LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 25 The Situation Turned Again

Chapter 25 The Situation Turned Again

At the Dragon Pit, with Khan and BDD's almost perfect ultimate moves, RNG's team battle was almost defeated.

Seeing that something was wrong, Chen Mu and Uzi quickly handed in their skills and ran away. If this wave is wiped out by the group, there may be a real danger of being attacked by KZ.

However, the remaining three Uenosukes of RNG were severely punished. Fengnv has a crispy body, and she was arrested as soon as she was charged.

Scorpion and Aoun are also very sensible people, in order to cover their double-c retreat, they rushed into the KZ crowd without hesitation.Aoun just pushed forward with no brains, just being beaten passively, and Scorpion also used his big move to hold Xia who wanted to continue chasing, but the next moment Xia Mercury was released in seconds, regardless of Scorpion next to him, and continued to chase Uzi's Kai'Sa, but Fortunately, Uzi's Kai'Sa escaped with all his double moves.

However, because Chen Mu withdrew early, he drove quickly and moved quickly, so he evacuated to a safe area early.

Seeing this wave, the LPL commentators were also sweating for RNG.

wawa: "Wow, this wave of RNG can't take over the group, here KZ has already established the vision and terrain, and the upper and middle ad have life-saving equipment."

Guan Zeyuan: "Yes! RNG gave us a chance. Khan and BDD almost used a perfect big move. Fortunately, Vel'Koz still released a banner of command, and the damage was not enough. Otherwise, the wave of RNG just now would have directly exploded Wear it. I think Aoun will save a big move later to interrupt Vel'Koz's big move."

Miller: "The hands of the KZ lineup here are too long, and RNG can't touch their back row at all. After the three RNG players were killed here, KZ took down the dragon. The situation is changing rapidly. But unfortunately Fortunately, fortunately, RNG's double C ran away, otherwise there may be a wave."

And the entire LPL live broadcast room was completely blown up.


"xswl, this is RNG's invincible double c, and DF's second run?!"

"The truth has been exposed! Why don't you continue to brag about Chen Mu and return TheGod?! You really don't know what to do!"

"Hehe, I laughed so hard. After catching two waves of Khan, I thought I could lead the rhythm, but what happened?! The team battle is shattered, and it shatters as soon as it is touched."

"Don't be ashamed! Swim back quickly!"

In fact, this wave can't be blamed on Chen Mu's dead fellow Taoist, who is not dead and poor, and ran away.

The key positions of this wave of KZ all have mercury stopwatches, Olaf also has the ultimate move Ragnarok, and the only one who has not appeared is Luo himself who is very flexible.

As a result, half of RNG's team-starting system has been abolished, and Aoun, Scorpion, and Chen Mu's Malzaha have no goal of starting a team at all.

Although the early rhythm is on RNG's side, Chen Mu's Malzaha is even more desperate to catch Khan's Illaoi, which greatly limits Illaoi's development.
But the mechanism of the hero Illaoi is there. Fighting a clumsy hero like Ornn is an advantage, so Khan Illaoi's last knife was not pulled down.

In the mid-term, KZ's lineup also reached its strongest period.

An Illaoi is headed in front without a brain, he has a stopwatch, and he won't die easily, and KZ's double c can output unscrupulously.

On the other hand, RNG's side, Chen Mu's side, is very difficult to play. The important positions on the opposite side have already been given to the stopwatch and mercury.

This is also the reason for the collapse of this wave of RNG.

Does that mean that RNG has no chance of winning the team? !
Nor is it!
Chen Mu opened the game panel and looked at Uzi's equipment. Before he knew it, he had a three-piece set, sheep knife, endless, and hurricane. He also made mercury after returning home from this wave of team battles.

Chen Mu knew that he was not the protagonist of this hand, Uzi who got Kai'Sa in the bot lane was the real protagonist of this hand, and he was just a tool man.

In fact, in Chen Mu's view, the hero Kai'Sa is the real hero who changes the ecological environment of the bottom lane, a perfect AD hero.

This hero is strong in the early stage, strong in the late stage, overly natural in the middle stage, has displacement, shield, poke, burst, stealth, and adap.

As an adc nowadays, you don't have to be a traditional ad big c like Big Mouth, Jinx, and Policewoman.

It is also possible not to use functional adcs such as Jhin and Ice.

But you can't live without Kai'Sa!
Even those who mainly play other positions may have to play Kai'Sa up and down.

And this version of Kai'Sa is still the peak Kai'Sa, Kai'Sa who has not been greatly shaved.

But even as a tool person, tool people are divided into levels, and Chen Mu needs to create a wonderful environment, just an environment for Kai'Sa to take off!
And the opportunity will come soon.

As the game continued, after KZ took down the big dragon, they took advantage of RNG Uenosuke's resurrection and continued to pull out the second tower of RNG's middle road, looking like a broken bamboo.

On the other hand, on RNG's side, after losing this crucial wave, the atmosphere was a little dull.

At this time, Chen Mu said: "Let's deal with the pawn line first, the opponent may come to push our highland tower later, our economy is not behind the opponent, we can fight back!!"

"Uzi already has a three-piece suit!!" Finally, Chen Mu added.

And this sentence is like a magic power. Once they heard that Uzi was already in a three-piece suit, plus a life-saving mercury ribbon, the rest of RNG cheered up and rushed out of the spring at the first moment of resurrection. , Take up the line, and make the field of view.After reorganizing the three-way pawn line, they came to the middle road to hold a group again.

And the five members of KZ, after taking the Baron and pushing the second tower of the RNG middle road, they also went back to the city to replenish their state, sorted out their own army line, cleaned the wild area again, and then gathered towards the middle road again.

At this moment, Chen Mu looked at the five KZ players who were scattered in the middle, and his eyes sharpened instantly. This is the wave!

So he said softly to his teammates:
"I opened!!"

Before his teammates could react, Malzaha had already flashed forward, and his big move was directed at Xia who had handed over Mercury in order to chase the RNG people in the last wave of team battles.

Although the teammates were very surprised, they were all professional players, so this reaction could still keep up.

The moment Malzahar fixed Xia, a ram's horn sounded from the void, and a huge ram's head rolled towards Xia.

The next moment, a purple figure streaked across the sky, and Kai'Sa flew straight to Xia who was controlled by Lianhuan, making up for the damage, and killed Xia with two hits.

"Xia was crushed, Xia was crushed!!"

"Rush, rush, rush!!"

"Big eyes, big eyes, big eyes, big eyes, nice, nice!"

"Big eyes are dead, big eyes are dead, kill kill kill, keep killing!!"

Seeing Chen Mu suddenly flashing to stop Xia, cooperating with Aoun's sheep and Uzi's entry, after a few seconds of Xia, several people in RNG were also excited instantly, feeling the adrenaline soared to the extreme, and shouted one after another stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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