LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 391 Arrives in Vietnam, MSI mid-season starts

Chapter 391 Arrives in Vietnam, MSI mid-season starts

As the League of Legends official Weibo released the skin news.

Chen Mu happened to be live broadcasting, and after being reminded by friends, he also jumped to the official Weibo to check.

As his own skin, Chen Mu cannot be stingy.

What's more, this can be regarded as a stable income for me in the future.

Immediately, with a final wave of his hand, he indicated that a thousand sets of champion skins would be drawn in red envelopes in the live broadcast room and on Weibo on the day of release.

As time goes by, the start of MSI mid-season is getting closer and closer.

Starting from May 5st, the qualifying rounds have begun.

The 10 qualifying teams have gathered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to compete for three spots in the main draw.

However, the three teams that have entered the main competition are still firmly in the Diaoyutai in each competition area.

But I’m not sitting idle doing anything!
For example, G2 in the European division has started to talk and fight on Twitter.

With the live interview video of Chen Mu at the LPL Spring Finals Champion Award Ceremony, it spread to other competition regions, and it is still widely fermented.

After the G2 players who were far away in Europe saw a series of speeches by Chen Mu in the finals, they suddenly felt that they had found a soulmate.

It’s really a pity that Chen Mu won’t come to G2~
The next moment, all G2 staff started working on Twitter.

Ah P: "Oh! Sure enough, Chen Mu is very suitable for our G2. If he comes to our G2, we and the boss will definitely support it with both hands and feet. As for Jankos, who will care about his feelings?!"

"Of course I will also use my strength to prove who is the world's number one ADC! By the way, the last world number one ADC has been sent home by our top eight in the World Championship QAQ~"

“Jankos and I will be waiting for Chen Mu’s arrival at the MSI mid-season~”

Caps, who was seriously tweeting, suddenly stopped when he saw his teammate Ah P's remarks.

Good guy, Jankos was sold like this!

In Europe, everyone likes contestants who like to work on the effect of the show.

Although the lively talk is indeed popular, in the end it all comes down to strength.

Chen Mu dares to talk nonsense on the field, but Chen Mu is really strong!

Last year’s World Championship pushed everyone to the top, not only Koreans, but also players from the European Division!
Wunder now feels a little nervous when he sees the word Chen Mu.

This is Chen Mu’s dominance!

Although Chen Mu has now moved to the jungle position, I watched Chen Mu's performance in the LPL Spring Finals.

The jungler's suffocating rhythm will leave everyone confused after watching it!

If you don’t have a good relationship on Twitter now, then Chen Mu will be rude to you at the MSI mid-season~
And at this time

Lying in bed unable to sleep for a while, Chen Mu began to think about his MSI opponents.

This time, there is no weak team in the MSI participating teams. After all, they are the spring championship teams selected from thousands of people in each division.

SKT in the LCK and G2 in the LEC.

In the finals, there is a high probability that TL will be from the North American region, and FW will be from the LMS in the Half-Life region.

The last spot should be the PVB team from the Southeast Asia Division.

Although the North American and LMS regions have been about to be expelled from the five major regions in the past two years.

But in the final analysis, there are still five major competition areas~
There is really a gap in strength between the other teams in the wild card division.

Even North American TL cannot be underestimated.

The champion of the last LPL S9 Spring Split was IG, who represented the LPL in the MSI Mid-Season Invitational.

But IG was sent home directly by TL in the knockout round.

The biggest dark horse in the MSI mid-season was exposed. Last year’s championship team was sent home by NABi.
It directly triggered the biggest public opinion in LPL. It was supposed to be a one-year exemption, but within half a year, LPL fans really couldn't bear it.

Prince Ning has completely gone dark, and Xiao Sung is also in his late stages~
Everyone is getting sick!

Even after IG was sent home by TL in the knockout round, TL's analysts broke the news on foreign social software after the game.

In fact, TL had been studying IG's play style a year and a half ago, and they got very accurate information. They also published how to defeat IG on the Internet.

They believe that they must not collide with TS. They must use the bottom lane and the jungle as the core, and after taking advantage of the differences, they must transfer the advantage of the bottom lane to the middle lane, and then all three lines will lead the rhythm.

And the information on the map resources should be specially marked. When there is a big dragon, go together to catch it, and never leave it alone.

