I saw King Ning's nightmare going back and forth, repeatedly, wandering in the upper half of the field.

Wunder's sword demon is so uncomfortable to play.

His sword demon didn't dare to go too far from the tower, otherwise this nightmare would definitely fly him away.

But it's not the same thing that happens all the time!
For example, this wave of pawn lines has been pushed out again and meets at the middle line of the top lane, but at this time the sword demon can't stay under the tower, he must go out to eat pawns and experience!

But looking at his own wilderness that is getting darker and darker, and the wild rock sparrow is still in the second half of the wilderness, he really dare not go out~!

"Hjarnan, can you come on the road and help me untie a wave of thread, I'm going back to the cloth shoes."

Although it's a bit embarrassing, but if you should lose your face, you should lose your face. This is not the time to lose face and suffer!
After Hjarnan heard Shanglu's words, he also hurriedly switched the screen to Shanglu, and sure enough, Shanglu himself was in prison.

But fortunately, there is no wild to farm in the second half of the jungle. Although EZ and bull head are pressing the line, the vision of the opposite side is good, and both moves are available, so it is not easy to catch death.

Anyway, there is nothing to do, Hjarnan can go to the top road to help with the order, so his rock sparrow immediately hurried to the top road.

Looking at the rock sparrow that was already approaching the road, Wunder felt much more at ease. He also saw that his Sword Demon had stored two stages of E skills, with two stages of displacement, and the ultimate move was still there. Even if the nightmare came to catch him, he shouldn't die, right? !
In the end, Wunder mustered up his courage and stepped forward to eat the line.

But King Ning’s nightmare has been waiting for such a long time, Chen Mu will not grow up peacefully with you anymore
When the Sword Demon ate the first soldier into his mouth, the Sword Demon suddenly became violent
Directly poked up with the Q skill, and when a lotus flower appeared around the body of the Sword Demon, the Sword Demon's W skill, Lauren's heart-eye knife, had already made a move.

The frontal flaw has been pierced!

Piercing through the flaws, the Sword Demon ran fast under the bonus of the Sword Demon's movement speed, clinging close to the Sword Demon.

Not right, not right!
Wunder looked at the sword girl who was about to eat people, and he had only eaten one pawn, so he was about to rush forward to fuck him.

In case of indecision, retreat first!

Afterwards, the sword demon took a short distance and retreated.

But Sword Fairy's movement speed was too fast, and the slowing effect of Sword Demon being hit by Sword Fairy W hadn't disappeared yet.

Chen Mu flashed directly and came to the side of Sword Demon, EA~
The second flaw was pierced, and at the same time, the first flat A of Jian Ji's E skill continued to slow down.

Jian Ji's Q skill has improved, and she poked the back of Sword Demon again, QA!

It is already the third lotus flower!
Under the acceleration, Jian Ji then slightly adjusted her footsteps, and came to the last side of the opening, Tiamat!

Four lotus flowers have bloomed!

"FristBlood!" The passionate voice spread throughout the canyon.

Four breaks in one second, killing demons with one sword!
However, although Sword Fairy broke through four times in one second and broke through four flaws in an instant, Sword Fairy didn't have enough equipment at this time, and she didn't kill Sword Demon in seconds.

At this time, the built-in CD of Sword Demon's E skill was finally ready, and the second E immediately opened the distance, but his blood volume was only about a quarter left.

Although the sword demon has not been killed after handing in the flash, Chen Mu's goal has been achieved, and the blood volume of the sword demon has been suppressed to the extreme!

Then Jian Ji turned around at the speed of light, cleared the pawn line, and pushed towards the opposite defense tower with a large wave of pawn lines.

Now it's Wunder's turn to have a headache, his sword demon can't walk or keep.

He didn't need to think about it, he knew that the Nightmare who followed him like a shadow must be in the upper half of the wild area. If he left, the experience and economy lost would be trivial. Without the protection of the defense tower, as long as the Nightmare turned off the lights and flew up, he would die instantly with this little HP.

"Wait for me, wait for me, I'll be there soon!" At this moment, Hjarnan saw the situation on the road change suddenly, and shouted hurriedly.

Anxiously, G2's headset was full of noisy voices from Wunder and Jankos.

Hearing that the jungler seemed to have come to support him, Wunder decided not to leave in desperation, and cooperated with his own jungler to fight back.

So Wunder's sword demon cowered under the tower, waiting for the rock sparrow's support.

At the same time, the flowers that King Ning's Nightmare had been waiting for on the road were about to wither. He had long wanted to attack the sword demon, but he had no choice but to fight the sword demon at full strength under the tower.

