LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 283 Sword Fairy vs Sword Demon

G2 is scared!

IG banned Kai'Sa first. If G2 doesn't ban Xia, JKL will really grab Xia.

In desperation, I can only press it!
Seeing that G2 banned Xia as expected, Coach Jin also laughed.

Although G2 won RNG, the problem of G2's bot lane hero pool was also exposed very seriously. Coach Jin has already seen through G2.

Then it's the hero selection stage.

There is no hesitation on the IG side, bull head!

A hero with strong opening ability, and also the hero used by the opponent in the last game.

It seems that Baolan is going to teach the opponent how to play bull head!

It's G2's turn to choose
First hand, assist Tamm!

It's cowardly again!

Facing IG's bull head, G2 didn't dare to deal with it head-on, and directly took out Tamm's protection.

Then the sword demon was locked on the second floor of G2.

This sword demon is no accident, it should be brought by Wunder to go on the road.

Now the coach of G2 also sees it, this sword demon is indeed for Wunder, he is no longer worthy of the counter position.

No matter how counter position is given to him, it will not have any effect, so it is better to give it to others.

As for Wunder himself, anyway, I have already given you a version of the powerful warrior top sword demon. As for how you fight, whether you will be countered, whether you can fight it, it is up to you!

It's the turn of the second and third floors of IG. First, help Rookie lock the enchantress, or wait until the second round, this hero will be banned.

Then I decided to play the Nightmare jungler for King Ning. As long as this hero is safely brushed to level 6, his support ability is very good, and his special big move is to turn off the lights in the dark.

In this version, according to the logic, Nightmare cannot be released. G2 must be banned, but there are not enough ban slots.

And G2 then also took out the rock sparrow to deal with King Ning's nightmare, and the rock sparrow is also a good hero.

Nightmare needs to be at least level 6 to start a rhythm, and the ability to clear the jungle in the early stage is better than Nightmare.

And if you don't take the rock sparrow now, you will be banned in the second round, and G2 can only take the barrel Zack by then.

The second round of BP begins.

The two sides continue to come and go
IG first banned Sivir, the wheel mom. The hero Hjarnan used in the last round, even this hero was banned for you. Let’s see what hero pool you have!

Then G2 had no choice but to ban Lucian. In the last game, JKL's Lucian played well, especially when he assisted Tamm. JKL got Lucian again, which is basically equivalent to G2's self-defeating all the way.

After banning four ADC heroes in one round, IG stared at G2's bot lane!
After that, it didn't target ADC anymore. There are not many suitable ADC heroes out there.

Then IG pressed Yasuo and didn't give Ah P a chance to make a living. Coach Jin already had a premonition that Ah P was going to use Happy Man to make a living. G2's jungler is a rock sparrow, and the middle lane is likely to take an AD hero, most likely Yasuo!

And G2 banned Victor. I was too afraid that Chen Mu would take a Victor and a burglary omen to steal things on the road. C9 tried his life to try something out. He must not go back to the old way for G2!
Then G2 locked down Daomei.

In fact, G2 really wanted to take Yasuo to Ah P, but it has already been banned, so they locked up Daomei for Ah P.

In the last two moves of IG, JKL will first confirm the ADC Xiao Huangmao EZ. There are not many ADC heroes outside, and there are only a few heroes left who can play.

The last hero, Coach Jin closed the notebook, and easily communicated with Chen Mu: "How do you say it?!"

"What hero do you want to play?!"

Now Coach Jin has no reason to stop Chen Mu from choosing a hero.

When heroes like the captain, Victor, skateboard shoes, and Ryze were taken out of Chen Mu's underpants one after another, Coach Jin knew how thick Chen Mu's underpants were!
What's more, Coach Jin never knew what Chen Mu's underpants were? !
"Sword Princess!"

Seeing that the top laner of G2 on the opposite side has already shown his card, it must be Sword Demon, not other heroes, Chen Mu didn't hesitate, and directly locked Sword Fairy.

Jian Ji is a small counter sword demon, but there is no hard counter sword demon.

It still depends on the operation and tactics of both parties. Sword Demon's 3-stage Q plus E is still strong, but it happens that Sword Demon's Q skill is not well released, and may be overwhelmed by Sword Fairy's W skill.

Sword Fairy is very flexible, and no one can handle it alone in the later stage, but if you are in a group, Sword Demon is definitely more useful than Sword Fairy.

In the end, it was G2's counter position, which was reserved for Hjarnan's ADC. I don't know what new things can be done!
thought for a moment.
G30 waited until the end of the 2-second selection time to make the best choice.

G2 really has no other options, so they can only take out Jhin.

However, Hjarnan's Jhin has defeated Uzi. In the last game of G2vsRNG, Hjarnan played Jhin.

But JKL is not Uzi, rookie is not Xiaohu, and Chen Mu is not Letme.

