LOL: God of the World Tournament

Chapter 527 The stone man in the mid lane is here.

"Let us congratulate FPX for winning the first game of this bo5 after a fierce battle of minutes."

The three people at the commentary desk shouted at the moment the crystal exploded.

"I feel like Chen Mu's Pan Sen has a great early rhythm, but it's actually a bit dangerous. Especially during the Baron team battle, the blind monk's kick was too scary!" The game is over, but Miller Still thinking about the previous game.

"Yes, fortunately, old thief Sima's Xia Da recruits people quickly. If he had been slower, he would have been kicked back!"

"Yes, if DWG is really delayed until the late stage, even if FPX has the advantage of Xiaolong, DWG has an angel, and nothing is guaranteed."

"But I still have to thank DWG for releasing Pantheon in this game. I still can't figure out who came up with this brilliant idea~~"


"Looking forward to the next game between FPX and DWG, I can only say that I hope DWG will continue to let Pan Sen go!"

At this moment, in the voices of the commentators, everyone in FPX put their arms around each other and walked backstage talking and laughing. However, only Chen Mu walked at the end, as calm as ever.

In this game, Chen Mu got a version of the invincible hero Pan Sen that no one could have imagined. This feeling is really strange.

The five DWG players who exited at the other end were not as relaxed as FPX.
This game was not lost like the first game of bo5 in the past. It could even be said that the opponent was given a loss inexplicably.

Or maybe you are looking for excuses such as trying out the opponent's details, playing with black technology, not finishing the warm-up, etc.

It was purely because Chen Mu got Pan Sen who was above version TO and directly used the characteristics of the hero to crush him!

Of course, DWG's coaching team took the lead in this round.

In DWG's backstage lounge.

The atmosphere was a bit solemn, and the first game of the semi-finals was inexplicably lost.

The atmosphere can be improved, is that weird? !
However, DWG also patted the shoulders of all the young guys and cheered them up.

In the next round, FPX is on the red side and DWG is on the blue side.

For the blue side that bans first and picks first, DWG should get better.

And as FPX successfully won the first game in the BO5 semi-finals, they got a good start.

This extremely exciting record immediately made LPL fans and audiences excited. As for RNG and IG
Not familiar with it, really not familiar with it, mainly because I’m afraid that FPX and Chen Mu will misunderstand!
no way!
But this time, faced with the encirclement and suppression of three strong teams in the LCK division, the LPL only had one team, FPX and Chen Mu, struggling to support them.

However, FPX has overcome the first difficulty, GRF.

Now facing the second difficulty, DWG has also conquered the first mini-boss.

Although they have not seen the final result, countless viewers have some doubts and uneasiness hidden deep in their hearts.

But now, seeing Chen Mu's Pan Sen, he ended the first game just like Pan Sen, the unyielding spear that killed gods in the background world of League of Legends, chopping up melons and vegetables.

Everyone vented their inner emotions freely.

Even in the venue in Madrid, Spain, almost all foreign audiences were completely impressed by Chen Mu.

The most deafening shouts broke out one after another!
On the commentary and analysis table, the three commentators were also in a good mood, and anyone could see the joy displayed between their brows.

"FPX has now won its first victory so cleanly. There is a lot of pressure on DWG."

Guan Zeyuan said happily.

"Indeed, the World Championship stage itself has a lot of pressure, let alone the current semi-finals. Now DWG has released Pan Sen, who must not be released in the version, and then lost the game in such an aggrieved manner. It is so unfair to their players. The mental impact should be huge, it depends on how their coach adjusts in time.”

"However, judging from the current game, FPX is in very good shape. Players in all positions performed well, and the win was relatively smooth. The game ended in about 20 minutes in the middle of the game."

Miller smiled and said: "Yes, from the gank in the laning stage to the mid-term distribution, and the subsequent team battles, the five of them handled it very beautifully. Although they got a good start, I still hope they will not relax and come to greet There will be more difficult games ahead.”

While the two commentators were analyzing, the doll standing on one side suddenly laughed and said: "I just don't know if DWG can take away the score three to zero...!"

"Okay, the halftime break has passed and the players have returned to the competition seats. The second game of BO5 has begun. Let's look at BP."

Rest time is always very short.

Ten people from both sides of the competition returned to the arena and once again saw a dense crowd of spectators holding signs of various colors, cheers and expectations mixed together.

Chen Mu's expression was also inexplicable.
Then the two sides entered the players' box.

bp starts.

Although FPX is on the red side in this round, according to the version and convention, it is difficult to do BP.