But at this time, isn't the opportunity here? !
The sword demon with full blood dare not go over, but the sword demon with residual blood still dare not go over? !So what if you have a big extinction!
Seeing that IG seemed to want to cross the tower, several commentators in the commentary booth were a little skeptical.

"It's only 7 minutes, are you going to climb the tower?!"

"Yeah, it's a little dangerous! The rock sparrow on the opposite side has also come to support it."

"If it explodes, Sword Princess' early advantages will disappear!"

"At this time, the level and equipment are not good enough, and the sword demon has a big move, but the sword girl's big move has already been used!" The three commentators said in a hurry.

But of course Chen Mu and Ning Wang's will to cross the tower will not change with their doubts, the moment the soldiers enter the tower.

King Ning's Nightmare pressed his ultimate move.

Turn off the lights!It's getting dark!

Afterwards, like a ghost, Nightmare flew towards the Sword Demon like a shadow.

Although the sword demon opened his own big move, when he opened the Great Destroyer, he seemed very stable and had a second life.

but the next second
The nightmare has arrived, and Sword Princess has started to move~
Facing the joint attack of Sword Fairy and Nightmare, how can the bloodless Sword Demon withstand it?
The eruption of the nightmare and the injury of the sword girl were just a matter of an instant, and the sword demon was already dead and fell into a revived state.

This version of the sword demon can indeed be resurrected, but the blood volume after resurrection is based on the life value stored in the passive blood demon well of the ultimate move, but the sword demon does not have much life value stored at all!

At this time, Jankos' rock sparrows rushed to the upper half of the wild area. Seeing that they had already started on the road, they were impatient.

But the rock sparrow's first-level ultimate move is only 2500 yards away, which is not as far as imagined.

But Wunder's sword demon seems to be unable to wait for the support of the rock sparrow.

Although it was in a revived state, the sword demon seemed to be alive, but it didn't seem to be alive.

The revived sword demon's blood volume was only about 10%, and he was tightly surrounded by the squatting sword princess and nightmare, without any way to escape.

In the first moment of resurrection, the sword girl, who was pulled to the extreme by her hand speed, fell in a QA second.

Even from tower jumping to squatting, Jian Ji and Nightmare only carried the tower a little each, and their HP is still very healthy.

At the same time, Jankos rock sparrow finally drove the car to the road, but what was waiting for him was the corpse of a sword demon.

Rock sparrow also wanted to carry the W skill Yantu to bring King Ning's nightmare back, but King Ning had quick eyesight and quick hands, and immediately blocked it with a shield.

Then Sword Fairy and Nightmare successfully removed the damage from the defensive tower.

At this time, the sword demon is dead, but it doesn't mean that the tower jumping is over.

Looking at the chaffinch alone and helpless under the tower
Chen Mu said lightly: "Come on! Keep going!"

And King Ning deserves to be a reckless man who is as famous as LPL and spicy pot. After hearing what Chen Mu said, he also lost his temper and shouted directly:
"Come, come! More and more! I will carry the tower, but maybe I may not be able to walk away."

"It's okay! He will die!" Chen Mu gave King Ning a little confidence.

Then Jian Ji and Nightmare walked into the defense tower again.

Jankos suddenly reacted at this time, and he supported the sword demon, but instead triggered the special effect of being alone and helpless.

A rock sparrow, handed in the big move, handed in the cliff.

There are other skills though, but so what? !
In the face of Nightmare and Sword Fairy's second tower jump, a crispy mage who is only level 6 looks so pitiful and helpless!
Nightmare was the first to lift the tower, and seeing how King Ning moved, it seemed that he had no intention of getting out of the tower alive.

QE is activated, if you have skills, you will pay for skills, and if you don’t have skills, you will be tied to A.

Chen Mu's Sword Fairy also closely followed the damage.

And Jankos' rock sparrow has no countermeasures, not to mention that he is not full of blood to support.

In the end, King Ning's Nightmare took the damage from the defense tower three times, but he couldn't stand the damage and fell to the ground.

But the rock sparrow is already bleeding.

How could Sword Fairy not be able to take a crag sparrow with residual blood?

What's more, Jian Ji's talent still brings perseverance.

Another QA, accept the rock sparrow head.

"Double kill!!"

The game has only lasted 8 minutes, and Sword Fairy is 2-0!

Seeing IG's one-for-two tower jumping, the game understanding of the three LPL commentators was slapped in the face.

Even the broadcasting teacher understood very well, and in the next moment, he deliberately replayed the scene just now, and the three commentators were whipped to death again, but they were happy to be slapped in the face.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is IG's Ueno! Within 2000 yards behind Chen Mu, there must be a King Ning!"

