LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 287 Highland 1v3

Team ownership is risky.

It is possible that the ADC is sick and will be killed without any skills being handed in; it may be that the opponent's ult is too good and the ult is opened to five; anything can happen
But the single belt does not have any risk, but it is one of the ways to expand the advantage.

Simply, Chen Mu's sword girl chose to lead to the end alone, putting great pressure on G2 on the sideline.

It's not that G2 didn't think about grabbing orders and team battles to reverse the situation.

For example, in the battle for the third dragon after 10 minutes, G2 wants to fight.

Although G2 wants to take advantage of the summoner skills of the five players to play a wave of perfect team battles.

However, before IG passed the snowball, there was already a lot of economic gap. In this wave of Xiaolong team battles, there is a certain gap in equipment between the two sides.

Coupled with the poke of Enchantress and EZ, it is like two flies throwing skills beside the brainless.

G2's lineup lacks a strong opening hero, and it is hard to open a group.

In the end, the Xiaolong Tuan played a two-for-four.

But this kind of game method of drinking poison to quench thirst has made the economic gap between the two sides widen.

Even the little yellow-haired ez is almost a three-piece suit.

However, EZ's three-piece set is too cheap, and he uses the magic cut ice fist set.

But Ice Fist is only 2600 gold coins. Compared with the traditional crit attack speed equipment, the ADC will cost 3400 gold coins for an endless attack, which is nearly 1000 gold coins less.

As for G2 catching IG's single belt, that is even more impossible.

IG's 131 points belt is too flexible.

The EZ in the middle lane is flexible, with E and flashes, as long as you don't get sick, you will never be able to drive it, not to mention there is a bull's head protecting it.

As for the demon girl and sword girl on the sidewalk, it is even more exaggerated.

How do you catch the enchantress with so many shifts?
Jian Ji, then it is not a matter of being arrested.

Because wherever Sword Fairy goes, there will be a Nightmare within 2000 yards, if you catch Sword Fairy, it will be a good thing for Nightmare, just turn off the lights and fly to a big meal for you.

The game lasts 25 minutes.

Sword Fairy's third outfit was also released, and Chen Mu chose Dance of Death.

This is also one of the artifacts equipped by warriors. 80 points of attack power and 10% cooling reduction are attributes that Sword Princess needs.

The key is the two unique passives, one is that it will heal itself when it causes damage, and the healing amount is equal to 15% of the actual damage value. In other words, it is equal to 15% of the omnipotent lifesteal.

The second is that 30% of the damage you receive will be deducted by bleeding within 3 seconds to prevent being seconds.

Even many ADCs like to add a dance of death in the late game.

On the opposite side, G2 faced Jian Ji's single belt and became weaker and weaker.

Whether it's Sword Demon or Sword Girl, there are only two sets now.

Sword Demon started to replenish the blood after the black cut, and Daomei was also the last three-time blood replenisher, and they all played team outfits. G2 was determined to go to the team.

But in this way, facing Jian Ji on the single lane, no one in G2 took a few rounds.

At this time, G2 really can't look at each other from head to tail. Facing Jian Ji's leading line, one person obviously can't handle it, but they can't go to too many people, otherwise the dragon is really in danger. The other four on IG Teammates don't eat dry food.

But if you don't care about Jian Ji's lead, it will be very difficult to go to Dalong Allin.

You must know that IG's other two c demon girls and ez, these two flies, have limited frontal stance output ability, but if they are disturbed, these two flies are too disgusting!
Don't talk about starting a group, as long as Ah Shui doesn't get sick, what kind of ez face jumping output comes, that is, Sword Demon and Sword Girl really can't touch Enchantress and ez.

Under such circumstances, there is no such thing as G2 forcing a group at Dalong.

But when the G2 team was hesitating, Chen Mu's sword girl was about to be brought from the bottom lane to the opposite high ground.

Not only was the G2 team leader hesitant, even the coach sitting in the G2 lounge was frowning. Even if he sat in the lounge and OBed from the perspective of God, he couldn't find a way to solve this situation.

In the end, G2's commander bit the bullet and chose a method that I wanted. First, Ah P's sword girl guarded the sword girl, and at the same time asked the rock sparrow and sword demon to go to the dragon pit to see the vision.

After all, Ah P's sword sister also brought teleportation, and Wunder's sword demon really couldn't guard the sword girl.

If the sword demon uses Q skills casually to clear the line, and if Jian Ji seizes the opportunity, QW comes up to touch porcelain, and may be taken away directly, and he can't even run away.

Jhin and Tam occupy the middle lane to guard the line. After all, Tam has a driver and can take care of the sideline.

However, Chen Mu doesn't care about your three-seven-two-one, messy fighters. He saw his sword girl straight up to the opposite Highland Tower with a line of soldiers.

rub rub!

