Shui's battle of proof.

But who made the opposing ADC be uzi? !

In the final team battle, Uzi's Xia has evolved into a "full of fat feathers". As for the debate about whether Xia A is painful or not, Uzi has also given an answer very well.

The exaggerated explosive output directly and violently killed three kills, thus ending the IG team's dream of being a champion in the summer split.

In the end, RNG defeated IG 3:2 and won the 2018 LPL Summer Championship.

Seeing this, it seems that all the Huangza on the Internet started to bounce back, and the all-China class became a hot topic again for a while, and IG also "lived up to everyone's expectations", and once again staged the tradition of being invincible in the regular season and pulling hips in the playoffs.

And watching the LPL Summer Finals that ended with such a tiger head ending, the barrage in the entire live broadcast room exploded directly.

Especially the complaints from the fans of the IG team and the miscellaneous people began to bounce back one after another.

"That's it, [-]% off [-]% off?!"

"Is this the Galaxy Battleship known as the LPL? Is this the Trident team?! Vulnerable! I haven't exerted any strength yet, you will fall down!"

"uzi: There is no IG for Chen Mu, but that's it!"

"Where is Chen Mu? I really don't understand, why not let him play? I would rather lose the game than let him play."

"Su Xiaoluo is a horse first?"

"RNG is awesome, uzi is awesome!"

"Those who betray iRNG will die!"

"Chen Mu's eternal god?! Uzi's eternal god!"

"Laughing, when the tide goes out, you will know who is swimming naked!"

In the studio of the commentary station, no matter who won the championship, it has nothing to do with them, but no one can refute the gimmick of the all-China class, so the Haier brothers and Changmao were also very excited, and they congratulated repeatedly:
"Congratulations RNG!"

"Congratulations to RNG! The invincible teacher deserves his name!"

The baby was excited and incoherent: "From the time when RNG won the spring championship, it was a championship year for Uzi, the spring champion, the MSI champion, the Intercontinental champion, the Asian Games gold medal, and now the summer champion."

"Today's game tells us one thing. Only they can surpass themselves. Let's go to this year's World Championship and get back our own honor!"

Miller was also applauding desperately, and said passionately:

"Yes! Let us once again congratulate RNG for winning the 2018 LPL Professional League Summer Championship. At the same time, they will also become the No. [-] seeded team of the LPL!"

"On behalf of LPL, go to the big stage of the S8 Global Finals to shine their light!"

"They have broken their own records, and erected a monument that no one in the LPL knows, but it must be unprecedented! Reaching the pinnacle!"

All the good things have been said to Wawa and Miller, and Changmao can only congratulate RNG on the sidelines:

"Congratulations RNG!"

"Congratulations to RNG for winning the 2018 LPL Summer Championship!"

"Yes, they are champions!"

Then the three commentators looked at each other and shouted in unison: "We are the champions!"

"we are the champion!"

Of course, the three commentators are all smart people, and they have all the good things to say about RNG, but they also have to express regret and regret for IG's rudeness.

"Of course. IG is also a very strong team, but there can only be one champion. Although IG lost to RNG this time, it doesn't matter. He also won the runner-up in the summer split."

"In addition to the points from the spring split, IG has also successfully entered the World Championship as the second seed. I hope that in the next few days, the boys from IG can adjust their status well and have a number in the World Championship. Performance"

"Especially for player Chen Mu, it's a pity that he didn't see Chen Mu in this battle against RNG in Tianwangshan. I hope he can adjust himself in time so that we can see his king return in the World Championship!! "

Of course, for the topic of IG, the commentators just passed it by, after all, the winner belongs to RNG.

At this time, in the competition venue, supported by the cheers and shouts of tens of thousands of people, the RNG players finally let go of all the pressure on their bodies and hugged and celebrated together on the stage.

Smiling and high-fiving everyone, Brother Zaozi relies on his weight advantage to block the thin Xiao Ming on the left, and holds a spicy spicy pot that is as thin as a hemp stick in his right hand, which can be described as "hugging left and right".

