LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 346 Brother Holy Spear, do you still like to play with snakes?

Chapter 346 Brother Holy Spear, do you still like to play with snakes?
Brother Holy Spear used a Holy Spear and defeated FPX.

It also caused roars of laughter from the audience and the live broadcast room. Chen Mu lost the game, which was a happy thing to see.

The third game begins.

FPX returned to the blue side,
In this game, FPX also changed their thinking. War Horse and Doinb are not rigid people.

Top laner Holy Spear likes to play with snakes, so just ban or steal "Snake". Anyway, he won't give you the chance to continue to choose.

Snake used Liu Qingsong's unique team-starting skill Luo first, then banned the popular and powerful mid laner of the Snake version, and finally gave it to Sword Demon.

FPX Little Phoenix first banned Obama, a hero that both sides were afraid of, and then took down Tahm Kench, the fault tolerance artifact.

The last move was given to the blind monk, which neither gave Chen Mu a chance to choose a blind boy, nor gave the opposing Vietnamese jungler a chance to play a blind boy~
When it comes to the selection stage, both sides continue to fight with each other.

The Snakes team has successively selected the mid-lane combination of Wine Barrel and Yasuo. The Snakes team's mid laner Mala has also shown confidence, and Yasuo also dared to choose.

Then the third floor was left to Xuan Jun, who made an expected and unexpected choice.

Mechanical Pioneer Victor!
The most popular hero in Korean top lane right now!

Brother Holy Spear didn’t play with Holy Spear in this game, but he still chose to play with snakes!
However, FPX first referred to Chen Mu's ideas. After all, they were talking about building a team with Chen Mu as the core, and it was not just a joke.

At this time, Chen Mu, who had entered the state of the God of the World Championship, said lightly: "Qinggangying!"

That's right, Chen Mu still chose the God of the World Championship in the final decider.

This game is also very critical. Even if he can withstand it, Chen Mu is afraid that Brother Gongzi will lose his mentality on the road.

In the last game, his crab was hit by Lucian's Q, E, and W, and then it was toot toot.
The whole game was really strung up. In this case, Chen Mu naturally had to stabilize Jin Gong's mentality and at the same time increase the intensity of the opponent's Holy Spear Brother.

In this game, he is going to teach Brother Holy Spear a lesson. Don't you like playing with snakes?I'll just lock my head, I won't be able to play anymore!
Listen to my brother's advice, stop playing with snakes, you can't control it!

The War Horse coach thought for a moment and agreed. Qinggangying's jungler also has a matching lineup in his system.

"Elegance, timeless~"

Later, Qinggang Shadow Camille was determined.

Also confirmed is Mr. Big B’s Galio.

Qinggangying Gagario, the classic combination of doing whatever you want.

However, there are only a few versions of the hero Qinggang Shadow that can be played, and each version you play is one less version.

The most important thing about Qinggang Shadow's jungler is his early mobility. The long-range displacement and attack speed of his E skill give him a greater advantage in counter-fielding and ganking.

However, the weaknesses are also obvious, that is, Camille has no recovery ability, the jungler is very hurt, and the lack of Tiamat's jungle clearing speed is also touching.

But this season of S9, after a few versions, Qinggang Shadow will receive a major overhaul.

Directly modify the Qinggang Shadow's E skill. It was originally used to attack and stun wild monsters. Now it is changed to cause damage to enemy heroes, and the attack speed is not increased.

At the same time, Qinggang Shadow's W skill Tactical Sweep adds a debuff that causes 50% less damage to non-epic wild monsters.

Every change is aimed at Qinggang Shadow's jungle ability. Riot designers don't want Qinggang Shadow to play jungle!
So this period of time is also the last highlight moment of Qinggang Shadow Camille.

One less game to play~
In the end, the lineup of the two sides was determined.

FPX is on the blue side and LNG is on the red side.

Top lane: Crocodile vs Victor

Jungler: Qinggang Shadow Camille vs. Mantis
Mid laner: Galio vs Yasuo
ADC: Wheel Mom vs Kai’Sa
Support: Bron vs Bull
into the game.

As a jungler, Qinggangying exists to catch people for ganks. If compared with jungle brushing, his jungle brushing efficiency is really the slowest among many junglers.

In this game, Holy Spear Brother went too far. He didn't have Lucian to play, and even directly brought out a top laner, Victor.

After the current version changes, the rune talents are also a very big change, and Omen of Thieves is one of them, but it is not weakened, but greatly strengthened.

Now, after using the skill, the next two normal attacks will trigger the effect, instead of the first normal attack. Moreover, after more than 20 minutes, guards will no longer be dropped.

It used to be possible to steal once, but now it can be stolen twice. This is nearly doubled!

