LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 270 Winning the match point

Chapter 270 Winning the match point
Unexpectedly, Chen Mu shot Verus to death in a flash.

But he also fell into the siege on the opposite side.

But it doesn't matter, when the captain was set on fire by the opposite side, and his blood volume was about to be emptied.

A family with three barrels in a row, coupled with the big move cannon curtain, enveloped the remaining four people on the opposite side.

Under 100% crit, a series of crit scarlet letters jumped wildly on the heads of the four of C9.

Although Gnar, blind monk and Tahm have all added armor equipment.

But the captain's powder keg itself ignores 40% of armor, and the Infinity Blade can also convert 15% of crit damage into real damage.

Coupled with the effect of the ultimate move Daughter of Death, an additional giant cannonball is fired in the center of the cannon screen, causing 300% real damage.

In an instant, the blood volume of the remaining C9 four fell below half blood.

"What?! Chen Mu's captain has already flashed up to hit five!" Rita at the commentary stand exclaimed. Although it seemed that a long time had passed, it was only a flash, and the three commentators were also very surprised. .

"My old swan, what kind of damage is this? Explode the family bucket, and all of them will go to the sky!" Wang remembers shouting excitedly.

"Earth fire! Chen Mu once again staged the magic of transforming people into living beings. The last time I saw this scene of the captain's name was S5 three or four years ago, but Chen Mu himself is a bit dangerous!" Guan Zeyuan recalled the last time he created the earth fire. The famous scene, that is the captain who has just been revised.

The next moment, Chen Mu's captain was like a dead man who had completed his mission. Under the concentrated fire on the opposite side, his last bit of blood was emptied, and his "life of sin" ended.

Flashed to the opposite ADC's face and shot him, Chen Mu didn't think about coming back, but with such an explosive AOE damage, the rest is enough for his teammates. This kind of endgame can be easily reaped even if the cloud player comes~
"I'm sorry, Brother Mu, you are too fierce!"

"What kind of damage is this?!"

"Up, up, up, up, down!"

Only then did the other four members of IG react.

Chen Mu has already created such a famous scene, how could they not complete the perfect thank you at the end? !

And C9 was also taken aback by the captain's damage. What kind of dragon is this? The four people with all the remaining blood couldn't get away even if they wanted to leave.

Jensen's Ryze started his ult move zigzagging right away, wanting to retreat.

But King Ning's unpretentious big move of the wine barrel instantly blew up everyone and interrupted Ryze's big move.

As for Ah Shui and Rookie's Xia and Syndra, they easily made up for a little damage and completed the harvest in an instant.


Destroy the group!

Then IG didn't continue to rush Dalong. The purpose of fighting Dalong was to force the group with C9. Now that the goal has been achieved, Dalong is irrelevant.

The remaining four of IG led the pawn line, and advanced like a broken bamboo all the way in the middle.

The game has been going on for 10 minutes, and the resurrection time is already very long. No one can stop it. At this time, the defense tower is only in the hands of IG for two or three seconds.

The final time was fixed at 32 minutes and 26 seconds.

After a fierce battle for three and 10 minutes, IG finally won the round.

However, at the end of the game, Chen Mu was still on a black screen.

But for Chen Mu's contribution in this round, Chen Mu considered himself second, and no one dared to consider himself number one.

Chen Mu's old habit is to open the final damage calculation panel after the game, and the output damage of more than 3 is the best in the game.

In the last wave of team battles, Chen Mu dealt at least six or seven thousand damage.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brother Mu, there is nothing you can't do. Although you died twice in this round, you still had the highest output in the game. No surprises, this round is your MVP again!"

Ah Shui also took a look at the final damage calculation panel. This round should be played by his ADC Xia, but at the end of the game, there was nothing wrong with his Xia.

In the early stage of development and further development, after the group battle, Chen Mu's captain has already dealt the damage, and he only needs to go up and make up two times to tie the A and it's over.

Thinking of this, he thought of another ADC who had returned to China, Uzi.

In the spring and summer league seasons, he was well educated by Uzi.

In particular, he also played Xia, but was blocked by Uzi's Verus from 50 yards of range, which made Xiu feel numb!

But so what? !

Uzi was so stressed that he was about to hit red temperature, but he still went home!
Unlike myself, you can easily grow and develop online, play in groups to reap the harvest, make up for the damage, and you can win the game!
It's just messed up! !

