LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 428 The upcoming final team battle

With the double entry of Kai'Sa and Galio.

With the passionate shouts of several commentators, the atmosphere at the scene reached a climax again.



"Kill FPX for me! Don't leave any one alive!!"

"Come on, come on! If you win this wave, you will win!!"


Tens of thousands of spectators all spontaneously cheered for FPX.

Cheers and applause suddenly resounded throughout the Taipei Peace Basketball Stadium!
  "Oh my god, Kai'Sa has entered the field! What kind of damage is this?!! AQ is out and Syndra is out!!"

With the warm atmosphere off the court, Kai'Sa has also entered the court.

The entry of such a fat Kai'Sa can be said to be a devastating blow to SKT.

In sixteen minutes, everyone was basically at Level [-].

SKT's bottom lane is only level [-] and only has one or one and a half pieces of equipment.

But this Raven is at level [-]!
  And I already have Lan Qi's attack speed-increasing boots, as well as a bunch of small parts such as a recurve bow and a pickaxe, and the sheep knife will be out soon! !

At this time, Kai'Sa's Q skill Icathia Heavy Rain has evolved.

This set of 12 energy missiles, not to mention the crispy mage, even the warrior may not be able to withstand it!
  A set of light speed AQ is poured down, and then combined with Kai'Sa's passive beheading damage.

In an instant, Syndra's health bar was drained as if it had evaporated from the world! !
  The next second, a kill prompt sounded slowly:
  "Ka'Sa, the daughter of the void, killed Syndra, the leader of darkness!



Immediately afterwards, without the backbone Syndra, the remaining swordswoman and excavator were of no use and could only be slaughtered.

With the help of her teammates' damage, Kai'Sa once again captured Sword Queen's head.

Cut down the double kill! !
  "The Void Daughter Ka killed the Peerless Swordswoman Ofina!

"Double kill!!"

"Double kill!!"

"Dead! The Sword Lady is also dead! This wave of Kaisha has completed a double kill! Oh my god!! There is only one excavator left...can it still be killed?!" Remember to use his extremely special He explained in a Bayan accent.

At this time, although clid's excavator used its ultimate move to pounce on the prince who was still alive, he avoided some damage.

But after landing.
  The dying prince was thrown to death by the excavator, but he himself also died under Ornn's hammer.

"Ornn, the Flame of the Mountain Hidden, killed Rek'Sai, the void escaping beast!"

In a wave of encounters, SKT's entire army and reinforcements were wiped out, with no one left.

On the FPX side, although the prince who started the team first was killed again, his teammates took another step forward.

Kaisha got two more heads, and she will probably be able to make a sheep knife this time.

And Aoun also mixed a human head, which makes him even more meaty after returning~
  At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was also infected.

Two kill prompts sounded in succession, making the audience excited!



“FPX awesome!!”

"Chen Mu Niubi!!"

"So fierce, Shepherd!!"

At the same time, the live broadcast room also filled the screen with '666'.

"As expected of the man who said before the game that he would prove who is the number one jungler! This is well deserved!"

"Guigui... Mu Daddy is really awesome!"

"I have to say that the prince Mu Shen is also really brave! He drives very decisively! The operation and coordination of this wave of bot lane duo can be said to be full!"

"Isn't there anyone who praises me for being smart enough to beat me?! (Crying with face in hand) (Crying with face in hand)"

“That’s not all it takes is having hands~ (squints eyes) (squints eyes)”

"Let me tell you something, this ADC is just a fun game. Even if you call the little fat guy on the commentary table, it will be just as cruel!"

For a time, everyone admired Chen Mu as the prince.

Obviously everyone can see that throughout the whole game, the prince's rhythm can be said to be full.

The early waves of rhythm allowed all of our own online heroes to open up the situation and successfully counterattack their opponents.

And the perfect start of several waves of team battles is also crucial!

"Oh... this Kai'Sa is almost amazing!! It's already amazing in ten minutes!! In this case... no one on SKT can handle this Kai'Sa!" I remember sighing for a long time, Analyzing the situation on the field.

"That's right." Guan Zeyuan also nodded: "If SKT wins this wave of team battles, Sword Princess may be able to lead it alone, but after this wave of battles is over, it will be impossible! Now this Austrian Eun is too tough, even if Sword Lady is really injured, it won't be able to do anything...and after [-] minutes, once another person from SKT dies, then FPX can directly open the Baron!"