Therefore, heroes with long hands like Lucian and Viktor took to the road and wreaked havoc throughout the Korean server. They developed too quickly.

In the last game, the Holy Spear Ranger played by Holy Spear Brother also brought the Stealing Omen, so it developed so quickly.

As soon as this rune change came out, netizens also shouted that it was a pity~
This talent was originally tailor-made for Chen Mu. Chen Mu's performance in the World Championships with Victor, Lucian, Skate Shoes, Captain and Vayne was obvious to all.

But now Chen Mu has silently moved to the jungle position. There is no sign of stealing in the jungle position!
Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow received the red buff with the help of his teammates.

Qinggangying's level [-] buff is difficult to damage alone, so he must have teammates to help him.

Afterwards, Chen Mu took a look at the situation and found that there was no opportunity to arrest anyone.

Originally, Chen Mu also wanted to make a second-level capture, but obviously LNG didn't give him much chance, especially ADC Asura, who was trained by Chen Mu and Doinb Jun in the first game, and he learned well.

And not everyone likes to press the line at the first level, so Chen Mu's idea of ​​catching it at the second level came to nothing.

There is no other way, just keep brushing!

However, Chen Mu was also very particular about his jungle brushing route. After brushing the red buff, he did not brush towards the blue buff.

After Qinggangying brushed six birds, he immediately went to the river in the lower half of the wilderness to collect the river crabs.

At this time, the first refresh time of the river crab was 2 minutes. When Qinggangying arrived at the second half of the river, the river crab just refreshed, without any delay.

After collecting the river crab, Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow Camille did not continue to farm, but squatted on the grass in the middle.

He looks like he wants to catch the opponent Yasuo.

At this time, Galio and Yasuo in the middle are only at level [-], not level [-] yet, and only have two skills.

Moreover, the Snkae team also set up a ward at the intersection of the lower half of the FPX jungle. It can be said that Chen Mu Qinggangying's movements were clearly detected by the opponent.

Chen Mu’s green steel shadow can be said to be squatting on the eyes~
But Chen Mu didn't care at all. After a few seconds, he kicked out.

But Mala, the mid laner of the Snake team, had already made preparations. He was originally going back and forth, being a happy wind swordsman, but when Qinggangying appeared on the mini-map, he immediately shrank his position. How could he be hit.

What's more, Qinggang Shadow is only at the second level and has no red buff on him, and Galio is only at the second level.

However, Chen Mu smiled slightly.

If you miss, you miss~
When the figure of Qinggangying passed by in the middle, a burst of brilliance suddenly flashed across his body.

Qinggang Shadow has reached level three!

ah? !What's happening here? !

Snake's mid laner Mala was still a little confused, but Mr. Doinb Big B was in tears.

Brother Mu, you are my brother. If you want to gain experience, just come and gain experience. Why do you have to pretend to be so cool~
You have already played Qinggang Ying, and I have already played Galio to be your dog. It is not a small thing to gain some experience~
Then, the "catching" failed and the time passed by, happened to hit the third-level Qinggang Shadow, and went straight to the river in the upper half of the wild area.

Chen Mu also wants the river crab in the upper half of the wild area!

At this time, Sofm, who was developing honestly in his own jungle area, was still at level two and had no red buff on him.

Then I really wanted to play snakeskin with Chen Mu on the river crab, but the hardware didn't allow it!The River Crab in the upper half of the jungle was also instantly controlled by Chen Mu.

At the beginning of Shuanghe Crab, Qinggangying played very comfortably.

Afterwards, Chen Mucai once again entered his blue buff jungle area to control the jungle.

Sofm also didn't dare to enter the Chen Muye area alone to fight against the jungle, even though Snake was the one with the line rights.

However, Snake has no control at all in the middle and jungle. If such a small-scale team battle collides in the jungle, it will probably collapse.

Therefore, the Vietnamese jungler did not want to force the rhythm of his teammates. Victor was very comfortable on the top lane, and Tangential Omen was already stealing.

4 minutes 30 seconds.

Another handsome guy passed by in the middle, but this time Chen Mu didn't come to suck blood and gain experience, but actually came to arrest people~
Now Qinggang Shadow has reached level 4, with red and blue buffs on him, as well as flash.

And Galio, who had been deprived of a little experience, was only level 4 and had flash.

Together, the two of them had three control skills. Tolso, who was still happily walking among the soldiers, didn't realize that this time it was really a sure kill.

When Chen Mu's mark hit Yasuo's head, Doinb had already understood it. He couldn't wait any longer. Chen Mu had sucked blood from him, so of course he had to suck it back from Yasuo.

Galio strode forward and hit Yasuo with his E skill Justice Punch.

