LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 525 A rollercoaster-like situation

"A tower fell!"

"FPX is making a lot of money again this time! The economy of one head plus one health tower is at least 1000 economic difference every time!"

"The next step is a snowball that FPX and Chen Mu are familiar with!"

Seeing that Chen Mu's rhythm was so good, several commentators in the LPL commentary box were optimistic.

FPX then continued to control the second dragon, which was a wind dragon soul.

Later, there was no fire dragon soul or earth dragon soul as explosive, but it was better than nothing.

The game came to twenty minutes.

The head ratio between the two sides was 9:2, and the economic gap reached 6000.

Except for the mid laner Rambo who was caught dead once when he forced his vision, the rest of the game was unstoppable under the leadership of Chen Mu Pansen.

At this point in time, the FPX lineup has gradually reached its strong period. Chen Mu's Pan Sen kept using his ultimate moves to try to find opportunities to catch the sideline.

But it seems that DWG has already understood this.

With all the upper, middle and outer towers destroyed, Chen Mu and Pan Sen's extremely cautious positioning gave no chance at all!

As long as I give up everything, I have nothing to lose.

This is the case with DWG at the moment. As long as I don't want anything, I have no flaws.

As long as you don't get on my high ground, I can keep playing like this.

Moreover, it is a bit difficult for the FPX lineup to get to the high ground without the Baron buff. Except for Xia, the old thief of Sima, other heroes do not have the ability to point towers.

Without the Baron buff, it would be really difficult for FPX to get to the high ground.

"FPX is being held back."

Wawa looked at FPX who was unable to exert force everywhere, as if he was being beaten in Tai Chi, and said a little helplessly.

"Really now, FPX only needs one wave of opportunities! One wave of opportunities can take away DWG!"

Miller watched the anxious situation on the screen nervously.

"But DWG just won't give you such a chance. They are trying their best to delay the later stage. If you want the defense tower, I will give it to you; if you want the dragon, I will give it to you. As long as you don't take my high ground." Guan Zeyuan It is also analyzed objectively.

"But if you play like this, you also have a problem. You put everything, the economy, the jungle, and the little dragon. When the baron team battle starts, the equipment gap between the two sides will be huge. FPX and Chen Mu will not give it. What late stage did you delay? Angel 18 said so!" Miller also said the key to the game.

The offensive pressure is on FPX's side.

DWG just wants to desperately delay the development of Mercy and Kai'Sa's Double C, but FPX will not give you this opportunity!

The LPL fans at the scene also began to hold their breath and become nervous as the FPX lineup entered its peak period. Their eyes were fixed on the movements of the players on the big screen, and their tightly clenched fists could not be relieved.

At this time, Chen Mu, who had Dusk Blade in hand, also quickly started to work with his teammates on the field of view of the dragon area. All FPX members directly entered a state of combat readiness, constantly occupying the field of view layout in the upper half of the DWG!

After seeing their vision in the upper half begin to disappear, the DWG team quickly understood FPX's current intention, which was undoubtedly to use the poor vision to force Baron!
"Is FPX going to fight Baron?! Aguang's captain is still pushing the bottom lane!"

"He has teleportation!"

"I think it's better to pretend to fight the Baron and really force the team! No matter what, first force the Angel's TP on the bottom lane into the front dragon team."


"I can teleport, do you want to fight?"

The captain kept pushing the bottom lane troops, trying to put pressure on all DWG members who went to their upper half to gain vision.

"There's no rush, just wait."

"Force the angel's TP out first!"

At this moment, Chen Mu, who took over the baton of the team, responded.

"it is good."

"it is good."

Other teammates and others responded one after another.

Then the four people in front of FPX immediately started pretending to rush the baron. As expected, after seeing FPX rushing the baron in front of them, DWG instantly became nervous.

At this moment, DWG also knew that FPX's intention of beating Baron was to force Angel's TP teleport, but they had to fall for it!

You must know that the four people on the front of FPX currently have too strong opening abilities.

Rambo's big move blocked the move, Luo's unreasonable force-opening, and Chen Mu Pansen's even more terrifying Dahuang Xingyun, all focused on the key C position.

The current deterrent power of DWG's four players on the front is simply not enough to deal with FPX's forced opening. The Angel must come to the front as soon as possible.

Angel's ultimate move is very important.

DWG is also afraid that FPX will go from pretending to rush the dragon to a real dragon.

As Niuguli's Angel was called to the front, the four people in FPX's front also stopped immediately. After having a good view, they pulled the aggro of the dragon.

at the same time.