With an additional blast, half of the health of the defense tower was lost in an instant.

But Daomei, who was pulling the line under the defensive tower, didn't dare to do anything at all, and could only watch from a distance as Jianji pushed the highland tower away.

As for going forward and fighting, Ah P didn't dare to go up and pretend to be aggressive, and it would be embarrassing if he was beaten back.

His equipment is not qualified to compete with Sword Fairy at all.

"Come on, catch this sword girl, don't let him take it like this again!" At this time, the voice of G2's team rang, and decided to punish this unscrupulous sword girl.

The next moment, Jhin and Tam, who were standing in the middle, came to support them, and Tam drove Jhin down the road in a small car to outflank the road, and the destination was directly under the Highland Tower.

"Run, run, Brother Mu, run, Jhin has already passed."

"Let's go, Tam's driving!"

Ah Shui and Baolan shouted directly into the headset after seeing Tam and Jhin move.

Chen Mu glanced at the small map indifferently, and said calmly: "Okay, you guys drive the big dragon."

"Yes, yes, open the big dragon, open the big dragon!"

In an instant, the other 4 people from IG began to approach the Dalong Pit and rushed Dalong directly.

"Brother Mu, let me support you with a big move!" Ah Shui felt uncomfortable. Chen Mu's sword girl dragged three people by herself to give them time for the big dragon, so EZ scraped towards the place where Tam and Jhin were driving. a light curtain.

"Alright, alright, I will also support a big move!" King Ning also said immediately.

Then King Ning's nightmare also pressed his big move to turn off the lights.

In fact, Nightmare's ultimate move is also considered a small group control.

In the dark, Nocturne reduces the vision range of all enemy heroes and removes allies' vision from enemy heroes for 6 seconds.

Everyone in G2 lost their vision, and Tam and Jhin, who landed on the ground, did not dare to move. They only dared to cower under the Highland Tower and waited for the end of the nightmare's ultimate move, not daring to move.

They also don't know that Nightmare has used a big move, but will it fly in the next moment? !
Jhin, who was standing motionless under the Highland Tower, just happened to get a big move by EZ.

But after dark, something even more frightening happened. The Nightmare zoomed in and Jhin's field of vision narrowed, but after recovering his field of vision, he suddenly found a sword girl right in front of him.

Then Sword Fairy's Q skill poked up and hit Sword Fairy's opening, and with a snap, one-third of her HP was gone.

Coupled with the previous big move of EZ, Jhin was already half-blooded in an instant.

Crooked day, what kind of Fuck injury is this?

Hjarnan was taken aback, Jhin quickly retreated.

But Jian Ji, who was under the speed bonus, was close to Jhin, EA Hydra A, and Jhin fell below half health in an instant.

Fuck!Not right not right!terrible!

Fortunately, there was Tamm next to him, and Tamm immediately swallowed Jhin in one gulp.

At this time, G2's field of vision finally recovered, and seeing Jian Ji chasing and killing her ADC indiscriminately under her own height, the shrunken Sword Girl rushed up immediately.
At this time, Chen Mu's sword girl immediately put her ult on Tam based on the principle of hitting whoever she can.

Originally, his target was not the ADC Jhin. Jhin had a flash, and Tamm had to eat him. Even if he put the ultimate move on him, he couldn't kill him for a while.

But this Tam is different.

It looks very fleshy, but in fact it has no frankness at all. Its level is only level 11, but Sword Fairy is already level 16~
Under the third-level big move, AQAEAA.

In an instant, three flaws have bloomed
But this Tamm of G2 also knows that he is not fleshy. Seeing Jian Ji's dazzling operation, he immediately opened his gray shield, and at the same time flashed to distance himself, and stuck his weak point firmly on the wall of the high ground. side.

At this time, Jhin came out of Tam's stomach, and immediately pulled out of the highland through the light curtain in the middle of the highland.

The light curtain in the middle of the high ground can only be passed by your own heroes, and Jian Ji has no displacement skills for a while, only flash.

But you hand in Flash, and Jhin on the opposite side is still holding Flash.

Ten birds in the forest, it is better to have one bird in hand!
Chen Mu's sword girl still chose Tam who hadn't flashed in front of him, but Tam was stuck on the last flaw and remained motionless.

At this time, Ah P's Daomei finally came to support him.

Immediately, R flashed EQAQA, and it was a set of unexplained combo moves, and then after the passive was full, it started to madly A Sword Fairy.

Jhin is also frantically outputting Sword Girl through the wall of the high ground.

Jian Ji's blood volume began to drop wildly.
However, Chen Mu was not worried at all, his eyes gradually became sharper, and his fingers began to tap the keyboard lightly.

