LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 48 Training Match Video

Chapter 48 Training Match Video

Sitting in the office, Bai Xing yelled at Chen Mu, and even planned a conspiracy against Chen Mu, Chen Mu naturally didn't know about it.

At this time, Chen Mu had already packed his bags and stood at the gate of the RNG base, waiting for the bus!
You have to leave early and late. Since you have made up your mind, it is better to go as soon as possible and don't delay. This is also the principle of Chen Mu's work.

What's more, there are only a few days before the RNG contract expires, so it is better for Chen Mu to be conscious of moving out of the RNG base, and don't let the RNG people come and urge you to move out of the base.

after an hour.

Chen Mu was lying on the bed in the newly rented hut, holding the back of his head, in a daze.

The development of today's things is a bit too fast, and Chen Mu himself needs to sort it out.

At noon today, Heart called Chen Mu to RNG boss Bai Xing's office because of contract renewal issues, and then Chen Mu fell out with RNG boss Bai Xing directly in the office because of contract issues.
Then Chen Mu rented a house outside as a temporary residence, and moved out of RNG's base that night.

This is what happened to Chen Mu in one day, and Chen Mu probably passed it in his mind.

Although moving today is a bit urgent, but on weekdays, Chen Mu is quite frugal, with a lot of spare money in his hands, and he doesn't panic when he has money in his hands.

Now that the biggest problem of housing has been solved, Chen Mu feels much more at ease, and sleeps naturally a lot more securely.

Now he just needs to wait patiently. When the contract with RNG expires on May 5, he will be completely separated from RNG.

At this time, Chen Mu didn't know that a photo had been circulated on the Internet.

That is Chen Mu carrying a bunch of things in big bags and small bags, and carrying a bucket, standing at the gate of the RNG base and looking around.

This is an RNG fan passing by the gate of the RNG base. He happened to see this picture, so he took a photo and posted it on the post bar.

But it caused an uproar on various forums, post bars, and Weibo.

"Is this really Chen Mu?!"

"What is rhythm?!"

"Nakano broke up and left tonight?!! Why such a familiar rhythm?!"

"Uh, don't talk nonsense, Karsa and Chen Mu shouldn't have any conflicts!"

"Is there any expert who can explain?!"

"xdm, with a rigorous attitude, just checked through the LPL big contract. The contract between the player Chen Mu and RNG expires on May 5 this year, and today is May 30."

"I'm sorry, the upstairs means that Chen Mu and RNG are torn apart."

"Impossible, it's only a few days before we win the MSI mid-season championship."

"Huangza team, what's there to brag about, the MVP of the MSI mid-season game doesn't know how to cherish it, and it will never win the S game championship in a lifetime."

"Hehe, maybe Chen Mushi opened his mouth!"

But at this time, as the incident became more and more fermented, what netizens didn't know was that the person concerned had already entered a dream at this time.

The next morning, at nine o'clock, Chen Mu still showed up at the RNG base on time.

Now that I have made up my mind to leave RNG, I can't let RNG get caught. Anyway, it's fine. Why don't you come to the RNG base every day from [-] to [-] to check in and stand on guard for the last few days.

Having nothing to do, Chen Mu turned on his mobile phone and began to browse the web, but he was startled when he saw it.

It turns out that with that photo left, the rhythm about myself has been flying all over the sky.There are all kinds of outrageous things, and they all have noses and eyes.

What RNG insiders, saw Chen Mu and RNG management fighting with their own eyes!

What Uzi kicked Chen Mu away in the dormitory shirtless, and Xiao Ming next to him couldn't hold back!
Chen Mu shook his head helplessly.

But then, Chen Mu saw another anonymous post and opened it.

There are a few animations, one is the big bug laning against Qing Gangying, the clumsy big bug has all his QW skills empty, and then the clumsy one is directly taken away by Qing Gangying's set of skills.

The other one is Aoun, whose ult and big move went wrong, and his skills and skills were empty, and he was jumped directly under the tower.

The IDs of Qinggangying have been hidden, but the IDs of heroes like Big Chongzi and Aoun are clearly written as TheGod.

That's right, this is the video of Chen Mu playing two training games in RNG before he was reborn.

At that time, Chen Mu was still playing the top laner position. He had just entered the profession, so it was naturally someone else’s power bank. Even if he was facing an unknown top laner from a weak LPL team, the hero in Chen Mu’s hands was still handled like a toy. !
And there are many trumpets commenting below the post.

"This is the level of the MVP of the MSI mid-season game?!"

"Hehe, xswl!"

"I just said, don't brag, but after playing three games, I was promoted to the altar!"

"Only when the tide goes out do you know who is swimming naked?!"

Of course, it is also to protect Chen Mu.

"He played poorly before, but what does that have to do with his performance at MSI?!"

"If it wasn't for Chen Mu, you Huang Za would have been sent home 0-3."

"Don't you still expect Hu Dao to force C?!!"

And Chen Mu didn't expect that RNG really released the video of the training match. According to the logic, the video of the training match with other teams should be kept secret.

However, Chen Mu didn't care about RNG releasing the training video.

As one post said, when the tide goes out, do you know who is swimming naked? !
It's still early in the game!
At this time, Bai Xing's office.

Heart was reporting to Bai Xing: "I have edited the video according to your request, and found a trumpet to release it."

"However, there is no turning back now. I still feel a little pity. If we can sign Chen Mu, we really have a good chance in this year's S competition!"

But Bai Xing didn't take it seriously: "It doesn't matter, as long as Uzi is still there, now his management contract and live broadcast contract are with us, and we have already made a lot of money!"

"As for this year's S game, Xiaohu is still good. This year's MSI mid-season also has unexpected situations, which is understandable!"

"In the future, as long as Xiaohu plays a nuclear hero, four guarantees and one Uzi's development, we can still win the championship!"

But Heart changed the subject and continued: "However, with the photo of Chen Mu leaving the team, the rhythm of the Internet is already flying all over the sky. There are already many friends from other teams who are almost blowing up my phone, all asking me Regarding Chen Mu's situation, asking Chen Mu if he has left the team seems to mean recruiting Chen Mu."

"It seems that the MSI MVP has brought him huge traffic, and now Chen Mu is still very popular!"

Even Bai Xing himself had to admit this, nodded and said: "Well, there are also many people who call me, and they all ask about Chen Mu's situation."

"But these people are also eating melons. I don't believe that there are really people who will spend a lot of money to sign someone who has only played three games!"

(End of this chapter)

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