The captain operated by Aguang finally pushed his troops under the second defense tower of DWG, and even had a vague intention of going up to high ground.

Along with the battle for vision in Baron's vision defense zone, FPX started to press the rhythm from both sides!

The meaning is obvious!

You don’t want to fight the dragon group with me?

Well, I will just let the top lane push your bottom lane to the high ground. Anyway, your wave angel does not have TP, but my captain does have TP. I can completely delay you in the baron area and wait for the captain to continue advancing.

If your angel replays the high ground, then my captain can make a TP difference.

At that time, it was no longer a fake attack on the dragon, but a real rush against the dragon!
With FPX pushing forward two by two, DWG, who was in a dilemma, seemed to be struggling.

In the Dalong area, both sides kept testing their vision.

In a short period of time, DWG's second defensive tower in the bottom lane was quickly defeated!

The doll on the commentary desk looked at EDG's operational offensive one after another, and instantly became excited and said: "If they don't make a decision, DWG will be dragged to death!"

at this time!

A figure is quietly moving into the FPX jungle area!
The director who noticed this situation immediately pointed the camera at it!

I saw a very cunning figure, reaching into the hinterland of the Three Wolves in the first half of FPX!

"Blind monk! It's Canyon's blind monk!"

Miller saw this teleportation light up that could affect the outcome, and kept shouting loudly.

But seeing FPX who was still struggling with DWG's vision in the baron area, the baby looked puzzled, and then shouted: "Is there no eye position on FPX's side! The blind monk has already touched it!!!!"

"FPX has no field of vision to see where the canyon blind monk touched. They didn't notice it! Oh my god!"

The doll couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Countless spectators at the scene held their breath when they saw the blind monk who was like a sharp knife going deep into the FPX jungle. The flags waving in his hands stopped at some point, and their eyes kept watching the big screen quietly moving around step by step. The blind monk in the back row of FPX.

What are you doing!

Didn’t you see it? !
FPX, run! ! ! !

At this moment, in the backstage lounge of the team, after seeing this situation, Zhan Ma couldn't help but grit his teeth, folded his hands and pressed his elbows, his face also extremely nervous.

Before the game, what he was most worried about was the Korean team's vision management, fearing that his own players would suffer in terms of vision. But despite repeated warnings, the three wolves still missed the vision!
Should I say FPX is lax, or DWG is too bold!


Canyon's blind monk continued to dig in, and he was very close to FPX's back row.

next second!
"It's too bad! FPX's back row still hasn't found this blind monk. It's going to be a serious disaster." Wawa's tone became more and more solemn.

"Yes, FPX's top lane captain is still leading the lane in the bottom lane, and there are only four people on the front. If FPX is kicked to two C positions, the dragon team here will explode!"

"That's right, now let's see if FPX can find this blind monk."

At this moment, Canyon's blind monk took action!

The Q skill Tianyin Wave hung on Luo's body, and then the second stage Q flew directly over.

However, on the way to the second stage of the Tianyin Wave, the blind monk directly touched his eyes and came to the side of ADC Xia Xia.

"Old thief Sima's position! Be careful!"

"not good!!"

The LPL commentary box has already begun to cry and howl.

Wawa looked at the blind monk who had already locked onto the target. The sudden change caused his originally excited and optimistic mood to sink instantly.

The old thief Sima reacted faster. The moment he saw the sudden sound wave coming from the corner of his eye, he had already pressed his R Feather. If the blind monk got close to him, he would be able to flash or I can’t even press my ultimate move!
The only result waiting for him is to be beaten in seconds!

However, mid laner Rambo, who was standing next to AD, was not so lucky. Rambo, who became the first target, was directly hit by the blind monk's R flash dragon tail kick!
"Ah! Rambo was kicked! He was kicked back!"

Seeing that Rambo was kicked back into the DWG team's territory by the blind monk, Wawa exclaimed: "Wow! This blind monk's timing was so good, Rambo was kicked directly into the faces of everyone in DWG."

"Fuck, fuck, it's over!" Mid laner Rambo's keyboard was almost broken, trying to press his own flash.

Seeing their blind monk perform the Blood Horse Heavenly Skill, the four people in front of DWG were almost moved to tears.

Then Hiyome immediately followed her control.

Mid laner Rambo's health is also plummeting.
The battle between Baron team battles still depends on the details of the operation. Whoever makes fewer mistakes will be able to take the initiative.

