LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 290 777 Gold Coins!

King Ning has already figured out Jankos thoroughly.

He knows that your Jankos rock sparrow jungler must open 4 fast, so he dared to gank directly after accepting the red and blue buffs at level [-], without hesitation at all.

This is also the incomprehensibility of Qinggang Shadow's arrest. E flash, as long as you are in the wrong position, even cross flash will not be able to leave.

After helping Akali get the first blood, the two sides fell into a stable development again. Akali, who was on the road and Chen Mu, returned to the harmless men and animals. up.

And Ning Wang also returned to the wild area to brush up the wild and make up for his level.Without a flash, without a big move, it will be difficult for Qinggangying to do things next!

However, after JKL got Delevingne in the bottom lane, he played very fiercely. He was always in the position of pressing the line.

The game lasted for about 5 minutes, and both sides have been developing peacefully.

Akali had enough economy, so she returned to the city for the first time, and immediately returned to the line after completing her status and equipment, and continued to develop.

With the 400 gold coins of the first blood and the perfect last knife, Akali's equipment is very fast.

First make up a ring, and then directly make the Hextech Revolver, one of the synthetic equipment of the Hextech Gunblade.

Increases spell power by 40, the only passive magic bullet, when using a basic attack to damage an enemy hero, it will shock the hero at the same time, causing additional magic damage, which is also very suitable for Akali's passive.

After resuming the laning, although Akali took [-] blood, even so, Wunder's Sion was not overwhelmed much, and the level and last hit of both sides were similar.

This one can be said to be the most comfortable one Wunder has played.

After Thain's Q skill levels up, a direct QW is a wave of pawns, and even Akali who has taken the first blood can't overwhelm him.

But Thain didn't dare to play something to send death flow Thain? !Just look at that kind of thing on Douyin, this is the semifinals of the World Championship.

If Sean dared to kill twice and three times, and explode, this head can be given to the Ang brothers, I don't want to live anymore, I still have zombies!Then Chen Mu wants to kill the book naked~
Sure enough, bastard heroes like Sion are fun. If I had known what Sword Demon Crow was playing? ! Wunder's heart is full of bullshit~
Isn't Sain Onn fragrant? !

Wunder finally knows that RNG's top laner will play Thain in the last game? !

Really fragrant!

There is a high probability that I will be blamed if I lose the game playing Sword Demon Crow, but I won’t blame me if I lose the game playing a Sion!
After a moment of peaceful development, the junglers of both sides have basically reached level 6 and started doing things for each other.

King Ning's Qinggangying was aimed at G2's bot lane at the first time, helping JKL's Delevingne get the head, and getting the bounty is the real business.

But Xiao Huang Maoez is still too flexible, and he is equipped with a Bron, it is really not easy for him to catch the jungler alone.

However, Jankos rock sparrow on the opposite side did the trick and directly grabbed a wave of mid laners.

At this time, Galio's W flash has not been removed. This thing is too stupid. If you want to drive you, you will definitely be able to drive it.

And rookie's knife girl also flashed for a while, and it was too late, and was ridiculed by Galio's flash.

After being carried back by the rock sparrow, one set fell off in seconds, unable to move from the beginning to the end.

At this time, the records of the two sides were tied at 1:1, and the economic gap between the two sides did not widen too much.

This is also the smoothest time G2 played.

In the first two rounds, nearly 10 minutes had passed, the line had already been broken, but this round was a tie.

A few people in G2 are almost bored. If I knew it, I would have chosen a hero like Gary Oxon? !What kind of Sword Demon are you still playing?What kind of knife girl are you still playing?What kind of witch are you still playing?

Mix, isn't it fragrant? !

I knew that four guarantees and one had been started from the first game.

However, although Wunder and Ah P are comfortable in the line, the EZ of their own ADC is all stressful.

Basically, the 10 minutes were spent under his own tower. Draven on the opposite side made about [-] last hits steadily, keeping pace with the time, but he only had about eighty last hits.

In the early 10 minutes of the game, the record of the two sides has been maintained at 1:1.

In addition to the bottom lane, G2 is very comfortable playing money in the middle and top lane. Galio also has to worry about whether Qinggangying will catch him.

In particular, Thain made the Catalytic God Stone Lunch Box, which is so comfortable to play, and returns to mana while recovering blood.There is also a certain degree of frankness, even if you are caught, you will not die for a while.

And it is rare for Chen Mu to truly develop peacefully on the road.If there is no control provided by the jungler, Akali can't beat Sion by herself, especially after Sion has a big move, can you still drive in reverse and run away if you can't beat it?

