Chapter 251

IG made a huge mistake in the bottom lane, but it caused the audience and fans in the live broadcast room to talk a lot.

"No way, no way, this round won't really make Guan Zeyuan suck again!"

"I didn't expect that in this round, IG's bot lane fell ill!"

"Fuck, Bibabu just changed from a mask of pain to a mask of happiness in seconds!!"

"Is this Ah Shui in love with gods and demons? Knowing that the rock sparrow on the other side is down, but still pressing the line, I really don't have Uzi's strength, and I have Uzi's disease!"

"Speechless, really speechless!"

"As we all know, the puppy is Ou Cheng's 'dad', and Ou Cheng's beating jkl is like a father beating his son, isn't that... (squint eyes) (slant eyes)"

Seeing that both of them were killed in the bottom lane due to his mindless pressing the line, Ah Shui also regretted and blamed himself very much.

"Mine, mine, I shouldn't have pressed the line!" Ah Shui apologized frantically, regardless of 21.

"It's okay, it's okay, stay on the bottom road, I'll help you to get a vision on the bottom road later!"

King Ning also comforted Ah Shui, the situation on the top road is very good now, and the bottom road cannot destroy the good situation.

At this time, the opposite FNC is just the opposite.

"I'll help you on the road to get a vision later, you can stabilize the development by yourself!" Broxah said to Bwipo.

And Bwipo could only agree with Baba's one person on the road.

"OK OK!"

But fortunately, he has his big daddy Carry in the bottom lane. There is hope of winning this round, which can be regarded as a boost to Bwipo's spirit, and he plans to have a good battle with this Jess.

But when he was revived and re-TP to the online, he found that the situation was not as simple as he thought, and the situation seemed a little unstable!
Before Jess crossed the tower, a wave of pawns pushed the tower, but after Urgot returned to the line, there will inevitably be a wave of pushing back.

But Chen Mu, who got the first blood, directly touched the small wooden hammer after returning to the city, further increasing his flexibility.

Net Eclipse now not only has the bonus of attack power and life value, the key point is that each attack will gain 20 movement speed, and after killing a unit, it will gain 60 movement speed for 2 seconds.

And facing a heavy fighter like Urgot, Chen Mu's Jess planned to use a black cut as the first piece of equipment to give the opponent strength.

Playing black cut and stacking armor can also make up for the burst damage that his talent lacks in phase dash.

The two sides were on the line again, and with the passive effect of the small wooden hammer, Jess pulled it even more easily.

Seeing the line of soldiers approaching, Jess was still the same, still stuck the line of soldiers in front of his defense tower.

And this made Bwipo really miserable.

It can be clearly seen in the field of vision that the wine barrel is like a ghost, wandering back and forth in the upper half of the field.

As for their own wild rock sparrow, they just put a field of vision in the wild area of ​​the upper half of the river, and then hurried to the lower road to control Xiaolong.

Controlling the dragon is a big deal, and Bwipo is embarrassed to let the rock sparrow not even control the dragon for his own sake, so as to protect himself from pushing the lane.

Difficult, really difficult!
His Urgot really dare not cross the middle line of the road!
He can only use the Q skill to corrode the long-range ditch of the charge, but Urgot's Q skill is too wasteful and mana-consuming.

Although the attack range of Urgot's Q skill is a full 800 yards, the mana cost is 70 mana points, and the cooling time of the first-level Q is also 10 seconds.

But Urgot didn't have any mana recovery equipment on him, and Urgot's mana was only four to five hundred points at this time.

It's just that I lost three or four Qs, and I couldn't bear to look at the blue-collar workers. If I lost more, it would not be enough for a set of skills!

At this time, Bwipo really wanted to lay back on the gaming chair in a tactical way, then took out his mobile phone, and checked Twitter, there must be his own current affairs news on it.

The pawn line is stuck, why doesn't he play with his mobile phone? !

But unfortunately, this is the stage of the World Championship.

If he dares to take out his phone, his coach and teammates can lift him down with a chair!

At the same time, Ah Shui and Baolan, who were on the lower road, were also developing wretchedly under the tower.

But after all, there is always a big difference between the bottom lane duo lane and the top lane orphan lane.

No matter how you say it in the bottom lane, it is still two people fighting in the lane. Even if you are killed by the lane, there is one person playing support next to you, and the pawn line and experience can still be heard.

Unlike Urgot who is an orphan at this time, the special effect of Mantis being isolated and helpless is triggered on the top road.

