Chapter 257

BEXCO venue in Busan, South Korea.

In the backstage lounge, four teams are preparing for the match, but the other four teams are also gathered in the viewing area at the front desk.

Just as Chen Mu and Uzi and other acquaintances were greeting each other, G2 and C9 also arrived, and the other three teams also took time to come to the scene.

Coincidentally, in an instant, the eight top eight teams came to the competition venue at the same time.

"Wow~ Uzi!!! I am your idol. Oh, no, no, no, you are my idol, no, no, you are my idol!"

No, before the person arrived, an exaggerated voice came over.

Chen Mu looked back and it turned out to be G2's troublemaker Ah P.

I saw that Ah P made two steps and one step, walked up to Chen Mu, grabbed Chen Mu and began to shake hands.

And Chen Mu could only hold a smile and take a photo with Ah P.

But after Ah P took the photo, another person came up to him, but Chen Mu was so scared that he was about to pee out.

I saw that Sneaky, the ADC women's boss of C9, came up and wanted to take a photo with Chen Mu.

Thinking of those hot-eyed cosplays in Sneaky's previous life, Chen Mu's back shivered, but he still took a photo with him.

Afterwards, the troublemaker deserves to be the troublemaker.

After Ah P and Chen Mu took a photo together, Ah P first verbally provoked the C9 team next to him, and the topic was naturally that EU is greater than NA.

You see, our No. [-] seed and No. [-] seed in the European Division have both entered the quarterfinals, but your No. [-] and No. [-] seeds in the North American Division have been eliminated, and you need a No. [-] seed to support the scene!

But Jensen and Sneaky knew that Ah P had a bad mouth, so they just ignored him, which made him very boring.

Then he set his sights on Uzi next to him.

Ah P completely ignored RNG's eyes that wanted to kill people. When he turned his eyes, he saw the fat puppy behind him. He stepped forward to say hello:
"Wow~ Uzi!!! You are my idol!"

Seeing Ah P's exaggerated expression, the puppy looked shocked, but for some reason, an inexplicable sense of discomfort rose in his heart.

This Ah P just had an enmity with RNG two days ago.

The reason is that in the group stage on the sixth day, when RNG played against Samsung GenG, when RNG was in the first-level group, a wave of magical operations squatted to Samsung's support, thus establishing a huge advantage and successfully qualifying.

But this was originally a matter for the LPL and LCK divisions, not about him as a player in the European division.

But after the game, G2 mid laner Perkz tweeted and asked, "Why is RNG so smart, knowing that they are squatting in the grass in the bottom lane? XDDDDDD", "Maybe teams from other divisions shouldn't practice with LPL teams!"

In fact, the meaning of tweeting like this is that the teams in the LPL division leaked tactics to each other before. It was such a tweet that aroused heated discussions among netizens at home and abroad.

Afterwards, although Perkz deleted Twitter, the rhythm has been brought up, which has aroused heated discussions among domestic and foreign players. Chinese players are naturally angry about this. Afterwards, as soon as G2 came out, they were ridiculed by the barrage group and fell into the game. After losing the wind, he was ridiculed for "tactical leaks" from time to time.

Later, G2 finally qualified smoothly, but in the post-match interview, Ren Dong, the official host of the LPL League of Legends, also directly asked Perkz about the remarks before the game. Regarding this, the mid laner Perkz said that he was just not used to it and made a stupid mistake. I was wrong, saying that I was just joking at the time, and the remarks I made were not suitable for Asian culture, and did not mean to target RNG.

But the audience naturally didn't buy it, as a professional player, he had to be responsible for his own words.

Afterwards, the CEO of G2 also personally went to the front to put out the fire, and tweeted that under the high pressure of the S8 tournament, the players tended to say some unfortunate remarks. The western world, including himself, admired and admired the LPL division.

But the words are nice, but there is no apology in the full text. If it is not for fear of being officially banned for inappropriate remarks, it is estimated that this tweet will not even be posted, and netizens will naturally not accept it.

Since then, the relationship between the two sides has been concluded!
At this time, although Ah P and Uzi seemed to be communicating in a friendly manner, Chen Mu could smell other gunpowder smells from eight feet away.

However, after a short and "friendly" exchange between everyone, the game officially started.

"Welcome to the stage of the 2018 Global Finals 8-in-4 knockout round!" Still roaring Emperor Xiao, standing above the stage facing the audience.

"Starting today, the global finals will enter the final sprint stage. Every BO5 here will determine who can go on and advance towards the Summoner Trophy!"

"Let us welcome the two participating teams in the first match of the knockout round with warm applause!"

"First is AFS from the host LCK team!"

