LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 247: The Unparalleled Swordswoman!

Chapter 247 True Unparalleled Sword Princess!
GRX staged a wave of five catches and one deadly charge, but Chen Mu directly counter-killed Yasuo with a wave of magical operations.

Then he fled the battlefield first in Thresh's "Friendship Boat", temporarily avoiding the fate of being encircled and suppressed.

But the next moment.
When her teammates arrived, Jian Ji immediately started to fight back, re-cut into the battlefield again, and pointed directly at the opposite ADC Xia.

But Xia, whose development is not perfect, has only completed a costume after playing for 15 minutes.

Facing this kind of sword girl, after one QA, one-third of her HP will be gone.

At this moment, Chen Mu's sword girl has completely transformed into a unparalleled sword girl.

When all the members of IG rushed to the battlefield, within 10 seconds, GRX was wiped out instantly.

At this time, the last wave of super soldiers who had just started on the road had already arrived at the front tooth tower on the opposite side.

"Let's make a wave!"

Chen Mu said lightly.

Afterwards, all five members of IG assembled, and stopped torturing their opponents. They directly crossed the Highland Tower and came to the front tooth tower.

Although it took only 15 minutes, the defensive towers were relatively strong, but no one was defending them, and soon the two front tooth towers collapsed.

In the end, GRX's crystal base slowly exploded and turned into ruins.

And the time is fixed at 15 minutes and 23 seconds.

Seeing that on the stage of the World Championship, IG ended the game in 15 minutes, and the live broadcast room was instantly noisy.

"IG is awesome! Chen Mu is awesome!"

"I'm sorry, it's over in 15 minutes. This should be history!"

"It's over in less than 10 minutes. It's too cruel not to even give the other side a chance to surrender!"

"Little IG will never work overtime!!"

"This sword girl is amazing!"

"xdm, have you noticed that Chen Mu's sword girl W skill is always 100% blocked!"

"But, it's a bit of a script!"

"To be honest, I feel sorry for this stone man. It's the last match of the World Championship. It's too miserable to be beaten like this by Chen Mu!"

"Hey, if it wasn't for the World Championship, where Riot and the Koreans are playing under the nose, I really wonder if Chen Mu has plugged in a USB flash drive!"

"Laughing to death, no, my brother Mu just played with two stone figures, do you think my brother Mu can't lift a sword?!"

"I, Chen Mu, have only one sword, which can move mountains, overturn seas, subdue demons, suppress demons, order gods, pick stars, break rivers, destroy cities, and open heavens!——Chen Mu"

"From now on, I will only serve the sword girl Chen Mu, the true peerless sword girl!"


And not only the audience in the live broadcast room started their own rainbow farts, the official commentary room of LPL also started their own "professional comments".

When it comes to rainbow farts, these professional explanations are more professional.

"15 minutes and 23 seconds, this should be the record for the league to finish the game the fastest!" Wang remembers saying with some uncertainty.

"Among my influences, the fastest game in LPL is this summer playoffs. When RNG played against TOP, RNG ended the game in 15 minutes and 34 seconds." Guan Zeyuan was also a little uncertain.

"Of course, some troublesome games can't be counted. For example, in the LCK division next door, Team Dark vs. Samsung Ozone. To commemorate Dopa's suspension, Team Dark chose five junglers to have fun, and Samsung only took 8 minutes It was game over in 20 seconds."

"For example, when EDG played against QG, because of QG's Nakano breakup, the incident that left tonight, EDG's classic 1-minute BO5"

"But on the stage of the World Championship, I remember that this should be the fastest game."

Even though EDG and Uzi may be watching the live broadcast, the commentators are boldly teasing.

But I remember that I was bragging about the IG team with Guan Zeyuan, and Rita next to me started bragging about Chen Mu's rainbow farts by name.

"This match was able to end so quickly. I think the sword girl on the top lane contributed the most. First, there was a wave of tower jumping for more than three minutes, forcing a gap in the top lane."

"In addition to this lineup of GRX, there is no ability to defend the tower. We have only been able to see for more than ten minutes, and GRX's field of vision and territory have been compressed under the high ground tower, and we can't get out at all!"

And I remember that after listening to Rita's words, Guan Zeyuan and Guan Zeyuan also changed the topic to Chen Mu.

"Rita is right. It all started with the wave of tower jumping at 3 minutes and 34 seconds to solo kill the bloody stone man!"

