LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 272 Omen of Stealing? !All wishes come true? !

Chen Mu's journey of torture has just begun.
Chen Mu's Victor started to use tricks at the first level. As soon as Victor's Q skill CD improved, Chen Mu stuck at the limit attack distance and gave the sword demon a QA, and then walked into the grass again, breaking the soldier's hate.

Then he walked out of the grass again, waited for the little soldier to recover his blood, and then slowly made up the knife.

Stealing money is stealing money, and Chen Mu will not miss the basic skills of making up the knife!
Seeing Victor hit him with another QA, Liricoce hastily opened the game panel again to take a look.
call!Liricoce was really relieved this time, Victor didn't steal anything this time.

But if QA didn't steal something once, it doesn't mean it won't steal every time.

Seeing that the Q skill is about to be CD, Chen Mu stepped forward again to play QA.

Liricoce couldn't bear it anymore, seeing Victor stepped forward, raised his hand and threw a Q skill at him!
However, Chen Mu's Victor suddenly made a short step, a right-angle dance step, dodging a Q of Sword Demon!

After dodging the Sword Demon's skills, he hit the Sword Demon's face with a backhand QA, and then calmly pulled him into the grass.

And watching the sword demon for Q himself, at the same time the sword edge also slashed on Xiaobing's body.

Chen Mu smiled slightly.

He remembered a quote from Dopa.

You ace a pawn, and the laning is over!
Regarding the pawn line, Chen Mu has not pushed the line, but has been making up the tail knife.

And the sword demon just used the Q skill to smash Victor, but it affected the minions next to him.

Unknowingly, the line of soldiers began to push towards Chen Mu's side.

At this time, Liricoce has also realized that something is wrong, and the line of troops seems to be slowly retreating towards the opposite side.

Liricoce was very angry, and the remaining two Q skills of Sword Demon could only be furious at the air and hit the floor to vent his anger.

But Sword Demon's Q skill was gone, Chen Mu approached and began to suppress Sword Demon.

At the same time, A killed a small soldier, and Chen Mu's Victor took the lead in grabbing the second level, and immediately started to show his face.

First, a QA, which triggers the burglary omen, and also triggers the shield of the Q skill siphoning energy.

Then he took a bottle of corruption potion in detail to increase the damage, and directly stood in the pile of soldiers to consume the sword demon who was still a level one.

E skill death ray.

Viktor fired a beam of chaotic light from his mechanical arm, cutting straight across the battlefield and hitting the sword demon.

At the same time, Chen Mu also made the details as little as possible to affect the small soldiers, in order not to push the pawn line too early.

Finally make up a tie A.

Then contentedly pulled it to the grass next to it, avoiding the hatred of the soldiers.

QAEA, a small set of combos knocked out more than 100 health points of Sword Demon.

It doesn't hurt!
Sword Demon knows that the top laner Victor is not easy to fight, so he deliberately chooses Doran's shield when going out, plus the rune sub-type chooses the resolute system, and there are two small magic resistance runes.

In addition, Sword Demon's online recovery ability is good, and he still has a blood bottle on his body.

What Liricoce was worried about wasn't Victor's small set of combos, but Victor's talent for burglary omen!

QAEA, directly triggers the talent of two robbery omens.

The first time, it was okay, nothing was stolen.

But the second time.
A golden money bag was placed in Victor's equipment slot.

Crooked day!

What Liricoce was most worried about happened, a money bag, at least 40 gold coins, the value of two or three soldiers.

Up to 110 gold coins, in the early stage, is equal to the value of a wave of cannon cars.

Seeing Victor relying on the shield of his Q skill, he unscrupulously took advantage of the side grass vision on the road, frequently came up to consume blood and steal money, and at the same time he would not be hurt by too many minions.

The Sword Demon watched helplessly as he was being beaten, but he was helpless and unable to do anything.

Liricoce, who really couldn't stand it, directly inserted an ornament eye into the grass on the top, completely seeing Victor inside.

Now, you can't use this grass to pull yourself anymore, can you? !
According to common sense in professional games, the first trinket ward in the top laner should not be handed in so casually. If there is no protection and tilt from teammates, the first trinket ward should still be placed in the river to prevent the jungler from ganking.

But Liricoce was really uncomfortable being pulled by Victor.

And Liricoce is sure that Victor's first accessory eye is also placed in the second grass on the road, because when his sword demon enters the second grass, Victor can still attack him, which means that there must be vision in the grass.

But within a few seconds after Liricoce's fake eye was inserted, Chen Mu's Victor Q skill improved, and he stepped forward again for a QA.

next moment.
Victor's actions directly stunned Liricoce!