"Awesome, since your debut, you have won the MVP for four or five games in a row, right?!" Rookie is also convinced from the bottom of his heart. Before Chen Mu played, it was TheShy and his MVP king.

But since Chen Mu came on stage, the other four people in IG seemed to be invisible, and it was just a stage for Chen Mu to perform alone!
However, Chen Mu didn't care about the flattery of his teammates. Instead, he shrugged, put one hand in his pocket, and took the lead back to the lounge with a cold expression.

But just as Chen Mu was on his way back to the lounge, the domestic Internet was fermenting.

"Fuck, what a fast family barrel!"

"What kind of damage is this?! It's all scarlet letters!"

"If your captain has a 100% critical strike, you can also deal this kind of damage, but the premise is that you can develop the Liushen outfit! (Slant eyes) (Slant eyes)"

"Earth fire, famous scene!"

"To be honest, the ground fire with the fat general was still a bit off-putting."

"Ah?! When did the fat general's ground fire happen, S5?! The captain has just been revised, and everyone knows what kind of sewer this version is. That's not the case either!"

"Hi, if you want him to go up and play, maybe he will die three times in 10 minutes and blow through (funny) (funny)"


At this time, IG's exclusive lounge fell into a sea of ​​joy, and the champagne was almost opened in advance.

Yesterday I saw EDG being abused by people, and today RNG was upset by G2 in the first half.

Everyone in IG has a heavy mental burden. If IG is sent home by the top eight, IG will have to bear the final anger of the LPL audience, and even transfer part of the anger of EDG and RNG being eliminated to IG. , who let IG play last!

But I didn't expect that the first two rounds against C9 turned out to be so smooth.

Under the leadership of Chen Mu, there were no fancy operations, just a simple tie A, and they easily defeated C9 and won the match point.

Now with three match points in hand, Coach Jin is determined.

At least the top eight is stable!
At the same time, in C9's waiting room, except for a sigh, everyone was silent.

I don't know what to say either.
They thought that IG would be difficult to play, and they also did mental construction before the game.

But Chen Mu's one game was a single skateboard shoe, and the other game was a pure crit captain.

Directly pushed flat by rolling!
The head coach of C9, Reapered, is a former Korean professional player. He joined C16 in 9. In the past two years, he has led the team to the World Championships many times, and he can be regarded as a meritorious coach of C9.

Reapered has also played for SKT, JinAir and EDG before, and he has very rich experience.

But never before have you been so helpless!
The man on the top lane seems really clueless! !

In his hands, his top laner Liricoce is like a toy, with no room for retaliation.

Long sighs came and went in C9's lounge.

IG and C9 didn't have much time to rest and adjust. Soon, under the reminder of the staff, the third game is about to start, and the players will also go on stage to accept the final test!
Chen Mu walked in front with a cold face, followed by the other four IG players.

But just as Chen Mu sat down on the e-sports chair on the player bench.


"Come on! IG come on!"

"Chen Mu! Chen Mu!"

"Mu, Smecta."

The game between RNG and G2 was over. Although many LPL fans were very angry, they did not leave the field.

Because IG is still on stage!
The last hope of LPL is still there!

And sure enough, the LPL fans did not abandon IG to leave the field, and IG did not live up to the expectations of all the fans on the scene.

Winning two games happily and holding three match points is the greatest reward for the fans and audience.

And because of Chen Mu's performance, each game is more exciting and more amazing than the previous one!
Even many Korean fans at the scene were conquered by the performance of IG and Chen Mu.

Good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand.

The most important thing is that Chen Mu's skin is also shockingly handsome, weeping ghosts and gods!
Therefore, Smecta's voice on the scene has always been one after another, and even has a tendency to break through the venue.

The IG team player seat.

"Did you hear that, there are a lot of spectators cheering for us, and there are a lot of Smectas, what are you talking about?! Broiler help translate and translate!" Ah Shui said to several team members with a smile.

"Haha, I heard it too. I also heard girls cheering. They even have female fans. Are they cheering for me?!" King Ning smiled enviously.

Rookie next to him was silent for two seconds, and then said lightly: "Uh uh. That's saying Chen Mu, come on!!"

After hearing rookie's words, everyone in IG was stunned for a moment.


"Brother Mu, you are handsome, that's good. We are all male fans, and you are the only one who has more female fans!"