"This is the prince who radiates the rhythm to the whole team! If this happens... SKT will be very uncomfortable! They have to be careful about FPX rushing the baron for a while. With this super god Kai'Sa, FPX's baron is not slow. Yes!"

"One thing worth noting is that even if a head-on battle breaks out, this swordswoman will be of no use if she joins the group! She can't fight, and her damage output is not good, so she can only watch the show from the side!!" Uzi couldn't bear it! Zhu said.

"And now that I'm carrying it on the side, I don't dare to bring this Sword Princess anymore. You know, with the rhythm of Galio and Kai'Sa, they can take off to support at any time. They can catch three and one in an instant. When you Sword Princess dies, they will launch directly. Big dragon!!”

Several commentators analyzed the situation on the field one by one.

The audience also listened with great interest, and the commentators did not even need to analyze it.

Anyone with a clear eye can see the situation on the field.

FPX's offensive waves have never stopped.

At the beginning, several commentators and even everyone doubted whether the lineup selected by FPX was too ideal.

Everyone wants to have a perfect team fight, but whether they can pull it off is another matter!
  You know, there are almost no tanks in the top lane in this version.

The emergence of the Conqueror directly defeated the Tank Alliance.

Tanks such as Ornn and Big Insect, which were originally popular top laners, are undoubtedly struggling to survive in the cracks.

Moreover, the prince plays the excavator in the jungle, Neeko plays Syndra in the lane, and Kai'Sa plays Verus in the bottom lane are not considered advantageous matchups.
  But no one thought of it.

Chen Mu's performance as the prince was so perfect!
  Even when facing Sword Girl, she doesn't fall behind!

And at least half of all of this is due to this prince.

The prince is like a perpetual motion machine!
  The two early waves were successfully captured, directly helping Kai'Sa take off.

Now after this wave of team battles, Kai'Sa has gained two kills, Ornn has also gained one kill, and everyone has been promoted!

But quietly, Prince Chen Mu's record has reached 0-4! But his equipment is much better than the excavator opposite.

The team economy is eating too much.

Although the screen went black, Chen Mu still updated a big sword.

It was planned that the second piece of equipment would be the Resurrection Armor. Coupled with a broken stopwatch, the Resurrection Armor was within easy reach.

At that time, the prince will start the team again with Changbanpo Zhao Zilong's seven-in and seven-out style!
  After this wave of team battles, the situation tilted towards FPX again.

For the FPX lineup, its ability to push towers is average.

The hands are very short, even if Kai'Sa's hands are not very long in the ADC, if you rush to point the tower and get pushed by Verus R or Syndra, the consequences will be very serious.

Sometimes it's really not a good thing if heads are concentrated on one person.

Kai'Sa is FPX's most important output point.

Without Kai'Sa, the output of FPX's lineup is really lacking.

If Smart dies several times in a row, all the advantages established for Kai'Sa in the early stage will be lost!

But FPX must also be aware of these problems.

If that's the case, then just stick together!
  At this point, the game is still going on.

During this period, FPX relied on the strong period of the lineup to form a group of five people.

Start attacking SKT's second tower.

As for SKT's lineup, they are living like an old woman. They are getting worse day by day and are obviously starting to go downhill.

The only sword girl who can still play is on a single belt? !
  Then let him take it!
  You lead the bottom lane alone, and he just pushes the second tower~
  What, you still have to take it with you!

Then I will break through the high ground~
  As for the other four members of SKT, can they defend head-on? !
  That is almost impossible!

As the ultimate moves of everyone in FPX gradually improve,
  The prince's entry, Ornn's remote team start, Neeko's follow-up, Galio's control, and Kai'Sa's output
  None of the four SKT players can stand upright, even if there is a defensive tower!

But if your Sword Lady comes back to defend, then I will continue to change targets and go to your side to continue destroying the second tower!

And even so, Khan didn't dare to take it blindly alone.

Who knows when a prince will appear from behind, bringing Neeko or Kai'Sa with him.

If there are not more than three FPX heroes on the mini-map, Khan's Sword Lady can only retreat to a relatively safe position after clearing the line of troops.

On the other side, FPX's rhythm was smooth, tight and methodical, and unhurried.

Just work together and push forward!
  SKT's three outer towers also failed one after another.

Later, Khan's Sword Lady also obtained some defensive tower resources on the wing.

But FPX's economic advantage has expanded to more than [-]!

