LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 419: The ultimate move offsets the control, and the team starts perfectly

Not only are the troops high in level, they are also well equipped!

At this time, in addition to the third-level shoes, the troops chose mercury shoes. The blue warrior jungle knife also came out. The extra economy was made into Yaoguang, and there were two small parts.

The blue jungle knife is the choice for maximizing the output of the men and horses. Most of the time, the men and horses produce blue jungle knives.

Especially when the talent rune of the Centaur is "Predator", the three cursed blade effects of Predator + Sprint + E skill + Deep Cold Punishment can cause the Centaur to cause astonishing instantaneous damage.

Because Deep Cold Punishment can not only cause direct damage to the enemy, but it can also steal 20% of the enemy's movement speed to the centaur, and the centaur's passive can convert the movement speed into damage.

So the men and horses at this time have the ability to kill alone!
At the same time, Khan's Victor led the lane alone.

Looking at the empty bottom lane, Khan thought that he could bring out the line of troops a little bit, and it happened that his equipment was still a little economical.

But next second.
A wolf howl sounded in Summoner's Rift!

Hearing this voice, Khan couldn't help but feel happy in his heart!
He knew clearly that the wolf howl was directed at him.

Sure enough, the next second, a man with a ghostly image rushed out from his jungle area, aiming directly at his Victor.

Although he was a little panicked, he still had to work hard. Otherwise, with so many viewers watching, wouldn't it confirm his status as an old friend in the LPL division? !
Victor immediately placed a W gravity field in front of the men and horses, and QA began to pull at the same time.

But with Predator + Sprint + E skill + talent movement speed, the movement speed of man and horse has reached more than 700, which is no slower than flash!

One second it was still 700 yards away, and the next second it was in front of Victor's eyes.

Victor's gravity field is equal to air!
Then he kicked Victor with the effect of the dazzling cursed blade. In an instant, Victor's health dropped sharply, and one kick took away one-third of his health.

Then Deep Cold Punishment hung on Victor, causing a slowdown!
What about this pulling Nima? !
The next second, Victor handed over his flash.

But it was still in vain. Chen Murenma's ultimate move, Shadow Blast, followed closely behind, causing fear at the same time.

After a while, the sword in the centaur's hand turned into an electric fan and took Victor's head!
"Hecarim, Shadow of War, killed Victor, the Mechanical Herald!"


Everyone in SKT watched Victor die, but there was nothing they could do!
too fast!
This man and horse can be described as "no wind and no shadow"!

This wave of single kills made SKT's situation even worse. Victor's death caused the middle gate of SKT's bottom lane to open wide!

Just killing people can't satisfy Chen Mu. After killing Victor alone, SKT teammates had no intention of supporting him, but FPX teammates came to support him. They didn't just want a second tower in the bottom lane this time.

And the Highland Tower opposite!

Immediately, a large wave of troops will come over, including an artillery trooper. If SKT is not resolute in its defense, there is a high probability that it will be able to capture the opposite top highland tower.

And if the opponent loses the high ground in 10 minutes, it can be said that there is basically no play.

But the good news is that pushing down Highland Crystal too early will actually give SKT a chance to develop.

Chen Mu naturally knew this.

Therefore, his plan is to just knock down one of SKT's top lane towers and keep the crystal.

"We can see that this wave of FPX is not satisfied with this, he also wants to directly push the enemy's highland tower on the road!"

Looking at the scene on the field, Colonel Guan immediately explained quickly.

"What should I say? SKT's people are ready to return to defense! The second tower in the bottom lane cannot be defended, but it seems that SKT is planning to defend the high ground in the top lane!"

In 20 minutes, the second tower on the bottom road was broken!
However, SKT was very resolute in defending the high ground, and the Centaur's ultimate skills did not improve, and they did not force the high ground tower.

But there was also a problem with SKT's lane switch.

Everyone returned to defend the high tower in the bottom lane, but the middle gate was wide open again!

In 22 minutes, the second tower in the middle was broken!
The economies of both sides are still gradually expanding
Even in the early 10 minutes, the three-phase power of the man and the horse was already achieved.

The power of the three phases is the absolute core component of the centaur. Not only does it not have any useless attributes, but also because the passive energy of the centaur converts movement speed into attack power, the effect of the three phases will be further amplified on the centaur.

The Centaur's Q skill Rampage has a short CD time, so it can frequently refresh the cursed blade effect of the three-phase power. In addition, the passive energy of the Centaur gives him high attack power, so the quality of the cursed blade will be very high.

