LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 376 The Final Battle



"Winning! Damn it, it's two to zero, you really don't know how to shave IG's head!!"

"Chen Mu is really awesome! This leopard girl is a bit like the little peanut before!!"

"Little Peanut: If you want to have sex, please don't take me with you, thank you~"

"The Leopard Girl is close to being a god! It seems that there is no chance of becoming a god in this game. It's a little bit... but it doesn't hurt. The FPX team destroyed their opponents! They successfully got the match point for the finals!!" Guan Zeyuan Looking at the scene on the field, he said in an excited tone.

"This is Chen Mu! In this game, Chen Mu chose an uncharacteristic jungler named Leopard Girl, and it was a lineup with no teamfighting ability...Chen Mu relied on his outstanding personal ability to gain a huge advantage in the early stage! In the end, quantitative changes led to qualitative changes The final economic gap was too big!" Changmao lamented.

"This leopard girl... has been causing trouble throughout this game, and her rhythm is so high!"

"Yes, of course. King Ning's prince was completely suppressed by Chen Mu in this game. This is the reason why IG lost. There is no difference between the top, middle and bottom. It's just that this leopard girl is too outrageous. King Ning is in Chen Mu. I can't be more pure in front of you..." I remember saying couldn't help but say.

These two games are wild distance! !

"Wow! This game is really exciting and it shows us something different about FPX!"

Guan Zeyuan continued to tell lies with his eyes open.

Guan Zeyuan also knew that what he said was wrong, so he smiled and continued: "But it is indeed a pity! FPX showed a different side of themselves, and I hope that the five IG guys can make timely adjustments in the next games. In good condition, perform well!"

And now in the finals, FPX directly won the match point [-]-[-], and both Weibo and Tieba became an instant climax.

They are all about various IG-discussing topics and praising FPX Little Phoenix.

There are also topics such as "This is it, is this the S8 championship team?!", "It would be embarrassing for a team like this to enter the MSI Mid-Season Invitational".

This year's MSI Mid-Season Tournament is still the same as usual. Only the champion teams of each division can be represented in the MSI Mid-Season Tournament.

I don’t know if it’s FPX’s negative fans, IG’s NT fans, or RNG’s Huang Za, they are all trolling.

Even before IG crushed other teams in the LPL except FPX, some people did not agree with it.

But there is no way, the facts are right in front of us, and there is nothing that IG fans can do.

But just now, IG has been defeated two to zero.

And it was a crushing beating with a huge gap. Even IG fans can't help but recognize it.

As for Chen Mu, IG fans also love and hate him~
What I love is that even though this man left IG and moved to the jungle position, he is still so fierce~
Naturally, what I hate is, why are you no longer on IG? ~
Chen Mu, Little Phoenix, IG, S9 Spring Split Finals, MSI Mid-Season Invitation quota, these words come together, which means a popularity bonus.

FPX led IG 2:0, and immediately landed in the hot search position, and it continues to rise!
All LPL fans including IG fans went crazy!

"Oh my's less than an hour! It's already 2:0. What kind of start is this?! What speed is this?!"

"Damn it, IG couldn't really be beaten [-]-[-] by FPX, right?"

"Where are the people who said yesterday that FPX Little Phoenix is ​​not good?! They said that BO5 and BO3 are not the same game at all. What do you say this time?"

"Colonel Guan: This final is a close match! FPX: Got it~"

"Colonel Guan: I think this game will be BO5. After all, both sides are the best teams in the LPL division. IG: Got it, zero draw and three, little IG will never get off work!"

"What's going on? The game won't end in less than two hours, right?!"

“It’s true that little IG never works overtime~”

"Winning so easily? FPX is awesome!"

"One thing to say, the Shepherd's Leopard Girl is really's just like using the perspective hanger. It's very smart to play."

"Let me tell you something, even if I turn on the X-ray device, I still can't do this~"

"You can always trust Chen Mu. He has found a perfect place to compete."

"With this kind of jungle, what else can I ask for?"

"Faun, YYDS!!"

On the Internet, there is increasing interest about FPX crushing IG in two consecutive games.

Inevitably, everyone also mentioned the man who won the game - Chen Mu.

An Olaf who is so reckless and mechanical, and a leopard girl whose rhythm is suffocating!