But Bwipo doesn't have the trick of "don't eat, don't eat, don't eat, don't eat".

Urgot, who couldn't eat the thread, was already scratching his head anxiously, and the six crab legs were eagerly wandering back and forth in the distance.

Although he is one head behind Jace, Urgot is really worthy of Jace if he fights hard.

But he couldn't touch it~ His Urgot dared not approach him!
But watching the little soldiers passing by one after another, Bwipo is very anxious!

"Brother, I can't stand it~"

"Hurry up and help me push a wave of lines!"

Bwipo's playing mentality is a bit broken. The Jace on the opposite side is as slippery as a fish, and the Urgot he controls is relatively bulky, which is hard to eat.

The jungler Broxah, who was controlling Xiaolong, heard the aggrieved help from the top laner, and Broxah quickly switched his perspective to the top lane.

It happened to see that Urgot was really like an octopus crab, looking at the line of soldiers in the distance and dared not eat it.

"Okay, okay, I'll come as soon as I finish controlling this little dragon, hold on~"

Broxah also hurriedly comforted Bwipo. He has already played an advantage in the bottom lane, but he can't collapse too much in the top lane!

"Brother Mu, Jess hasn't flashed anymore, you can still target him."

Ning Wang's wine barrel saw that his family had fallen into a disadvantage in the bottom lane, and the first little dragon probably couldn't compete with the opponent, so he simply let it go, and has been focusing on the upper half of the field.

In the upper half of the field, he is like a fish in water, very comfortable.

At this time, the sword girl of the caps emperor in the middle lane flashed and had R, and directly exposed a mercury shoe.

This makes Rookie and Ning Wang two AP middle field, even if they have a pair of steel teeth, they can't deal with this iron bastard. Even if they are seduced, they can't die with hard damage.

So King Ning couldn't help but set his sights on Jess who was on the road.

This is the only crab he can bully!

But this crab is also afraid of being caught by him, and has never dared to cross the middle line of the road.

It's not easy for him to do it in this position!
But at this time, Chen Mu saw that the timing was almost right. There was a roar of the dragon soul in the sky of the Summoner Canyon, indicating that the rock sparrow had finished controlling the dragon, and the rock sparrow would definitely come to the road to untie the line next.

This crab has almost caught, if you don't mention the hook, it may run off the line.

"I'll go up and sell it, you can go straight up!" Chen Mu said to King Ning.

"Okay, no problem, come right away!"

Manipulating the wine barrel to clear the jungle, but King Ning, who had no wilds to farm in the upper half of the jungle, was about to return to the city to replenish a wave of equipment, but when he heard Chen Mu's words, he immediately seemed to have received an imperial edict.

He interrupted at the last moment of counting down the seconds back to the city, and then walked up the road with a big belly impatiently holding a barrel in his hand.

Even rookie's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

This is indeed a good breakthrough point, and he can't operate it without a flash in Niupi's top order.

"Need me to come over?!" Rookie asked.

It's really boring for his enchantress to line up with Daomei in the middle lane. Daomei who has mercury shoes is really not something he, a enchantress, can covet for a solo kill.

"No need, no need, there is no need, if you lean on the road, you might be shocked, it would be bad if you let the crab go!"

"I'm here~ Brother Mu, sell it."

King Ning's wine barrel was about to go around to the triangular grass on the road, and said to Chen Mu.

next moment.
Chen Mu's Jess started to move.

I saw Jess directly crossing the pawn line, crossing the middle line of the top lane, walking forward, and walked to the face of Urgot opposite, looking like he was going to use up the general attack.

And this scene, Bwipo has seen countless times, Jess pulled himself like this before.

Then Jess made an AQ, a normal attack and a small shell hit Urgot, and when Urgot wanted to counterattack, he withdrew.

Chen Mu is still pulling as usual~
And Bwipo, as usual, casually threw a Q skill at Jess and fired an explosive charge.

As usual, Urgot hit the Q skill not necessarily once out of ten times, but this time it hit Jace by coincidence.

Although it looks like Jess deliberately shifted his Q skill range.

Afterwards, Bwipo quickly activated his W skill to deal a dozen damage, but Bwipo was also shrewd and did not surrender his E skill.

This is his only movement skill, but it must not be handed in!

But it was too late for Bwipo to think about it, and Jess on the other side changed even faster.

I saw that Jess obviously has the advantage of long hands, and there are many small skills in the form of cannons that are useless.

But Jess gave up the advantage of his long hands, and immediately switched to the hammer form, and a Q skill leaped across the sky, directly hitting Urgot's face.


