LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 413: Centaur Calculus

Chapter 413: Centaur Calculus

Strength is not based on words!
The factory said he wanted to prove who is the best jungler in the world, but it turned out that he was bragging~
But every time Chen Mu said to prove who is the best in the world? !
But he did it all~
Last year he said he wanted to prove who was the top laner, and he did it!
This year he said he wanted to prove who is the best jungler. As of now, he is the best jungler in the world.
Not to mention Chen Mu’s previous performance on the top lane, no one can question it.

Everyone in SKT has seen Chen Mu switch to the jungle position over and over again. This guy is terrifyingly strong even in a cross-border position.

In a sense, compared to the big devil Chen Mu on the road, SKT is actually more afraid of Chen Mu who radiates the whole field in the jungle.

"Hello everyone, what you are watching now is the knockout round of the League of Legends 2019 MSI mid-season championship, which is the semi-finals. The teams competing today are the SKT team from the LCK. And the FPX team from our LPL division! I am Zeyuan! "

"Hi everyone, I'm the commentator remember!"

At this moment, a fat face flashed across the camera: "Hello everyone, I am the special commentator Uzi~"

Guan Zeyuan applauded: "Let us welcome Brother Uzi together! As the most direct competitor in the Spring Split, I believe that Brother Zaozi has a strong say in the strength of FPX, and Brother Zaozi, you are also an old rival of SKT. You know both teams very well, what do you think of today’s game?”

Guan Zeyuan's speech was very violent. When he spoke, it was Brother Zaozi who mentioned the old scars from the S7 World Championship again!
But Brother Zaozi smiled and didn't take it seriously. Guan Zeyuan must have communicated this statement with Brother Zaozi before.

Otherwise, this speech will be ruined by fans of Brother Zaozi~
"What do you think? Just sit back and watch! No kidding~ I think FPX has a better chance of winning!" Uzi said with a smile.

Brother Zaozi hesitated for a moment and then continued to express his opinion: "From the few games in the group stage, SKT's state is not as good as expected. Let's not talk about the loss to FPX, but it lost to G2. Even lost to the PVB wild card team.”

Brother Zaozi paused and said with a smile: "You know, it's fine if you lose to G2. After all, I have lost before, but losing to a wild card team is a bit incomprehensible~"

Good guy~
As soon as Brother Zaozi's words came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room filled the screen.

"Hahahahaha, xswl"

"You guys, stop setting the pace, the anchors will do it themselves~"

"The tour that goes to Uzi is a good tour. Oh, it's a tour that Uzi runs himself, so it's fine~"

"Pick up the lantern! If Uzi can't do it, he will never win a crown in his life!"

"Good guy, you are your own biggest hater!"

"If the gangsters don't know how to lead the rhythm, the anchors will lead it themselves. If the gangsters don't know how to run the group, the anchors will run it themselves. That's it."

Guan Zeyuanhe remembered being surprised by Uzi's openness. After all, Brother Zaozi used to be known for his bad temper.

But now that I dare to laugh at myself like this, it shows that I have really let go~
And I remember taking up the topic and continuing to analyze: "Yes, from this perspective, FPX won ten games out of ten in the group stage, which is considered a moderate record. Winning one, two, and three games is normal, but Winning ten games in a row is too demanding for FPX’s competitive status!”

"Yeah! Especially Chen Mu, it was even more outrageous in the MSI mid-season. Whether it was a regular jungler, a hunger strike jungler, or a wild core like Juggernaut, he was always at his fingertips, as always. Stable!" Brother Zaozi also boasted about Chen Mu.

I remember Leng Buding interjected: "Can we talk about it? Is it possible that RNG also suffered this loss?"

Uzi was stunned, and said with a wry smile: "There's nothing bad to say about this~ We did do a lot of research on Chen Mu at the beginning. Or maybe the entire LPL was like this. No, it should be said that the whole world was studying Chen Mu. After all, last year Chen Mu Mu’s performance is too exaggerated~”

"I personally think that Chen Mu was on IG's top lane last year, but the other lanes were also very strong. The team's resources were tilted toward him, but the rhythm points were not initiated by him. Chen Mu was more like a Dinghai Shenzhen in IG, stabilizing in the lane. Explode the lane on the top lane, create a huge advantage, and then spread the advantage to other lanes, and finally win the battle for resources with one hit!"

Uzi's statement was agreed by two commentators. In the past, IG played three-core or even four-core. In the whole game, everyone was showing off, and only Ah Shui was beaten.