With the lineup of both sides determined.

IG vs G2 Game [-]
IG is on the blue side and G2 is on the red side.

Top order: Sword Fairy vs Sword Demon
Jungle: Nightmare vs Rock Sparrow
Mid laner: Enchantress vs Daomei

ADC: EZ vs Jhin

Support: Bullhead vs Tamm
The game enters the screen loading phase.
The final lineup choices of the two sides appeared in front of everyone. First of all, G2 did not have a big job here. Sword Demon went to the road, and Daomei went to the middle.

At the same time, the commentary booth has also been discussed.

"Wow, IG's lineup is pretty good here, with strong openings, output, and a three-lane advantage. This is very IG!" Wow first.

"Yes, Sword Girl fights Sword Demon, Fairy Girl fights Daomei, EZ Niutau fights Jhin Tam, all have a small advantage! It fits IG's usual lineup." Miller also analyzed it carefully. "And I feel that G2's lineup is too passive. It doesn't have any strong opening ability. It's a lineup that was selected passively. It doesn't have a bit of its usual style. I feel that G2's underwear has been seen through by IG!"

"And this is Chen Mu's sword girl. Chen Mu's sword girl and other people's sword girls are completely two kinds of sword girls. They are unique in the world!" Guan Zeyuan's home team is gone, and he almost regards Chen Mu alone as his home team.

"Indeed, Chen Mu's sword girl has had too many outrageous operations and famous scenes, and I can't count them all!" Wawa and Miller also admitted this.

"Even. Even Chen Mu's sword girl brought the Grip of Indestructibility in this round, which was beyond my expectation." Guan Zeyuan finally said with a smile.

Only then did everyone notice that Jianji Chen Mu's talent choice is Grasp of Immortality
And the barrage in the LPL live broadcast room was also discussed.

"Go, go, go!"

"Sword Princess fights Sword Demon, I feel like Wunder is going to be blasted!"

"Damn it, Chen Mu's sword girl knows everything, and the W skill is 100% blocking control!"

"It's really a bit outrageous, A flashes, four breaks in one second are basic operations, what 100% blocks the promise hand E, what blind vision blocks the wine barrel E flash, what other outrageous operations are there?!"

"I'm in tears, Chen Mujianji is actually carrying the Grip of Indestructibility, crying to death, when did my Brother Mu be so steady!"

"Chen Mu's sword girl is the number one sword girl in the world in my heart (Bixin) (Bixin)"

"Hee hee, the bottom lane of this G2 is Jhin again, I wonder if there is any explanation?! (Slant eyes) (Slant eyes)"

"IG is not the rubbish of RNG."

"Don't worry, I don't know if G2 will catch it at the second level, but it will definitely be caught at the second level (funny) (funny)"

"IG Duck Duck Duck! Hit me hard!"

"Win it, win it, win G2 [-]-[-], and shave my head hard!"


As the game loads.

Chen Mu's sword girl talent is mainly tied with the resolute system.

Grasp of the Undying, the online recovery ability is too strong.

Explosion can speed up the speed of pushing towers, and it is also very suitable for Jian Ji's single belt talent.

Wind of Resuscitation can give Jian Ji a stronger ability to exchange blood; Resuscitation gives Jian Ji additional blood recovery ability, and the main thing is to restore blood to immortality online.


Don't look at this small 10-point boost, it's a world of difference when it comes to laning.

Numerical monsters sometimes talk about this inconspicuous little change.

The sub-department, Chen Mu's is the precision department.

Triumph, the miracle of medical treatment, also creates miracles by fighting less, recovering state in groups, preventing being beaten to death by soldiers and being set on fire after killing, jumping towers and being killed by towers, etc., and the effect of adding money is icing on the cake.

Critical strike, dealing 40% more damage to heroes whose HP is below 8%.

In fact, the talents that Jian Ji can bring this season are various.

Conqueror, Assault, Grasp of the Undying, and Stealing Omen are all good fits for Swordgirl.

However, according to the lineups of both sides, Chen Mu finally chose the Grip of Indestructibility.

In this round, the opposite G2 has no monster meat in the traditional sense, and the sword demon can't use a tank outfit, so the conversion of the conqueror's real damage is of little significance, and the sword girl itself has super high real damage.

The laning suppression of strong attack is indeed very strong, but in the middle and late stage of the single belt, the significance of strong attack has dropped a lot, and Sword Demon's line recovery ability is very strong, which may not be effective.

Stealing Omen and stealing money is actually very suitable for Jian Ji, but the fault tolerance rate is too low and too aggressive, and it is not as easy as stealing money like the long-handed top laner Victor Jess, and the stolen economy is not worth the talent.

So in the end, Chen Mu chose the Grip of Indestructibility.