The next moment, Tahm's Q skill sticks out his long tongue, and Jian Ji's body is already passive for three layers, and she will be immobilized if she is licked.

And as long as Jian Ji is pinned down, Dao Mei and Jhin will definitely be able to accept the big head. Although the dragon is lost, maybe G2 can struggle again.

But what Chen Mu was waiting for was this moment. When Tam's tongue stuck out, Jian Ji made a sudden move. With the W skill Laurent's Heart-Eye Blade, a blue sword aura pierced out.

Then Ping A shot, followed by a flash of golden light.

Flash A, see Flash A again!
At the same time that Flat A fell on Tam, Jian Ji also stepped over the high wall at the same time.

The lotus blooms!

Tahm's last flaw was punctured!

Although Tam looked like he still had a lot of HP this time, Jian Ji's A-flash came with an attack from the Grasp of Indestructibility, a fatal blow from her talent, and a flare effect. , under multiple damage calculations, how could a Tamm who was only level 11 be able to block it?
Tam fell to the ground with a huge tongue outstretched, and at this time Jhin's last critical strike also bounced on the bloody Sword Princess.

But Sword Fairy is not dead!
The effect of the Dance of Death was triggered, and at the same time, there was also the medical miracle of Triumph, and bathed in the blood recovery array of the third-level ultimate move, Jian Ji's health recovered quickly, and her whole body glowed with green light.

But at this time, it was not Jian Ji who was worried, but Jhin himself. While Jian Ji A flashed, she also came to the front of Jhin under the Highland Tower.

Looking at Jhin's face, Hjarnan's ghosts froze.

And Jhin's fourth bullet has already been fired, he really can't get out!

Seeing that it was about to fail, it was already impossible to go around from the high ground to the high ground at this time, so Jhin dodged up directly in desperation.

But at this time, the cooldown of the 16th-level sword girl Q skill itself is reduced by 6 seconds, and the CD reduction equipment is only 4 seconds, plus half of the CD is returned when poking someone, and the sword girl Q skill is every two seconds.

Following Jin's flash, the bloodless Swordswoman rushed to the high ground again.

Hitting a flaw was like hitting Jhin's main artery. In an instant, Jhin's other leg was also broken, and he knelt down powerlessly on the ground of his own high ground.

Triumph, another medical miracle!
The sword girl with residual blood is still alive!
The greedy hydra, the dance of death, and the triumphant triumph of talent, below the multiple blood-sucking, Jian Ji's blood volume has been sucked up instead.

But Ah P's sword sister didn't have the equipment to reduce the healing, so she watched Jian Ji sucking here, and there was nothing she could do.

Afterwards, although Jian Ji was only below half blood, Dao Mei was still full of blood, but Chen Mu must not be afraid.

Jian Ji is about to rush forward immediately, and have a 1v1 female fight with Dao Mei!

But Ah P is cowardly, he is directly cowardly!

Faced with Jian Ji's invitation to a decisive battle, Ah P ran away directly.

But if you retreat, Chen Mu is about to advance!

Under the bonus of moving speed, Jian Ji chased after Dao Mei to PK, and chased to the two front tooth towers, Jian Ji gave up~
The sword girl who was under half blood did not return to the city, but continued to turn around to order the Highland Crystal.

At this time, no matter how bad the other four of IG are, four-on-two can always take down the dragon buff.

Sword Demon and Rock Sparrow really want to fight again, but two against four is unrealistic no matter how you look at it!
Ice Fist EZ, the sword demon can't get close to the dragon pit at all, and the rock sparrow is even worse. It was stolen by Rookie's enchantress without explanation, and didn't even have a chance to enter the dragon pit to fight for punishment.

Then the IG four took down Dalong safely.

After taking down the big dragon, originally 2 people died on the G3 side, and they could all go straight to the wave, but everyone in IG wanted to play for a while.

The high ground of the lower road has been broken, so the upper and middle roads are divided into 41 piles again and advance together.

IG has the big dragon buff, and Jian Ji pushes the tower more fiercely, but at this time, no one in G2 cares about him, and they all go to the middle to defend the "four".

At this time, standing under the highland tower in the middle of the opposite road, the other four IG players also wantonly dealt damage.

Even JKL's ez Xiao Huangmao started to jump face and brush output, as for the broiler's enchantress, she has already been swimming in the opposite highland!

However, the G2 lineup's line-clearing ability is very average. Sword Demon Jhin doesn't have a long hand who can clear the line, let alone IG with the big dragon buff.

After a while, G2's three-way highlands were all broken!

With three groups of super soldiers advancing together, IG flattened the base in one wave.And G2 couldn't even start a team. The five of them just watched the base being pushed flat by the opponent, and they didn't have any intention of resisting.

IG2:0 got the match point! ! (end of this chapter)

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