I saw a somewhat unfamiliar item appearing in Victor's equipment bar.

The essence of the stolen oracle!
This is the formerly deleted Potion of True Sight, which can be used to detect enemy false eyes around you for a period of time.

And when Chen Mu saw that he had stolen this equipment, he was also happy for a while.

If there are too many stones that hurt your feet, someone will send you shoes immediately.

A few seconds after the sword demon's fake eye was inserted, he stole an eye-receiving item!

Without hesitation, Chen Mu immediately swallowed the potion, and the fake eyes inserted in the grass by the sword demon were immediately exposed.

And Liricoce saw that his first accessory eye not only did not play any role, but also turned into experience and gold coins and jumped into Victor's pocket.

A crack appeared in Liricoce's heart again.

The laning is still going on, the torture is still going on.
As long as Chen Mu has improved his skills, regardless of Sanqi 21, he will step forward and put a skill, and keep up with a round of A,

And Liricoce was also tortured terribly. Although a skill was hit on the body without pain or itching, but the constant torture and blood consumption, even the sword demon couldn't stand it a little bit!
The only red medicine on his body has already been taken.

It's not that Liricoce hasn't thought about fighting back, but this is just a trace of his fantasy.

The position of the man on the opposite side is really good, and the control of the distance is also very essence, stuck firmly in the limit attack distance of Sword Demon Q.

If the sword demon's Q skill is not used with the E skill displacement, it is impossible to touch a hair of Victor.

But even being able to catch Victor occasionally doesn't do much good.

Victor went out with a potion of corruption, and his talents ordered biscuits. These two points alone are enough to keep Victor in a healthy state online.

Not to mention, Victor was able to steal the red medicine and the blue bottle!
After reaching the third level, Victor stepped forward again, and hit the Sword Demon with a QA.


Lirococe cursed directly.

Victor's QA hit him, and something was wrong.

The blood volume dropped a bit, more than 100 blood volume was lost directly.

But soon, Liricoce reacted.

Chen Mu's Victor didn't learn the W skill at the third level, but the second-level Q skill, otherwise it wouldn't hurt so much.

Victor's suppression is stronger!

At this time, C9's jungler Svenskeren looked at his top laner for 3 minutes and had already started to go to jail. He also asked, "Do you want to come to the top lane to catch a wave!"

His jungle blind monk just brushed from the bottom half of the field to the top half of the field.

If they lose this round because of the gap in the top lane, they will really go home.

And Liricoce was already sweating profusely. Hearing that the jungler did not dislike him, he was already like this, and he was willing to come to the road to help him catch, he also hurriedly agreed.

"it is good!"

"The river should have no vision, Victor's first eye is on the grass on the roadside!"

At this time, Chen Mu had already brought the line of soldiers under the opposite tower. Although Chen Mu tried his best to control the line, sometimes the death ray of the E skill would still affect the line of soldiers.

In addition, the sword demon is almost afraid to eat swords, so the line of soldiers is still pushed towards the opposite side.

Just when Svenskeren made up his mind to come to the road to catch a wave, at least play a flash, and it would be good to help Sword Demon relieve the pressure.

Victa, who happened to be opposite, was still under the tower, consuming Sword Demon "meaninglessly".

But that's when the words "meaningless" entered Svenskeren's mind.

The next moment, Victor hit Sword Demon with another QA.

A prosthetic eye suddenly appeared in Victor's equipment inventory.

For this kind of thing, Chen Mu didn't need to save, and immediately put the fake eyes in the grass in the river.

The next moment, Chen Mu saw a blind monk coming down from the explosive fruit in the triangular grass, ready to gank!

ah? !this? !
Svenskeren looked dazedly at the false eye that had just been checked in the grass, and at the same time, Chen Mu's Victor had already retreated, thus ending the best time for gank.

Svenskeren was still a little unaccustomed to it, but Liricoce, his top laner, was already used to it, so he just gave a helpless wry smile and continued to make up damage under the tower.

Is the man on the opposite side really the talent of Stealing Omen? !Instead of a wish come true talent? !

I just planted an eye in the grass, but the next moment Victor stole an eye drop.
My own jungler just wanted to gank on the road, but Victor could steal the jewelry eye in the next moment.
When he didn't need anything, Victor started stealing money bags directly!

King Ning saw that the jungler on the opposite side was showing his head on the road, so he hurriedly operated Qing Gangying to run up the road.

You don't need to brush the wild, you don't need to control the dragon, but you can't let Brother Mu be wronged!
And with the backing of Qinggang Ying, Chen Mu once again confidently and boldly pushed down to the opposite tower.