In short, don't be afraid when playing against IG. When you have financial advantages, you can choose to join a team. If IG catches the rhythm, the whole game will be unlikely to turn around.

Not to mention, you have studied IG very thoroughly.

Therefore, TL's coaching team in particular needs to focus on it. In the last generation, IG was able to lose, and TL's behind-the-scenes team was the biggest contributor. It really seized on IG's most fatal weakness and strangled it to death.

In fact, after TL analyzed IG's problems, there was nothing to do with IG in that MSI.

Even if IG defeats TL in the knockout round, whether it is G2 or SKT, they can continue to seize this point to kill IG!

But that won't be the case in this life.

This time it’s not IG, it’s FPX Little Phoenix~
No matter how hard you research, you can't find anything!

Chen Mu can never figure out the underwear. No matter how much you research, you can't figure out the reason.

Moreover, the other members of FPX are also very aggressive and have enough rotation personnel to ensure the vitality of the team.

Moreover, according to the latest rules of this MSI mid-season tournament, a team can bring two substitutes.

Some e-sports media broke the news that this is also paving the way for changing the rules of the S9 Global Finals. Riot Games plans to change the rules this year. The World Championship will allow a seven-man lineup, and the team can bring two substitutes!

And this is starting to "pave the way" for FPX!

The FPX team happened to rotate between two positions, with exactly seven people!

Jin Gong and A Guang on the top lane will rotate, and Lin Weixiang and Sima Laothi on the bottom lane will rotate. Whoever is in better condition will play.

Although Aguang and Lin Weixiang were unable to play in the finals of the LPL Spring Split, these two people made great contributions to FPX throughout the season.


Time flies by like a flash, and the LPL Spring Finals seems to have passed in just a few days.

The Labor Day holiday in May has passed in the blink of an eye, and the majority of netizens have not yet felt that it is time to return to work.

And FPX is about to leave~
The MSI mid-season playoffs will begin on May 5st, and the official tournament will begin on May 1th.

Early the next morning, Chen Mu took all FPX members on a flight to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where the qualifying and group stages of the MSI Mid-Season Invitational will begin.

The promoted teams will eventually move to Chinese Taipei for the knockout rounds and championship game.Due to changes in Riot Games rules and the fact that Brother Gongzi returned from vacation in South Korea to visit relatives before departure, all FPX players went this time, a total of seven people, five starters and two substitutes, A Guang and Lin Weixiang.

Because FPX does not need to participate in the playoffs, they have plenty of time to adapt to the environment.

This year's qualifying round is also full of highlights. Although the wild cards are far different from the five major competition areas of LCK or LPL in terms of strength.

But when it comes to the excitement of the battle, it is more than enough, and the effect of the program is also sufficient.

There are Japanese teams, Brazilian teams, British teams, Vietnamese teams, etc. In a sense, their operations are generally spread out, and they are more like playing games.

There are all kinds of strange routines emerging one after another, and all kinds of dazzling "sexy" operations.

Happy yuppie~
There are still "strong ones" among these wild card teams. Vietnam's local PVB and the irascible brother VEG from Russia stood out in the chaos.

However, in the next game, they have to face the goalkeepers FW and TL who advance to the playoffs.

However, in the next two knockout matches, the two BO5s of PVB and VEG combined, they only won one game.

No matter how powerful the wild card teams are, they are still lagging behind compared to the teams in the five major regions.

PVB and VEG were easily swept by FW Flash Wolves and TL.

There are six teams in the main event of MSI Mid-Season Invitation, plus three directly invited teams, five teams have now been decided.

The last promotion spot is still to be decided between the PVB and VEG teams.

In the end, the Vietnamese team was superior, and PVB narrowly defeated them 3-2 to advance and get the last MSI main draw spot.

This news also makes local fans in Vietnam very happy, even excited to death!

It is also a blessing to be able to see one's own team compete in local competitions, although there is a gap in strength between PVB and several other teams.

But come on, it’ll be over~
After the play-in rounds, the officials finally began to gather all the participating teams for the MSI Mid-Season Invitational to take makeup photos. This is also the first time that the FPX team has met with other teams from other regions in so many days since the start of the tournament.

"Guys, I'm a little nervous"

Doinb sat on the bus seat and squirmed uneasily, feeling like a cute new husky mingling with wolves.