The three-phase accessory "Bright Light" not only provides the effect of the cursed blade, but also increases the mana limit of the centaur, giving him a stronger endurance.

The various attributes of the small wooden hammer are also very compatible with humans and horses. For heroes with self-healing capabilities, the utilization rate of the "health value" attribute will be higher, and the small wooden hammer will provide a movement speed bonus after attacking. , the centaurs and horses can continuously refresh this acceleration effect during the battle, so their attack power will also have a stable bonus during the battle.

Although Centaur is a hero who relies on skills, the attribute of attack speed seems to be of little significance to him, but in fact, the increase in attack speed improves Centaur's A-playing feel.

After doing three things, the men and horses went completely berserk!
Originally, Chen Mu still needed to carry pendants like Kled or Luo, but now he didn't need anything anymore and could just charge into the battle alone!

Facing this man, SKT didn't even dare to change resources. The man and horse moved too fast. If SKT rashly changed sides and exchanged resources, it was likely that the man and horse would continue to seize the opportunity.

But if you can only be a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days!

No matter how hard you defend, you will still be able to defend yourself.
In the 23rd minute, Chen Mu seized the opportunity when Kai'Sa grabbed a wave of troops in the middle.

In just one second, he rushed from the jungle to the middle, kicking Kai'Sa almost half of his health.

When Teddy saw this kind of troops, he didn't even want to use double moves. If he did, he would die, so he might as well save his skills for the next team battle.

"Hecarim, the Shadow of War, killed Kai'Sa, the Void Girl!"

In the next 24 minutes, taking advantage of the opportunity that the opponent's ADC had just been resurrected and SKT was short of players, FPX took the fourth dragon without any damage!

This time FPX was not in a hurry. They took the small dragon first and did not worry about the baron.

This lineup of FPX rushes into the formation very fiercely, but its hands are short, and the speed of rushing the baron is not fast.

Originally, SKT planned to have a decisive battle with the fourth dragon, but the ADC died suddenly in the middle, so they had no choice but to release this dragon again!
As the little dragon neighed!
Earth Dragon Soul!

Obviously, anyone with a discerning eye can now see that within 10 minutes, the economic disadvantage was so great.

Rather than saying that the economy is at a huge disadvantage, it is better to say that SKT's overall situation has deteriorated to the point where it cannot take on team battles. It can be said that it is the last step away from losing the game.

And if this was placed in the rankings, it would have been a round where all fifteen members unanimously agreed to vote.

But this is a professional game.

There are regulations in current professional competitions that do not allow surrender during the competition.

Although the players on SKT know that a comeback is unlikely, they still have to continue and cannot play passively.

At least try to see if you can win a team fight.

"If we can win a wave of team battles, there may be a chance of a comeback."

At this time, Faker encouraged and comforted everyone.

Even now, Faker is still trying his best~

Although Faker was comforting his teammates, Clid's tone clearly felt a little unconfident.

He has been invaded in the jungle, resulting in his own development not being very good.And in terms of gank rhythm, the troops completely outperformed him in several streets!
To be honest, winning this game actually has nothing to do with him, but he is the first to lose.

"Come on! Let's give it a try. We'll take the initiative to give it a try in the next team battle!" Seeing this, Mata also said.

Mata is also a veteran player. At this time, the mentality of the veteran players comes into play, which is to stabilize the mentality of the newcomers in the team.

At the same time, everyone in FPX also took action.

Originally, I didn't dare to rush the dragon as soon as it was born, because the equipment was not good enough and the rush of the dragon was not fast enough. The dragon could easily ruin his life!
But at this time, Lin Weixiang's Xia brush has a three-piece set!
And coupled with Earth Dragon Soul's frankness, it's time for the final decisive battle!
Everyone went out with their two real eyes and controlled the vision of the upper half of the river in their hands.

"Hurry up and come to the baron. The other side seems to want to rush the baron again."

Teddy's tone suddenly became urgent.

His ADC brought the vision transformation and took a look at the situation in the Baron Pit, but the five FPX people had already gathered next to the Baron and seemed to be taking action!

Because at this time, he saw that the small cannon on the opposite side changed from its normal state and continued to use skills to push the line of troops.

Moreover, the hero Vayne's clearing speed is still very slow.

On the opposite side, Braum kept trying to harass Loken for last hits.