But the war horse coach was not worried at all, and even fell into a happy worry.

Because Chen Mu's hero pool is too deep, it feels like no one needs to be banned and can be released to fight, but the opponent must target Chen Mu.

Otherwise, haha.
FPX banned Pan Sen as soon as it started. Anyone who doesn't ban this hero would be stupid? !
FPX and War Horse will not suffer from the same disease!
Afterwards, there were not much changes on FPX. The second ban was still Qiyana. In fact, Canyon may not be able to play Qiyana.

Without the ability to swing in the middle and jungle, Qiyana's priority is actually not that high.

But it is impossible for FPX to release this hero when facing the pre-match LCK team.

After all, giving Qiyana a padlock only meant that Chen Mu lost one hero, but for the LCK before the game, it was a strategic ban.

The last ban was given to Angel, and the version is still very strong.

Alas~ Pantheon, Qiyana and Angel, I will ban them all and not let any of them go!

The main thing is to listen to advice!

On the DWG side, they directly want to ban all the jungle heroes carried by Chen Mu.

Death Song, Blind Monk, and Rock Bird took the ban position one after another.

Then he first helped the bottom lane support lock a Luo.

A very good hero.

DWG's choice was very intriguing. They didn't take C, but just singled out a Rakan.

At this time, both versions of Xayah and Kai'Sa are powerful ADCs on the field. No matter which one FPX chooses to take, DWG will not lose. The only difference is that the strength of Xayah's combination can be increased by about 0.5.

And FPX is also starting to hide their moves. Since you picked Luo, I'll pick Xia first.

I won’t let you get the Xialuo combination, and then the Qinggang Shadow was determined on the second floor for Aguang to use.

In this version, Qinggang Shadow can no longer play in the jungle and can only be used online.

And DWG backhand locked the crocodile + wine barrel!
"Oh?! Are they still playing this top and jungle combination?!" In the commentary box, Wawa was also interested when he saw DWG's BP.

"It seems so, this top and jungle combination is actually not weak!"

"That's right, your tower jumping ability is really strong!"

The third floor of FPX also confirmed the auxiliary heroes.


"Haha, FPX has started to develop black technology, and the cats have already come out!"

"Actually, cats are not very strong in this version. This version is all about hard support or group-control support."

"Yes, the hero Cat paired with Xayah seems a bit strange. Maybe FPX has its own considerations!"

The second round of BP moved very quickly. Since FPX currently has no jungler, DWG chose to prioritize Chen Mu's jungler in the second round of bans.

The Prince, who is skilled and has a good version ranking, is blocked one after another, and then there is the Spider, who can further strengthen the top lane.

Without these brainless ganking jungle heroes, Chen Mu should not have any heroes that can kill him! FPX's second round of bans was quite satisfactory. They first banned Kai'Sa, an AD that SKT didn't pick, and then banned Verus.

FPX's lineup is still quite afraid of Verus' R to dodge the team or counter-attack. Even Xayah cannot be forcibly controlled. Once controlled, she will evaporate and cannot even use her ultimate move.

Second round selection.

FPX is no longer installed, just see the picture.

A bit of cold light arrived first, and then the gun shot out like a dragon!

FPX directly locked Xin Zhao on Chen Mu’s jungler.

There are not many heroes outside the jungle now. Since Chen Mu wants to play Xin Zhao, the War Horse coach will certainly not disagree.

Although this version of Xin Zhao is not as strong as before and seems to be unavailable in the jungle, Pantheon, Qiyana, Blind Sin, Spider, and Death Song. These heroes are all gone.

That’s another story!

The last two moves on DWG's side were also determined.

First, I locked EZ and got a bastard hero for Nuclear.

Anyway, Nuclear is a shortcoming in DWG, and his tactical status is not high to begin with, now that heroes like Xayah, Kai'Sa, and Verus are gone.

It would be good to give him a functional hero, so that Berry's Rakan can be freed to roam.

The fifth floor.

DWG obviously left showmaker, the mid laner in the team.

The candidates on the fifth floor of DWG flashed through one after another, including Syndra, Rambo, and Ice Girl.
Is this showmaker's answer?

next second.


Lock it down!

Showmaker faced the defeat in the first game, but he still withstood the pressure and chose to play Enchantress.

When the enchantress locked up.

The fans in the LCK division cheered.

"Oh?! The showmaker has taken the enchantress!" the doll also said with great interest.