In addition, Ornn can distribute equipment, which is equivalent to reducing the economy by [-]~
  This makes SKT very uncomfortable.

Moreover, when all outer towers are destroyed, clid's jungle area no longer belongs to him, but has officially been assigned to FPX's territory.

Every time the wild monsters are refreshed, even the FPX people can get stuck and wipe out the wild monsters!

Without the economy of the jungle, the equipment in the C position of both sides will only get bigger and bigger.

Clid hated this prince in her heart.

In this game, under the rhythm of the prince's perpetual motion machine, his excavator looked very dull~
  But there is nothing that can be done. Now FPX has begun to form a team, and there is no chance for SKT to catch anyone.

As for Wanjun’s mid laner Chekasha, it’s already a dream~
  Galio on the opposite side can immediately enter the field to support with his ultimate move.

What's more, Neeko and Ornn are standing in Kai'sa's field of vision.

Invisibly, it also put a lot of pressure on them.

"Don't worry, let's stabilize our development now and wait for the opponent to give us a chance!"

In SKT's voice chat, Faker quickly comforted his teammates.

But his words made him feel guilty.

I even felt guilty enough to "give him a chance"~
  What if FPX doesn't give this opportunity?
  Meanwhile, on the other side.

FPX obviously does not want the opportunity to continue to develop with SKT.

At this time the game has gone on for nineteen minutes.

Everyone in FPX acted together and took down the third dragon.

This is a wind dragon!
  Although the attributes are not very good, it doesn’t matter~
  "Let's go for Baron! Let's fight head-on? Force out the Sword Lady's TP on the opposite side first!" After taking down the dragon, Chen Mu commanded in the FPX team's voice, and at the same time clicked on Baron's signal.

"Okay, okay! I still have a little money left, so I'll go get an F6 first!" Looking at his own fighting power, Lin Weixiang responded immediately.

"Okay! I'll give you the red buff that will be refreshed in a while!" Chen Mu nodded.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Lin Weixiang was so moved that he almost shed tears~
  By this time, Liu Qingsong had already gone home to replenish his eye positions.

The rest of the FPX team held two real eyes and prepared to go to the Dalong Pit to clear the enemy's vision.

"Oh... During this period, SKT's defense has been pretty good! Apart from dropping a few outer towers, they didn't allow FPX to seize other opportunities! The economic gap is still at [-]. , It was not stretched!" Looking at the situation on the field, I remembered to analyze.

"Yes." Guan Zeyuan also said: "Now the advantage of FPX's lineup is still reflected! Although the economic difference between the two sides is only 5000, the hidden gap is not small, let alone the economics of Ornn's lineup. The problem is that the team battle lineups of both sides are not of the same level, and SKT’s lineup will be broken at the first touch in front of FPX!”

"Now all of SKT's outer towers have been destroyed, and SKT has released all the dragons!!" Brother Zaozi also made a reasonable analysis.

"I feel that FPX's best choice now is to go to Baron to force the team! FPX can just clear out SKT and their Baron pit vision! This will put a lot of pressure on SKT's vision, and they will have to come over Let’s see if this big dragon was forced to rush by FPX as soon as it was born!”

"At least we have to force out Sword Lady's TP transmission, and don't let him continue to carry it alone!"

"Oh? FPX and the others are pinging... They are really going to force Baron!!"

As soon as Brother Zaozi finished speaking, he saw the scene.

It was as if everyone in FPX could hear the commentary.

Everyone gathered in the upper half of the area to prepare for the big dragon attack.

At this point, in the game.

Everyone in FPX is checking the view in Dalong Pit.

Under the double scanning of Prince and Galio, no ward position of SKT in the jungle was missed.

"Oh? FPX has two real eyes on hand! The vision is very well prepared!" Remember to glance at the equipment column.

"Then what do you say now? SKT feels that they need to watch this dragon. If it is really released to FPX, then they may not be able to survive the later stage."

"At that time, let alone FPX advancing with the big dragon buff, even Sword Queen will not be able to bring it alone!"

Guan Zeyuan looked at the situation on the court and continued: "The problem is that SKT's vision in the upper half is very poor now. If they enter rashly, they are likely to be forced open by FPX... It is quite dangerous. As long as FPX opens one Even if you are bound to die, FPX will still continue to baron if one person dies, anyway."

"Let's take a look at SKT's subsequent handling!" (End of this chapter)

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