This was the only thought on Bwipo's mind.

The crab in Bwipo's hand just wanted to surrender his E skill immediately and pulled it back.

But faster than him is Chen Mu's Jess.

next second.
The golden light flashed!

Jace came behind Urgot, and at the same time surrendered the E skill Thunder Strike.

Hammer Urgot back directly! !
At this time, it seems a bit late for Urgot to surrender his E skill.

Because the barrel has been spared from the rear.

Under the joint attack of the two, without any unique skills, there is no way for the bulky crab to escape.

In the end, King Ning was very considerate to tie A, and gave the head to Jess.

However, Chen Mu also knew that this round had to bear the heavy responsibility of carry, so he accepted this head without mercy!
At this moment, Broxah hurried on and finally arrived at the first tower on the road, but all he saw was a crab corpse one step away.

"Fuck! Can't you wait a while?! Why do you have to be greedy for the experience of those two minions?! Why?!"

Broxah yelled directly in the game channel, not hiding his complaints about his top laner.

Obviously our own bottom lane advantage is so great, the first dragon has already been controlled, and our overall lineup of FNC is much better than that of the opponent.

Although the lineup of the opposite IG is relatively fierce in the single lane, but the team is a bunch of Xie Te.

Top lane Urgot wins the game as long as he does nothing and makes no mistakes.

But this Bwipo was about to make a mistake, and had already sent two heads to Jess on the opposite side.

Jess, who has such a big advantage, is a bit fierce in the mid-term, and no one can withstand that shot!
At this time, Broxah misses Soaz who is the OB in the audience a little bit. Although the sister-in-law is usually old and a little bit old, she has rich experience.

In that wave just now, if Soaz would definitely not even have experience!
But when Broxah was complaining, De Yunse laughed at Bibabu in the live broadcast room.


"Hey Hey."

"I knew this Bibabu would give it away!"

"After holding back for 2 minutes, I finally couldn't take it anymore. This rock sparrow is almost on its way!"

"This Bwipo is really pitiful. His teammates have such a big advantage. As long as he doesn't die, he will win this round with a high probability, but he likes to give it away!"

"But there is one thing to say, there is no normal top laner who can't eat that pawn line"

"But it's better than dying!"

In the end, the bald man smiled and said to the bullet screen in the live broadcast room: "Where is the black man who questioned in the live broadcast room just now?! Come on, stand up and apologize!"

"Let me tell you, this game has been played so far, Bibabu's crab is useless, not only useless, he will give it away later, by the way, and this one is too high to give away, and he will definitely give it away later. A big wave!"

"That's how the European and American teams are, just play around and send them away!"


As the game progressed, although IG's bot lane sent two heads, two people are better than one orphan.

Without the support of Rookie and Ning Wang, Ah Shui and Baolan depended on each other in the bottom road. Although life was a little bit difficult, the development and money was not pulled down.

But after Bwipo who was on the road was caught dead, he completely collapsed.

Jess and Wine Barrel cleared the enemy line very quickly, and they didn't care about sharing experience at this time. The two directly pushed quickly, and pushed a wave of soldiers to the opposite defensive tower.

And this time Urgot didn't teleport.

In desperation, Broxah's rock sparrow could only accept the wave of soldiers with tears in their eyes and a smile on the corner of their mouth.

Back online again, Chen Mu's Jess is already at level six, while Bibabu's Urgot is still at level four.

After Chen Mu's equipment returned to the city, he took out the burning gems again. In addition to the small wooden hammer that was already there, it was only one synthesis cost away from the first complete equipment.

At this time, Chen Mu's Jess also began to increase the strength of Urgot on the opposite side!
No longer just use the bushes and attack distance to sneak twice to level A.

I saw Jess switch to the hammer form and quickly push through a wave of soldiers, and then stood directly under the opposite tower.

Seeing that Urgot wanted to eat soldiers under the tower, first there was a crooked QE second company and a super cannon.

The heavy artillery filled with countless chaotic charges exploded all over Urgot, and Urgot's blood volume was cut off by one-third in an instant.

Afterwards, Jess stood directly at the extreme edge of the defense tower's attack range.


Four normal attacks were fired in an instant!
Urgot's blood volume dropped directly below half blood.

Seeing this, Bwipo couldn't help but gasped.

What kind of harm is this? It's too unreasonable!

Why is the damage of the hero Jess so high? !

Bwipo just wore the mask of happiness for a while, and changed it into a mask of pain again! !

(End of this chapter)

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