"Top laner Kiin, jungler Spirit, mid laner Kuro, bottom laner KRAMER, support TUSIN"

Pao Xiaodi raised his arms and shouted, and the AFS players and head coach appeared in the backstage channel, appearing in front of all the audience.

After all, it is a home game.

Although AFS usually doesn't have many fans, but now Afs is facing a team from the LPL division, and the fans of the adaptive team naturally support Afs very much.

They all raised their cheering sticks and waved them continuously, and even many ten-year-old fans of KT were shouting the names of the players on the field.

"Next let us have a treat."

Pao Xiaodi dragged out the ending sound.

Then he turned up the volume suddenly: "It's the EDG team from the LPL division!"

Then the EDG players came out
The stage, which was thought to be cheering enthusiastically, suddenly became quiet, except for the cheering and shouting of LPL fans who shouted "EDG Niubi" in Chinese.

The pattering sound made the stage look extraordinarily quiet.

Emperor Pao Xiao didn't care, after all, this was in his own home court, and he only needed to do his job well.

"Top laner Ray, jungler Haro, mid laner Scout, bottom laner Iboy, support Meiko"

It is still quiet.

Chen Mu had a bad face.

Although I have already prepared the psychological construction in advance and feel that I will be treated differently, I didn't expect that I would go so far.

Maybe tomorrow's IG game will be so quiet!
In the Bird's Nest back then, our own fans didn't do this, right?

Smecta can't afford it, can he?

Pao Xiaodi continued to shout, "Welcome the two teams again."

"Climb to the top, the first match on the first day of the knockout round, officially begins!"

Then the director quickly switched each screen to the commentary seats of each other's competition areas.

"Hello, all summoners, I am Miller, the commentator for this time."

"I'm a doll."

"I'm long hair."

Today's LPL commentary is still the combination of Miller and Doll Haier, plus a long hair.

At the beginning of the first game, both Afs and EDG took a more conventional lineup.

And EDG's double C also exerted its strength. Scout's Yaoji and Datouboy's Xia carried the audience and won the first game.

Seeing that EDG successfully won the first game.

The audience of LPL is also very happy, one picture is hello and me, everyone is like a good brother, and the words are also very nice!
Soon, in the second game, the opponent Afs had no plans and all the cards were exhausted.

In particular, the top laner Kiin showed his deep hero pool and took out the top laner Crow.

And EDG also didn't have a good way to deal with it, and lost this game.

The two sides temporarily fought 1:1.

In the third game, EDG didn't learn well, and started to learn RNG's four guarantees and one. On the top lane, Ruihuang played cautiously.

But looking at the lineup on the opposite side, the top laner Kiin took out the top laner Viktor, facing a Shen, and developed without pressure.

In the team battle, Victor's explosive output took away EDG in a wave.

Seeing this, the atmosphere of the audience in the LPL live broadcast room is a bit wrong.

"Damn it, don't do it, don't learn if it's good, what kind of RNG four guarantees and one are you learning?! Is this version a version that can guarantee four guarantees and one?!"

"No way, no way, EDG won't be in the top eight this year, right?!"

"I'm laughing so hard, it's good for them to enter the quarter-finals, and they have been beaten by a Korean stick!"

"WRNM, refund the money, I traveled all the way to South Korea to watch the game, EDG you show me four guarantees and one!"

"If it doesn't work, let the factory manager play, this Ha Huang is really not good!"

Before the audience and fans of LPL had a dispute over a result, the fourth game between Afs and EDG began.

In the fourth game, although the two sides resumed the regular game.

But it is obvious that everyone in EDG is in a mess, especially the top laner Wisdom and the jungler Hahuang make frequent mistakes, and the big head boy is also out of shape.

In the fourth game, the tulle was directly crushed by the opposite Afs, and Afs had already taken a big lead in more than 20 minutes.

In the end, Afs3: 1EDG, the first to advance to the semi-finals!

But EDG lost, and it was peaceful at first. In the LPL live broadcast room of a good brother, the boat of friendship turned over as soon as it was said, and the irritable brother began to output firepower.

"I knew it, I knew it, this EDG is really a bunch of jb trash, and by the way, ClearLove who is sitting at the bottom and dare not play is even the boss of trash!"

"The top laner is pure wisdom, Haro is still too young, but the factory manager's experience is not suitable for this version. I don't know how to win this EDG?! I don't know what these people are bragging before the game?!"

"I'm laughing so hard, the factory manager is in the same city as 58? It seems that EDG has been in the quarter-finals for five consecutive times since the establishment of the S4 team!"

"The coaches in Europe are not good, and the coaches in LPL are pigs. They are still copying homework, but they can't copy all the homework!"