Mid laner Rambo looked at his hero who couldn't move, and a few drops of sweat squeezed out from his forehead. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was only one step away from the highest stage, but often the most difficult stage was the last step.

Will the first game with such a favorable wind be ruined by him? ! His pressure couldn't help but double!

From God's perspective.

Blind Sin, who had completed the important task of kicking back to the back row, was relieved. His mission was completed.

"Ah! It's over, the dragon is going to be lost!"

Miller frowned. Seeing that Canyon's blind monk could find an opportunity to drag this situation down, he couldn't help but become nervous.

"In this case, DWG can still be held back. Although FPX will still have a strong period for a while, the opportunity to push Baron with 41 points will probably not be available. It is a pity. Next, we may have to rely on the late stage The captain and Kasumi played well.”

But there was one thing they didn't say due to their status as official commentators.

That is, even if FPX has the late support of the captain.

But there is an angel on the other side!

Are you really going to play with this angel? !

As if they felt that FPX had missed a good rhythm, the countless fans and spectators cheering for FPX at the scene also sighed helplessly and prepared to sit down and wait for the next offensive.

After glancing at the skill cooldown status of each DWG hero in his chat panel, Chen Mu, who didn't want to miss this peak period of strength, immediately took the baton and said in a deep voice: "Luo! Counterattack!"

These words seem to have a bit of murderous intent!
The cold voice shook FPX's low morale instantly!
Although there was no response from the earphones at the next moment, Luo's actions were already a response!

R flash!
Controlled the angel and Syndra on the front.

But in such a short period of time, there was a turning point.

Rambo was not killed instantly!

Although Rambo was kicked back and the Japanese girl had enough control time, DWG's main C position and output speed were a little slower, and Luo interrupted the output time a little bit.

Moreover, the development of DWG 3C is average and the output capability is not enough.

This allowed the mid laner Rambo to press his golden body and at the same time sprinkle his ultimate move in front of the golden body.

This small incident triggered a big war.

"Oh~ He's not dead. Rambo is not dead. He pressed the golden body, and his ultimate move was released in front of the golden body!"

"The captain has handed over the teleportation! And in great detail, he first uses his ultimate to support and then teleports!"

"FPX is going to fight back here! If you don't give in, you will fight!"

Miller looked at FPX who suddenly became decisive and exclaimed: "Oh my God!! FPX is going to compete at the peak of its lineup!"

"Although the mid laner Rambo is not dead yet, he is already in a state of residual health. Can FPX win a four-on-five game without a teamfight output?!"

The baby's hoarse voice kept analyzing the game.

at the same time.

The audience couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when they saw this kind of strong performance that was betting on the strength of their own lineup. They stood up again before sitting down and stared at the situation on the screen intently!

In fact, the off-screen commentary and the audience were very nervous.

But FPX in front of the computer seems a bit comfortable.

Although Rambo was hit very fatally, he saved his life by using his ultimate skill after using his golden body.

In particular, the location of this ultimate move, Constant Temperature Barbecue Spreader, is particularly good. It directly hits three people on the opposite side and separates the opposite formation.

Coupled with the cooperation of Captain Aguang's ultimate move, countless AOE damage covered everyone in DWG for a while.

In addition, Liu Qingsong's Luo Kaituan attracted Angel and Syndra.

As a last resort, Niuguli's angel pressed his ultimate move first to avoid some damage to himself.

But at this moment, the keyboard in Chen Mu's hand suddenly struck.

Pan Sen is now here!

A flash of golden light!
The moment Angel's ultimate move ended, Panson came to him.

Although Niu Guli's ultimate move avoided a lot of AOE damage, his reaction was still a step slower after all.

Faced with Pan Sen's sudden flash of W riding face, he didn't hand over his flash.

Sit down!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh
BGM sounds!

Niu Guli, you are sure to cancel the second 5500 account!
A stinging and extremely hurt suddenly surged out of the crispy angel's body!
This is Pantheon with the warrior jungle knife plus Dusk Blade and Youmu.

They are all violent armor-piercing equipment, and their attack power reaches the limit of the mechanism!
Countless red values ​​​​are beating on the angel's head, but at this moment, DWG has no means to counter Panson.

The blind monk made a big move, and the Japanese girl controlled it.
next moment.

"Pantheon, the unyielding spear, killed Kyle, the Angel of Justice!"

The most important C bit of DWG was lost in seconds!
The situation is like a roller coaster, from being underestimated to a peak in an instant. (End of this chapter)

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