And Svenskeren saw that Victor had already seen him, and he dared to press the line like this, saying that there was no one behind him, but he didn't believe it.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn around, turn around and continue to go wild.

But when he left like this, Liricoce's sword demon felt uncomfortable.

Since the beginning of the game, I haven't eaten minions well, and finally made up a wave of tower soldiers. As a result, the line of soldiers was pushed back, but my blood volume was no longer enough for the line.

But looking at the pitiful economy of Sword Demon, let alone buying any decent equipment, even buying a small item is barely enough.

Even if Liricoce was unwilling, he found a safe position and returned to the city to make up for his condition.

Not to mention that the opposing jungler Qing Gangying is on the road, and with this amount of blood, he will continue to line up with Victor, but he is just a tool man stealing money from the opposite side!

In the end, Liricoce thought for a second, and after repairing a magic resistance cloak, he sent the TP loop.

However, Chen Mu's Victor did not take advantage of this opportunity to return to the city, but continued to stay online.

One is that now his Victor is in good condition, with healthy blood, half of his mana, and a biscuit on his body.

The second is that even if you go back, you don’t have any good equipment. The most important thing for Victor, a hero, is whether he can evolve the Hex core when he returns to the city for the first time. If he can’t evolve, then he has to hold back.

Now, the first evolution of the Hextech core requires 1250 gold coins, which is not a small sum of money.

Chen Mu is a little bit worse
Chen Mu started his own journey of "one life, two lives".

And seeing that as long as Chen Mu gets the counter position, every time there will be miraculous effects, and every time there will be new things out, I don’t know the effect of Chen Mu’s hand Victor, but the game only lasts for more than three minutes, but it’s completely cool Yes, and the LPL audience is also happy.

"Wori! Chen Mu is so fierce!"

"Beat C9's top laner violently, his scalp is numb!"

"This sword demon is like an idiot, he can only be beaten."

"Not only do you have to be beaten, but you also have to keep getting money stolen. This is the most annoying thing."

"Victor, the hero, is too rambunctious, isn't it so unreasonable?"

"The top laner Victor?! I've played it too, but against the wild crocodile and spider, the tactics are extremely cruel! Hee hee!"


The bullet screens flew up in the live broadcast room, and Guan Zeyuan and Ji Ji on the commentary stage were also really surprised.

They knew that Viktor, the top order stealing money, was a bit sloppy, but they didn't expect that Sword Demon would directly become his cash machine, as long as he had skills, he could withdraw money.

"Sure enough, the god is still the same god. Victor's top laner really suppressed the sword demon, and he couldn't beat the opponent." I remember sighing, "This sword demon is so difficult to play. It has been drained of blood, can't make up the sword, and has to be beaten Victor steals the money, and the economy will gradually be pulled apart."

Guan Zeyuan agreed: "Yes. But at the same time, I also think that Chen Mu played well by himself. His proficiency as Victor is definitely not less than a thousand games, and the control and release of skill distance are really stuck. You must know that the hero Victor usually does not have a lot of rank appearances, and some players even don’t know how to release the E skill very much!”

Rita nodded in agreement and said, "Indeed, I have never played Victor."

Then Sword Demon TP teleported back to the lane, but even after Sword Demon replenished his status and equipment, he still did not change the status quo of the top lane matchup.

The sword demon just added a small magic resistance, but his actions have not been strengthened!

Liricoce also wanted to play a bit stronger. He knew that Victor didn't go home because he wanted to hold back the 1250 economy. If he didn't take advantage of this opportunity to suppress Victor, he might have no chance later.

Looking at Victor who was moving back and forth like a snake, the Sword Demon first slashed at Victor viciously with a QE [-]nd company.

And this time Liricoce also learned to be good. After the Q skill was started, he did not follow E quickly, but followed E slowly.

Sword Demon's fast QE will give the enemy reaction time to move, while slow QE can first observe the enemy's movement and then use the E skill to adjust the position, which can increase the hit rate of Sword Demon QE.

But how could such an obvious action be hidden from Chen Mu.

The sword demon who racked his brains still did not have Chen Mu in Q, and Victor then used the W skill gravity field to stand in front of the sword demon and Victor, firmly blocking the route that the sword demon wanted to continue attacking.

In desperation, the sword demon just gave up suppressing Victor and turned to make up the knife steadily.

And Chen Mu didn't have the petty profit that was a sign of greed and theft, but replenished troops as soon as possible, and marched towards his 1250 gold coins
Once Hex technology evolves, Victor will usher in the first qualitative change! (end of this chapter)

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