Needless to say, this Leopard Girl, this Olaf IG alone is very difficult to deal with.

How can a meaty yuppie Olaf hit your double C face with his ultimate move?
The leopard girl in the second scene is even more terrifying. It is a scary game for King Ning!

No matter where his prince went, there was a leopard girl following behind him!
In three or four minutes, Prince Ning's prince ate two sets of wild monsters.

What is this if not a horror game? !

So Chen Mu is no longer a junior generation, but a middle generation of Tongtian Dynasty~
Less than 2 minutes after the second game ended, the MVP of this game was released, which was of course Chen Mu’s Leopard Girl.

Below is a personal makeup photo of Chen Mu, whose cool and handsome appearance caused another exclamation.

On the right side is a set of amazing statistics of the Leopard Girls in this field.

Damage ratio: 35.2%
Injury ratio: 25.5%
Participation rate: 100%
Counterpoint economic lead: 7777
Number of games won by MVP: 2
Putting aside everything else, this damage ratio is extremely exaggerated.

One jungler accounts for 35% of the damage, which is a full third.

The remaining ADC Lucian accounted for another 25%.

These two people accounted for more than half of the team!
What is this concept?
This is equivalent to only about 10% on average for the other three players...


This is outrageous!
What's more, there is an eye-catching 100% participation rate, every person participates.

In this game, Leopard Girl was completely killing everyone.

Counterpoint economy leads 7777!

A magical number, directly ahead of the prince by two big items.

At the end of the game, the prince had no source of income at all, and the remaining wild areas were all given to Ah Shui.

And look at Leopard Girl
Wild area, heads, map resources, tapi.
Even in a deserted corner, Leopard Girl conveniently destroyed two waves of troops.

"Guigui...this leopard girl! Is there any more perfect data than this?"

"One person can do one-third of the team's damage. The key is to be a jungler... This is outrageous!"

You know, in the S9 Spring Split version, most junglers are functional and rhythmic junglers who cannot deal high damage.

A damage ratio of 20% is considered a lot.

And Chen Mu unexpectedly came with a map-control jungler and a jungle-core play style!
This is also surprising.

"In one game, one person is ahead of the economy by [-]...I wonder who else is there?!"

"Chen Mu...Brother Mu!! Dad Mu!! God of Mu!!" "Just this Leopard Girl, I dare say that no one in our LPL division can produce such statistics for the second time, unless Chen Mu himself!"

"Do I have a plan to save IG?!"

"One thing to say, everyone has seen the performance of Prince Ning and Chen Mu... Why don't we welcome back the Goddess of Shepherd? As for Prince Ning, let's sit at the water cooler for a while. Brother Shy has done it anyway, so it's not embarrassing~"

"The name Tong Tiandai in the arena is not for nothing!"

"Haha, this is still just a domestic competition. Brother Mu only takes it seriously occasionally. Most of the time he spends laughing and joking with you. When it comes to foreign wars... tsk tsk tsk."

"It's too exaggerated. IG was just attacked by Linglong Tower~Zero Dragon Zero Tower!!"

Just looking at this gorgeous and dazzling data, even viewers who can't understand the game will know how awesome this jungler is!

Foshan Cultural and Sports Center.

There are huge crowds of people, red flags are waving, gongs and drums are roaring, and firecrackers are blasting.
"Welcome back, everyone! This is the Foshan Cultural and Sports Center, where FPX will face IG in the 2019 LPL Spring Finals!"

"I'm Guan Zeyuan!"

"I do remember!"

"I'm long hair!"

As the commentator's voice fell, a burst of warm cheers and shouts erupted from the scene.


"Come on FPX!"

"If FPX wins one more game, we will be the champions! Hold on!"

"Chen Mu, continue to give me a hard C in this game!"

"Rush rush!!"

After FPX won two match points, the audience at the scene became excited.

If FPX successfully wins this game, they will be the champion team in the S9 Spring Split finals and create the best results in the team.

And at the same time, they will also represent the LPL division in this year's MSI Mid-Season Invitational.

"Wow! It seems that the audience is very enthusiastic!"

I remember waiting for the voices to fade away, and then continued: "FPX played very well in the first two games today. It can be seen that after the baptism of the first few playoff games, the players' condition is getting better and better. Got it!"

"At present, FPX has two match points. If it wins one more game, it can win the Spring Split. I believe everyone is looking forward to it!"