The other RNG players hugged each other excitedly.

The camera of the director has already focused on the past, recording the scene just now into the camera.

At this moment, everyone in RNG was extremely happy.

In the finals, RNG fought five rounds with a record of 3-2, and finally defeated the IG team with a very high score!

In the deciding game of the fifth game, although Karsa was robbed by the coincidence, IG took advantage of the situation to win two games in a row.

However, in the final game of the fifth game, due to lack of experience, the pressure on the hearts of the IG people increased, and the emotional instability was seized by RNG, which caused them to make many small mistakes in the last game.

RNG didn't miss those opportunities, they seized IG's flaws and pursued the victory, without giving IG any chance to counterattack, they directly won the game.

"Incense pot, incense pot, we won?! We really won?!"

At the moment when the game ended, brother Zaozi shook the pot-headed youth next to him, but the pot-headed youth was also a little dazed.

Uzi next to him has never won a league championship before. Except for the beginning of this year's spring split, because of brother shy's broken hand, IG's strength was greatly damaged, and he was voted home by RNG. Uzi won the first league of his career. Champion, so there has always been a saying that five sons can't do it, and there is no championship in life.

As for Xiangguo, he has won the LPL league championship, but this kind of Tianwangshan battle, being temporarily pulled up by others to be a firefighter, the key is to win the game, this kind of experience is also magical for him.

For some reason, an unbelievable emotion suddenly appeared in his heart.

The last one to get this kind of experience card was Chen Mu, who turned the tide in the MSI mid-season game. The last one to get this kind of experience card was Yewang bengji. S6 was pulled by SKT to play the teaching bureau.

The victory in this game seemed easy, but it seemed to be something he couldn't dream of.

Looking at Uzi's expression, Mala Xiangguo patted his shoulder and said firmly:

"Yes, I won!"

"Victory is ours!"

And what about the IG players at this time?
Standing under the stage, Chen Mu listened to the cheers in his ears, and looked at the shining lights on the stage, his eyes were particularly sharp.

In the previous life, RNG also defeated IG [-]-[-] in the summer finals.

He, a big butterfly with useless wings, came to this life and seemed to have changed his fate, but it seemed that no fate could be changed.

The RNG people who are celebrating on the current stage, how excited and excited they are now, how desperate and autistic they will be in South Korea a month later.

The gears of history are still coming and going, and will not be changed by anyone's will.

The upcoming World Championship is using version 8.19, not the current version 8.16.

The weakened sword demon has been strengthened again, Nuo Shou's growth attack power has increased, Jian Ji's basic damage has increased, Sword Girl's skill CD has decreased, but Thain and Aoun have ushered in weakening.

Most importantly, Kai'Sa in the bottom lane ADC has been weakened.

With this series of hero changes, we can intuitively see the trend of Riot's top laner changes, improve the status of the carry top laner, enhance the confrontation ability of the output type top laner, and attack the dominance of the meat tank type top laner from the side. force.

Judging from the playoffs of each major region, whether it is the LPL division, or the top laners of other divisions, or even the LCK division, which has always disdained tank top laners, they are uncharacteristically, and they are beginning to tend to choose meat tank top laners to improve the team. The fault tolerance rate increases, the front row of the team increases, and the team's ability to start a team is strengthened.

Heroes like Big Chongzi, Orn, and Sion often appear in the top lane position, and are even selected by some teams without thinking. It can be seen that the meat tank top laner is very powerful in the current version.

Even in the summer finals, TheShy was forced to choose a Thain, which was unimaginable for the previous shy brother.

But there is no way, a strong version is really strong!

In the World Championship version, Riot specially enhanced two tank nemesis: Nuo Shou and Jian Ji to maintain the "ecological balance" of the top lane. This change is a big deal for some top laners who can only play meat tanks. blow.

If you dare to choose Sean Aoun or Big Worm in the World Championship without thinking, you have to bear the threat of being overwhelmed by the opponent's counter.

(End of this chapter)

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