"Handwriting and eight pictures, top eight every year! It really is your EDG!"

"It's improved from the last time. Last time I played FNC 4:0, this time it was 3:1, and I won a hand!"

"There are still a few commentators who know that. I was playing the game on the computer at the time, and I kept hearing that this wave is not bad. After playing a game and looking at it again, EDG has been hammered~ The commentator is still there. This wave is not bad!"

"Recently there is no competition in Dota. After watching the LPL game, it is still a familiar rhythm. The media and commentators played the rhythm of B, and then it was the fault of BP. We tried our best, and we will watch it next year! I really want to laugh my teeth off! "

"It's reasonable to say that food is the original sin. If you don't win the championship, you can breathe wrongly. LPL fans should keep a low profile and avoid losing character!"

"Look at Faker, who won the Triple Crown, are you so arrogant?! No wonder others don't want to play training matches with LPL, haha."

"It's true that LOL's commentary is more capable of blowing the rhythm of the B belt. There is no champion in the S game, and the dynasty can be established. It's really funny!"

"Isn't it normal for the third seed to lose to the second seed? It's not normal to win, okay?!"

"It's not bad, but the strength of this year's EDG will reach this point. It depends on how Abramovich will strengthen next year!"

On the Internet, LPL fans began to output frantically, from players to coaches, to team managers, to the commentators in the studio, one counted as one, and none of them escaped.

While it was making waves on the domestic Internet, today's second match had already begun.

And Chen Mu, who was under the stage, watched the game on the field with a sigh of relief. Although the opponent had changed, the ending remained the same.

This year's EDG has a limited configuration. With RAY and Haro, two crouching dragons and phoenixes, they are good at chewing betel nuts, but they have diarrhea when playing games. The top eight is indeed the limit, and it is impossible to go further!

Although the enthusiasm of the audience and fans in the LPL division has been hit head-on on the domestic network, Chen Mu knows that there will be a bigger game waiting for them tomorrow!

Then, today's second game started, KT played against FNC.

In the face of KT, which has the strength to compete for the championship, although FNC also frequently made strange moves, KT was impartial and only played a regular lineup.

It's like you release all kinds of skills, all kinds of coquettish moves, but all of them are useless. The opponent is just a simple flat A, which is crushed by hard power.

In the end, they easily won FNC 3:1.

After the game, at the hotel where they stayed, several acquaintances including Chen Mu and Uzi also came to EDG's room.

The players of EDG were very frustrated. They had already advanced to the quarterfinals, but they were still on the way to the quarterfinals like an unbreakable curse.

Meiko also sighed after seeing Chen Mu: "Brother Mu, oh."

Chen Mu patted Meiko on the shoulder, and said a few words of comfort: "It's okay, it's okay, you have tried your best this year, let's work harder next year!"

At this time, a dead fish eye came over, the official factory manager, and said: "Oh, I originally wanted to enter the semi-finals together, but the civil war in Incheon, South Korea, now I have no chance!"

Another old acquaintance, Abu, also came over: "Originally, I planned to OB your game tomorrow, but now hey, I can't fight with you tomorrow. The game is like this, and I have already booked a ticket to return home overnight."

"Play well tomorrow's game, let's go back to China to face a storm and attract a wave of firepower!"

Finally, Abu patted Chen Mu and laughed at himself.

But looking at Chen Mu and Uzi in front of him, Abu's mind has come alive.

Now he is no longer a coach in EDG, but the manager of the team.

So the things he considers are naturally different from those of the players and the coach. For the long-term consideration of the team, he thinks more.

After the Asian Games, it is not that he and Ed Zhu did not move Chen Mu and Uzi's mind.

But just a simple thought, you know that the difficulty is like climbing to the sky.

Chen Mu is the "head of the family" of the IG team. Wang Sicong's favorite general is also a master who is not short of money. Stealing IG's home is not so easy.

Not to mention Uzi, just a casual glance at the contract between Uzi and RNG, Abramovich and Ed Zhu's scalps are already numb.

What kind of contract is this? !Human blood buns? !

Under the constraints of this contract, EDG can only evade Uzi!
But at this time, EDG's World Tournament tour has come to an end. There is really a gap between the hard power and the opponent. The wisdom on the road and the jungler Ha Huang are two young dragons and phoenixes, and EDG will not be able to break through in a lifetime.

So Abramovich must consider next year's EDG lineup.

Now Chen Mu and Uzi have re-entered Abu and Ed Zhu's field of vision.

Chen Mu, Uzi, you two just wait, sooner or later you will fall into my EDG trap!
(End of this chapter)

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