But the only response to them was Chen Mu's expressionless two words.

"come on!!"

Seeing Chen Mu can't help being funny, whenever there is a world competition, Chen Mu always looks indifferent after playing, and doesn't communicate with his teammates very much. Not soft at all.

Everyone thought it was Chen Mu's extraordinary talent!
After all, the world is so big, why not? !

Then the four looked at each other and smiled, and shouted those two words in unison.

"come on!!"

At this time, after an advertisement entered the commentary station in the studio, Guan Zeyuan, Wang Jiji and Rita reappeared on the screen.

"This is the last match of the quarter-finals of the League of Legends S8 World Championship, the third game between IG and C9. Hello everyone, I am the commentator of this game." Youji said as the opening remarks.

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator Zeyuan."

"Hi everyone, I'm Rita the commentator."

IG easily won the two games, and the atmosphere in the commentary booth was a little relaxed, not as tense as before. Rita's voice sounded crisp and melodious, and she uttered words clearly.

The IG situation is very good, and the tense atmosphere of the volcano erupting and raging waves before the LPL live broadcast room is also relieved, and even thought of joking.

"Rita, Rita, I love u!"

"The goddess is so beautiful!"

"Tell me loudly, drive a Mercedes-Benz, drink a war horse, what are you doing on the gaming chair?"


This was also one of the most barrages in the LPL live broadcast room during the 2018 summer split, and even helped Rita get an advertising endorsement for an e-sports chair.

"The third game of IG vs C9 is about to start." I remember saying after reading a long advertisement, "Now that IG has three match points in hand, I think it should be relatively stable."

Guan Zeyuan next to him also nodded in agreement: "Yes, I think so too~"

"Ah?! This?!"

"xswl, Guan Zeyuan's tainted milk has started again!"

"It's okay, Chen Mu doesn't follow Guan Zeyuan's set, and he doesn't follow the set of fist poisonous milk list either!"

"Bird food, Chen Mu has his own system!"

"Chen Mu, come on hot!"

"Today's game, let's bring another sword girl, and cut down the opponent!"

"Happy men are fine too, keep being happy!"

"Top order Wei En, give me a hand, the puppy is gone, but you are still there!"

"Don't mention RNG, okay?! He, Intuit! Unlucky!!"

"Uzi is replaceable, Chen Mu is indispensable~"

"Protect the best Chen Mu in the world!"

"IG, come on! Chen Mu, come on!"


BP starts.
This time IG has the right to choose sides, but IG did not choose the blue side, but clings to the red side.

Just holding on to the last counter position!
Now in Coach Jin's thinking, choose Chen Mu as the counter = win the game!

And when it was the turn of the C9 team.
But made a big problem!
They can't be banned at all, but the hero pool shown by Chen Mu has ten or twenty heroes, and all of them seem to have unique skills, and their proficiency is full.

No matter what kind of hero it is, whether it is a version OP hero or a sewer hero, in his hands, it seems that there is a magical power that can turn decay into magic!

This is just Chen Mu's hero pool, let alone Rookie's hero pool in the middle lane.

But no matter how difficult it is, the game will continue.
"The blue team gave Jess the first ban position. Sure enough, it seems that C9 thinks that Chen Mu's Jays is too difficult to deal with, and his pulling ability is too strong, so he directly chooses to ban it." Guan Zeyuan and remember to follow closely Then BP began to analyze.

"The first ban position on the red side of IG was given to Shen. Shen is a hero who can step up, assist, start a team, and protect better, so just press it. IG's BP is still impartial and sits firmly on Mount Tai. Nah!"

"The second ban of C9 on the blue side was given to Akali. Akali is a hero who can be hit right now. She has almost no natural enemies. After getting up, the damage is huge. It is really OP, and Chen Mu seems to be the first one in The one who took out Akali on the field seems to be in the Asian Games.”

"IG continued to ban Tamm. This is to prevent C9 from playing in the bottom lane. It's going to be head-to-head. Will Ah Shui not leave any regrets and play Delevingne?!"

"Aha, here C9 is also guarding against your move, and directly banned JKL's signature skill Delevingne on the third floor!"

"IG finally limited jensen's hero pool, and banned a demon girl, jensen still has to respect it!"

"Then I don't know how the two sides will play in the next selection stage?!"

(End of this chapter)

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