"However, speaking of that wave of solo kills, it was really one of the most outrageous moves I've ever seen in my career. It must definitely be included in the TOP highlights of this World Championship."


While several commentators were blowing rainbow farts, at this time, the contestants on the stage were seated.

Chen Mu opened the damage settlement panel as usual, browsed casually, and then picked up the jacket that was draped over the gaming chair.

Go to the player's seat opposite GRX.

And several teammates lined up like ducklings following the mother duck, walking obediently behind Chen Mu.

On the other hand, several players from GRX saw IG players approaching them, but they looked as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Because they are really afraid that their top laner PK will kill the "beast" Jian Ji with a single punch.

Although the game ended in just 15 minutes, the sound of PK playing a stone man and clapping the keyboard has never stopped.

But in the end, it turned out that they were thinking too much.

After the game was over, PK first leaned back on the chair tactically and shut himself up for a while, then rubbed his face with his hands to sort out his mood, then stood up with a smile, and greeted IG and others to shake hands.

In fact, winning or losing a game is a very common thing. Of course, everyone is smiling when they win, but everyone is definitely unhappy when they lose.

Losing the game and losing the mentality explosion is a common thing.

Think about it, playing a stone man, full of blood and being solo killed by someone at the third level, and finally able to eat the line, the Nakano conjoined twins came across.

In 10 minutes, he died three times in a row on the road, and was directly destroyed by a canyon pioneer.

In the last wave of team battles, five fought one and one was counter-killed.

After one game, the PK Golem didn't even have a hundred hits, and he didn't even have a complete outfit on him.

Those who don't know think that the stone man is an NPC in the Human-Machine Bureau? !

The key point is that this is still on the stage of the World Championships, everyone in the world is watching, maybe my parents and relatives are watching my last battle in the World Championships.

But being killed like a dog, on whose shoulders does it rest, who doesn't have a mental explosion? !

But the end of the game is the end of the game, no matter what, we must return to reality.

Seeing Chen Mu approaching with a cold face, PK stretched out his hands and shook them slightly.

Then he bowed slightly from the bottom of his heart, and said in a Hong Kong accent: "Your sword girl is a well-deserved jjking!! Also the number one top order in my mind!"

After hearing PK's words, Chen Mu was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slightly, passed PK, and went to the next player.
At this time, in the exclusive lounge of FNC, I saw that IG pushed GRX flatly in just 15 minutes.

"Oh! My God!"



There was an exclamation after another.

Obviously, it has been determined to advance to the top 8. According to the logic, the champagne should have been opened by this time.

But at this time, everyone in FNC in the lounge felt a lot of pressure.

Because IG won GRX, they are about to fight FNC again, and play an overtime match to decide who is the final group No.1.

"IG's top laner is too fierce, it's a bit difficult?! Soaz, Bwipo, can you two stand up to it?!" The mid laner caps was the first to speak, a little worried about his own top laner.

"Before worrying about going on the road, you should worry about your own affairs first. Can you beat Rookie in the middle lane? You must know that he is also a world-class top mid laner!"

The others didn't speak, but the assistant Hylissang spoke first after being high.

Caps is now a serious cap king. This cap king is not a derogatory term. Now he is a well-deserved thigh in the team. He can complete 80.00% of his mouth and mouth.

Caps said confidently: "Don't worry, I will definitely blow up the opponent's mid laner, but you should be careful in the bottom lane, don't be beaten up by a kid who just debuted this year."

Hylissang was hilarious and said, "Oh, don't worry, there is no such thing as Uzi in the opposite bot lane. As long as we don't meet Uzi, rekkles and I will be the number one bot lane in the world."

Rekkles just shrugged his shoulders and said that he would not participate in the talk of his two assistants.

You Hylissang is high, so you can brag about yourself, please don't take me!I won't pay for your awesomeness!
Although rekkles is also a serious patient of dog phobia, except for Uzi, he dare not underestimate the heroes of the world.

At the same time, there are two top laners who do not participate in the two-person chat. Now FNC has two top laners. Bwipo and Soaz are sitting in the chairs in silence at this time.

After seeing Chen Mu's terrifying expressiveness in the last round, and his operation like a computer bug, even if they were watching from the audience, the two of them couldn't help but bring themselves into the PK.

I thought for a while if I was a stone man, would I be able to deal with Sword Fairy's offensive, especially the wave of Sword Fairy's third-level jumping tower.