However, it is naturally impossible for the game to develop in such a stable and stable manner, and King Ning is not such a character.

Seeing that Flash has improved, and the teleportation of their top order is about to improve, everyone in IG directly turned their attention to the bottom lane again.

At this time, Ah Shui was about to make up the knife for 10 minutes. Although there was a small pressure on the opposite side to make up the knife, it didn't have much effect on Delevingne.

Draven gains 1 stack each time he kills a non-hero unit or tower, catches a spinning axe, and kills 6 minions in a row without missing a spinning axe Gain 2 stacks.

In these 10 minutes of stress-free development, JKL's last knife has reached almost 100, and the number of bounty layers is almost 150.

As long as you take one head, you can take off completely!

After making a good view of the river in the middle road, King Ning saw the opportunity and went around to the triangular grass on the opposite side. Then a real eye fell down. Seeing that the suitable TP eye position had been prepared, Chen Mu did not hesitate, and directly pressed the button he had just turned. TP transmission.

The next moment, Chen Mu Akali's TP teleportation lighted up, and a deep purple light lit up on the top road of Summoner's Canyon.

At this time, Delevingne of JKL has brought a large wave of soldiers and is about to enter the tower, and the bull head next to him is also gearing up.

This is not intended to be soft, but to go straight to the hard, wanting to overcome the tower by force.

Two packs of four!
"The opposite TP, the opposite TP, hurry up, save me~"

"It's Akali, Akali is gone."

"Can you go first, I don't have a T!"

"I'm T, I went directly to the T tower."

"On the way, coming soon"

After seeing Akali's TP light up, several people in G2 panicked completely. The headsets were full of chattering voices. There was a flustered ADC asking for support, a rock sparrow on the way, and a positive Thain in the T tower, and Galio who has not yet reached the take-off position.

The communication on the IG side is much simpler.

"Neither I nor the TP in the opposite middle lane have turned around, but Galio has already moved to the bottom lane. He should have arrived earlier than me!"

Rookie also brought TP teleportation in this round. I used TP in the previous return line and couldn’t support in time. However, the opposite Galio is also the same. cut.

"On the opposite side, Shane also showed his TP, and the rock sparrow should be on the way to support." Ning Wang made a mark and said.

"How do you say, do you still have to go further?!" Baolan looked at the support from the opposite side very quickly, and was a little uncertain for a while, for fear that she would not be able to overcome the tower, cutting off her own order and development, and even if Draven died, The bounty layer is broken, this round is not good.

"Yue!" Chen Mu's cold voice sounded.

Akali's TP hadn't landed yet, but the voice came out.

"it is good!"

Since Brother Mu said more, then he must add more to the fun.

Before Akali's TP fell, IG had already made a move. Baolan's bull head took the lead, and WQ headed towards ADC's little yellow-haired EZ.

But Hjarnan's nerves were tense at this time, and the moment Baolan Niutou started to move, the E skill had already been handed over.

But Baolan also reacted extremely quickly, and quickly changed his moves. The moment before the bull's head Q skill was hammered, it directly flashed.

EZ was still hammered, and at the same time, the ignition of the bull's head had also been hung on EZ's body, suppressing the healing effect of EZ.

But Ning Wang saw that EZ was controlled, and immediately followed the control.

E received the ultimatum from R Hex, and framed EZ in place, unable to move. Ah Shui's Draven had already made a big move and slapped the ADC.

In one second, EZ has residual blood.

At this time, Akali landed first, and without any extra movements, she directly raised her hand.

R, I'm revealing the secret meaning, killing chaos from inside and outside!

A section of R, the EZ that has been framed in the direct R, and the Q skill in the air has been shot.

With an instant slash, the EZ with residual blood was taken down.

This time, the first goal of jumping the tower has been completed, killing the ADC on the opposite side.

Chen Mu didn't give JKL the head, because EZ is the main output of the opponent. As long as he is still there, there will be variables in this wave of team battles. But if he is dead, IG is already in an undefeated situation in this wave of team battles anyway. up.

Of course, IG's tower jump is not over yet. IG still has an important task, which is to help JKL's Delevingne get a head.
At this time, Akali TP came down, Sion on the opposite side also landed, and the rock sparrow had already made a big move to support the tower.

But one is Sion, and the other is Akali who has already killed the ADC. The roles of the two sides are very different.

Baolan is not Xiaobao at this time, his bull's head is in front of the rock sparrow's face like death, not giving the rock sparrow output space, as for Thain, who cares about him!
"Kill this Bron!" Chen Mu once again assisted Bron to mark.