Mala, the mid laner of the Snake team, was too careless and was directly hit by Galio's E skill.

what? !

Chen Mu originally planned to E-dodge, but in this case, this flash can be saved.

A light-speed second stage E kicked Yasuo again at the extreme distance, causing him to fall into dizziness.

As soon as Yasuo flew down from the sky, he fell into dizziness, but this was not the end.

Just after the dizziness ended, Yasuo faced Galio's fully charged W and fell into taunting again.

After all the control was over, Yasuo's health was already low.

Seeing this situation, Mala stopped handing over Flash, there was no need to hand over.

In the end, Doinb deliberately killed Yasuo, and Qinggang Shadow Camille took Yasuo's head with one kick.


Qinggangying got his first blood.

"Good fight, awesome, Mu~"

Seeing Chen Mu coming to his mid lane for his first gank, Doinb also burst into laughter.

Sure enough, I am still Wild Daddy’s favorite cub~
Chen Mu's first arrest was sent to the middle, but he was immediately blocked and did not help Jin Gonggongzi brother relieve the pressure.

Because the Snakes also knew that Chen Mu Qinggangying's focus must be on Victor's side on the top lane, so the vision and control on the top lane were perfect, giving Chen Mu no chance to perform.

Brother Shengqiang is not a fool. He knows you are coming and still presses the line.

Therefore, in this game, if Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow wants to do something, it must first liberate Galio in the middle.

Once Qinggang Shadow and Gagario link up in the middle and jungle, they can truly do whatever they want.

7 minutes 14 seconds.

Qinggang Shadow Camille has reached level 6.

In Qinggangying before level 6, Chen Mu only shot in the middle once and then immersed himself in the jungle.

After getting the first-blood economy and supplementing the economy in the jungle, Qinggangying went directly back to the city and took out Tiamat, without even upgrading the second-level jungle knife.

With Tiamat, Qinggang Shadow's jungle brushing has gone up a level and become more efficient.

In fact, sometimes the jungler Qinggang Shadow does not play Tiamat because it is too slow in rhythm and economy.

Sometimes the economy that Qinggangying can expect as a jungler is very different from that of the top laner. Many Qinggangying junglers immediately switch to team-fighting equipment such as resurrection armor after the jungle knife comes out.

However, Chen Mu's economy was very good in this game. With the Double River Crab's opening and first-blood economy, there was no reason not to play Tiamat.

After reaching level 6, Chen Mu's Green Steel Shadow immediately took action, along with Doinb's Galio.

The target is naturally Victor from Holy Spear Brother on the road.

When Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow Camille appeared from the Snake team's mini-map perspective, Holy Spear Brother's Victor wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

Chen Mu's Qinggang Shadow immediately made an EE flash and kicked Victor across a distance of two thousand yards, causing him to fall into dizziness.

Victor, who had recovered from the dizziness, still wanted to struggle, so he immediately put his position on the spot and thought for a moment.

At the same time, realizing that Chen Mu Qinggangying would catch him on the road, Sofm's slutty fan of Level [-] Wine Barrel Monster stopped farming and rushed to the road, very close to the battlefield.

However, Yasuo, the mid laner of the Snake Team, was caught once before and had to hand over his TP line, so this wave did not come with timely support.

But FPX is faster here.

At the same time that Victor handed over his flash, Chen Muqing's steel shadow ultimate move was also pressed out, followed closely by Victor, and once again framed him in place, unable to move.

At this time, Brother Gongzi's six-legged crab rushed to the battlefield no matter how slow it ran. It only made up for a little damage and killed Victor instantly.

But Victor's wine barrel, which rushed to the battlefield to save him, couldn't escape either.

Galio did not choose to support with his ultimate move. His talent brought the wolf head up all the way.

It's a bit slow, but it's just the right time.

After being taunted and knocked away again, the fifth-level wine barrel also stayed in place.

With a wave of rhythm, Viktor suppressed Urgot for more than 7 minutes, all in vain.

All returned in one wave!

But is this the end? !

of course not!

There are only 7 minutes left, and Victor's resurrection time is very short.

Seeing Qinggangying and Victor working together to push the troops into the tower, he was also anxious, handed over his TP and teleported under the defense tower.

But just as he landed, a Galio W flashed out from the next door.

Originally Doinb's Galio disappeared from sight, not because he chose to make up the line in the middle, but to continue to encircle Victor.

He fell into the taunt of the fully charged Galio W, and was then kicked by the Qinggang Shadow.

Without flash, Victor had no room to operate.

Within a second, the screen went black again!

Brother Holy Spear, don’t you like to play with snakes? !Are you still playing? !
(End of this chapter)

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