LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 249 I'm really pulling!

Chapter 249 I'm really pulling!
Without making everyone wait long, the game soon entered the competition interface.

In De Yunse's live broadcast room, the three of them were still bragging. They smiled and took a closer look. They first said, "There is no problem with the flash teleportation brought by Jess' Summoner skill!"

But the next moment he shouted in surprise: "But Jess's talent is...Phase Rush??"

Jayce's talent generally has a lot of precision, especially when fighting a frank hero like Urgot, he needs the real damage of the conqueror!
But Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and he understood the benefits of Chen Mu's method:

"Look, Chen Mu has already started ordering!"

"Jess rushes with a phase, if this bibibabu can meet Jess on the line, I will lose!!"

Although Sika is an "active player" who hasn't played in the game for three or four years, he still has some understanding of the game.

"Indeed, with the phase rush and Jace's own multiple accelerations, it's almost impossible for Urgot and Chaffinch to control people, because they can't catch up!"

"Even if Jess didn't flash, as long as the phase rush is triggered, he will run very fast, and the fault tolerance rate is actually not as low as we imagined~"

Xiaoxiao continued: "Look at Jess's starting outfit again, there is no question uh uh"

Smiling, he looked at Jess's outing outfit again, extracting a money knife.

Sure enough, Chen Mu is still the same Chen Mu, and now the Extraction Dao Dao is about to be renamed Mu Dao.

"Okay, there's no problem. Jace has no pressure to fight Urgot. This money knife will explode very quickly!"

"This Bwipo Bibabu has been marked as a bad guy by Chen Mu, wait for the withdrawal!"

Just as De Yunse's old fritters were talking hilariously in his live broadcast room, Chen Mu's Jess had already bought his go-to outfit, and was flying towards the road.

De Yunse's idea is actually Chen Mu's idea. He has his own considerations for Jayce's talent and outfits.

To be honest in this version, Urgot's versatility is really invincible.

The old version of Urgot was positioned as an ADC, but as an ADC, his hands are too short, and he can't be fleshy when he is used for the top lane.

But when the leader of the proud Urgot, renamed the Dreadnought, the rework was very successful!

The new version of Urgot is positioned as a long-range attack tank. In the past, Urgot’s range was 425, which can barely play the position of ADC. Although the range is now reduced to only 350, but the range of 350 is among the short-handed melee heroes. But it just seemed outstanding.

In fact, the reason why Urgot can become a favorite is largely because of his ultimate move, which is a killing skill beyond the fear of death. The key is that this ability is a long-range ability, which means that Urgot can kill the opponent without rushing to the back row.

But this is not the disgusting part of Urgot. You must know that Urgot's reworked position is a long-range attack tank, and the most important thing is that he is still a tank.

In the later stage, he can have an ultra-thick shield like Sion, and with the black cut, he can stack the opponent's front row full of armor-breaking passives in a short time. The E skill guarantees his ability to escape and counterattack online, and the Q skill allows him to suppress and make up the knife. This is where Urgot is really strong.

And it is these enhancements that made Urgot a must-have hero in this year's S8 play-in competition.

From the data point of view, in this year's S8 finalists Riegart played a total of 23 times, ranking third in appearance rate, and was banned in 50.00 games, the hero who was banned the most times. The rate is as high as [-]% or more.

In the play-in round, 42 games, the BanPick rate is 100%, and the winning rate is 68%. It is also one of the best top laners in the current World Championship version.

Chen Mu looked at Urgot's talent on the opposite side, and found that Bwipo was actually carrying the unsealed cheat book.

Think about it, even though Urgot has a high combat power with a precision talent like Conqueror, and a bit higher frankness with a determination talent like Grasp of the Undying, he can't touch Jess!
So looking at it this way, the unsealed cheats of the enlightenment department are the most cost-effective.

At least in the early stage, relying on the characteristic that the unsealed cheats can be exchanged for summoner skills, you can survive on the road. Although Jess will press a little to make up the knife, at least you will not be killed by the line.

But this was always Bwipo's fantasy. When he actually came online, he realized that the situation was a little different.

Chen Mu's Jess didn't want to help King Ning watch the wild area as usual, but went straight to the lane, and came to his house on the road, crouching down on a grass, and at the same time a fake eye fell.