"But after Chen Mu arrived at FPX, he moved to the jungle position, and his positioning became clearer."

"That's wild core~"

"All the rhythm is controlled by Chen Mu's jungler. FPX plays like a tight machine. Everyone is like a screw, pointing east to hit east and west to hit west under Chen Mu's command!"

All teams have one ultimate problem, and that is the problem of resource allocation. S8's IG can rely on online players to gain economic advantages through personal strength or jungle, and then dominate the field.

But now in the new season, this system has begun to become unworkable. The head economy has been reduced, the defense towers have more plating, and the neutral resources in the jungle are more valuable, which has severely damaged IG's previous head economy gameplay.

IG now has offensive pressure and needs to be more violent in the early stage to avoid controlling the opponent's resources and gain a greater advantage in order to snowball in the mid-term.

Ordinary advantages are not enough. It must be a very big advantage to fill the dilemma of insufficient resources in the IG team.

It is indeed possible to defeat some weak teams in this way, but it will have no effect against some strong teams.

I've been on the road for a long time, and I did get some plating.

But others directly link up the middle and jungle, and you will be surrounded by four and two in the bottom lane to the point where you doubt your life, and you can't even wait for the second tower.

Finally, you go on the road and eat some team economy. The plating you spent a long time on has returned.

Therefore, in the previous S9 mid-season, IG was seized by TL and failed, and they did not even make it to the finals.

As for the overall linkage gameplay, FPX is the best~
Especially after Chen Mu moved to FPX, he lost a big brother who was a big economy player on the road and became a tank.

You can play tool man in the middle to increase the team's lineup fault tolerance.

He can be a tool player in the bottom lane, or he can be used as a C position.

But most importantly, Chen Mu's personal strength in the jungle and high affinity with the line are the reasons for FPX's indiscriminate killing.

Soon, the formal BP session began.

FPX, who ranked first in the regular season, had priority in selecting sides, so they naturally won the blue side, while SKT was the red side.

From a probability perspective, the winning rate of the blue side has always been higher than that of the red side.

Moreover, Chen Mu does not play solo, and FPX does not need a counter position.

FPX banned first and picked first, banning Jayce first. When Jayce was given this hero to SKT, he would definitely be shaken, so he simply banned him directly.

And SKT is the second-ban gem!

For no other reason than Chen Mu's Juggernaut in the last group stage game left a deep impression on SKT.

But the reason is that FPX chose the combination of Gemstone Qinnu in the bottom lane, so Chen Mu can take the Juggernaut unscrupulously.

In this way, I will directly press off your gem and directly stop your gameplay~
Then FPX banned the Czar on the second floor.

Faker's Tsar is also very powerful and has created many famous scenes. Although the priority of the Tsar in this version is not too high, FPX still banned the Tsar for the second time, probably for the sake of the overall lineup.

SKT's backhand was to ban Silas.

FPX also used Silas a lot in the Spring Split, and the effect was very good.

In particular, doinb also trained Silas, and Silas can swing in FPX.

Chen Mu was the first to move Silas to the competition arena.

The average team will take Silas in the middle, and the hero Silas rarely appears in the jungle position.

Hero pools are not always available, but Chen Mu is an exception. The last ban position of FPX is given to the powerful jungle excavator in the version.

It seems that Chen Mu is not going to grab the excavator, but he won’t let you play with SKT either~
Then SKT’s last move came
The selection phase begins.

FPX did not do much research on the first choice and directly locked Kennen.

This hero is really suitable for this version, and its strength is also very good. It is a good choice for the top lane.

Aguang also played Kennen in many games in the group stage. It was just when his hands were hot, so FPX decided directly without hesitation.

Kennen can also prevent SKT from choosing any long-range top laner and crush Aguang's last hit and tap.

On the first and second floors of SKT, the combination of Kasha and Titan was selected.

Anyway, this combination is easy to use!

In regular laning, Kai'Sa and Titan will not suffer much loss in any combination in the bottom lane. Regardless of whether Titan's ultimate move is combined with Kai'Sa's counterattack or running away, it is very effective. It is very versatile.

FPX’s second and third picks were Xia and Luo.

This version of Xia Luo has actually been nerfed, but the laning and team fighting strength is still enough, but the priority is not that high.

But having said that, whether Xia A is in pain or not is also a classic question in the canyon? !
In the end, FPX left a hole in the middle and jungle for SKT to guess.

The opposing coach's brows immediately furrowed. He had a bad feeling when he saw FPX hiding the midfielder until the second round.