"This is the Enchantress held against the Qinggang Shadow. This Showmaker's Enchantress is not that easy to use!" Guan Zeyuan was not very optimistic about Showmaker's choice.

"Yeah, and FPX also has Cat, so it's really hard for LeBron to win!"

Then came FPX’s last counter position.

"I wonder what FPX's last move will be?! This should be the counter position for the mid laner. I wonder what black technology he will come up with."

Just when everyone is speculating.

"Solid as a rock!" A deep voice spread throughout the venue.

stone man!
Then it locked down in seconds.

"Ah?! Stone man?!" The doll's jaw dropped in shock.

"Come on, come on, is this the black technology prepared by FPX?! Stone Man?!"

"Then which way will this stone man go?! Top laner?! Mid laner?!"

"I think it's the mid laner, right?! The top laner, the Stone Man, is fighting the crocodile. Isn't that looking for death?! Xin Zhao in the jungle has also been selected, so the highest probability is still the mid laner!"

Several commentators in the commentary box were analyzing each sentence one by one, and the LPL live broadcast room was completely boiling.

"Hahahaha, it's a big job, it's a big job~"

"Damn it! Are you really playing stone man?! It's not for the skin game, right?!"

"I'm laughing so hard. The stone man beats the enchantress. Just don't cry for a while!"

"But let me tell you something, the overall lineup of FPX feels a bit disappointing, even though it is a group start!"

"That's right, this cat will really kill Xin Zhao who is following Chen Mu."

Since then, the lineups of both sides have been officially determined.

FPX vs DWG second game.

FPX is on the red side and DWG is on the blue side.

Top order: Qinggangying vs Crocodile
Jungler: Xin Zhao vs. Grain Barrel
Mid laner: Stoneman vs Enchantress
ADC: Xayah vs EZ
Support: Cat vs Luo

After seeing that the lineups of both sides were confirmed, the two sides entered the game loading screen.

Guan Zeyuan immediately exclaimed: "It's really the stone man in the mid lane?! FPX is the ultimate move!"

Miller also smiled and said: "Although it will definitely be uncomfortable for the Stone Man to fight the Enchantress online in the early stage, it is completely different in small-scale team battles and four-for-two tactics!"

"Yes, the hero Stoneman is really a versatile hero. He can mix in the top lane, play in the middle, support, and jungle. However, in this round of FPX, the mid laner Stoneman should not be able to produce meat, but It needs to be a powerful output device.”

"That's right, FPX lacks AP damage, so this hand of Stone Man must be supplemented with output equipment! If this hand of Stone Man is played, a big move in the later stage will really destroy the world."

Then Colonel KI also gave his prediction.

DWG has some advantages in mid-to-upper lane, but FPX's teamfights seem to be more intense.

Once locked by the Green Steel Shadow, plus the Stone Man's ultimate move, and Xin Zhao entering the field with the cat.

The picture is so beautiful, I can’t even imagine it~
And DWG's lineup is also good. All heroes have displacement, are too flexible, and have strong mid-term combat capabilities.

In this game, Chen Mu's Xin Zhao rune choice is definitely the conqueror.

Then he triumphed, attack speed and critical strikes came together. There is nothing to say.

In his secondary department, he brought Water Walking and Nullification Sphere.
The main purpose is to improve the fault tolerance rate in the middle and jungle confrontations.

And soon he officially entered the game.

"Okay, both sides entered the game. You can see that after suffering a loss in the first game, DWG also acted quickly and did not give FPX a chance to invade the jungle!" Miller quickly explained the opening trends of both sides.

"However, this round, FPX is different from the previous round. In the last round, Panson and Luo existed, and basically one of them died. However, in this round, DWG basically did not have any control at the first level of the lineup, and their hands were still very good. short!"

"According to common sense, it should be better for DWG to invade the FPX jungle area, but DWG also chose to play it safe~"

"The stone man in the FPX mid laner is dancing in the river in the middle lane, facing the opposite showmaker's enchantress across the water!"

"Which stone man is in the mid lane? This is equivalent to handing over the pressure to other FPX teammates before level 6. It depends on whether Chen Mu's Xin Zhao can withstand the opponent's attack in the early stage!"

Wawa and Guan Zeyuan were also analyzing each sentence.

At 1 minute and 30 seconds, the soldier lines began to gradually converge, and the buffs in the jungle began to be born.

"Both junglers are starting from the bottom half with the help of the bottom lane!" Wang Duoduo said!
Chen Mu uses the skin of Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong.

Blue armor and silver gun, very domineering! (End of chapter)

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