Chapter 37
At this time in the LPL live broadcast room, watching the KZ bot lane duo fail to suppress Daomei under the tower, but was hit by Daomei one by one, chasing and running, Tam also handed over his key summoner skill flash, the situation of RNG can be described as Everything was fine, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room could be said to be extremely happy. After sweeping away the smoky atmosphere two hours ago, even the commentators were teasing the game situation with a relaxed and happy mood.

Miller: "Hey! Hey! What's going on with KZ's "Er Lao" in the bottom lane?! Why are two people being chased and beaten by one person?!"

wawa: "Wow, this Chen Mu is so weird, why is his sword girl's damage so high! In an instant, Verus was left with blood! Fortunately, Tam flashed and handed over quickly, otherwise he would really buy one get one free Already!"

Although Miller and Wawa were a little teasing, Guan Zeyuan still gave the audience an objective analysis: "I think if the fight continues like this, the situation will be a bit clearer. After Tam does not flash, RNG can directly open Tam. And the injury of Daomei just now also proves this point, Tamm is not as fleshy as imagined, if Tamm dies first, I can't think of any possibility of KZ's "three noes" lineup to win the team."

Seeing that Guan Zeyuan was still analyzing seriously, Miller and Wawa also put away their teasing attitude and began to analyze the situation.

wawa: "And have you noticed that with the addition of Chen Mu, the way RNG wins the game at this time is not just waiting for the Uzi three-piece suit before starting a team. If the team wins, it wins, and if it loses Then lose, the point of victory or defeat is entirely on the development of puppies, and now RNG has more ways to win the game."

Miller: "Yes, look at RNG's two rounds of operations before, the previous wave of four packs and two, saw KZ's two tp come down, and immediately retreated, but let Uzi and Xiao Ming go to the top lane to push the tower, and instantly pulled The economic gap has opened up. Now in the early 10 minutes, although the head ratio between the two sides is only 1:0, the economic gap has already widened by [-]!"

Finally, Wawa joked again: "Yes, yes, yes, RNG's Aoun is developing for a while, and he will be able to play equipment immediately. According to the economics of the lineup, the economic difference will be directly pulled to 10000!"

At this time, the barrage in the LPL live broadcast room is also full of joyful atmosphere.

"RNG is awesome!!!"

"RNG Come on, Go Go!!"

"Chen Mu is amazing!!!"

"What's your name, Chen Mu? There's no rules! It's called Brother Mu! It's called Mu Shen!"

"Hehe! It's just a mid-season game, and it's not an S game, so it's already a god?" However, occasionally some unsocial barrages flashed, but they were quickly submerged in the sound of cheering.

Get back into the game again.

After Verus and Tam retreated hastily, Chen Mu's sword sister ate two waves comfortably again, and then returned to the city immediately.

Give the line in the middle to the duo of EZ and Morgana. At this time, it is better to let the duo line stand in the middle line, because after 10 minutes, the duo can better control the big dragon and the little dragon in the middle.

But at this point in the situation, KZ has no intention of competing with RNG for the little dragon. It is already good for them to be able to defend the big dragon.For the next two small dragons, KZ surrendered to RNG without any defense, but this round is the soul of the earth dragon. If it continues like this, it will also be a slow death for KZ.

Chen Mu's sword sister went to the bottom lane to lead the line.

In order to deal with the pressure brought by Daomei's sideline, KZ can only let the best-developed Khan Jianji in the team come down to lead the line.

However, at this time, the sword girl level has reached level 14, and a pickaxe has been updated on her body again, which is one step closer to the version of the popular equipment player.

At this time, Khan was only at level 13, and the equipment on his body was much inferior to Daomei.Therefore, it is natural to be timid and timid when bringing up the line, and dare not confront Daomei head-on, especially when Daomei is passive, Jianji distances herself from Daomei even further.

As for the sword girl who had opened a sufficient distance, Chen Mu naturally had no intention of killing him. As long as the sword girl kept a sufficient distance, he really had nothing to do with him.

However, it was impossible to kill Jian Ji alone, but Peanut's wild area was not so lucky. After finishing the line, Chen Mu went directly to the wild area, and then walked out after eating enough.

In fact, it's not just Peanut's wild area, even the lower half of his own pig sister's wild area is not spared.At this time, Zhumei is in the upper half of the wild area and the Dalongkeng, repeatedly competing for vision with KZ's people, and can't take care of the lower half of the wild area.

So what's wrong with letting Chen Mu suck some blood? !

The game lasts 25 minutes.

Chen Mu looked at the economy on his body, enough!
Then after pushing a wave of lines again, I found a hidden position and pressed B to return to the city.

At the same time, he clicked a signal on the location of Dalong Pit.

"I came out with a bloody hand. After a while, the big dragon can fight directly. If the opponent dares to come, Ornn will directly open it! You must win!!"

Seeing that Chen Mu had already got the key equipment to play the team, Uzi also looked eager to try, and roared: "Go! Go! Go!"

At this time, Uzi's equipment, the Archangel Staff, has been made, but it has not yet evolved into Seraph's Embrace.

That's right, this version of EZ can be released together with Magic Cut and Archangel's Rod, which is the real reason why EZ is the darling of this version.

And the most exaggerated thing is that Uzi has a three-piece suit at some point. Chen Mu's development is already very good, and now he has two and a half pieces of equipment in his hand, but Uzi's EZ equipment is even better than that of Daomei. luxury.

It seems that Uzi sucked more blood than Chen Mu? !

Afterwards, after everyone from RNG lit up all the field of vision in the first half of the field again, the five of them disconnected the dragon. Letme's Aoun took the lead with a W, and sprayed a ball of fire at the dragon, causing the dragon's hatred.

Then all five members of RNG started to work together.

As soon as KZ saw that the Dalong Pit was completely dark, and there were no figures of the five RNG players in other places, they guessed that RNG had already opened the Dalong.But the KZ five didn't dare to go directly to Dalongkeng. If RNG ambush themselves in the grass halfway, it must be the rhythm of group destruction.

This point, whether it is the LPL division or other divisions, has been confirmed by countless seniors.

The five people in KZ slowly inserted their eyes in a group little by little, exploring the field of vision. After exhausting their efforts, they finally reached the river and the grass. The five of KZ saw that RNG was already in Dalong, and Dalong's HP had dropped to [-] points.

However, KZ scouted the field so hard, but their every move was under the watchful eyes of everyone in RNG.

"Should I rush the dragon first, or start a team first?!" Karsa hesitated at this time.

In such a critical game, Karsa is still a little worried if he is asked to fight for punishment. If he loses, he will really become a sinner through the ages! !

(End of this chapter)

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