Rita asked suspiciously: "Chen Mu handed over the trinket eye before the Jace line came out. It's just the beginning of the game. Isn't it too early? If this is the case, Chen Mu won't have the vision of the river." ?!"

I remember that it was rare to agree with Rita's understanding of the game: "Yes, if the rock sparrow comes to catch it, as long as Urgot can flash back to the person, even Jace may not be able to escape."

But at the next moment, while King Ning's wine barrel went to the jungle, he inserted a defensive eye position in the grass of the river on the top road, and Rookie's enchantress also inserted an ornament eye in the grass of the river in the upper half of the field.

I remember opening and closing my mouth with Rita.

Then there is no problem!Now that someone is willing to be a "dog" for Shanglu, Jess can rest assured to press the line!
These two ornamental eyes directly illuminate the entrances of the IG's upper half of the wild area, and also prevent the rock sparrows from invading.

But at this moment, Chen Mu's Jess was squatting in the grass, waiting for the arrival of a destined person.

In fact, when Urgot was at the first level, there was a wave of opportunities to exchange blood with Jess.

Urgot's passive is that he has a cannon on each of his six legs, and attacks and W cleanups will fire the cannon on the leg facing him, dealing 40% AD plus (2-6% based on level) max Physical damage to health.

However, at the first level, it is difficult for him to hit the cannon damage on the two legs behind him.

But if Urgot has the E skill at the first level, as long as the E skill can be memorized to Jess, and it is paired with Ignite to fight a set, it will be disabled at least, and even a solo kill is possible if you are lucky.

And all this depends on whether Bwipo's Urgot has the courage to dare to learn the E skill at the first level, and come up to fight.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, Urgot came towards the grass on six legs.

As for European and American players like Bwipo, although they were a little timid before the game, they are still very kind when they are on the field.

I saw that Bwipo's Urgot has indeed ordered the E skill at level one, and wants to come up and fight with Jess.

At this time, Chen Mu's Jess has been waiting for Urgot's arrival.

Bwipo didn't let him down either. Urgot, who knew very well that he was strong at the first level, rushed directly into the grass on the top road, wanting to make a set with E face.

As long as this wave of fighting is won, not to mention killing Jess solo, but it also makes Jess lose his suppressive power in the early stage.

Take a gamble, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle; a bet, a motorcycle becomes a Jeep; a bet, a car becomes a Land Rover; a fight, a jeep becomes a Martin! !

It's worth the risk!
But your first-level Urgot has already learned skills, and Chen Mu's Jace has no skills.

It has long been predicted that Urgot will fight E face-to-face in this wave. Jess did not learn the common Q skills and E skills at the first level, but it was just so empty~
At the moment when Urgot's model stagnated, Chen Mu's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his hand speed reached the extreme.

Learned the E skill in seconds!
At the same time, the high-tech hammer in Jess's hand hit Urgot, and the E skill Thunder Strike knocked back Urgot in the air, interrupting the opponent's E skill.

Jess's E skill Thunder Clap is a well-deserved skill. This skill that interrupts other people's displacement has a very high priority.

According to reason, Urgot's E skill charge priority is high enough, and it can be used to exchange control, but it is still not enough in front of Jace's E skill.

You must know that if Jess's E skill is fast enough, it can not only interrupt the displacement skills of Revan, Daomei, Prince, Urgot, and Qinggang Ying, but can even interrupt the W skills of Enchantress and Jie, as well as The ice girl's E skill hammered back to the original place.

But Jess's E skill Thunder Clap is exactly the clarion call of Chen Mu's thunder action.

While hammering away Urgot with the E skill, he took a step forward and made up a round to tie A.

Trigger Hammer Form Passive, and the next attack in Hammer Form will deal extra magic damage to maximize the damage.

Immediately afterwards, the speed of light R switched forms, and launched another general attack, triggering a phase rush.

And Bwipo's Urgot saw that it was a chance for him at the first level, but he was deftly deflected by Jess, and instead started to fight back.

Urgot, who had no skills, hurriedly stepped on his six short legs and retreated towards his defense tower.

But where is it so easy to go!
Phase rush, Jace's passive movement speed bonus, plus Chen Mu E's diagonal acceleration door.

Under the triple acceleration, Jess instantly gained an explosive movement speed bonus, chasing Urgot madly A.