"Yes..." Guan Zeyuan nodded: "However, FPX cannot be careless. There is no weak team in the finals. Although IG was beaten a bit fiercely in the first two games, after all, it is a team that has experienced the world championship. I believe that next time They will definitely adjust their form in the next game and regain the form they had in Incheon last year."

"That's right! No matter who the opponent is, they must not be given a chance! We still hope that this BO5 can last for five games and give the audience a wonderful showdown." I couldn't help but say.

"Yes, I also hope to hear the war song again in this spring finals!"

But Guan Zeyuan had just finished speaking.

"That's enough, that's enough, don't say any more, Colonel, Guan Shen, Guan Ge, don't give me any more milk~ My little IG really can't stand your poisonous milk!"

"Colonel Guan: IG has adjusted its condition. IG: Got it~~ Colonel Guan: I can play five B05 games in this final. IG: Got it, my little IG never works overtime~"

"xswl, little IG never works overtime! Today is reverse overtime!"

"Sure enough, it's just the wrong name, not the wrong nickname. Colonel Guan is the real god!"

"Wrong, the rank of a senior colonel is still one level lower than that of my shepherd~"

At this moment, the director from the front announced.

"Ahem. I'm also looking forward to Chen Mu's performance in the next game. Let's wait and see!"

Guan Zeyuan coughed twice as he watched the barrage gradually changing topics.

"Let's not talk nonsense. The player seats in front are ready. Let's enter the final game between FPX and IG today."

"Uh-huh. Ahem, no, it's the third game~"

Although Guan Zeyuan quickly changed his mind, he had already sentenced IG to death in his heart.

In fact, not only are the commentators not very optimistic about IG, but there also seems to be some problems within IG.

At this time, although the five young men from IG were sitting on the player seats on the competition stage, they were all covered.

Even the coach behind the five people was a little confused.

For this final, the IG team arrived at the venue early and spent two hours putting on makeup and preparing for this and that.

But why is it that just one hour into the game, why are you going home right away? ~
Especially Prince Ning, who was all confused and his eyes were a little dull when looking at the computer screen.

He knew that Chen Mu's jungle skills were something special, especially since he had watched the replay of Chen Mu's jungle jungle before.

But he didn't care. If he was in the top lane position, he admitted that Chen Mu was the well-deserved devil.

But when he moved to the jungle position, he was still a little unconvinced.
But when he actually faced Chen Mu, he realized how innocent he was!

Just like a piece of white paper~
Being manipulated casually by Chen Mu, he painted freely!

Only then did he remember the various complaints made by his opponents after each game.

This guy is definitely cheating~
He knows every move he makes in advance and is one step ahead of him every time.

Especially his prince in the second game really disgusted him.

No matter where his prince went, there was a leopard girl following behind him!
But facing a hero like Leopard Girl, his prince had no chance to fight back.

If this was not the scene of the finals, and knowing that IG did not have a jungle substitute, he really wanted to ask for the position of water dispenser manager.

After this game, regardless of winning or losing, he may not want to touch this game for a month!
so disgusting~
Not only was Ning Wang in bad shape, but the rest of IG was also in bad shape.

Ah Shui also started chewing his fingers.
Silently he stuffed his fingers into his mouth and began to stare at the screen motionless, his face gradually turning red!

Maybe this is the unified habit of ADC~
The rookie was a little anxious. In the first two games, his mid laner was completely suppressed by the opponent.

It's not that his laning strength is not as good as Doinb's, but that he is suppressed by the opponent's midfielder.

The linkage between the opposing midfielder and jungler is too strong~
TheShy was still smiling, and his mentality was not affected!

Baolan looked aggrieved. What could he do with just one assistant? !

At this time, the atmosphere here at FPX is completely different from that at IG.

"Brother Mu, you are too fierce~emoji~" Doinb continued to play tricks and praised Chen Mu.

"Jungle dad, please continue to patronize me~" Brother Gongzi was also calling for reinforcements.

Now he has discovered that children who can bark can get sweets~
The old thief Sima still looked serious. Although he had a straight face, he couldn't hold back the corners of his raised lips~
Liu Qingsong is thinking about how to tear open the wound~
Now we are only one game away from FPX Little Phoenix achieving the best result in team history! ! (End of chapter)

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