Chapter 39 Victory!

Following Chen Mu's instructions, Letme resolutely started this wave of 5V5 team battles near Dalongkeng. However, due to the gap between the two teams' lineups and economic equipment, the team battles between the two sides still showed a one-sided situation.
In the end, the team battle was won with RNG zero for four! !

Then who is the only one who ran away from KZ? !

It turned out that Khan, who was still on the fringe OB before and planned to find a suitable time to join the battlefield, looked at his lineup, as if it was paper, and was pierced by Daomei in an instant.Afterwards, it can only be described as devastated and defeated like a mountain.

It was difficult for him to play a team with a sword girl, not to mention the situation was so rotten, so Sword Girl poked a QA at Ao En, who was behind, to comfort herself and prove that at least this wave of team battles was not zero damage.

Afterwards, Khan took advantage of Jian Ji's movement speed bonus and directly withdrew in another direction.

And RNG played a zero-for-four team battle.

"Can you make a wave?! Can you make a wave?!" Uzi asked excitedly, with a slight tremor in his voice, as if the trophy in front of him and the golden rain

But Chen Mu was extremely calm, without the slightest fluctuation in his voice, and said lightly like a machine that never made mistakes: "Fight the dragon first!!"

"Yes, yes, fight the big dragon first! Fight the big dragon first!!" Uzi finally came to his senses. Although he had played a zero-for-four team battle, he did not have the conditions for a wave of KZ. Now, it's because their line of soldiers is not very good, and there is no way to flatten the KZ base in a wave before the four KZ people on the opposite side are resurrected.

There was no KZ interference afterwards, RNG focused on outputting Dalong, and soon Dalong was successfully captured by RNG.

And as Baron Nash roared, the explanations in the LPL live broadcast room were about to reach a climax.

"RNG is pretending to fight dragons, it's really a team!"

"Aoun has opened up, and the group has opened up!"

"RNG won, zero for four!"

In the end, Miller calmed down his mood and tone, and said: "The last time the LPL division won the MSI Mid-Season Invitational Championship dates back to 2015. It was EDG led by the factory manager who won the MSI Mid-Season Invitational Championship in 2015, and now After three years, RNG is only one step away from that trophy! Let's cheer for RNG together!!"

Fighting Shark live broadcast room, Tengyang Young Master Zhu Zhu's live broadcast room.

The fat body has bounced off the chair, beckoning friends
"Quick! Quick! Quick! Go get the champagne, go get the champagne first, I want to celebrate with my daddy as soon as he holds the glass!" A picture of winning money by betting on dogs jumped onto the screen.

After taking down the big dragon, the five RNG members immediately went home, replenished their status, updated their equipment, bought their vision, and then rushed out of the spring water impatiently, and began to lead the line with a [-]-point push.

Ueno ad and the assistant teamed up to push the second tower of the middle road, while Chen Mu's sword sister led the line and pushed down the road alone.

At this time, KZ, after the resurrection of the four, the atmosphere in the team was a bit dignified, no one spoke, even Khan, who was usually very lively, was rarely silent.

There was no communication, and KZ, who lost his size, faced RNG's four-one split push with the dragon buff, and did not organize any defense at all.

After RNG successfully pushed down the middle and lower towers, they joined forces again and pushed down the top two towers as well. So far, all the outer towers of KZ have been destroyed!
Afterwards, RNG seemed a little conservative and did not continue to push forward. Instead, after getting a lot of money, they went back to the city to update their equipment. After regrouping, they continued to group together and came to the KZ middle road highland defense tower while the dragon buff still had a little tail.

However, at this time, RNG's double C equipment has reached an exaggerated level. Daomei directly took out a giant head snake, three phases, giant nines, and blood hands. Three versions of popular fighter equipment are extremely solid.

And Uzi's EZ is also very exaggerated, he directly took out a big sword and added a mixture of anger.It seems that Uzi's EZ is no longer satisfied with the Q skill to deal damage, maybe he wants to directly jump to AAA with the E skill!

Under the KZ highland defense tower, Aoun of Letme has also stepped out of the flag of command, and directly put a buff of the chess of command on the sports car soldier.

The strengthened cannon hit KZ's highland tower with a bang, and the tower's blood volume immediately dropped.

The KZ five had no choice but to hide under the high ground tower in their middle road, because the range of the enhanced cannon was still very far. KZ's lineup is very short, and it is impossible to touch the enhanced artillery soldiers.

Moreover, the five RNG members stood beside the artillery soldiers like bodyguards, as if the artillery soldiers were the main force of RNG.

With the few attacks of the artillery cart, the KZ middle road highland defense tower has lost half of its HP.

But RNG didn't want to wait even this little time.

Suddenly, Karsa's pig girl waved the pig whip, and a ball of ice was thrown out, flying straight to Verus. Verus wanted to draw a bow and shoot at the chariot soldiers, and Verus was frozen in place in an instant.

And Tamm of Gorilla behind Verus also reacted very quickly. Seeing that Verus was controlled, he immediately swallowed Verus into his stomach.

And Karsa pig girl's big move is like a horn! Everyone in RNG starts instantly! !
Aoun from Letme summoned a goat from the void again, and rammed into the five KZ people under the defense tower.Then he took the lead in rushing into the defense tower and began to resist damage for his teammates.

Seeing that there are already teammates fighting against the tower, Uzi rushed to the tower faster than Chen Mu, so he jumped face directly, cast skills if he had skills, and AAA at everyone in KZ if he didn't have skills.

And Chen Mu's sword sister followed closely behind, RE Shunfa, put a mark on the five of KZ, and then flew under the Highland Tower again like a beautiful butterfly.

The equipment and output of the two sides are no longer at the same level, and soon KZ will be killed one after another.

Olaf of Little Peanut drove Ragnarok to escape, but was directly output to death halfway through the run.

Afterwards, BDD's Thain fell, and BDD collapsed on the e-sports chair powerlessly. This MSI mid-season game, he was ruined.He had already given up a bit, and even after Thain's body was resurrected, he didn't do anything, just froze in place.

After Tam swallowed Verus, although he tried his best to retreat, he was still stuck by Daomei and EZ. In the end, Chen Mu and Uzi took Tam and Verus with their heads one by one.

And Khan's sword girl, because she is too flexible, has the Q skill to move, and the W skill to block the control, and she still has a flash on her body, which made him run back to the spring again this time.

It seems that this time, he vowed not to die once!
However, if he survived once, he could not exchange for the collapse of the situation.

Afterwards, RNG and the others didn't care about the pawn line or not, and they swarmed up and started outputting against KZ's front tooth tower.

An incisor tower was broken!

The two front tooth towers are high!
Only the last bare crystal base is left!
a bit!

A big victory appeared in front of everyone who followed this game!
(End of this chapter)

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