And Bwipo is also a player with dreams. He doesn't want to be beaten for no reason. He wants to take advantage of Urgot as a hero with long hands, and wants to turn around and attack Jess.

But Chen Mu's Jess can pull it off!

Not only can pull, but also a god in pulling!
Whenever Urgot turned around and raised his hand to level A, Jess took advantage of his fast enough movement speed to quickly take a step back to open Urgot's attack range.

But when Urgot replied, Jace continued to use his hand to level A and pull.

With multiple speed boosts, Jace is very flexible, Urgot can't touch her at all, and can only be consumed in vain.

By the time Bwipo got out of Jess' attack range and returned to his defense tower, his health had dropped to half.

This is Urgot's talent sub-system, which is determined, with bone plating and a little resistance, otherwise this wave of pulling will make him fall below half health.

But Jess only lost a layer of blood.

Except for the one knocked up by Jace in hammer form, which was flattened by Urgot, Urgot never met Jace again.

In just a few seconds of pulling, the audience in all live broadcast rooms around the world fully experienced Chen Mujiesi's terrifying pulling ability.

But at this time, the other party left endless regrets.

"Fuck! Damn it, I can't get an A, I really can't get an A!"

Bwipo said with some annoyance.

Why on earth would he want to go to the first level to take advantage of Chen Mu in a whimsical way!

Now the only medicine bottle on his body is consumed by Jess, and the biscuit supplies sent later can hardly support him in line.

But the key point is that at this time the first wave of soldiers has reached the position of the second tower, and it is too late to go back to make up the state at this time, and it is bound to miss troops and experience.

In desperation, Bwipo could only bite the bullet and stay on the line and continue to match the line.

"Steady down, I'll be here to help you soon."

FNC's jungler Broxah said to Bwipo relaxedly while brushing the newly born Hongkai.

His rock sparrow is red, and he planned to catch it at the second level, and Bwipo's Urgot dared to learn the E skill at the first level, and he also communicated with the rock sparrow, otherwise he would not dare to be so reckless Learn E skills.

At this time, the lines of soldiers on the road have converged, and Chen Mu has already started to torture the bulky crab with the help of the fake eye placed in the grass!
At this time, Bwipo also realized that he was watching in the grass, so he marked it and informed his jungler.

"Jess should look out for the grass!"

At the same time, Bwipo was also a little happy, you put the only fake eye on your body in the grass, but you didn't expect our jungler to catch it at the second level!

This time I see how you run? ?

The rock sparrow also handed in the punishment, quickly brushed the red buff, and then rushed towards the road.

This Jess will try to catch a wave no matter what. If he can't be killed, he can catch a flash and hit a wave of blood.

As a result, what he didn't expect was that the moment he stepped over the triangular grass, Jess began to back away without any regrets.

"There are eyes here?" Broxah asked suspiciously. I remember that my top laner marked it just now. There should be no vision here? !

"I didn't make eyes, Jess's eyes should be on the grass on the roadside!" Bwipo also said confidently.

"I have to go, good luck, goodluck! Brother!" Broxah said decisively, he would not waste precious time in the jungle on an unnecessary thing.

Bwipo: "."

He knows that the jungler can't waste too much time in one place, but his own jungler is too decisive~
This made him feel that his heart was traumatized!
I agreed to help, I, Urgot, learned the E skill at the first level for this wave!

But just when the rock sparrow was about to continue clearing the wild, Chen Mu's Jess pressed forward again, directly over the middle line of the top lane.

Seeing this, Bwipo shouted again in the game channel.

"Come on, come on, this is a good opportunity!"

When Broxah heard Bwipo's call, his chaffinch stopped in a hurry, and brought the camera back to Jess.

this location? !There is a chance!

So the next moment, the Rock Sparrow hurried to the road again.

But just got halfway there.

The menacing Jess just flattened the crab, and then immediately pulled it back!

This? !

"OMG, I can't do it anymore, I have to go to the wild!" Broxah looked at Jess who was pulled to a safe distance, and couldn't help but said impatiently

"Okay! I'll go on the road and be wretched!" Bwipo also knew that it had delayed a lot of rock sparrow's jungle clearing rhythm.

But when the rock sparrow was about to leave again
I saw the corners of Chen Mu's mouth slightly raised.
(End of this chapter)

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