This resulted in the army line constantly moving closer to the alarmed bottom tower.

"Axiba! It's coming, it's coming."

The rest of SKT naturally knew about it.

FPX is definitely preparing to take action against Baron this time.

This wave can be said to be the most critical wave of team battle in this round.

Once they lose, SKT's base will explode in 1 minute!

Therefore, the SKT players were all very cautious and came to the middle to prepare to protect their back row and advance into the jungle.

At this time, FPX's Xia Luo was pretending to fight the dragon in the Dragon Pit, while the Centaur and Kled were crouching in the grass in the Dalong Pit river.

Aguang's Kenan is still in the spring base, waiting for the Home Guard to finally teleport behind him!
SKT has never been able to develop vision because of it before, and it has just been blocked by FPX, the three gangster brothers of Nakano and Fu.

So at this moment, except for a small limited area, SKT's entire upper half jungle area is completely dark!

And relying on the advantage of the field of view, FPX dared to crouch boldly on the opposite side of the road that wanted to go to Dalong Pit!

As Chen Mu spoke, he kept his eyes on every move on the field: "Okay, get ready to take action!"

At this point, in the game.

After clearing a wave of mid-lane troops, the five members of SKT took the initiative and cautiously explored the grass in the Longkeng jungle.

"Catch someone!! Let's see if we can kill one first. If the other one dies, we should." Mata's Titan walked at the front, while "imagining" the upcoming team battle.

But the next second.

I saw Chen Mu's men directly activate the predator talent!

A wolf howled!
In less than a second, the movement speed of the people and horses soared to more than 600!
It's like a super sports car that starts up quickly!


At the same time, Kled also pressed his ultimate move, and there was another acceleration!
At the same time, Kennen also pressed his TP teleport in the field of vision of the grass in the middle.

In just one second, the men and horses had already rushed from the grass in the river to the eyes of everyone in SKT.

SKT was also shocked by the sudden appearance of troops.

Originally, SKT was thinking about taking the lead, but after hearing the wolf howl, Mata realized that he was overthinking it.

Facing FPX's charge, they had no choice but to flee!
Immediately afterwards, Faker also wanted to change the situation of the battle by himself, and sent a ball to block the passers-by in the way of everyone in FPX.

After making his clockwork Luden, he started to hold back his hat!

He tried his best in this game!
Although he relied on his subconscious operation to activate his ultimate move.

He wanted to use his ultimate move to block the FPX rushing towards him.

However, Chen Mu had long been mentally prepared for Clockwork's ultimate move.

While the clockwork is pulling out the ultimate move, the men and horses suddenly activate the ultimate move!
With the help of the immune control effect of the ultimate move, while taking the damage of the wind-up ultimate move, it also offsets the opponent's control effect!
Clockwork's ultimate move directly stopped Loneliness!

? ? !

He rushed directly from the center of the clockwork ultimate move!

For a moment, everyone in SKT was frightened...

"Oh... Centaur's ultimate move is still coming out! SKT is going to collapse this time!" I remember shouting excitedly while watching the scene on the court.

Clockwork's ultimate move did block Kled and Luo behind the Centaur, but the Centaur rushed into the crowd, creating a huge fear effect.

At this time, Aguang's Kenan has landed!

Flash push stick + Wan Lei Tian Lao Yin!
The next second, a kill prompt sounded slowly:
"Hecarim, the Shadow of War, killed Kai'Sa, the Void Girl!"

"Kenan the Furious Heart killed Victor, the Mechanical Herald!"

"Oh!...Dead! Kaisha is dead!! Victor is also dead, in that case, it's over, it's over~"

Looking at the situation on the field, Uzi analyzed it with a murmur.

At this point, in the game.

Seeing that their ADC and top laner were instantly melted by Centaur and Kennen who came out of nowhere, everyone in SKT suddenly felt nervous.

"No fight, no fight, retreat now!"

Less than a second after seeing the meeting, ADC and top laner died, and Faker also knew that the team battle was unplayable.

But now it’s a bit over if you want to retreat!
Kled and Luo swarmed forward as they resumed their actions.

There are skills, use skills, there are flashes and there are flashes.
It's not a matter of saving skills now. If you don't use Flash anymore, you won't have the chance to use it again in this round!

An exciting voice sounded in the Summoner's Rift.

The men and horses wielding horses and swords, covered with a layer of golden color, stood in front of the corpses of everyone in SKT.

Like a victorious general! ! (End of chapter)

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