In order to avoid damage just now, Braum has already handed in a round of skills and flash.

At this time, Bron, who was only level 7, couldn't take the damage without a shield.

Chen Mu's Akali [-]nd Stage R slashed towards Braum again, and at the same time scraped through the rock sparrow and Sion, causing a huge amount of AOE damage, landing on the ground and opening the haze array, and another QA, which instantly suppressed Braum's HP Disabled.

Looking at the bloody head, JKL's Delevingne's eyes were almost red.

At this time, of course Chen Mu would not take the head, and stopped deliberately.

Pick up the axe, draw A.

Delevingne simply threw an axe.

Ding Ding Ding.
Countless beating gold coins are ringing.

The economy of the head itself, plus the bounty passive, plus the bounty of the talent belt.


A perfect number!A number with a meaning of 7 in the dark!

"Fuck, cool!" JKL yelled, and roared out directly.

Ever since Chen Mu came on the field, he seemed to be a tool man all the time. He made up for damage in the bottom lane, and he didn't need to play in team battles, and the game was over.

Every time I say I come to C, but every time I lie down, JKL himself feels a little embarrassed.

But at this time, JKL can finally say out loud: "This one, I'm going to C!"

"Can you still surpass?! Can you still surpass?!" King Ning's Qing Gangying is also hilarious, and it is his LPL reckless style. Either you die or I die.

But at the next moment, Chen Mu's cold voice sounded: "Get out!"

At the same time, it was Chen Mu who moved the fastest. Akali walked wherever she came from, and retreated directly from the opposite wild area.

"Uh..." King Ning was still a little unhappy.

But in the next second, a huge circular magic circle covered G2 with a tower down the road.

The hero came on the stage, and Galio, who turned out to be Ah P, finally arrived at the designated position and took off.

Well, he was thinking too much!King Ning was thrown a bucket of cold water in an instant!
So his Qinggang Ying could only start to retreat, as for Baolan's bull head? !
Already resisted the tower and carried it to death~
However, this does not mean that Niutou has done anything, on the contrary, he has made great contributions. This is the effect of assisting Niutou.

After activating the big move, the bull's head is really strong, carrying the opposite defense tower at least three or four times, it can be said that one person absorbs "tons" of damage, creating unlimited space for others to unscrupulously output.

After Galio landed, G2 immediately began to pursue.

Chen Mu's Akali retreated from the opposite lower half of the wild area, and the whole road was uninhabited and unimpeded.

And Delevingne and Qinggangying retreated from the bottom lane, but because King Ning hesitated for a moment, he fell behind instead.

Wunder's old driver drove away, and the target was not King Ning's Qinggang Ying, but Delevingne who was walking in front of him.

"Save, hurry up and save the child!" Ah Shui was about to cry, and he was about to be terminated after taking the head of an adult!

Seeing Ah Shui yelling so terribly, King Ning showed kindness for a moment, and he who was about to kick away, kicked back in an instant, blocking Thain's big move.

But what came was.
"King Ning, you are a good person!" JKL decisively sent him a good person card.

Qinggang Ying, who blocked the old driver's big move, naturally had no way out, but G2's goal is not to play the jungle. Akali has already disappeared in the jungle, but Draven has also slipped away.

In 10 minutes, a wave of violent collisions under the tower.

Played a two-for-two, but no matter how you look at it, it is IG's blood profit. This is not the "blood profit without loss" that the commentator will always say!
It's a real bloodbath!
First of all, the head of the jungle support for the ADC support has already been earned.

Secondly, IG's top laner Akali got a kill. The most important thing is that JKL's Delevingne also got a bounty. After 10 minutes of making up the knife, he accumulated nearly 150, and directly exploded almost 800 gold coins, killing one A person is worth killing three people.

On the G2 side, it was the old driver Sean and the assistant Bron who took the kill. As for Hjarnan, he died immediately, without even getting an assist.

Moreover, the broiler knife girl saw that the tower was coming quickly and the end was also fast, so the sword girl simply didn't go down the road, but directly led a wave in the middle road, which earned two waves of soldiers.

With a wave of crossing the tower, the economic gap between the two sides directly came to two thousand.

After returning home, Chen Mu's Akali made the Hextech Gunblade, and the most core equipment came out.

But what is even more exaggerated is Delevingne!

He directly made the blood-drinking sword and attack speed shoes, returned to the line again, and gave the little yellow-haired EZ a knife, and EZ lost a quarter of its HP in an instant. (end of this chapter)

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