But in fact he is a talkative person~
Even though Teacher Big B seems to have rich experience in competitions, in fact, he has almost never participated in world competitions, except for last year's intercontinental competition, which was held in China.

It was also his first time to compete abroad.

A Guang patted his shoulder and comforted him: "There's nothing to be nervous about. It's just like that after seeing too many times~"

Even though Ah Guang looks like a tool person on the surface, he is actually a "tool person"~
But Aguang's qualifications are older than everyone thought.

He joined the EDG team in 2014. He started as a support player, and later moved to the top lane position for the team.

He also experienced the S5MSI mid-season with the team EDG and won the first MSI championship in the LPL division.

Later, I also experienced many world championships with EDG.

Although most of the time, he is not even the water dispenser manager, or plays the role of taking the blame.

But I want to be rich in experience.

When it comes to competition experience, Aguang may be the one with the most experience in FPX.


Teacher Big B is actually not at all, but a chatterbox.
But Brother Gongzi next to him was really nervous and kept silent.

Although Brother Gongzi looks mature, he is a little sensitive on the inside.

He might be a little more arrogant with teammates he is familiar with, but he is a bit socially fearful towards the outside world.

And he has always been the one under the most pressure in the team.

Because others will not compare him with others, the only comparison object is the jungler Chen Mu in the team.

Once he dies, the barrage will always be "Think about what Chen Mu will do this time?!" "My evaluation is not as good as Chen Mu~".
This is the case for team members who are star players. Although the traffic and popularity have gone up, even the team's performance has gone up.

In the previous half-dead live broadcast, only two or three big cats and kittens were watched, but since Chen Mu joined FPX, people also watched Gongzi brother's live broadcast.

Although he is still a small anchor, some people are finally watching.

But Jin Gong is also under extreme pressure.

He didn’t want Aguang to be in such a good mood~
A Guang has experienced too much, and he can be said to be a warrior.

Mouse Aguang was very optimistic about the League of Legends project when he first started playing games. Later, he decided to play professionally. During the process, he was strongly blocked by his father. His father blocked the door with a knife and refused to let him leave.

The most sad thing is that his father, who once tried his best to prevent A Guang from pursuing a career, passed away during the S6 World Championship.

At that time, his father hid his illness so that his son could play well in the game, but he failed to hold on.

However, it is also the bleak life that has tempered A Guang's optimistic character.

The LPL audience was also infected by his smile, and they were happy to call him A Guang.

The title "Aguang" was initially a negative one, but later the audience gradually started to develop feelings for it, and the top laner "Light" also became a complimentary title.

"If you are still nervous, then I will teach you a way~ You just need to remember one thing. All the top laners of all the teams you can see in this MSI Mid-Season Invitational have been beaten on the head by Chen Mu~ "

Aguang hugged Brother Gongzi and said with a smile.

Brother Gongzi thought so. He also watched OB Chen Mu's games, and even reviewed Chen Mu's games repeatedly after the game.

For example, sSKT's Khan and G2's Wunder were beaten severely by Chen Mu, some more than once or twice.

Khan was ruined by Chen Mu~
That is to say, the newly promoted PVB top laner Zeros has not been severely beaten, but it is almost there, and Chunchun's defeated opponents are concentrated.

At this time, all other teams in the venue except FPX have arrived at the venue, only FPX has not arrived yet.

Many people couldn't help but curl their lips when they saw this scene, secretly cursing FPX's arrogance in their hearts, even having to appear in the finale to take photos.

I didn't see that even the big devil Faker arrived early.

Faker, who had been taking photos with the professional players gathered around him, had been paying attention to the entrance of the venue intentionally or unintentionally, silently waiting for the person he wanted to see the most to appear.

Not long after, the sound of car engines rang from the entrance of the venue. A bus slowly stopped at the edge of the venue, and the FPX team members got off the bus one by one.

The first person to get off the bus was Yang Yan, the manager of the FPX team.

But more often than not, they are like the young mothers in the team who have to worry about everything.

He stood at the door of the car and waited for everyone to get off, then gathered them together and led them towards the venue.

Chen Mu was the last one to get off the bus~
When Chen Mu slowly stepped off the bus, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

A temperament unique to the Great Demon King oppressed the entire audience! !
(End of this chapter)

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