It feels like FPX has prepared a Surprise for them!

But no matter what, it is better to help Faker win the hero first, otherwise he will definitely be banned in the second round, and there will not be so many convenient heroes to play.

After a simple coaching session with Faker, SKT directly revealed the heroes on the third floor!

After the first three rounds of selection are completed, the second round of ban selection begins.

FPX first banned the blind monk. Clid's blind monk was very talkative, and FPX didn't give him a chance to play.

Then he banned another Sword Girl to limit Khan's hero pool.

SKT was the first to eliminate the hero Ice Girl.

doinb's functional mid laner is very good, and SKT is also afraid of the rising rhythm of FPX's mid and jungle.

In the last move, SKT banned Akali. This assassin hero has great restrictions on the back row.

SKT is afraid that Akali will gain weight and treat Zoe and Kai'Sa as piglets in the back row.

Then the red side SKT picked first on the fourth floor, and SKT locked the prince, the versatile jungler, for clid.

The hero Prince has no sense of presence, "the clockwork in the jungle position" and "Ka'Sa in the ADC position".

Still the classic combination of Clockwork Prince~
SKT used this combination in the previous group stage, but was defeated by Chen Mu's Juggernaut.

But SKT doesn't think it's the team's fault.

In this round, SKT wanted to prove themselves with this combination.

But for Faker, Clockwork, the evergreen tree in the mid lane, is the woman behind Faker. Faker has faced countless difficulties in the past few years.

But in the most serious moments of his life, he almost relied on clockwork to turn things around.

For example, the sprint battle, the ascension battle, EDG's [-] economic comeback, etc.

I remember seeing SKT selecting Clockwork on the fourth floor. I rubbed my chin and said, "Clockwork? Faker's Clockwork is very stable! This hero has no sense of existence anyway, but it has a great effect in the later stage. It's so big." There are also famous scenes where the comeback is completed directly.”

Uzi also nodded and said: "It is not easy to stretch the clockwork, but this hero is indeed possible to create miracles. And there is a prince to cooperate with the clockwork in this round!"

As a mid laner, there is almost no mid laner who can't play. It can be said that he is the basic hero of the mid laner.

And Faker is also the creator of the Ascension scene, and the Titan elements are also present in this scene!

Therefore, FPX is prepared to give him the highest standard of courtesy~
The choice of the fourth floor of Blue Square FPX immediately pushed the atmosphere of the scene to the first peak today!
"The ruthless blade is invincible to all. Under the iron heel of fear, all life is destroyed." - Hecarim

Shadow of War Hecarim, Centaur! !

The profile picture was locked the moment it lit up without any hesitation.

"Central! Is it the Centaur jungler?! Chen Mu has chosen a brand new hero!" Guan Zeyuan said loudly, obviously a little surprised by Chen Mu's choice.

"The men and horses should be fighting in the wild. They can't go to the middle!" I remember saying in response.

"That's right! You can actually play jungle with people and horses! This version of the game has also strengthened people and horses~" Brother Zaozi also showed his understanding of the game. Although he was sitting in the commentary booth, he never got down on the version of the game. .

and then
Without any pause, FPX directly took out the last hero.

"I've found that courage is utterly unreliable, only complete madness counts!"

Raging Knight Kled!
Then lock it down in seconds!

"Oh, it's coming, it's coming~" The commentators in the commentary box instantly became excited.

"Kled?! This is Big B's unique skill. It turns out he is waiting for SKT in the semi-finals!" I remember laughing.

This is a gift prepared by FPX for SKT and Faker.

Brother Zaozi was also shocked by FPX's choice: "Wow, FPX's lineup is so strong in rushing. With the addition of Kakerel and Kennen, and the support also includes Rakan, it's hard for SKT to survive in the back row. Go down, you will die immediately!"

"If this SKT ADC doesn't die five or six times, it won't be finished!"

Uzi has a very vicious vision, and he is a professional player himself, and he still plays ADC.

The key element of the FPX lineup can be seen at a glance, which is to rush into formation!

From the perspective of Brother Zaozi, an ADC professional player, the FPX lineup is for SKT's back row.

And he has already brought into Teddy's perspective, how to survive this game.

Kai'Sa is considered short-handed among ADCs, and there are no heroes with strong protective capabilities in the lineup, so it must be Tahm Kench or something like that.

As long as you catch up with the person in front of you, you will definitely face a devastating battle attack~
(End of this chapter)

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