What should I do if I am a stone man? !

The answer is no solution!

Yes, no solution!
In the PK wave of stone men with full blood, the sword girl jumped over the tower. Do you think he made any mistakes in his operation? !

The most terrifying thing is that there is nothing!
The skills that the stone man should use have also been released, and he did not stand passively and be beaten the whole time, but the stone man is dead!

If it must be wrong, it is that the stone man is full of blood and still does not go home, and dares to covet this wave of troops!
But if this is also considered a mistake, then the top laner should not play at all, and just go off the field as an OB!

Now FNC has two top laners, the starting top laner is Bwipo, and the veteran Soaz is now FNC's substitute top laner.

At this moment, both of them were a little worried, who would beat Chen Mu in the next match? !

In the end all eyes were on good old Soaz.

It's you, the last savior of the top laner in the EU division!
As for Soaz, he is also one of the few European and American players that we LPL audiences know.

But the impression that left me the most about LPL is probably: Soaz is screwed, soaz is screwed again, how much more screwed can soap be!
Some people will say: "I know soaz, a party member, a good friend of LPL!"

But ridicule is ridicule, but Soaz's former teammates were yellow, star, xepeke and others, and his former opponents were legendary m5, ancient TSM, EG and carrion.

In the European Division, although FNC has been "baited" every year for so many years, last year's World Championship was crazy, you should retire this year!This kind of speech spread.

But the fans in the European division have the same feelings for Soaz, in fact, our fans in the LPL division have the same feelings for Uzi and the factory manager.

It's noisy, it's noisy, but Soaz is the strongest top laner in Europe, and also the number one top laner in the Western world!

But when FNC was discussing and studying the starting lineup for overtime.

In the exclusive lounge of IG, there was a jubilation.

Seeing Chen Mu, who had a cold face and was not good at speaking, as soon as he returned to the lounge, he sat on the bench in the corner and began to close his eyes.

Coach Jin was about to smile, his chubby round face narrowed, and the two small eyes could hardly be seen.

After finishing these two rounds, he finally found out.

They're back, they're all back, the number one love general under him is back! !
As for the next overtime match with FNC
"Uh TheShy, I know you played a game today, you must be very tired, you should rest more!"

"Next time, I will definitely let you play, next time for sure!!"

Coach Jin had already patted TheShy on the shoulder to comfort him. As for TheShy, who didn't listen to him before, chose some useless hero named Jian Ji, and lost the game, he had already forgotten about it.


How could Jian Ji be a waste hero? !

You see, Chen Mu's Sword Fairy has already surpassed the bloody stone man's tower at level three!
What other heroes in League of Legends have this charm? !

But for TheShy, he was not annoyed when he heard Coach Jin's words. He really didn't think too much about whether he could start the game.

What he wants is the thrill of challenging the pinnacle of competition!
So sometimes when laning, he knows that the opposing jungler is hovering nearby, but he is extremely confident in his operation, so he doesn't go, but presses the line, and believes that his operation can resolve the jungler's gank.

As a result, the world's No. [-] top laner became the world's No. [-] top laner!

No, TheShy saw Chen Mu sitting alone in the corner, and directly leaned in front of him, patted his shoulder, and said like a little fan:
"Gaoyou, Mu, you sword girl is too strong!"

"How on earth do you play, why do you dare to jump over the stone man's tower at the third level? I don't dare to do this when I am usually ranked!"

"How on earth did you do it?!"

Brother Shy asked questions like a little fanboy.

Although Chen Mu was controlled by the system, he still squeezed out a smile in the face of Brother Shy's various problems.

"That's it. That's it."

Although Chen Mu's explanation was unclear and harsh, like a model of nonsense literature, TheShy still gave Chen Mu a thumbs up.

Then Brother Shy continued.

"In the next match, I'm going to play a sword girl! I also want to try to see if I can cross the opposite tower at level three?!"

"Puff. Cough cough"

Coincidentally, after hearing TheShy's words, Coach Jin almost choked to death with a sip of water, and couldn't help but feel black in his heart.

What? !You still want to play Sword Fairy? !

This group match is coming to an end soon, and the top 8, semi-finals, and final finals are more important than each other.

Do you want to have another funk? !

Even if Chen Mu's sword girl is so awesome, it was confirmed with his own permission!
In that case, please continue to sit on the bench for a while! !
(End of this chapter)

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