As for the sword girl with the grip of immortality, the laning is also very simple.

Q, Eternal Grip, Q, Eternal Grip, Q, Eternal Grip, Q
Chen Mu's sword girl chooses the Dolan sword when she goes out, and she just wants to do it when she goes out.

One minute and 30 seconds later, as the pawn lines converged, Sword Fairy followed the pawn line and stepped forward, and Sword Demon also appeared in the field of vision.

Chen Mu was lucky, the first flaw was right in front of him.

Wunder has been a little cowardly since the last round, and he doesn't dare to confront Chen Mu head-on.

So after seeing the first weak point brushed directly in front, I want to pull the field of vision to the back to wipe out the first weak point.

But if you take a step back, Chen Mu's sword girl will take a step forward!
He insisted not to wipe out the weak point directly in front of the Sword Demon.

After a wave of pulling back and forth, the three melee minions were about to die, and the sword demon finally wiped out the weak point directly in front of him.

Then he resumed laning again, but he only made up two of the three melee minions, missing one minion, and the key is that Sword Demon also used the Q skill to fill up the minions.

But the cooldown time of Sword Demon's first-level Q skill is as high as 16 seconds, how will Sword Demon spend it next time!
And Chen Mujianji's operation is too simple.

A hit the minion before, and now 4 seconds have passed, even if the sword demon's flaw is behind him at this time, it doesn't matter.

I saw Sword Fairy walking directly in front of the Sword Demon, leveling A, triggering the Grip of Indestructibility, the Q skill penetrated behind the Sword Demon to open a loophole, and followed to level A.


The sword girl triggered the movement speed bonus of the passive duel dance, and she ran into the air, and then the sword demon pulled into the grass to avoid the hatred and attacks of the soldiers.

And the sword devil's Q skill has been used up, so he can only counterattack twice to level A.

But without the passive level A, it really doesn't hurt much to hit Jian Ji, not to mention Jian Ji's blood recovery talent and passivity, the sword demon has not recovered as fast as she hits.

4 seconds later
Grasp of Immortality has improved, and Swordsman's Q skill is about to improve.

Jian Ji stepped forward again, AQA, triggered the Grip of Indestructibility again, and at the same time pulled the nearby grass closer to avoid the hatred and attacks of the minions
So back and forth.
However, Wunder's Sword Demon Q skill didn't improve, so he could only suffer from this dull loss.

When the sword demon's Q skill improved, Chen Mu's sword girl was not afraid at all, and still moved arrogantly, walking straight forward.

He didn't know whether Wunder was dizzy, or his hands were shaking, or he was under too much pressure against Chen Mu's sword girl, and his own rhythm was gone, and he was suddenly as innocent as a blank sheet of paper in front of Chen Mu's sword girl.

Seeing Jian Ji walking so straight, she turned in her Q skill casually again.

But without using the E skill together, how could the hit rate of Sword Demon's Q skill be so high, let alone Chen Mu's Sword Fairy.

Just when the blade of the giant sword in the sword demon's hand was raised, Jian Ji suddenly turned her head.

Right-angle dance steps, moving to avoid a Q of Sword Demon.

Then Sword Fairy Shi Shiran walked back and continued to make up the knife
But Sword Demon, who had already used one Q, had no choice but to brush the remaining two Qs against the air and the floor of Summoner's Canyon.

Wunder also understands that even if the Q skill can't hit the sword girl, it can't hit the minions, otherwise it will inevitably cause the pawn line to push past, and then it will be an old crime.

After the Q skill fell into the cooling vacuum period again, Sword Demon completely lost the right to grab the second level.

After seeing Sword Demon's three-stage Q brushed out, Sword Fairy poked up with QA again. Although the weak point was not hit behind Sword Demon, it still hurts to trigger the Grip of Immortality.

At this time, the second wave of soldiers has rushed to the line, and Jian Ji has eaten 6 small soldiers, and the remaining melee soldier has already lost blood. Jian Ji is only a level A away from being promoted to the second level.

At this point, Wunder sighed helplessly, and the sword demon in his hand shrank directly behind the soldier, keeping a distance from the sword girl.

The Sword Demon, who is still two minions away from being promoted to the second level, can only hide behind and eat his experience steadily. As for going forward to operate, he dare not.

As for why he was so cowardly, Wunder couldn't be blamed.

Now the first to reach the second level must be Jian Ji.

But the second-level sword girl, after learning the W skill, can be turned upside down.

If the sword demon dares to use the Q skill rashly again, if the sword girl QW pokes up and deliberately touches porcelain, it will be a big disaster.

Even if Sword Fairy comes up with QW first and takes the initiative to exchange blood, under the high reduction of attack speed and movement speed, the Sword Demon who is only level [-] has never beaten Sword Fairy.

Just thinking about the picture makes Wunder shudder (end of this chapter)

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