"Wow, I think this wave of Nightmare is playing well, three in and three out, this is the recklessness of LPL!"

"However, before Chen Mu flashed four times in one second, it is also very important to lower the blood volume of the sword demon, otherwise there would be no such wave of jumping over the tower!"

"This wave of tower jumping can be said to directly break through the top road. It is even fair to say that the game is over."


With the passionate commentary of the commentators, the live broadcast room is also excited.


"Such a fast sword, it shines into my eyes!"

"Sword Princess 2-0, you can declare the game over (squint eye) (squint eye)"


"Now you know King Ning's mang character, how did it come about?!"

"It's too strong, without playback, I can't see Chen Mujianji's breaking movement at all~"

"Ning Wang also played very well, completely playing our LPL style."

"G2, do you guys understand the gold content of a sword girl who breaks four times in one second?"

"How crazy is G2?! How crazy is P?! How bad is your mouth?! Keep tweeting?!"


The game continues.

After crossing the tower, Chen Mu's sword girl did not forget to push a wave of soldiers deep before returning to the city.With Tiamat here, Jian Ji pushes the line really fast.

Looking at the red and blue buffs under Jian Ji's feet in the spring water base, Chen Mu couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and at the same time felt a little shy.

Just now, King Ning's Nightmare brought fresh red and blue buffs to help Chen Mu cross the tower, and died in the hands of the rock sparrow on the opposite side, but the rock sparrow died in the hands of Jian Ji again, so the red and blue buffs were transferred to Jian Ji's feet.

Another little detail that no one cares about~
Chen Mu is also a master of detail management!
But listening to the headset, the red and blue buffs of Nightmare had quietly transferred to Jian Ji, but King Ning didn't notice it at all, and was still roaring: "Nice! Nice! Awesome! Awesome! Brother Mu, it's too strong!"

Hearing this, Chen Mu felt a little embarrassed~
But at this time, G2's headset fell into silence for a short time.

8-2 in 0 minutes, Jian Ji, who made up the knife and followed the time steadily, how should I fight? !

Wunder looked at his black computer screen, and couldn't help but fell into thinking.

Cloth shoes? !Small anti-armor? !
It's useless!
Even if you give him both now, it will be useless!
At this time, Jian Ji can only be described in two words.

No solution! !
Especially after Jian Ji returned to the city, she directly made the vampiric sickle, which increased the recovery ability of the line.

At the same time, the extra money couldn't buy a pickaxe, so Chen Mu simply touched an extraction and money knife.

Although in the time period of 8 minutes, it is too late to release the extraction money knife.

But Chen Mu reckoned that in the next period of time, no one would come to touch him on the road.

Anyway, with Tiamat, the line clearing speed is also fast, and this extraction is not a loss for money.

Every time a minion is exploded, a gold coin is given, plus the 350 gold coins that are exploded, this has already earned back the extraction principal.

But the extraction price is nearly 300 gold coins!
No more, no less, three or four waves of troops!
Chen Mu is not only very meticulous, but also a master of economics and management!

Bachelor of Economics
After updating her equipment, Jian Ji stuffed her 6 equipment slots to the brim, and came online again.

And Wunder saw Jian Ji with red and blue buff circles under her feet, and she seemed in a trance.

He thought it would be difficult for him to play the game with Sword Fairy who got two heads, but only when he got to the line did he realize that the top lane matchup was over.

His sword demon had to passively wait for the sword girl to push the line at a distance of 1000 yards.

But on this point, Chen Mu let him get what he wanted. He released Tiamat's sword girl, who had no reason to control the line, and quickly pushed the line without saying a word.

After pushing the line of soldiers into the tower, Chen Mu first fired a blast.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shi Shi ran directly to the middle of the first tower and the second tower on the opposite side.

Jian Ji started to break the line of troops!
This? !

It's not that Chen Mu doesn't want to push the top tower, but it's too early to push the top tower at this time.

In less than 10 minutes, I pushed a tower on the road too early, so what?

After not going to the first tower, the sword girl was liberated, but the sword demon opposite Wunder was also liberated.

Moreover, it is also a kind of torture for teammates to transfer the bottom lane duo to the top lane so early.

The bottom lane was originally developed, and it pressed Jhin and Tam on the opposite side well.

In less than 10 minutes, they were told to change lanes and go to the top lane. Wouldn't that also give up the advantage of the bottom lane?
Torturing teammates is worse than torturing opponents~
Jian Ji simply stood between the first tower and the second tower on the opposite side, and then put a real eye on the opposite wild area, let's see who dares to enter the upper half of the wild area in G2? (end of this chapter)

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